More Than This by Dominique Wolf




ountless days had passed since I last saw her. I was starting to become used to the numb feeling that now lived inside of me. The constant hollowness reminds me of her absence. Every day I fought the urge to pick up the phone and call her. I fought the urge to rock up at her apartment and bang on her door until she opened up for me. I fought the urge to tell her that this could all be over.

But I couldn't bring myself to put her through that again.

I watched how it broke her over and over again to be reminded that Casey and I were having a baby. I was the continued reason for her pain and it killed me. All I ever wanted was to make her happy and I knew I could. I knew she and I had something special, but one wrong move and I had lost it all. For days, I allowed myself to wallow in the sadness, but I had to start pulling myself out of it. I had people relying on me and even though I didn't want to face the world without her, I had to.

I casually strolled into the office building of Velázquez Constructa. We had closed the deal for the building in Valencia for the expansion of Mala Mía and I needed to pick up the blueprints for the original one from my father's office. I hadn't seen him since that night in Valencia and I wasn't sure what to expect from him. If I knew him well enough, it would be a brief and curt conversation. He would hand them over to me and I would be on my way. Weeks ago I would have wanted to have a full-on conversation about what happened, but I just didn't have it in me. I didn't have it in me to deal with my parent's broken relationship right now.

I stepped into the elevator full of people and pressed the button for the top floor. After stopping for everyone else, I was the last one to get out as the doors opened up. I stepped out and strolled over to reception. I didn't recognise the petite blonde that sat behind the desk, her big blue eyes peering up at me.

“Buenos Dias,”she greeted politely. “How can I help you?”

“I'm looking for my father, Cecilio Velázquez. Is he in yet?”

“I didn't know he had a son.” She batted her eyelashes, not even bothering to hide her very obvious interest. “He's in the conference room for a meeting but he should be done soon.”


I turned down the corridor that led to the conference room. The entire floor space was scattered with offices that were separated by glass walls. My father had plenty of people working under him, but very few had a permanent residency in this office space. The door to the conference room was still closed, but I could see him inside seated with a couple of other people I had never met before. I walked to his office in the corner and pushed through the door. I had been here many a time and everything was just as I remembered. A large oak desk sat by the far wall with a leather chair on the opposite side of it. A large painting of the La Sagrada Familia hung on the wall behind it and file cabinets were scattered along the left wall. There was a large window that looked out onto the city on the right side. In the distance, you could see the four spires of the cathedral. His office had the best view.

I turned to the murmur of voices getting louder behind me as my father walked towards his office.

“Giovanni, I didn't know you were going to be here.” He was surprised, but he kept his tone clipped and formal as always.

“I just came to get the blueprints for Mala Mía. I need them for the team in Valencia.”

He nodded and strolled past me to his desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a formally dressed man down the hall in conversation with another employee. He looked so familiar to me and yet, I couldn't quite place him. He started to approach the office and I got a better look at him. His light hair was pulled into a neat bun and despite his full-beard, I could tell that he was definitely younger than I was.

Why was he so familiar to me?

It was starting to annoy me that I couldn't place him. I was usually very good at remembering faces and where I had met people but he was lost on me. He walked with purpose and control as he stopped at the door frame, noticing me for the first time.

“Apologies sir, I didn't realize you were meeting a client,” he said politely, a hint of an English accent coming through.

“Nonsense,” my father dismissed. “This is my son. We'll be done soon so you can wait outside.”

He nodded and waited outside the door. He didn't make any movements to suggest he was going to introduce himself to me so I shrugged and turned back to my father as he handed me a blue folder.

I took it from him. “Gracias.”

“You know the office Christmas party is coming up this weekend, Giovanni. We haven't received your RSVP.” My father took a seat behind his desk.

I rolled my eyes. “Don't worry. I'll be there.”

“Are you bringing a plus one?” he asked, leaning back against his chair. “I've seen the news so, I'm not sure it’s going to be the same one I met last time.”

I could have reached across the table and punched him in the fucking face again. The anger rolled through me and I had to use all my self-control to stay calm, especially with unwanted company around.

“Yeah, and I'm sure it will be interesting to see who you bring as your plus one or is it a family occasion for this event?”

My father's seething eyes met mine. “Watch yourself, Giovanni.”

I dismissed his warning as nothing more than an empty threat. The fact he could act so arrogant when he knew what he had done was beyond me. He was a proud man so if there was one thing I had learned about him, it was that he would never own up to his mistakes.

He dismissed my presence and called for the waiting man outside his office. “Nate, you can come in now. We're done here.”


I turned to face him as he entered, this time extending his hand out to me.

“Nate Cameron,” he said politely.

Why did that name sound so familiar?

Wait a minute...

I suddenly remembered where I had seen him before. On the engagement announcement that Isabella showed me when she revealed her ex was now engaged. And now he is here in Barcelona working for my father.

What are the fucking chances?

“Giovanni Velázquez,” I replied and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Giovanni.”

“And you.” I played along. “Welcome to Barcelona.”

He looked confused by my welcoming, but he smiled politely and turned to my father. I didn't even bother saying goodbye. Instead, I slipped out of his office and made my way to the exit. What the fuck was Nate doing here? Did Isabella know he was here? Surely this was grounds to reach out to her?

By the time I reached my car, I had already convinced myself it was okay to call her. I pulled my phone out and dialed her number. It didn't even ring and instead went straight to voicemail. I tried her again, but I was out of luck. I tapped my fingers nervously on the steering wheel and dialed the next best thing.

“Giovanni?” Reyna's voice came through the other end after the second ring. “What can I do for you today?”

“Before you say no, I need to know where Isabella is.”

“Why would you even ask me that?” she huffed. “You know you're supposed to be leaving her alone.”

“I know that, but I can't since her ex-boyfriend now works with my father,” I blurted out.

“No fucking way!”

“Yes, exactly,” I muttered. “I tried to call her to let her know, but it went straight to voicemail.”

Reyna was silent for a moment.

“Reyna?” I asked.

“I'm here,” she replied. “And Isabella knows Nate is in Barcelona.”

This was news to me.

“She does?”

“Yes. She bumped into him at the airport.” A voice in the background called Reyna's name. “Listen, I have to go. Isabella is at the coffee shop today, but don't tell her I told you.”

“Thank you, Reyna.”

We said our goodbyes and I turned my car on, heading in the direction of her coffee-shop.