Highlander’s Evil Side by Shona Thompson

Chapter Sixteen


Fraser didn’t know why he went to Beitris’s rooms. He knew he should see a healer about his head. A belly full of food wouldn’t hurt either, but he wanted the villagers to have their fill first. They had just lost their homes. The healer would be busy for the next several hours, tending to their burns and scrapes.

Fraser could wait.

What he really needed was Beitris’s gentle touch and soft voice. He wanted to tell her what happened to the village, ask her for her advice, lean on her for support. The day had been so long. Each step up the long, spiraling staircase left his body trembling, and he wondered if he would be able to tell her anything before his body finally gave out.

Fraser trudged through the corridors, wandering from side to side. He nearly tripped over his feet twice before making it to Beitris’s door. His head leaned against the door frame while his knuckles wrapped lightly at the wood. He groaned, waiting for an answer, yet none came.

Was she angry with him?

Fraser frowned. He knew she was disappointed he didn’t take her, but he couldn’t risk any harm coming her way. She was attacked by brigands shortly before returning to the castle. Her entire body had been trembling on the return, and he worried at any minute she would topple over. He didn’t mean to sound patronizing if that was how she took it.

Beitris was important to him. He only wished for her safety.

Fraser knocked again, harder this time. When no answer came, he slowly opened the door, wondering if she was merely sleeping. His frown deepened when he found the bed unoccupied. Pushing the door further ajar, he found the room completely empty.

Where had she gone?

Too exhausted to search the castle for her, he stumbled inside, perching at the end of her bed. Maybe he was too bold, but he wanted to see her, know she was safe, explain himself to her. All he wanted to do was see her face.

He groaned while massaging his temples. His wound was beginning to ache, making his head throb, yet the bleeding thankfully stopped. He wondered briefly if Beitris would be willing to tend to him. The thought brought a smile to his lips, which quickly dissipated when he heard crying beyond the door.

Fraser straightened on the bed, watching the door open. Beitris paused, her mouth gaping open and her eyes widening. Her face paled, her body trembling. She shook her head, her gaze running up and down the length of him. Slowly, he rose, worried she would faint. She looked as if she was staring at an apparition.

Perhaps the day had been too much for her. She had been so worried about him when he left. Perhaps she thought he would never return. “Beitris,” he whispered, slowly rising and reaching for her. He wanted her in his arms, to hold her tight and never let her go.

“H-how?” she asked shakily, her legs giving out. Fraser rushed towards her, shocked she had fallen so swiftly. “How are ye here, Fraser?”

Fraser blinked, not understanding her words. He watched her turn around, her words making the hair on the back of his neck rise as she said, “When ye were there.”

Fraser felt as if the ground was giving out below him, and he was falling into a dark abyss. Who had Beitris just seen? Fraser swallowed, feeling his insides twisting, his skin crawling. She had just seen someone who looked like him. That someone was in the castle.

What had he done to her to make her react so?

Fraser took in Beitris’s swollen red eyes, the dark circles marring the skin underneath them. He kneeled before her, touching her shoulders gently, wanting to pull her towards him and provide her with all the warmth and support in the world.

As Fraser listened to her speak, he was tempted to go to his mother’s rooms, demand to know who she had been speaking with. But he knew he couldn’t leave Beitris like this, and most likely, the assailant was already gone. She was having difficulty breathing, catching her breath; he feared she would pass out from sheer exhaustion. The day had been too much for her, and he wished he could have remained by her side. But his people needed him.

They had also spoken of a man who appeared just like their laird.

What is happening?Fraser wondered.

He remained rooted where he stood, knowing what Beitris needed now was space in order to make sense of what was happening.

“I was here?” Fraser asked. “What did I look like?”

Tears streamed down Beitris’s cheeks, and Fraser wanted to kiss them all away. He wanted to kiss her pain away and tell her everything would be fine. He would find this man who had harmed her.

She stared back at him, and he found a glimmer of recognition invoking hope within him. He watched as Beitris inhaled deeply, her breaths wheezing.

“Tell me what happened, Beitris,” he said gently, “Tell me what this man did to ye, what he said.”

Beitris’s lips quivered. He watched her swallow a sob, her shoulders shaking. Fraser stepped towards the window, hoping by creating space, she would realize he was her Fraser. “Please,” he said, gesturing towards the bed. “Sit. Tell me what happened. Yer safe here, I promise ye.”

Beitris took a hesitant step forward, followed by another, and then another until she was perched at the end of the bed. The door was ajar, and though Fraser feared someone would listen to their discussion, he also knew Beitris needed the door open in order to feel safe.

He watched her take in a shuddering breath. She wiped her eyes, her nose. Her hands were trembling. His gaze narrowed on the bruise forming on her wrist. Where had she received such an injury? Anger boiled within him, his hands clenched by his sides.

“I was worried when I saw the villagers arriving,” Beitris said, her voice soft. “I went to find someone, to see what could be done. I stumbled upon yer mother’s chambers. She was with,” Beitris lifted her gaze to him, “she was with ye. Ye were discussing the wedding.”

Fraser’s mother knew this man, but how? “Why?” he asked, his voice harsh.

Beitris shook her head. “I don’t know. He wanted to know the date of our wedding.” She sniffed, her face breaking while a hand clamped against her mouth. “He kissed me. He was just like the man from the garden: forceful, uncaring, dominating.” She sobbed, shaking her head and meeting Fraser’s gaze. “He wasn’t ye, but he looked just like ye.”

Beitris reached for him, and Fraser didn’t wait. He rushed towards her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his lap. She buried her face in the crook of his neck. Her tears soaked his leine, but he did not care.

“Ssh,” he shushed gently, his hands stroking her back. “Yer fine. I’m here, now.”

“He was so cruel,” she sobbed, her whole body trembling in his arms.

Fraser nuzzled her cheek. “But it wasn’t me. It wasn’t.”

“I feel like I am going mad.”

“Yer not,” Fraser whispered softly. He grabbed her chin, gently lifting her gaze to his. “The villagers said I burned their homes to the ground.”

Beitris’s eyes widened. “When?”

“This morn.”

Her mouth opened and closed, her body straightening away from his. “But, ye were with me? How is that possible?”

Fraser shook his head. “I do not know.”

Beitris’s eyes widened. “There is someone who looks like ye.”

Fraser nodded. “Aye, there is.” He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It must have been him. Who else could it have been when I was with ye?”

“But-but, how? Did ye have a brother? A cousin?”

“I do not know.” Fraser frowned. He had cousins, but none of them looked exactly like him. There were family resemblances, but not enough to confuse others. “I’m an only child. My mother only ever had me. They wouldn’t hide a child. Someone would have known. My father was a good man. My mother is a good woman. They wouldn't—” He grimaced, his skin prickling with fear.

“Maybe a changeling has been sent to take yer place as laird,” Beitris asked while stroking her chin. “I have read about changelings before. However, usually, the fae take babes, not grown men.”

Fraser looked up at her, his eyes widening with fear, "Perhaps, I have angered the fae of the highlands. I have been away for far too long.”

Beitris placed a hand on his, her expression turning solemn. "But, then, why would a changeling know yer mother? Perhaps, he’s a simple mortal man. A relation of yers ye have never come to meet?”

Fraser scowled. "I do not know, but I shall find out at once."

“Nae, ye mustn’t.” Beitris bounded from the bed, running in front of him and slamming the door closed. She leaned against it, her eyes wide with fear and her face pallid. “If she was with this man, alone while ye were caring for yer people, then she could warn him of ye.”

Fraser’s shoulders slumped. "I want to get to the bottom of this, Beitris. I want to know the truth. I don’t like how this man kissed ye, and my mother did naething.”

“I’m telling ye to think wisely, Fraser,” she whispered, closing the distance between them. She stroked his cheek, and he leaned into the touch, enjoying the small warmth she provided to his chilled body. “I don’t want to lose ye.” Her brow furrowed, and her gaze narrowed on the injury to his head. "What are ye doing in my chambers in the first place? I thought I told ye to visit the healer.”

Fraser sighed, a soft smile taking hold of him. “I wanted to tell ye what happened. I wanted yer advice as to what I should do.”

Beitris blinked back at him. Her hand stilled on his cheek, surprise filling her gaze. "Ye wanted my advice?”

Fraser nodded. “I know yer brave and intelligent.” He chuckled. “I saw as much at the falls when ye were busy throwing those rocks at the brigands.”

“I thought ye saw me as inferior,” Beitris whispered. “I thought that was the reason why ye had me stay.”

Fraser shook his head. “Nae. I could never think ye inferior, Beitris. Yer the strongest lass I know. And I need yer help with this. Now, more than ever."

“I will help ye.” She smiled up at him, easing the pain and worry twinging his heart. He wanted her, her warmth, and her love. It was all he could think about on his return home, and now that he was here, standing before her, he couldn’t stop thinking of his double, forcefully kissing her and making her cry.

“I don’t want anything to happen to ye,” he whispered, his head lowering to hers. He pressed his forehead against her, nuzzling her softly, breathing her in. She smelled of rain and flowers. He didn’t think he could ever be sick of the smell.

“Naething will happen to me, Fraser.”

“Ye don’t know that.”

Beitris opened her mouth, but before she could retort, his lips lightly pressed against hers. She melted into him, her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer. He worried it was too soon, that she could still be in shock from meeting the other Fraser, from being forcefully kissed once more. Yet, all thoughts went to the wind as her tongue stroked against him, urging a response. He groaned low in his throat, his arms wrapping around her, holding her gently against him. Her body moved against his, a soft whimper escaping her.

Fraser grabbed her, hoisting her into his arms and carrying her towards the bed. His mouth never left hers. He didn’t want to stop their dance, the light caressing of their mouths. Her tongue entwined around his, making heat travel down to his core. His body shivered with desire, but despite his need, he lowered her slowly onto the bed.

He ended the kiss, his nose stroking hers. She stared up at him with her hair splayed out on the pillows, lips swollen, her eyes glazed over with desire. Her fingers stroked his hair; her body lifted to meet his. His arms buried into the bed, keeping his weight from crushing her while his knee pressed against her front. She arched into him, her mouth gaping open in a silent gasp.

“Yer so beautiful,” Fraser whispered, stroking her hair away from her face. “I hate that someone wants to take ye from me, to harm ye.”

Beitris stroked his shoulders, her hands running down the length of his chest. His body stilled, feeling her touch, wanting to feel more of it. He wanted to be rid of these clothes.

“I know it’s only been a few days, but I know this is right.” Her hand stroked his cheek, and he turned to it, kissing her palm. “I have never felt this way for another.”

Beitris nodded. “Neither have I.” She lifted towards him, kissing his forehead softly, then his nose, before placing a chaste kiss on his lips. “I want ye, Fraser. And only ye.”

Fraser captured her lips, all sense leaving him with her words. She opened for him, her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him deeper into her. He breathed her in, licking her lips, his teeth grazing them lightly. She moaned, and with that sound, the heat within him boiled. His hands pushed at her skirts. He moved into her, his body like the waves of the sea, slowly pressing back and forth into her while his hands gripped her garments, her smooth, pale legs. Her legs opened willingly for him, and his fingers searched and prodded.

“Fraser,” she whispered between kisses, her voice like a soft caress.

“Aye, my love,” he breathed between kisses, unable to get enough of her.

She arched her back as his fingers found their treasure, stroking through the soft curls of her womanhood and finding her wet and slick. Her nails dug into his shoulders, her mouth wrenching away from him. She gasped, her body tightening around him. Fraser watched, his manhood twitching with desire. His mouth gaped open in a silent moan as he slowly moved his fingers in and out of her while his thumb circled around her little nub.

“Fraser,” she gasped, her hands reaching for him.

Fraser gave her what she wanted. Her lips claimed his, kissing him open-mouthed, her tongue teasing him. He shivered as her hands drifted from his chest to his tights, palming his manhood, pulling at his ties.

Fraser grabbed her hands before she could completely undo him. He needed to keep some semblance of control. His fingers laced with hers, pushing them into the bed while his body rocked against her core. All sanity left him as her legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him closer.

He needed to be rid of these terrible garments at once.

A knock rapped at the door as Fraser tugged at his shirt. Fraser moaned his kissing slowing, becoming more chaste. Someone was at the door. He should go answer it. No, Beitris should answer it, yet she didn’t seem to notice the sound whatsoever. Her teeth grazed against his bottom lip, her tongue slipping inside his mouth, taunting him.

A knock sounded again, this time louder. Fraser groaned, tearing his mouth away from Beitris and burying it into her neck. Beitris’s legs slipped from his waist and he moaned again, not wanting to part from her. She tapped his shoulder, and he sighed in frustration, pushing his body off the bed and inhaling deeply to calm the desire still raging inside him.

Beitris strode quickly towards the door, and Fraser watched as her hands smoothed the wrinkles in her dress. She pushed her hair away from her face, still flushed from their kissing. Fraser’s insides twisted, and heat rose once more when his gaze lingered on her lips, finding them red, swollen, and wanting.

Beitris opened the door, and all thoughts of her lips left him as Scott entered the room, looking both worried and frustrated. “There ye are,” Scott said. His gaze narrowed on Fraser, looking him up and down, his lips twitching before settling into a deep frown. “I’ve been looking for ye everywhere. The scouts have found something in the village.”

Fraser rose, his gaze swiveling to Beitris for a moment. “What is it?”

“Is it something that will inform us of the brigand’s whereabouts?” Beitris asked.

Scott shook his head. “I do not know, but it is something.”

Fraser nodded. “We will be with ye.”

Beitris’s smiled. “We?”

Fraser returned her smile. “I told ye I needed yer help.” He loved the way her gaze brightened, the way she looked at him with such joy. He was beginning to realize he loved everything about her, and it terrified him knowing someone could use that against him. However, Beitris could take care of herself. He nodded at her while taking her hand in his.

“This is one way.”