My Protector by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Six


Yeah. Like I could stand feet away from her, both of us alone in this shitty club, her in an even shittier basement while she drops her panties.

And I’m not gonna take a peek at what’s mine, what’s just waiting to be claimed?

Fucking hell she’s more than I could have ever asked for, and I mean much more when I watch her head down the stairs. The round bulbs of her sweet ass shifting under the skin tight black skirt she has on until she’s out of view.

My thick arousal springing to life, her body’s secret messages telling me she’s more than ready for me.

In seconds I’m halfway down the stairs and in another few I can hear her moaning, the scent of her sweet essence filling the air as she works that pussy of hers, trying to claim what’s mine before I’ve even seen it.

You crafty, horny little girl. Needing the bathroom indeed.

Nice try, but no more trying to do everything on your own.

I’m here now, baby. And I’m going to teach you just how a good girl learns to take what’s coming to her.

She sounds so close, and I know she must sense me here. My dick is in my hand in a second, squeezing not tugging this time.

I need to keep a handle on things until I can fill her sweet hole with all I have for her.

But the thought of her coming, without me even touching her or taking her in my mouth?

No. Not here and not yet anyway. I need to decide where and when she’ll come from now on. And I need to do a fair bit of it myself, all the way up inside her tight little baby maker.

That’s her job from now on.

Being filled, and coming like she’s never come before.

I’ll take care of everything else.

Tasting her is like the sweetest honey, which I share with her and let her taste a little of mine too.

It’s nothing compared to what she’s gonna get, but it should be enough to explain to her that she’s mine now.

I’m not letting her out of my sight. Not for a minute.

Not even to use the bathroom by herself.

We both hear a muffled voice from above, the heavy step of someone near the bar which makes her gasp.

Bringing her back down to earth.

She tries to move past me, but I cup her sex, pressing my fat dick hard up against her soft voluptuous body.

“This is mine now. You’re mine now,” I tell her. Shocking myself at how sure I sound.

Cock sure.

She nods again, eager to please me but also eager not to lose her job.

“Mine.” I remind her, just one more time, leaning down to whisper it into her ear, feeling the softness of her blond bangs against my face, the heat of her skin warming my lips.

Lips that long for hers even though she’s so close to me. Inches away from paradise and we’re sidestepping it all for the sake of a few dollars.

“Becky? BECKY! Where the hell are you?” I hear the not-so-muffled voice shouting.

The door at the top of the stairs swings open, and I make sure my back is turned and Becky’s decent.

But my raging hard on is still out and Becky gasps, one part of her looking up at her boss, the other wanting to worship my cock.

Her hand reaches out one more time and gives me a few clumsy jerks before moving past me, as she calls up to our boss.

“Coming Mr. Sawyer. I was just coming…” She pipes cheerily, a new and confident edge in her voice which makes me smile to myself.

I zip myself back in, and making my way up the stairs behind her, I make sure my face is only two inches from that perfect ass of hers.

My eyes only moving to appreciate her childbearing hips as she walks up the stairs.

Poetry in motion, which only makes my freshly stowed meat harder than ever, and ever more eager to fill her to the hilt.

“Oh. You’re here,” Sawyer frowns, glancing at his watch, sweaty and looking like he’s just woken up.

Using a few fingers tucked into the back of her skirt, I keep Becky in front of me for now.

Only letting her loose once I know my arousal isn’t showing so much.

“Early is good, but it doesn’t pay any extra,” Sawyer cautions me, annoyed at my grin which I must admit is hard to swipe.

“Something funny?” he snaps, looking from me to Becky, the thought of what must be obvious flashing through a tiny part of his mind before he shakes his head.

No, of course, they weren’t. They couldn’t have been.

Yeah, we were, and I would have claimed her there and then if you hadn’t interrupted, you drunk pig.

As much as I want her to have five stars everything, the sight of her creamy little slit filled with her sweet little fingers up to the second knuckle was just too much for me to stand and watch.

“C’mere Dillon. Need a word,” Sawyer puffs, reaching for a cigar and striding ahead of us, making his way back through the door for the special member’s.

I guess I’m supposed to follow him.

“Remember Becky,” I warn her, letting my hand trace lightly between her thighs. “Mine now. And I’ll tell you when you can and can’t play with it from now on.”

She shudders a breath, nodding hard and I hear her sigh as I leave the front lounge area into the one under Sawyer’s office.

He motions me to a seat, a drink already on a coaster on his side of the table. A yellow folder next to it with a familiar looking pink sheet peeking out from it

“She’s shown you around?” he asks, disinterested until he gulps his drink down.

“Oh, I saw everything,” I tell him with enthusiasm, smiling again at the memory I’ll cherish forever.

“Good,” he smiles back, his eyes glazing from more than vodka.

I can tell he’s still congratulating himself on hiring the most badass looking doorman in history and making a profit from it.

So what. I’ve got what I came for and before I’ve even started my first shift.

All I need to do now is take care of that two faced bastard Matt, get my business back, and Becky and I will be home free.

I know I’ll be claiming her before then though.

With a floor show like I just had, there is no waiting for a second longer than I have to before I make it official.

Show her how a real man claims that pretty little cunt of hers, not using small fingers either. Ten inches of solid steel is what she needs.

I can’t believe it, but I can totally believe it. Hell, I can still taste her on my breath.

Her sweet little pussy. That perfect ass and those perfect round tits.

All mine. For me.


“I just need you to sign a couple of things here…” Sawyer mutters, breathing in heavy as he fishes for some paperwork as I resent the interruption to my thoughts.

It’s clear the man’s a night person, and only operates when he’s at a level of drunk that would probably kill most people.

“Insurance, tax. And… Our good friends at the probation office need a privacy statement signed as well as that pink slip from before. Making it official,” he says cheerfully, giving a quick and totally fake smile before filing everything away once I’ve signed my name.

Tucking it under his arm, he stands slowly and eyeing the door I came through, tells me how things are from now on.

“You stay on that side of the club. Do your job and don’t ask any questions. Members only, capeesh?” he asks, his sudden shift in mood changing the features in his face.

“They’ll have a password, changes every night. You’ll get paid in two weeks,” he clips, spinning on his drunk ass heel like a prima ballerina, completely in charge now that he’s had a skin full and makes his way back to his office.

“What’s the password?” I call out after him, not surprised when he turns and gives me a dark look.

“Ask the girl,” he growls. “If I yell it out to you it’s hardly a fucking secret is it?”

I shrug and laugh quietly to myself.

This is the strangest, most amazing day of my whole life.

I thought Becky might just slap my face or scream at my advances, but then again after what I caught her doing? What I know she was thinking about while she was doing it is more to the point.

I hasten to get back to her, eager not to let her out of my sight, but I’m too late.

There are a half dozen ‘members’ in the front bar and lounge area already, making me tense up.

Making me annoyed to the point of feeling mad about it.

Protective of her.

Overprotective some might say.

I wanted her to myself for a while longer yet and I give a disapproving look to show it.

She mouths ‘sorry’, pulling beers now instead of pulling at my aching dick. Smiling a fake smile for pricks I’d rather see pinned to the brickwork outside like flies with their wings pulled off.

The six guys here, I figure they’re regulars because Becky seems fine with them.

No password from everyone then? And who has a password anyway? Sounds like a kid’s clubhouse instead of a god damned gentleman’s club.

No doubting it. I almost watched her claim what’s mine, and now I’m pissed because I have to wait hours and hours before I can even begin to stake my own claim on her sleek, sweet little hole.

I grind my jaw, shifting my focus to what I know best.

Looking like I mean business and watching over things. Making sure everything’s as it should be.

Watching over my Becky most of all.

Counting the seconds until I can feel her again, undressing her in my mind for the next ten hours.

Counting the seconds until she’s bouncing on my fat cock, filled with my seed.

That’s how things should be.

How things will be from now on.