Highlander’s Evil Side by Shona Thompson



Scottish Highlands

August 20, 1432

Beitris grasped Fraser’s hand. She couldn’t stop glancing at him while her father gave his speech amongst the clans. He looked so handsome with his hair tied low at his nape, his jaw freshly shaved. His blue eyes slid to her, and her breath hitched at the feel of his hand tightening in hers. She was wedded to this man. They had their entire lives to be together, to love each other. She didn’t think it ever would be possible to find someone she loved so much, but she did. All her dreams had been met, perhaps even heightened, and she wondered what other adventures lay ahead for them.

Fraser craned his head towards her, a mischievous grin playing at his lips. “I cannot wait for all this to end and have ye alone again in my arms.”

Beitris’s face heated, and she released a shuddering breath as his hand slipped from hers to lightly touch her knee. His gaze glazed over, and she wondered what lurked within Fraser’s mind, wondering what he had in store for their wedding night.

“And so,” her father’s voice boomed, wrenching her attentions back to Laird Gordon and away from Fraser.

She wiggled uncomfortably in her chair, wishing for the celebrations to end so she could be alone with her husband. Her father turned toward them, holding a goblet in his hand. His gaze twinkled with fatherly love and adoration. Beitris tilted her head, wondering if there were tears in her father’s eyes as he stared at her.

“I wish ye all the best, Laird MacClery,” her father continued on. “I pray for a good life, filled with laughter and children to dote upon.”

Several men and women in the room raised their goblets, and Fraser and Beitris followed suit, holding their glasses in the air. Beitris glanced at Fraser, meeting his gaze and smiling brightly. She didn’t think she could ever be any happier than this.

“And may ye find love with my daughter, Beitris.” Laird Gordon inhaled deeply. His jaw clenched, and Beitris worried at any moment her father would burst into a fit of tears. Instead, he smiled and gave a curt nod. “To the Laird and Lady MacClery. May they find joy to the ends of their days.”

“To the Laird and Lady MacClery,” the crowd murmured, clinking their glasses against each other before taking a long drink.

“With that well and done,” Fraser whispered in her ear. “I suppose we can be on our way.”

Beitris giggled as Fraser took her hand, guiding her away from their wedding table and through the throng of congregating people.

“Congratulations, my lady,” said one lady as Beitris passed by.

Beitris smiled wildly, giving the woman a curt nod. She recognized her but didn’t know from where. The crowd was too thick as if they had all surfaced to bid them good eve before their wedding night.

“Congratulations, my dear,” said Helga while taking Beitris’s hand warmly.

“Thank ye,” Beitris breathed. Her face hurt from smiling so much. She didn’t think it would ever end. The door was no closer than it had been before.

“Ah, there ye are,” came a low voice she recognized.

Beitris turned around, her gaze brightening as it landed on Hendry and Peigi stepping towards her.

“I was hoping to catch ye before ye run off,” said Hendry with a knowing look. “I wanted to give ye congratulations.”

“Hendry,” said Fraser while taking Laird Dunbar’s hand and giving it a firm shake. “Good of ye to join.”

“And the children?” Beitris asked while frowning and looking around.

“Probably driving Cook mad,” Peigi laughed. “They love to eat, particularly sweets.”

Beitris chuckled. “Then they’re most definitely driving Cook mad as we speak.”

“Ye should visit us soon,” said Peigi while taking Beitris’s hand. “Last time, we didn’t get to speak much. Only when ye have the time, of course.”

Beitris nodded. “Aye, we would love to. Wouldn’t we, Fraser?”

Fraser sidled close to her, his fingers lacing with hers and providing her with all the support and warmth she could ever ask for. “Aye, what a wonderful idea. We should make plans at once.”

“When things are stable,” Beitris quickly added.

Hendry nodded. “We would be happy to have ye. Now,” he frowned and looked around, “if ye excuse us, we have three little ones to find. Wish us luck,” he added with a chuckle.

Beitris sighed as she watched Peigi and Hendry disappear into the crowd, reminded that not so long ago, she envied their love and their life together. Her gaze lifted to Fraser, finding him staring down at her lovingly. He turned her gently towards the door, guiding her smoothly past several village heads and soldiers drinking in the corner. She no longer felt any envy towards her friends; for now, she had found exactly what she always wanted.

As soon as they were out of the hall, she was pressed against the wall. The stone dug at her back while Fraser claimed her mouth. His hands stroked her face, her arms, her waist. He pulled at her skirts, and she chuckled while pushing him away.

“Fraser,” she whispered as soon as she looked around at the dark and empty corridor. “This is nae place for such things.”

“I cannot seem to keep my hands from ye,” Fraser breathed while taking a step back. “Ye look so beautiful.”

Beitris grasped his hand and ran, giggling while tugging him down the hall with her. “Then come,” she called over her shoulder. “For I cannot wait any longer either.”

Fraser’s laughter echoed through the darkness. Beitris followed the torches, lighting the way, allowing her body to guide her to her rooms, but before she could turn the corner, a sharp tug on her wrist stopped her. She turned to Fraser, finding him standing and watching her, a nervous look in his eye while he smiled softly at her.

“If ye don’t mind, my lady,” Fraser whispered while closing the distance between them. He took her hand and pressed it against his chest, where his heart laid. “Perhaps, ye could join me in my chamber this night.”

Beitris’s eyes widened as something inside her fluttered, bringing heat to her core and making her head dizzy with delight.

Fraser stroked a lock of her behind her ear, and she leaned into the touch, enjoying his warmth. “‘Tis a special night after all.”

Beitris nodded. She watched him turn around, allowed him to guide her down a different path. She had traversed these halls often but never had she gone to Fraser’s rooms, never had she seen where he laid his head every night. Her steps took her to a room lying at the end of the hall. They stopped before the door—the wood of it staring back at her. Fraser’s gaze remained on hers as he opened it and guided her inside.

She stopped in the middle of Fraser’s chambers, looking around at the shelves filled with books and papers. A desk rested in front of a window, filled with papers. A quill and ink rested in one corner. There was only one window, which caught her attention. The view before her caught her breath. The sun was dipping below the fields, highlighting the highlands in hues of gold and red. She could make out the forest in the distance.

Her body stilled for a moment at the feel of Fraser’s hands on her shoulders, at the feel of his nose nuzzling her. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed while leaning into his touch.

“Yer beautiful,” said Fraser while turning her around.

Beitris gazed up at him as he untied her dress, his fingers shaking and fumbling with the string. She went up onto her toes, kissing him and pressing her entire body into him. He moaned as her hands slid up his front. She pulled at the tie holding his hair back, and dropped it onto the floor before burying her hands into his silky locks.

Fraser deepened the kiss. His hands became frenzied. Her leg lifted to his hip, and he seized it, holding it there while he bucked against her. Beitris gasped, but Fraser swallowed it. The ties to her dress were undone, and she helped him push the garment down until she was just in her underclothes. His hands stroked up and down her back. With each touch, he moved slightly farther down until he was cupping her bottom and holding her to him.

Beitris tossed back her head, feeling something stiff digging into her core and heating her insides. Her leg on his hip tightened around him. Fraser’s kisses moved to her throat, growing more hurried and needy. He clutched her to him before she felt her foot leaving the ground. She gasped, looking around as he carried her to his bed.

He was gentle as he laid her onto the mattress. She reached for him as he moved away from her, feeling the cold and wishing for his return. Fraser chuckled while tugging at his leine, pulling it over his head. “Now, now, Beitris,” he said. “Patience, my love.”

Beitris licked her bottom lip. She rolled herself over, crawling to him with a mischievous grin. “Patience, ye say,” she said with a teasing lilt. “Weren’t ye the one who was about to have his way in the hall?”

Fraser released a shuddering breath that pulled at her. Her hands slipped to his tights. Her gaze drifted down to his boots, watching as his feet stumbled to kick them off. She chuckled, her finger stroking his well-defined waist, circling around his navel before sliding down the bulge at his front.

Fraser’s hiss caught her attention. His gaze was filled with desire. His nostrils flared, and his jaw clenched. “Ye shouldn’t do that, Beitris,” he breathed. “I may not be able to control myself.”

Beitris chuckled and stroked the front of his tights once more, earning a low groan. “I thought ye asked for patience?”

Fraser growled low in his throat, taking her shoulders and pressing her firmly down into the bed. He moved efficiently, stripping his tights from his body and crawling on top of her. Beitris giggled as he grasped her undergarments, wrenching them over her head before capturing her mouth again. He kissed her as if he was a starved man. He moaned as if he was tasting boar for the first time. Beitris wanted more of him, wanted more of his loss of control.

He wrenched away from her lips and kissed a path down her front. Her back arched as his tongue circled her nipple, sucking it into his mouth for too short a time.

“Fraser,” she gasped, her hands wrapping around his neck. She opened her legs, wanting him inside her desperately. “Fraser.”

Fraser moaned and continued on his path. His fingers pinched and prodded her nipples as he kissed her stomach, her hip. She bit her lip as strangled cries threatened to pour out of her, but she didn’t know how much longer she could go on. Her entire body felt as if it was soaring out of the bed.

Her eyes widened, and she gasped sharply, nearly wrenching off the bed when she felt his tongue on something she thought could never be. “Fraser,” she moaned, her head tossing and turning as it circled around the little nub hidden in her curls. “What are- what is—”

Fraser lifted his head, and Beitris cried out, surprised at herself and the way her body trembled from his ministrations. “Do ye not like it?”

Beitris opened her mouth and promptly closed it. Her face heated as she struggled with the words, feeling embarrassed by what she wanted and what was polite decorum. “Well, I—”

Something mischievous gleamed back at her in Fraser’s gaze, and she watched that wicked tongue escape his mouth. Her body arched as he licked her in that spot again, and her hands gripped the blankets below her.

“I could stop,” Fraser said.

“Nae!” Beitris shouted, feeling instantly embarrassed at her outcry. “D-don’t stop.”

Fraser nodded. “Of course, my lady.”

Beitris moaned as his tongue flicked against her, circled around her. Her eyes remained focused on the top of his head, watching as he pleasured her. She felt as if her body was tightening, tightening, and flying. Her hands flew to his shoulders, her fingers sinking into his skin. Her small whimpers turned into cries as her body bucked against him.

“Fraser,” she whispered, “please.” She didn’t know what she was begging for, only that she wanted it.

Fraser crawled on top of her. Her legs opened for him, stilling when she felt his hard member pushing at her entrance. She angled her head towards him, kissing him as he slowly pushed inside, moving gently so as not to hurt her. Her body tightened around him. It had been too long since they were last together. She met his movements, thrusting against him. Her body shivered. She was already close. Her hands laced with his, and she kissed him, enjoying every bit of his body, every bit of his touch.

“Fraser,” she cried out, her hands clenching around him as she felt her body seize. Her climax took her by surprise. Her moans turned to cries, and she felt her body clench around Fraser, unable to stop the pleasure from taking hold of her.

Fraser moaned, his body thrusting into her once more before stilling. He kissed her as he spilled his seed into her. Beitris kissed him back, feeling exhausted from the day but happy to be here with her husband.

Fraser rolled off of her, and she followed him, resting her head on his shoulder and stroking his chest. “I’m so happy,” she whispered. “I didn’t think I could ever be this happy, here with ye.”

Fraser chuckled. “I also didn’t think it possible when my mother first made mention of it.”

Beitris pushed herself up, her hair cascading over one shoulder as she stared down at Fraser. “I love ye, Fraser. I love ye with my very being.”

Fraser stroked the side of her face, smiling up at her. “And I love ye, Beitris. Now, and forever.”