Love Lessons by Cassie Mint



One Year Later

I drift between the library stacks, peering up the spines of endless books. The stack in my arms is already weighing me down. Making my muscles burn.

“Want a hand?”

I turn to tell my would-be savior ‘no’. That I’ve got it, thank you. But when I spin, I find Ellis leaning against the book case, a smirk tugging his mouth.

“Oh my god!” I yelp. Someone shushes me from three stacks over. “Oh my god,” I whisper, rolling my eyes. Ellis grins, pushing upright and plucking the pile of books out of my arms. He drops a kiss on my forehead.

“I love it when you call me that.”

“Shut up.” I trail him between the bookcases. “I thought the conference was until tomorrow morning.”

I’ve been counting the days. Sighing like a war widow. Leona has thrown at least three pens at my head.

“I drove back early.” Ellis winks at me over his shoulder. “Couldn’t keep away.”

This is it. The feeling grows in my chest, expanding until I might float up to the ceiling. This is it. The man I love. This is the rest of my life.

“I missed you,” I murmur, my throat weirdly tight. He glances at me, concerned. And why shouldn’t he be? Two seconds ago, we were messing around. Chatting playfully.

Now there’s a lump in my throat and tears swim in my eyes.

“Avery.” He gathers me against his chest. Tucks my head under his chin. “Sweet girl. I always miss you.”

It’s hard not having him near. Oh, we spend every night together. We see each other every day. But since Ellis took a job at a neighboring college, I can’t sneak into his office anymore. Can’t peer around for him in the crowds.

“Stupid rules,” I mutter. Ellis tips his head back and laughs. Someone shushes us again, but he ignores them, unfazed.

In fact, he backs me up against the bookshelves. Kisses me hard, then nips at my chin.

“You like some rules,” he murmurs, his free hand sliding up my waist. Grazing the underside of my breast. “Breaking them, anyway.” He places my pile of books on the shelf. Grips both my hips and squeezes tight. “Shall I make you feel better, Avery?”

I nod, grinning blearily at the ceiling as he ducks his head. Licks and nibbles at my neck.

It’s hard when he’s gone, yes. But he’s back now.

And we have the rest of our lives to make up for lost time.