Taken by E.M. Leya


Ben was trying to keep his mind on work, but he was so angry that he found it hard to concentrate on anything. He'd met with a few other members of the team last night, and the news wasn't good. The guys running this shit-show of a sting wanted to hold off another couple of weeks before making their move. They had some intel that there was a major trafficker coming in from Spain who wanted new inventory. They wanted his identity.

That wasn't going to work for Ben. He'd seen enough. Even now, the cries of a young girl in the kid's cage was tearing his heart in two. He saw the black eyes she had and knew what had happened to her. Panda eyes were rare, but they happened when a child was sodomized violently. The damn girl couldn't be more than ten. His stomach turned sour each time he thought about her and the others who suffered like her. He could stop this. He could come in here and start shooting everyone who worked here. It would cost him his life, but he was sure he could take out enough people before he was killed that he could at least help some of them escape. He could have Trenton help lead them out.

Fuck, Trenton was another issue. He couldn't get the man off his mind. Each time he came to work, the first thing he looked for was Trenton. He was obsessing over a man he didn't even know. A man who hated him. When he'd gotten to work today, he'd found Trenton drugged and unconscious. He knew Trenton wasn't a problem, so whoever had drugged him had done it just because. All the men in the cage were drugged, so it was nothing more than the guards wanting a quiet night. It pissed him off.

He'd struggled with his feelings for Trenton over the last week. How could he feel so drawn to a man he didn't even know? As bad as he wanted to free everyone in the place, he wanted to see Trenton escape even more. It had killed him the first morning he'd come into work and Trenton hadn't been in the cage. It had been nearly two hours later that he'd been brought back down from upstairs, beaten and in pain.

Trenton had stared at him that morning, anger filling his gaze as he'd been marched back into the cage to sit until he was called upon again.

This undercover job was supposed to last no more than a month. Now he'd been here three months. He'd thought he'd go in, help get a few names, and the police would come in and shut the place down. The longer this went on, the more Ben wondered who was really running things on his end. He didn't trust his captain, and he'd never liked the chief. It went against his sworn duty to serve and protect not to shut this place down.

Now, another shipment of women and children had been ordered to be transferred to Mexico in the next week or so, and he'd heard there was another buyer from Spain. Once the captives left here, they would be lost forever. If he could stop the transfer, he needed to. He'd already allowed it to happen too many times over the last few months.

He sipped his coffee, working on a plan, wondering if it would get everyone killed or if it would save them all. He didn't care much about his own life anymore. He'd done and seen too much to care about his own soul. He just wanted to save the kids here and stop more from being brought in. It was time he did something if his commanders wouldn't.

He waited until Trenton started to wake. The drugs took forever to wear off, and he needed Trenton clear-headed to run his plan by him. He was going to have to make it look like he wanted a little alone time with Trenton if he was going to get a chance to talk to him, but he wasn't sure how to make that happen. He'd seen others take girls into the office and do them on the desk for a bit of privacy, but no matter where he went, people could see. He needed to get him into the doctor's office or somewhere they could talk alone. Taking a chance, he glanced at Wade, who was often raping women he'd pulled from the cage. "Hey, if I wanted to…" He bit his lip and tried to look embarrassed. "If I wanted to take advantage of one of them." He pointed to the men's cage, "But didn't like anyone watching, do you think I could sneak into Dr. Frank's office for ten minutes?"

Wade raised a brow. "You got so little you're ashamed to show it?" He cupped his own crotch and laughed.

"I just don't like others watching. Besides, I'm into men. I know a lot of the guys around here don't want to see that." He'd heard Wade make several homophobic comments over the months they'd been here.

"No shit. I don't need to watch you packing fudge. If you want to sneak away for a quickie, go right ahead. At least in Dr. Frank's office, you won't have to hold him down. He's got all those spots to cuff people. Hell, you could take him fifty different ways if you want to." Wade gestured to the men in the cage. "Which one you going to pick? The blond? He looks like a cock sucker if you ask me."

Ben grinned, even though he wanted to punch Wade in the mouth. "I was thinking that one that's always so quiet. I'd like to see if I can get him to scream a little. He tries to act like none of this is getting to him, but you know it is. I want to be the one to get some kind of reaction from him."

"Go for it. It's quiet today. You want to get your rocks off, have at it. I might do the same once you're done. There's that sweet redhead in the cell they brought in a few days ago. She hasn't been called upstairs yet. I bet I could be the first to give her what she really needs."

Ben knew which girl he was talking about. She had been placed in the women's cell, but the girl couldn't be more than fifteen or sixteen. As much as he hated giving Wade any sign that he would approve of the rape and abuse, he had to. "You let me get mine and I'll cover while you get yours."

Wade high-fived him. "You really like the men, huh?" He shook his head and tutted like it was a major loss.

"Who knows what a man likes better than another man? You haven't had head until you've had another man's mouth around your cock." Ben stood. "I'm going to go grab him. Watch the gate for me so no one jumps me."

"Will do." Wade smiled. "Have fun."

Could it really be this easy? Could he get ten minutes or so alone with Trenton? They had a lot to talk about, but he couldn't keep him in there too long. Hopefully, Trenton would be willing to work with him, but he wasn't sure. After a few days, Trenton had quit talking to him, quit asking questions.

Ben did more research on Trenton's team once he'd gotten home. He found very little on the actual team, but a ton of stuff on the people they'd hunted down. Most of it never hit the news, but the police had files on each case. They had a perfect conviction rate as far as he could tell. Every pedophile they'd taken down had been guilty and the team had left enough evidence to make sure they showed what they did was justified. Well, justified as far as Ben was concerned. They might not go about things legally, and they might be a bit violent for his liking, but he understood why they did what they did. The men and women they went after were some of the worst.

He'd been happy to see there were cases where Trenton's team had taken down large rings like Isaac's. It wasn't often they took big jobs, but each one they had taken had been a success. He was sure if rescuing Trenton was on the agenda, they wouldn't fail on this one either. If Trenton agreed to help him contact them somehow.

"Up, we're going to take a visit to the Doctor's office. Just you and me." Ben forced his voice to sound suggestive.

Trenton opened his eyes, clearly still fighting off the effects of being drugged. "I didn't think rape was your thing."

"We all have our needs." He bent and lifted Trenton from the floor. "Coming peacefully or do I have to cuff you?"

"This happens either way, doesn't it? It's not like you'll let me say no." Trenton tried to stand on his own but wobbled.

Ben gripped his arm and started to lead him out, allowing Trenton to lean on him for support. He lowered his voice and leaned in close. "Just you and me. Just talk."

Trenton relaxed even more at hearing those words.

"I still would have taken the blond with the fuckable mouth," Wade called as Ben shut and relocked the gate.

"I'm more of an ass man," Ben called back. "And this one has a great ass." He led Trenton to Dr. Frank's room and opened the door. Once he got them both inside, he shut the door and was tempted to lock it, but didn't. Rules stated the doors stay unlocked in case something went wrong and someone needed help. He was already pushing his luck. He didn't need to make things even more obvious. "You okay?" He eased Trenton toward the doctor's exam table.

"What do you think? I've been raped a ton of times since I was dragged here and know I only have a lifetime of more rape to look forward to." Trenton pulled away. "Can I shower while we talk?"

"Sure." He'd just tell Wade that he'd washed the stink off Trenton before fucking him. He stepped aside to let Trenton do what he wanted, but close enough that he could catch him if he fell or stop him if he sought out a weapon to kill him.

"So talk." Trenton stumbled to the shower and twisted on the water.

"Your team, could they really get in here without getting themselves killed?"

Trenton paused and stared at Ben. "What happened to doing your job?"

"My job was supposed to last less than a month. In and out and take down these fucks. The powers that be seem to think extending things is worth the few lives we'll lose. I disagree. It's time to end this."

"If my team knows the layout and can research the place, they'll get in without a problem." Trenton scrubbed the bar of soap through his hair. "You willing to tell them all you know?"

"Everything. This needs to end. I can't sit by and wait any longer. I don't know why my captain is holding off taking this ring down. It makes no sense to me."

"Your chief is involved." Trenton cringed as he swept his hand over a large bruise on his hip. "I saw him upstairs the other night. Saw more of him than I ever cared to see." He looked disgusted. "Seems he thinks it's not gay as long as he's doing it with another woman too."

Ben's mouth fell open. "Chief Peters?"

"Yep. Seems him and his wife both like men."

"Fuck, that means…" Ben shook his head. "Then why would they send us in here in the first place? If he knew about this place and wanted to keep it open, why approve a sting?"

"Unless someone higher up forced him to and all he can do now is delay things. But it also means you and any other cops in here are in danger. The chief knows who you are and that means so does whoever runs this place."

"Shit." Ben leaned against the wall. "The names involved are huge. Two governors, a handful of senators, several big-name actors and actresses, and God knows who else. There's a full list somewhere but I'm betting Chief Peters has it buried. I don't know who I can trust and who I can't now. I thought my guys were solid."

"How many agents on the property?" Trenton leaned back against the shower wall and just let the water wash over him.

"Three. One on Isaac's team, one upstairs, and me."


"The guy who runs this place. The big boss. He is always surrounded by security when he's around. He's impatient and if he doesn't like you, you're as good as dead. He'll have one of his men put a bullet in your head without a second thought."

"He always here?"

"I'm told he lives upstairs somewhere. Has several rooms, several women to serve his needs. I've never seen more than three men with him at a time, but they are loyal to him."

Trenton closed his eyes. "What do you want from me?"

"A way to contact your team. A way to let them know you're here so they can rescue you?"

"And what do you get out of it?"

"Other than not seeing one more person raped or killed, not a damn thing, but I can't live with myself if this goes on. It was hard enough thinking I had a month of waiting, but that's turned into three. I don't see an end to this. I've become someone I hate."

"How close do they watch you?"

"Isaac has me followed at times, but not always. If he knows I'm a cop, he could be watching me more than I realized, but other than a car trailing me from time to time, I haven't seen anything. I'm sure my phone is being traced."

"Fuck, if this goes south, I'm going to get everyone killed." Trenton stood up straight. "What you need to do is call a local psychologist named Katie Burns. Play like she's your aunt and you're calling to wish her a happy birthday. Tell her you and Trenton enjoyed running into her at Xander's. Use my name often. Tell her Trenton laughed at her wild purse or Trenton still talks about her huge dog. Whatever it takes for her to catch on that you're talking about me. Ask her how your cousin Faith is doing at medical school. Then ask if you can do lunch one afternoon soon to celebrate her birthday. She'll know what to do."

Ben repeated the name, "Katie Burns?"

"Yeah, she's local. Well-known psychologist. Uninvolved enough that if you're fucking me over, she won't be hurt, but aware enough that she can get information to the people who need it." Trenton turned off the water and reached for a towel. "Don't hurt her. I'll accept this life if it keeps those I care about out of harm's way."

"We both need out of here. I'm only sorry I didn't do it sooner. I'll call her tonight when I leave here. I'm off work tomorrow, so don't panic if you don't see me until Sunday."

"I don't even know what day it is anymore. I think I've been here ten days."

Ben thought back. "About that. It's the sixth of July today. A Friday."

"I feel like it's been years." Trenton hung the towel on the rack. "My team will want numbers. Guards, hostages, everything. The more you can give them, the better they can plan." His head snapped up. "Shit, I told you Katie was local, but I don't even know where I am. I assume not far from Los Angeles, due to the police chief being here, but I really don't know."

"You're in the heart of L.A. One of the large mansions up near the observatory." Ben pulled a granola bar out of his pocket. "Eat this. We don't have long before Wade will come checking on us. I told him I just needed a quick fuck."

"Thanks." Trenton took the bar, tore off the wrapper, and took a large bite.

Ben went to the sink and poured some water into a paper cup. He held it out for Trenton after he'd finished the granola bar.

"My team, they'll send Xander to meet you. Tell him I said for you to tell him to back off. He's going to want blood and I'm afraid it will be yours."

"I can handle it." Ben smiled. "I probably owe you a little blood after the shit you've been through this week. I'm as guilty as anyone for standing by and doing nothing."

"You're nothing like them." Trenton downed the water and tossed the cup in the trash. "Okay, pinch my hips, slap my ass, make it look like you used me."

"What?" Ben shook his head.

"We have to make this look real. Just a few handprints and red marks."

"Fuck." Ben hated this, but Trenton was right. Those would be things Wade looked for. "I'm so sorry."

"Get me out of here and all is forgiven." Trenton braced his hands on the wall and angled his hips back.

Ben walked up behind him and grabbed Trenton's hips as if he was going to fuck him. He let his fingers dig into his flesh, leaving red marks and fingerprints against the pale skin. Then he slapped Trenton's ass several times, drawing out a nice red tinge. "Turn around."

Trenton did.

Ben mussed up Trenton's hair, then his own. He met Trenton's stare. "I am sorry. I wish…"

"Don't. You're doing a job. If you weren't here, there would be no one to save me, so don't start on that sorry shit. Yeah, it sucks, but you're doing the right thing now. Once this is done, I'm going to find out who is really involved and bring this whole thing down around them. I don't care who I have to take down to do it."

"You can have any information I can share. Knowing the chief is involved in this makes me furious. It also explains a lot. There's been so much hesitation, delays, secrecy. I wouldn't be shocked if my captain isn't involved as well. But now I'm curious, who sent us here and why."

"Once I'm safe, my team will find the answers." Trenton swallowed hard. "Thank you. I know this might not work and could turn into a huge clusterfuck, but you're giving me hope, and I needed that more right now than ever."

Ben nodded, but didn't feel any pride in what he was doing. "It should have happened long before they took you. If I'd stood up sooner, you'd have never been taken."

"True, but you also wouldn't have a team like mine to back you up. Call Katie as soon as you can. I know my team. They won't act until every detail is planned out. The more time you give them, the sooner they can get here."

Praying it would happen before anything else major did, Ben gestured to the door. "Remember your role. Lean on me, act pissed off, weak, and in pain."

"I don't need to act." Trenton took a deep breath. "Ready when you are."

Ben reached down and unsnapped his jeans but left the zipper up. He tried to force a sated look on his face as they walked out.

Trenton leaned somewhat on him, but also away from him. It looked as if he needed the help to move, but also didn't want to be anywhere near Ben at all. It worked.

Wade grinned and stood as he walked over and unlocked the gate to the cage. "Got what you needed?"

"Might have to take this one out for seconds later. He's good, but next time I want to feel those lips around my cock."

"I'll bite," Trenton growled.

Wade laughed. "Isn't that how it always is? Give them a good fuck and they get mad at you. They should be thanking us. Now that you got what you needed, I'm going to go take care of my own needs."

Ben pushed Trenton inside the gate and stepped back, waiting for Wade to lock it. "I'm going to get me another cup of coffee."

"Don't wanna watch me with her?" Wade grinned.

"Told ya, I'm into men. Wouldn't do much for me." He prayed Wade would take the girl in the back like he had Trenton, but doubted it. Wade liked being watched. He also liked doing it where the other women could watch so he could taunt them about being next. He really was a sick bastard.

With a plan set, Ben's nerves eased. It might all blow up in his face, but at least he was trying to do something. He had to trust Trenton to know what his team could handle, but he'd make sure they knew what they were getting into. This operation was huge and it was going to take more than a few guys to shut it down.