Dr. Good by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Fourteen


I ride the elevator up to my apartment with a tight ache in my chest, my whole body roaring at me to get up there and be with my woman right this second. It’s like the primal part of me wants me to scale the elevator shaft, sprinting up like some mad beast in search of my beauty.

When the doors open, I almost sprint into the apartment, my heartbeat thudding heavily through me.

I’m a professional and I put my all into my work today, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t damn difficult to pull my mind away from Macie and focus on my work instead. Every second she flitted across my mind in bright and tempting vignettes, her perfect body arrange just so on my bed.

But I need to slow down.

Maybe she’s still pissed at me.

Mom said they spoke earlier today and she sounded positive, but that doesn’t mean her mood hasn’t shifted.

I remember with aching vividness how angry she got yesterday, how suspicious, and the idea of spanking her for it has entered my mind more than once today.

I walk into the open-plan living room, my belly dropping when I see that it’s empty. But I do notice the tell-tell smell of cleaning products that lets me know Mom has been around, and she probably only left recently.

That woman…

No matter how old I get, no matter how many times I tell her I can clean my own place, she can’t resist going around and giving everything a quick once-over.

Maybe that would bother some men, but I know how much it means to her, and after Dad passed there’s no damn way I’m going to take that away from her.

I chuckle to myself.

Look at me, justifying letting my Mom clean for me.

What a fucking hero I am.

“Care to share the joke?” my woman murmurs.

I turn, my heart pounding against my chest, my head hazy with thoughts of her, with dreams of her. But I don’t need to dream when she’s standing right there.

She’s wearing a summer dress that falls tantalizingly against her body, like vapor, outlining her perfectly so her breasts bulge and her hips tempt me to grab them. Her hair is tied up in a cute-as-fuck bun, begging me to grab it and release it and let it cascade down her body.

“Macie,” I growl, striding across the room to her. “I missed you.”

She smiles, and it isn’t as shaky, as uncertain as last time. Confidence flares into her eyes and her smile widens gorgeously, the sort of smile I’d be a madman not to fall in love with.


Did I really just think that?

Fall in love?

Even if it’s the truth – even if I feel it bone-deep, right at my core – I can’t let her know, not yet.

If she freaked before, this would cause my spunky angel to go nuclear.

“I missed you too,” she murmurs.

I grab her by the shoulders and pull her close to me, leaning down so I can taste her lips like I’ve been dreaming all damn day. I kiss her hard, opening my mouth so our tongues can fuse together, growling through the closeness as she whimpers and shivers against me.

“Wait,” she moans, leaning back in my arms.

I stare down at her, a smirk touching my lips. “Okay, I’m waiting.”

“I wanted to say sorry,” she says. “For how I reacted before. I shouldn’t have gone crazy like that. It’s just… What the heck am I supposed to think?”

“That you’re perfect. That any man would be lucky to call you his. But that I’m the only one who’s ever going to get that honor. That, Miss Future Mother of my Children, is what you’re supposed to think.”

“Well, that’s completely cuckoo.”

“Cuckoo?” I chuckle. “Did you really just say cuckoo?”

She giggles, slapping my chest playfully. “Mock me all you want. It doesn’t change the fact it’s cuckoo, does it?”

“I’m more concerned with the fact the future mother of my children uses words like cuckoo,” I tease, caught up in the banter between us, stunned at how easy it is to sink into the back-and-forth with her.

She should be a stranger, but she’s anything but.

She lets out a short moan, the sound going directly to my core, stirring things that were dormant before my woman came along.

“What is it?” I ask, smoothing my hands down her back and grabbing onto her hips.

“The future mother of your children… it really does sound crazy.”

I pull her close to me, mashing our bodies together so she can feel the hot urgency running through me. I feel her virgin body return the heat, a shimmer moving through her, her lips trembling with her need to give herself to me.

“But you believe me now,” I say, reading her expression.

“Yes,” she says, giggling. “How can you tell?”

I lean down, keeping my face close to hers, staring directly into her eyes.

It’s like I can look past her eyes into everything happening inside of her.

It’s like I can read the uncertainty and the flaming desire, to believe me, to believe this is real.

It’s like I can pick her apart into all her beautiful pieces.

“Because I can read you. That’s just another sign we’re meant to be together.”

She turns her face away from me, my kiss landing on her cheek. Her gaze moves down and a tantalizing shudder moves through her, causing her body to graze against mine, her perfect breasts pushing against my heaving muscles.

“What is it?” I growl.

“Do you believe in that sort of stuff? That people are meant to be together?”

I take her by the hand and lead her across the apartment, out onto the balcony so we can sit in the blazing sunlight. I drop onto the wicker cushioned couch and pull her down into my lap.

She moves fluidly, as though she’s letting her body and her need take over and not allowing herself to sink into paranoia like she did last night.

Or maybe that’s unfair.

If we weren’t destined to be together, she’d be right to be cautious.

She falls against me as I slide my hand up her body, moving my fingers through her hair.

“The feels nice,” she whispers. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

I kiss her forehead, savoring the feeling of her against me, right where she belongs.

“I didn’t believe in destiny or fate or any of that before we met,” I tell her. “But the moment you walked into my office, that all changed. I know how crazy it sounds, but I’m tired of questioning it. I’m tired of second-guessing it. We belong together and that’s that. That’s all I care about, me and you.”

She nods in a cute-as-hell way, as though part of her is still worried this is a trick, but the rest of her can’t stand to entertain that idea.

“What about you?” I ask.

“I’ve always believed in fate and stuff,” she says. “I know it’s silly, but I’ve always believed in soulmates. I just never expected to find mine. Or maybe I thought that mine didn’t even exist. But when I saw you, I felt the same, Miller. Everything you’re saying – about us being together, about having a family together – I felt it as strongly as you do.”

“Good,” I growl passionately, smoothing my other hand up her bare thigh, pushing aside the hem of her skirt as I indulge in the juiciness of her thick gorgeous legs.

“Wait,” she whimpers, the quivering note in her voice telling me how difficult it is for her to stop me. “I want it—I want that.”

“Sex, Macie,” I say, grinning like the wolf I am. “It’s okay. You can say it.”

A tempting blush moves over her cheeks and down her neck, making me wonder if her perfect breasts are turning the same rosy shade, making me want to yank her dress down to get a proper look.

“Do you have any idea how cute you are when you’re embarrassed?” I banter.

She slaps my chest again, but this time she keeps her hand there, her fingernails clawing through my shirt.

“I want it. But it’s so soon and you’re… you’re you, Miller.”

“Yes, I am me.” I chuckle. “And you’re you. And the sky is blue. And people need water to stay alive. Are we done stating the obvious, my perfect virgin?”

She mock-glares at me, with a light glimmering in her eyes. “You know what I mean. You’re ripped and handsome and experienced…”

“Old, you mean,” I tease.

“No.” She gasps, leaning back in my embrace so she can stare at me. “That’s not what I meant at all. I love our age gap.”


The word hammers into me, some deep force willing me to throw the word back at her.

“And you’re not ancient. Forty-five is a great age. And, heck, look at you. You’re fitter than most immature boys my age. I don’t think twenty-four years is too much of an age gap. Do you?”

“No,” I growl, squeezing her body greedily. “It’s perfect. It means I get to be with you every step of the way as you flower into your career, as you fill our home with laughter and happiness.”

“But what if I disappoint you?” she murmurs.

I shake my head fiercely. “You could never disappoint me.”

“Even so, do you think maybe… we can wait, just for a little while?”

The beast inside of me roars no, but then I look closer at my woman and I see how much this means to her.

“Okay, Macie. But you need to know something. There is no scenario where you disappoint me. With your curvy-as-fuck body, with your perfect moans, with the shy way you bite your lip and the way you melted for me last night, unbelievably sexy as you twitched and creamed for me, you could never disappoint me. I promise.”

She smiles shakily, leaning in for a kiss. “Do you double-promise?”

I smirk, feeling her breath move over my cheeks, and then I claim her lips. I kiss her hard, savoring her muffled moans through the kiss.

Her body blazes against mine, telling me how badly she wants to give in to her desires even if her nervousness is stopping her.

Then my cell phone blares from my pocket, interrupting the moment.

“Sorry,” I say, sighing. “I have to take this. It could be a patient.”

She nods and slides from my lap. “It’s okay. Should I fix us something to eat?”

I nod. “Sure. That sounds nice.”

I stand and answer my cell phone as my woman walks back into the penthouse.

“Yes?” I say, pacing over to the railing.

“It’s me,” the man says.

I nod, gripping the railing hard.

It’s Kenneth Brown, the man I hired to look into the bug at Macie’s apartment. He works for a detective agency, but he’s willing to bend a few rules here and there to get this job done, like picking the lock at Macie’s place to comb it for bugs.


“It was bugged,” he says. “Three devices in total.”

I clench my fist with even more fury on the railing. “Motherfucker.”