Highlander’s Evil Side by Shona Thompson

Chapter Eleven


Fraser led Beitris through the wood, shock making his insides twist. Glancing over his shoulder, his gaze lingered on his hand, still holding Beitris’s. He was surprised she didn’t pull away from him, surprised she continued following him. Her initial distaste for him had changed into something more. Perhaps, she trusted him a bit more now after sending Scott to guard her room and providing a carpenter to build shelves for her books. He hoped listening to her wants and desires would crumble the walls surrounding her heart. Yet, now that she opened herself to him, he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to scare her away, didn’t want to come off too forward. His fingers laced with hers, and his heart swelled with joy when she didn’t tug away from him.

The sound of running water grew louder, drawing his attention forward. He stepped purposefully, pushing away the low-hanging branches. The path dissipated, and only the sounds of splashing guided Fraser further.

“Not long now,” he said gently while holding back a branch.

Beitris ducked low. Her other hand gripped her skirts, trying to keep her hem from being stained by the mud. Fraser paused as he heard her gasp, watching her slip forward. He didn’t think. His body moved on its own, his arms circling around her waist and pulling her towards him. She leaned into him, her hands gripping his arms while her legs wobbled, trying to regain their balance in the slick mud.

His arms instinctually tightened around her, pulling her close to his chest as he stared down at the crown of her head, inhaling the sultry scent of her hair, feeling the softness of her smooth skin against him. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm his pounding heart while his arms relaxed and slipped from her waist. She turned to face him, her plump lips parting while her eyes gazed innocently up at him.

“Apologies,” she whispered, her cheeks turning pink as she took a step away from him. “I did not mean—”

“The mud,” said Fraser, his face heating, feeling embarrassment and awkwardness seep into him. He pressed her hand against a tree branch. Her fingers curled around it while Fraser took a step away from her, needing the distance in order to cool his head. “Ye should be careful. I wouldn’t want ye getting hurt.”

Beitris nodded, and Fraser strode past, nearly stopping when he felt her hand grabbing his wrist. Fraser swallowed the lump in his throat as he continued forward. He should feel happy. Beitris was opening up to him, but for some reason, he couldn’t help but wonder if Hendry Dunbar ever took her to the gardens at his estate. Fraser’s frown deepened, imagining Beitris walking with a man, his arm around her waist while she stared up at him with parted lips and reddened cheeks. He stifled a frustrated groan, knowing jealousy would get him nowhere with Beitris, yet he couldn’t stop the curiosity from surfacing within him, wondering if she still cared for the laird.

All thoughts of Hendry disappeared when Fraser pushed back the leaves, revealing a large pool of water with the falls cascading into them. Beitris stilled at his side. Fraser chanced a glance, his lips twitching into a soft smile as her mouth hung open in surprise and wonder. She stepped forward, her hands reaching out to touch the lavender and pink flowers growing near the water’s edge. Fraser followed closely behind, stepping carefully along the stone path, his smile widening as he recalled memories of swimming in the pool with Scott when they were young lads.

“It’s beautiful,” Beitris breathed, spinning around and smiling widely back at him. “I can’t believe there’s such a place. It’s like a garden from a fairy tale.”

Fraser chuckled. “The water is frigid but quite nice on a hot summer’s day.”

“I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” said Beitris, turning away from him and continuing along the path. She tiptoed towards the edge, peering down into the clear blue water, so blue it reminded Fraser of Beitris’s eyes.

Fraser watched Beitris take off her shoes, her feet inching into the water. He smiled at her surprised shriek, making her run back to the stones, splashing water with her sudden movement.

“It’s too cold,” she gasped between giggles.

Fraser’s head tilted. “Aye, Scott and I used to provoke each other into staying longer, nae matter how frigid. We always wanted to out best one another.”

Beitris chuckled. “And who bested who?”

Fraser straightened, jutting out his chin while crossing his arms. “I, sometimes. Although, Scott often remained longer in the water. He always needed to prove himself.”

“Sounds like Hendry and me.”

Fraser tried to remain still, yet despite himself, his brows tented, and his body ached at her speaking about the other laird with such a bright smile. He wished he didn’t feel jealousy twisting within him. He hardly knew Beitris, and he knew it was petty of him to feel this way. No matter how well they knew one another, Fraser realized he wanted her to speak of him with such affection in her gaze, with such a joy-filled look on her face.

“We used to see who could climb the highest or who could run the fastest.” Beitris grabbed her skirts, lifting them up and dipping a toe into the water. “I, much like Scott, always felt as if I had something to prove.”

“Do ye miss him?” Fraser winced, hating how the words rushed out of him. He spoke without truly thinking of the consequences his words would bring. Beitris turned towards him, her brows rising in interest while a curious look took hold of her features.

“Miss him?” she repeated while stepping towards Fraser.

Fraser sighed, his gaze shifting to the stones. He didn’t want to speak of Hendry, but he couldn’t stop the curiosity and jealousy taking hold of his lips, his mind. Beitris’s bare feet stopped in front of him, and as Fraser lifted his head, his gaze fell on her quizzical look.

“What do ye mean, my laird?”

Fraser winced. “I-I know ye were to be married to him.”

Beitris frowned but didn’t say anything.

“I know ye were in love with him, which is clearly the reason why ye do not want to marry me. I understand, of course, but I hope—” Fraser stopped, his brows furrowing as he watched Beitris double over in a fit of laugher.

“My lady?” he asked, wondering what he said to cause such a response.

Beitris shook her head, holding up a hand as she continued to laugh. Fraser frowned, placing his hands on his hips as he watched her gasp and try to calm her breath. Yet, every time she met Fraser’s gaze, she burst into another fit of giggles. His bride was clearly the maddest woman he had ever met.

“I don’t see what’s so amusing,” Fraser said sternly. “I know ye may care for Laird Hendry deeply, but I hope we may be able to be friendly with one another.”

“Care deeply?” Beitris gasped. “For Laird Hendry?” She threw back her head, another chortle escaping her lips. “I have never in my life heard something so amusing.”

Fraser’s frown deepened. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Beitris inhaled deeply, gaining her breath. Her hand held her stomach, and she pushed her hair away from her face, her eyes still watering with tears as she said, “I have never been in love with Hendry. Hendry,” she waved a hand, her brows tenting as she searched for the words, “he was a dear childhood friend. Naething more.”

“O-oh,” Fraser breathed. “But I thought—”

Beitris shook her head. “Our parents wanted us to wed when we were young, but I never loved him. Even as we grew older, I saw him more like a loving brother than a man. I was happy when he found his love.”

The tension in Fraser’s shoulders eased, and he felt the jealousy disappear and be replaced with something else. He felt relieved, happy even, to know Beitris hadn’t been in love with Hendry Dunbar, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have any other suitors.

“Was there another man?” Fraser asked quickly, releasing a breath when Beitris shook her head.

“Nae, nae one.”

“And what of the man who kissed ye?” Fraser frowned when terror sparked in Beitris’s gaze, and her breath hitched. He hated seeing her this way, hated how she took a step away from him as if she was reliving the experience all over again. “We don’t need to speak of it. I apologize if I am making ye uncomfortable again.”

“Nae.” Beitris shook her head, grabbing her shoes from the ground and stepping past him. She moved purposefully towards the large stones near the cascading water.

Fraser followed her, feeling uneasiness clawing at his back, wondering how to fix this so he may see her smile again. She sat at the edge of the rock, her feet hanging over the edge, kicking back and forth while she gazed down into her lap. Fraser lowered himself next to her, watching as she wrung her hands, her gaze looking distant as if she was trapped within memories.

“What is it?” Fraser asked, touching her shoulder lightly.

His breath hitched when she leaned into his touch. Boldness took hold of him, and his arm slid over her shoulders. He watched her, wide-eyed and waiting for her to shove him away, but instead, she rested her head against his shoulders, making heat flood through him.

“The man looked like ye,” she whispered, “but I know now, yer not him. Yer too kind to be him. He was forceful; he would not stop, even when I tried to push him away.”

Fraser frowned, his hands fisting as anger took hold, boiling inside him. How could anyone treat a lady so cruelly? He heard of men taking advantage of women, thinking they were better and women were weak. Fraser always tried to be the better man, always tried to help women in need when faced with such a difficult situation, but sometimes, good men could not be found everywhere.

“Did he do anything else to ye? Did he—”

The shake of her head gave him pause, yet her face flushed. She winced and pulled away from him, her voice becoming softer. He leaned in, unable to make out the words.

“What did ye say?” Fraser hoped he wasn’t pushing too much. He wanted her to feel at ease around him; he wanted her to trust him, speaking with him whenever she needed and about whatever she wanted.

Beitris heaved a sigh before saying, louder this time, “It was my first kiss.” Her eyes clamped closed, her face growing redder.

Fraser stared down at her, not knowing what to say.

“He took my first kiss.” Beitris wrenched away from him. “And I did not want it so. It was forcefully taken from me, and I had nae say in the matter.” Her eyes opened, and Fraser’s heart twinged at the tears glimmering in her gaze. One tear fell, slipping down her cheek. Fraser reached for it, caressing it away. Beitris’s eyes widened, her breath becoming unsteady.

“I hate to see ye cry,” Fraser whispered, knowing it wasn’t a good enough excuse for touching her, but it was the truth. He hated seeing her like this, hated knowing someone had done something so brutish to her. “Ye deserve to have a proper first kiss.”

Beitris sniffed. Fraser realized his hand was still on her cheek, caressing her. He told himself to pull away, to stop, but Beitris leaned into his hand, making it impossible for him to move away from her.

“Ye deserve to be treated gently,” he breathed. He didn’t know what he was doing. His heart pounded in his ears, his insides fluttering with desire. “Ye deserve to be kissed softly.” Fraser’s gaze dipped to her lips, watching them part. “To feel wanted and needed and loved, to feel joy knowing someone cares for ye.” His tongue darted out, moistening his bottom lip as he hovered above her, stroking her cheek, her neck, her hair. Her skin was so smooth and soft. He didn’t think he could ever get enough of it. “It should never be forced.”

Beitris leaned towards him, her eyes blinking innocently up at him and sending pleasurable shudders running up and down his spine. Her hand lightly touched his, moving it to cradle the back of her neck. Fraser gasped, her nose lightly nuzzling his as she whispered, “Can ye show me?”

Fraser released a shuddering breath, closing the distance between them and pressing his lips against hers. His hand stroked her neck, his other sliding up to caress her cheek. She whimpered, leaning into his touch. The mere sound of her voice urged him, stoked the fires burning within him, demanding he be more bold. His mouth opened, his tongue sliding against her lips. She gasped, and his tongue entered her, sliding against her, slow and languid. Her body relaxed into his hold, and within seconds she was kissing him back, her hands touching his arms, his face, his hair. She explored his body as she kissed him, and Fraser didn’t think he could ever muster the strength to pull away from her.

Beitris had captured him: heart, body, and soul.

Fraser wanted more, needed more.