Sold by Clarissa Wild


With my eyeslocked on her, I watch as she lifts her chin in defiance, the fierce fight I remember from the club making her green eyes shimmer like emeralds.

Her eyes land on me, and surprise and recognition flash over her face.

Good, she remembers me.

The corner of my mouth lifts when I see horror and rebelliousness war in her eyes.

My kitten has the spirit of a tiger.

The thought makes my cock grow achingly hard.

Flashes of her spread over my bed, her thighs quivering as I drive my cock into her tight pussy fills my mind, making my desire for her spiral out of control.

I have to own her.

Claim her.

Make her mine until only my name spills from her lips.

“See something you like?” Igor asks suddenly, drawing my attention away from my girl as fuckers begin to bid on her like they even stand a chance.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” I mutter as I turn my eyes back to my prize. She’s staring at the other men with absolute horror, and I hate the expression on her face. I will be the only one she fears.

I left my paddle at the other table, and without bothering to ask permission, I grab Igor’s paddle. “Two hundred,” I call out while leaning casually back in the chair.

“Two ten,” a fucker calls out to my right.

“Two fifty,” Stefan joins in.

Over my dead fucking body.

Lifting the paddle, I say, “Three hundred.”

Igor lets out an amused chuckle, then murmurs, “You have excellent taste, my friend.”

“Three fifty,” Stefan calls.

He’s trying to one-up me, that fucker.

Two seconds pass without any other bids, and it seems it’s between Stefan and myself now.

“Four hundred,” I counter his bid as our eyes lock.

Stefan gives me a smirk. “Four fifty.”

Fuck him and his goddamn smirk. He should be happy I don’t carve him a new smile right here, right now.

My lip curves up into a vicious smile. “Five hundred.”

Time slows down to a crawl as I wait for Stefan to make his next move. Everyone’s attention is on us, the air tense. I turn my gaze back to the stage. My kitten’s eyes are locked on me, and I can almost feel the hope shining from her eyes.

“Five fifty,” Stefan balks, and I throw him a damning look.

The girl on the stage is begging me with her eyes. She might not admit it out loud, but she wants me to win and buy her. To take her away from these nightmarish men.

So I fucking will.

Soon, she’ll belong to me, and I’ll do with her as I please. I’ll take her home and make her my pet. I’ll engrave every inch of her body into my mind. I’ll get to taste her pussy and feast on her breasts.

Most importantly, I’ll make her ache for my cock until she begs me to take her.

I don’t even look at anyone else but her as I speak the words, “One million.”

The room fills with audible gasps as though I said something forbidden. Unthinkable.

And I did.

All the money I was saving for those fucking guns will be spent on a simple girl. At least, that’s what these men around me would say.

But to me, she is no ordinary girl. And I will gladly pay the price for this jewel.

“Mr. Lizak? Your bid?” the man on the stage asks.

Stefan grins at me, then he says, “I’ll let Mr. Dellucci have this one.”

As if he ever stood a chance.

A suited man with an earpiece comes up to me. “Mr. Dellucci, your acquisition will be delivered to a bunk room for inspection at your leisure. Would you like me to take you there now?”

“Yes,” I murmur as I stand. Adjusting my suit’s jacket, I follow the man out of the room. Excitement stirs in my veins. It’s been a long time since there was anything to be excited about. Way too fucking long.

“Thank you for the business,” Igor calls as I walk away. I don’t look back or bother shooting him a reply

The man takes me below deck and down a long, narrow hallway to a closed door. There’s a glass bubble set in the door at eye level. I catch a glimpse of movement inside the room and a muffled scream, “Let me out!”

The sound brings out the predator in me.

“Your purchase, sir,” the man says.

“Thank you,” I reply, and the man returns to the upper level, leaving me alone with my prize.

I can’t wait to let my eyes feast on her up close. To let my hands roam all over her naked body and force her down on her knees.

I rest my hand on the doorknob and pause for a second. Closing my eyes, I force myself to take a deep breath so I don’t show her how eager I am to own her. To take another look into those beautiful green eyes and make her my plaything.

All the power lies with me, and it makes me feel as if I’m on a high. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. And even though I don’t fucking know her yet, this woman has an addictive mixture of innocence and sex appeal, and it’s weaving a spell around me.

Enough to make me want to know all there is to know about that sinful looking body of hers.

Lifting my chin, the corner of my mouth lifts as I go into predatory mode, ready to pounce on the prey that’s been haunting my thoughts since I laid eyes on her in that club.

Ready or not, kitten. Here I come.