My Protector by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Eighteen


I’ve been spoiled and in the best way.

A whole shift and then a day with Dillon that only leaves me craving him even more.

Promising myself that tonight, I will be his.

Maybe it’s fate, but being so close yet so far from him only makes me want him even more. Almost wishing I could turn back time and give myself to him last night.

Without him by my bar, looking at Marco’s mug for so many hours only makes the time pass slower.

But Dillon somehow manages to sneak in a few little visits. The early hours are easiest for him as Marco yawns and dawdles his attention away from his job.

Before I know it, it’s time to head home and my heart warms at the thought of a true home.

A beautiful, huge house with an even bigger and more beautiful man to fill it.

The ugly afternoon with my landlord and all my bills taken care of with Dillon’s own powerful and commanding style.

Exposing them for being nothing serious to begin with now he shows me that he’s a man of his word as well knowing just what he wants.

He’s quick to get me out of the club once it finally closes, even putting up with Marco’s attitude to the point of smiling at him as we both leave.

Like he has a secret that cancels everything out.

I wait until we’re in his truck, and once he’s lifted me into my side I slide over and feel my hands gripping him like he’s the one and only thing I need.

Even more than air it feels like, my own breath quick and short as I replace it with his touch.

“A whole day away from that place,” I sigh, feeling his big arm pull me in close, smelling his musky scent up close before he tilts my chin up and kisses me hard.

“What was that for?” I ask, not needing an answer, but more interested in the smile still playing on his own lips.

Dillon is very hands on but not much of a kisser. Not yet anyway.

Something tells me he’ll start living up to his promise of not stopping once he starts, and soon.

“I’ve got it,” he beams, patting his top pocket and glancing at the side and rear mirrors, a habit I figure from all his years in security.

A single look from him tells me he’s not gonna tell me everything just yet. Another surprise, but this one feels like the granddaddy of them all.

I know he’s got it, and a whole lot more. But he means something else.

I wonder if he’s taken something he shouldn’t have.


No Dillon would never steal anything and has plenty of money of his own. But he has captured something that sees him the happiest I’ve seen him since knowing him.

I’m trying to share his excitement about whatever it is, but all I really want is him and me someplace I can let him do what he does best.

His eyes shift from me to the road ahead and behind as he pulls away from the club, as eager to get me home as I am to be there.

All the while looking like he’s got the Hope diamond in his pocket, watchful if we’re being followed or something like that.

It’s not until we’re clear of the city that he seems to relax, making me realize just how tense he’s been all night. His huge body like a machine, primed for any event.

His low growl and wandering hand between my legs make me jump and shiver all over. His body telling me it’s me he’s primed for now that we’re done with work.

Done with whatever he had to do back there as I quickly forget everything once my own hand strays to his lap, feeling his heat thicken under my touch.

Dillon keeps his eyes on the road, and I know he isn’t speeding. But I become aware of how he manages to move his truck just that little bit quicker.

Using the empty early morning streets to his advantage to get us both home faster.

I feel more of him through his clothes, gnawing at my lip once I feel the real urgency between us but not wanting to distract him too much while he drives.

There’s no mention of food either, which suits me fine.

I know by instinct that my man is taking me home to claim me.

He’s more than enough to satisfy me and as I feel him through his clothes his groans tell me that food is the last thing on his mind too.

The closer we get to home, the wetter I get until I’m practically dripping, tugging at his cock through his pants.

Begging for it in my mind. Needing it in my body. Wanting to be his forever.

“We could just pull over?” I moan, more of a wild animal whimper than a question. But the man’s firm and shakes his head knowingly.

“And maybe have someone else see you as I claim you? No way. We’ll be home soon enough,” he reminds me, freeing himself from his pants and grinning as I gasp.

Both my hands look tiny as I start to explore his huge rod for the second time in as many days.

I’m gentle this time.

I don’t want this man’s cannon going off until it’s deep inside me, filling me with his babies.

Our family.

The thought makes me purr, and I literally bend down and hug his huge warmth against my face, kissing it and feeling its smooth but steely strength.

I feel his hand trace some of my hair back, and I know he’s stealing a solid glance of me.

Getting off on the fact I’m all his from now on. That I could worship his cock all night and all day tomorrow too.

The sight of his house and huge black gates swinging open can’t reach me fast enough, but I have to admit this is the best kind of foreplay.

Intense and just a little drawn out. Urgent but with a definite purpose.

At least, that’s the impression Dillon gives.

No more just coming over my tits.

Reminded of just how big he is urging me to make sure I can take all of him.

We’re both gonna be each others in a few minutes. And I’ve never felt a bigger thrill in my whole life.

I notice the gates closing firmly behind us too. Dillon’s signal to the whole world that we’re not to be disturbed, and it makes me feel safer than ever for some reason.

My own apartment’s locks were so flimsy, the windows always facing other people I could only feel a constant tension in my life.

The outside world trying to claw its way in.

With Dillon it’s different, he’s the king of his castle, and his knowing look reminds me I’ll soon be his queen as his truck skids an inch into the thick gravel driveway.

“Wait,” he demands firmly, making sure he can come around to the other side of the truck and open the door, lifting me into his arms before I even try and get out by myself.

“I’ll carry you today and every day from now on,” he says, leading me up the thick marble steps in his arms to the front door. His passkey clicking the door open only long enough for him to get us both inside before he shuts the heavy oak door closed.

“I… I...” I try to get the words out but fail while clutching at his chest and feeling his arousal grind into me. Wanting to tell him what I knew I felt on day one, but he shakes his head.

“Don’t tell me,” he rasps. “Show me. Be mine”

Letting me know we can share those three little words later. For now, he wants it as much as I do.

Beyond words.

And that’s the kind of lover Dillon is.

After carrying me to our room, he fulfills his first promise by kissing me.

He sets me down, and true to his word I know he won’t stop from today onward.

Our most special day together so far.

His lightly stubbled chin grates mine in a tender kiss and I tell myself…

This is it. The biggest moment of my life.

God, I’m so glad it’s with Dillon. I couldn’t even begin to imagine anyone else.

The whole reason I was a virgin for so long is that I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me.

Thinking he might want to pleasure me with his mouth first I prepare myself for his mouth on me again, but his arousal tells a different story.

This ship’s come home. This man needs to show me a different way from now on.

I swallow hard, not in fear, but from excitement, as I grip his length and slowly guide it towards my quivering hole once we’re finally naked on his bed.

Our bed.
