Highlander’s Evil Side by Shona Thompson


The night air was cool against her skin and even with the many layers of her skirts, Devona Bain could feel the breeze blowing up her legs as she ran. The bonds holding her dark red hair back had come loose at some point, and she brushed the few strands that blew against her face away with one hand. A giggle bubbled out of her lips as her heart continued to pound loudly from both excitement and happiness… She felt so free.

“Shh… ye must be quieter, Devona, we are nae in the clear yet,” her lover, newly appointed Laird William Mackenzie whispered as he held her hand, running in front of her.

She slapped her free hand over her mouth to smother her responding chuckle. He was right, they were still in the castle and so anyone who happened to stray from the hall could still happen upon them. The two had just escaped the feast, which was being held in the hall, sneaking out and running off into the night. Checking to make sure that they were not going to be spotted, William led her out into the gardens under the moonlight, pulling her as they sneaked along the path adorned by flower hedges on both sides

“Is it alright to speak now?” she whispered as they slowed to a walk.

“Aye, I believe it is alright. We can nae be heard by those in the castle, but it is a good idea to remain quiet since we dae nae ken if anyone is loitering in the gardens,” William responded in a subdued voice, but he smiled and pulled her forwards, so she walked beside him. She smiled back, almost dizzy with the sight of him. He was a gorgeous young man. His blonde hair was shining eerily in the moonlight, and his blue eyes shone clear as he looked at her.

She had known him for years, but in times like this, she could not help but wonder if he was real. He seemed like an angel come down from the heavens. Many women thought the same, so it was even more of a wonder how he was hers. He was the newly appointed Laird of her clan, Mackenzie and excellent at everything he did. Even though he had just inherited the Lairdship, everyone trusted that he would be a great ruler. She on the other hand was no one special. She was not even a noble… she just happened to be his best friend’s sister and his personal maid.

He led her to their favorite willow tree and plopped down underneath, patting the ground beside him for her to sit as well. She did so without second thought, nestling against him. He heaved a deep sigh of contentment, leaning his head against hers and shutting his eyes.

“I am so tired. I am glad I was able to escape and spend some time with ye like this. Calgill and Balfour are so… rambunctious all the time. Five years older, and they still joke with me so… they both became Lairds much earlier, one would think they would move circles to spend more time with fellow seasoned Lairds, instead they continue to drag me around and I still can nae keep up with them,” William complained.

Devona chuckled lightly, her William was naturally quiet, a deep thinker and way more mature than other men his age. So, he was not the best match for the Lairds of Lenord and Ephimer their allied clans. Cargill and Balfour were quite the pair, everyone knew them from when they were still just heirs. Loud and full of energy to the point where it was draining trying to keep them entertained. She patted William’s shoulder in comfort.

“Is it truly alright for ye to be gone, though? Ye might be missed,” she said. To this, William shook his head.

“Nay, it is alright. Nay one would even notice that I am gone, and almost everyone is already pished or halfway there by now,” he said. Then, kissing her fingertips, he added, “Besides, I would rather be here with ye than be back there, regardless of who missed me.”

Devona grinned and leaned into him, accepting his kiss when he brought his lips to hers. They had been together for three years now, but his kisses still made her swoon. She had begun working for him when she was fifteen, and a year later, they acknowledged the feelings which had begun to blossom between them, and he began courting her. They had kissed several times since then, but Devona could not help but feel like William who was older with three years still saw her as a child since he never let things between them go too far.

At first, his kisses had been chaste, but as they got older, those kisses became more and more passionate. However, that was as far as William let things go. Even when his hands wandered, he would stop himself and withdraw before he lost control. She wanted more, and it was frustrating every time he withdrew but she was too shy to stand her ground.

That was why, she had come out with her mind made up. Today, she would not let him back away. Deciding to be proactive, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened their kiss, subtly sliding out of her place beside him and into his lap. He made a sound of surprise, but did not break their kiss, instead responding to her with equal passion as his hands found her waist and pulled her closer. She let a moan escape her lips and angled her head back as his kisses made their way down her neck.

“William…” she breathed, as his lips sent fire through her skin everywhere he kissed. He let out a sound of enjoyment as she called his name, and his hands gripped her waist tighter. She pressed her body against him, doing her best to let her need show and he seemed to get the message, but his reaction was the opposite of what she wanted.

He pulled away from her, breathing heavily and gave her a shaky laugh.

“Ah, that was dangerous just now. It seems that is enough for tonight, anymore and I dae nae ken if I can stop meself from goin’ too far,” he said, leaning his head back against the tree with his eyes closed. Devona bit her lip in frustration. The farthest he had gone was fondling her chest once when he had some to drink, but even then, he had apologized and retreated as quickly as he could. He wanted to wait until they were married to preserve her honor, he had said. She felt that he was only being a stick in the mud because he worried how her brother would see it, if he knew that they were in a relationship and had gone all the way when not even married. She had not allowed him to tell Alastair for that very reason… yet her brother still haunted her in times like this.

“Dae it,” she said, letting her hand roam under his kilt and causing him to raise his head in a flash, his hand grabbing her wrist and keeping her in place even as he gaped in surprise.

“Wh-what are ye doin’, Devona?” he spluttered, his words barely making sense as he was shaken by her bold move.

“I said dae it… go too far. I ken that ye love me and ye are tryin’ nae to give the wrong idea by goin’ too far before we are wed, but I love ye too and as much as ye want to touch me, I want to dae the same. So dae it… now,” she said. Her face was bright red, and it felt like she could die of embarrassment, but she could not go any longer holding her feelings back. It also helped that she had downed two cups of ale for courage.

William was quiet and so she peeked at him. The shock was gone from his expression, and he was leaning against the tree again, looking at her with a heat-filled gaze that was both lazy and fiery, setting her very bones on fire with its languidity. The change was shocking and that made it all the more exciting, causing her center to become wet as she clenched her thighs. She had never seen him like that before, it felt like she had just pulled up a beast which had been slumbering inside of her sweet prince.

“Are ye sure ye want to dae this now, Devona?” William asked, running his hand against her face affectionately. She swallowed nervously from the look in his eyes but nodded with conviction. Her determination could not be shaken.

“Aye William, I want all of ye today,” she said.

As though her words were a command he had been waiting for, William sprang into action, burying his hand in her hair and kissing her with a burning passion that melted her insides. Devona surrendered herself to his ministrations and the moon continued to shine down on them through the leaves of the tree as he proceeded to show her pleasures like she had never felt before.

“I love ye forever Devona… I will never let ye go,” William whispered in her ear. Even delirious with pleasure, Devona’s arms tightened around his neck.

“Nor will I,” she responded lovingly. “I willnae let ye go.”

Meanwhile, lurking in the shadows unknown to the two lovers, a figure watched in disdain. Resentment swelled in their heart and dark intentions clouded their minds. The moon was bright, and the garden was alive with the feelings of the lovers, but somehow everywhere the figure passed seemed gloomier than the rest.