My Protector by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Fourteen


Yeah, I can wait.

But not for long.

How long can that sweet pussy remain unclaimed, the sweetest rose in the world without an owner to see it flower?

But I can wait.

I grind the words out to Becky and myself, but it’s clear we won’t have too much longer.

But I can wait one more night at least.

Watching her eat her first proper meal in who knows how long is something.

Feeling her come so hard in my mouth while shouting my name?

That’s worth my whole life. Knowing I have a bigger prize to claim once she’s truly mine makes me feel larger than life.

Hearing her tell me she’s sorry for this or that, not being ready after the huge day I know she’s just had?

Makes me promise myself more and more she’ll only know a different life from now on.

When she’s ready, and every second before and after that. She’s mine.

She’s on my watch from now on. My overwatch.

After I enjoy watching her eat, we soak in the tub so long we almost doze off before I can show her enough of the house that is hers now.

It’s a huge place, sure. Mostly empty rooms and polished wood or marble floors.

Something lifted from a magazine more than a bachelor pad but also a huge tax offset.

Was anyway.

Will be again.

But it’s the perfect place to raise a big family too.

Seeing her in each room as the sun rises outside, wearing one of my bathrobes that traces the floor under her, I watch as she takes in the same future I have in mind for us both.

Rooms for kids. Lots of kids, and plenty of space outside for a mutt or two, a rabbit hutch maybe?

I’ll let them decide what they really want but I know I can at least provide the castle for my queen.

It’s still wet out, but I gladly show her the garden and pool areas through the huge floor to ceiling windows.

There’s some morning sun poking through the gray of the early morning, sunbeams dance across the water of the pool and the puddles around it.

I watch her from behind, almost clutching at the glass as she gasps with amazement.

“It’s all just so… beautiful,” she exclaims.

Taking in the view I have of her fine ass, those hips I’m more familiar with now, and knowing just how much she likes to come I couldn’t agree more.

“It sure is,” I murmur to myself, feeling that strange thing I’ve never really known all over again.


“It sure is,” I repeat, moving over to take in the scent of her hair, to wrap her up in my arms again. Almost telling her something but holding back.

“It’s been a big day,” I remind us both. “You should get some sleep.”

As if on cue she stifles a yawn, but keeping her eyes front she reaches around and squeezes my cock through my robe.

“I think every day is gonna be a big day from now on,” she purrs, leaning back against me as I feel myself stiffen for her again.

I pick her up, scooping her up in my arms which makes her squeak, but feeling her soft body melt into mine tells me it’s what she really wants.

Carrying her to my bedroom I wonder just how long I can wait. The need to be inside her is more than obvious, even after my relief all over her breasts.

She does this to me, harder than steel and only wanting me to give her more straight away.

But like any queen, she needs her rest and I don’t push the issue, even though we can both feel it gently stabbing into her rump with each step I take.

I lay her in my bed.

Ourbed from today on, stroking her hair back and listening as she fights off sleep. Trying hard to stay awake for me once I lay next to her.

Talking about the house, the day. Everything that matters least to me until I hear her say it.

My little spoon. Her fine ass searching me out under the covers, driving me wild but only wanting a snuggle. That’s as close as I can get to the real thing for now.

I’ll claim her soon enough. I’ve tasted her come in my mouth, staked my claim. It’s only been one day…

She drifts off soon enough, a little smile playing on her sweet lips which I trace with my thumb before I get up again.

No way can I be so close to her like this, let alone fucking sleep. The tent pole in my robe reminding me with every beat of my heart just how much I need to fill her, fill this whole house with our babies.

I have a kind of mini-desk, an office at one end of the room. Perfect for me to fire up my laptop and keep a watchful eye on my girl at the same time as checking in on what I sense is already a busy day ahead.

Even though I’m just a lowly bouncer for now.

I’m done in but far from dusted when it comes to being double-crossed.

Twenty-plus years in the business has left me with plenty of trustful contacts, even though it was my best friend who used me in the end.

I send out a few emails to guys I know I can trust, asking for their help to find out whatever we can about Charlie Sawyer and his ‘Gentleman’s Club’.

It’s early, but my guys work strange hours, and within the first hour of watching Becky sleep I get a ping or two back.

The phone starts ringing not long after, making my jaw tense.

I need to do this, but I also wanna watch over Becky not wake her up with phone calls. The sound of my voice filling the room seems to ease her into a deeper sleep though.

That sweet smile I put on her face hours earlier still holding true as she shifts in our bed, mewing a little and sinking down into a dream I know involves me inside her.

An ex-employee calls me first, Chad.

He was our best guy once, and like everything you try to control in business, he went his own way in the end. Runs a security firm of his own now, does well from it too.

“Sawyer’s an interesting one,” he remarks, stifling a yawn of his own after some small talk that tells me he’s been up all night on the job.

Makes me realize how awake I feel, plenty of energy to burn left when I look over at Becky.

“The probation department in this city even more so,” he adds cryptically.

It stings a little to hear someone I used to pay a wage to let me know in his own way just how much he knows about my own situation.

But news travels fast, and it’s no real surprise to discover my problems are common knowledge in our industry.

Ignoring my reflex to feel bad, I ask him instead what I’ve hunched all along.

“Connected?” I ask him, lowering my voice a little only so I don’t wake Becky.

Eyeing the door and feeling my own head shake in the negative when I think to leave the room.

No. She’s mine now. My watch means eyes on her. Always.

“Let’s just say Sawyer’s gaming rooms see a lot of coin from the state as well as regular Joe’s pockets.”

I could ask a thousand questions, proof for one. But I only need to scratch that itch I’ve had since my probation officer was so keen to get me into one particular club.

They’re connected, I know it.

“There’s a lotta dirt in this city, Dillon. Trouble is though, most of it’s the glue that holds a lot of it altogether. I’d tread carefully if I was you,” he tells me.

Chad ends the call with not much more than his own hunch, letting me know he doesn’t want to get in too deep with my problems.

Looking over at Becky again after hanging up, I can see the one reason I need to do something.

Not just clear my name and get my business back, but take out some of the trash along the way.

That’s what I do. And now I have the biggest reason to do it.

Not just claim her as my own, but to guarantee we have the life I know she deserves ahead of us.

As much as I want to sit quietly and watch my girl sleep, the world’s waking up.

Even though it’s a weekend I find it stranger still that the next call I get is from my probation officer.

But I can’t say it’s totally unexpected.

“Dillon? It’s Brad Chambers. Hope I didn’t wake you?” He starts out.

The tone of his voice telling me it’s exactly why he’s calling so early on a Sunday.

“Not at all, I was just about to—” I start, wanting to explain my punching bag routine before he cuts me off.

“I’ll cut to the chase, Dillon,” he snaps over me.

“The first day on a court ordered job that sees you threaten to beat a person is a one-way ticket to a room of your own in a very big house with lots of locks, understand?”

I let out a low growl, reminding myself that just for now, I still have to play nice with authority.

The call from my probation officer isn’t a surprise after last night.

Chad was right and so’s my gut.

Sawyer and the probation office have a good thing going it seems.

My jaw tightens again, and I feel my lip curl as I watch Becky shift in her sleep again, rolling onto her side and giving me a full view of what I know this is really all about from now on.

Just enough bedding shifts to let me see her sweet ass and pussy as she moans quietly to herself.

That dream I hope she’s in intensifying.

“I understand. Perfectly,” I rasp, freeing my thick dick from under my robe before hanging up.

Feeling myself whole again as I watch over her.

My real reason for everything from now on.

My Becky.