The Duke’s Twin Lust by Lorena Owen


They were all here, as they had been in the dreams she refused to let herself have from the moment she first saw Ernest.

There was little Michael, dressed in a dashing black suit, apparently so excited he could not stop hopping on one foot. There was also Rebecca, looking more splendid than ever, standing beside her handsome earl. There was Mary, looking much happier than she had looked over the past few months. There was also Paul, Ernest’s steward, who looked far better now that Ernest had helped him with finding a reputable physician to cure his little sister—the reason he had been skimming funds from the accounts.

They were all here for her.

And, in front of the priest, Ernest stood grinning at her, dressed in a new suit. He looked positively dazzling, and it almost seemed to her that he was emitting some sort of bright light. After the death of Christiana, he seemed to have temporarily shut himself off from everyone, even her. She knew he blamed himself for her death, perhaps wondering what he could have done differently. It had taken a while to coax him out of that belief, but the love she showered on him seemed to have worked, because he was right here again, her charming, handsome duke.

She walked into the small church, slowly because of the weight of her dress. It seemed to take an eternity to get to Ernest, but Amelia did not feel even a bit of impatience. It almost seemed to her that everything in her life had led her to this moment, and now that she was in it, she was determined to enjoy every second of it.

At first, she had not seen the need for a wedding ceremony. Ernest had proposed the idea to her two months after Christiana’s death, when the people all around them had just started to get used to the idea that there had in fact been two of them. It had been very difficult to explain to the members of staff what had happened, but most of them had been quite understanding, especially since they hadn’t really been fond of Christiana. Now that everyone had accepted her as the new Lady Gillingham, she thought a wedding ceremony was not quite necessary.

“We’re all but married,” she told Ernest. They had been taking a ride out of the manor, heading to the lake they now spent most of their time at. Ever since Paul had stopped siphoning the estate funds to care for his sick sister, there had been very little to worry about, and Ernest now spent most of his time with Amelia.

“I want the whole world to be certain of the fact,” Ernest said. “I have not taken you as my wife yet. I want to do that.”

In the end, they had compromised upon a small marriage, and it was only when she had started preparing for the wedding along with Mary and Rebecca, who gushed endlessly about hoping Lord Dondarrion would soon ask Ernest for her hand, that Amelia started to get excited.

It had taken a full month to get everything ready, but now, they were here.

Finally, Amelia was just a few feet near the duke, and he stretched out his hand. Amelia took it, drawing closer to her. She saw the deep love in his eyes, and she felt tears start in her own. At that moment, she wished her family were here to see her get accepted and integrated into this new one. She wished for her mother, her father, and even Christiana.

The priest beamed down at all of them. “Shall we begin?” he asked.

Amelia nodded, turning around to glance at all the people behind her, people she loved quite dearly. “Yes,” she said. She had never been more certain of anything.

She was ready.

* * *

Even though he was undoubtedly getting good at the sport, Ernest could not help the slight worry he felt whenever he saw Michael on a horse. The boy had stopped riding ponies and was now riding real horses. Today, he favoured Trisha, the horse that had almost thrown Amelia off the first time they had gone to the lake. Ernest smiled to himself as Michael climbed upon the horse.

“What is it?” Michael asked, his brows furrowed, apparently under the impression Ernest was smiling because of him.

“Nothing,” Ernest said quickly, slapping his palm against the horse’s rump, so the horse started to gallop away.

Ernest watched the boy, his heart pounding rather furiously. He had not had time to connect with the child when he had first got here, especially with the various issues going on, but over the past few months, Ernest had bonded with Michael. The boy was the most pleasant child he’d ever been around, and Ernest enjoyed taking him riding, while Michael loved watching while he trained with his boxing tutor. He was already teaching Michael the finer points of ruling a manor, and the boy seemed to be learning nicely.

“I never thought a day would come when Michael would be a better rider than me,” someone said from behind Ernest.

Turning around, Ernest saw his wife. His heart seemed to float with joy the moment he set eyes on her. She was looking rather beautiful today, dressed in a yellow gown that melded perfectly with her body.

Ernest went over to her, drawing her closer to him. “Amelia, even an ant perched on a horse’s behind is a better rider than you are.”

Amelia looked up at him in mock fury. “I see I have to endure being insulted for as long as we are married,” she said.

“It would seem so,” Ernest said, smiling. “I’m surprised you are out here, though. I thought you would be with Rebecca, planning the wedding.” It had been only a few days since Lord Dondarrion finally put the question forward, and Rebecca had been in a state of ecstatic glee since then.

“Every wedding seems much like the other,” Amelia said. “I hope Rebecca will forgive me if I plan hers according to how ours was.”

“She’ll probably carve out your heart in fury,” Ernest jested, and Amelia laughed.

She looked back at Michael, who was whooping with joy as he rode. “You know, every time I see him on a horse, I worry a little,” she said.

She read him better than anyone, Ernest thought. “You should have particular cause for worry today, my lady. Do you recognise that horse?”

Amelia squinted at the horse for a moment, but the next second she let out a sound of disbelief. “What?” she screamed. “You let Michael ride that monster?”

Ernest laughed. “He picked the horse out himself. Besides, he’s doing a much more graceful job than you ever managed to do.”

Amelia glared at him for a second, but soon, she was grinning.

“I admit you’re right,” she said.

“I agree with you, too,” Ernest replied quietly. “I sometimes wonder if this is how my father felt, watching me ride.”

At his words, Amelia shifted slightly, and Ernest looked down at her.

“What’s wrong, Amelia?” he asked, immediately worried he had said something to offend her.

Amelia shook her head. She looked up at him, and he saw she was smiling shyly.

“Did something happen?” Ernest asked.

She shook her head again. “It’s just… what you said.”

Ernest raised his brows. “What about it?” he asked.

Amelia took a deep breath and turned to look at Michael, who was now riding hard towards them. “I was with Mr Maxwell all morning. He has examined me, and he is certain I’m two months gone.”

It took a moment for Ernest to understand what she meant, but in the next moment, he had let out a strangled yell and lifted her up in his arms. “I don’t believe it,” he said hoarsely, burying his head in her hair.

Amelia chuckled. “Put me down, Ernest,” she whispered furiously. “The stable boys are watching.”

Ernest held her more tightly for a moment more, before setting her back down.

Amelia looked around furtively, seemingly embarrassed. “I’m certain everyone in the manor will know of this before dusk.”

Ernest shrugged. He could not quite bring himself to care about that. He leaned closer to her, cupping her face in his palms, staring down at her. The woman in his arms had transformed his life completely, changing his disastrous marriage to the best thing in his life. She had contributed positively to the manor, was instrumental in getting his sister a husband, and had found him his first child. And now, when Ernest thought he couldn’t possibly be happier, she was giving him a second.

As he bent his head over hers in a kiss, his only thought was making sure Amelia remained in his life forever.