Serpent of the Abyss by S.J. Sanders

Chapter 22

Lori jumped to her feet as whispers echoed in the tunnel, but unlike the soft, indistinct noises that made her heart thump erratically when she was left alone, this one progressively got louder, and was accompanied by a glow that progressively got brighter. Unnerved, she scrambled further from the entrance, but before she could even begin to hunt for a weapon, she heard a familiar hum and relaxed.

Two red eyes shone in the dark, as did his beautiful bioluminescent spots and gavo. They were faint at first but brightened as he got closer. As the distance between them rapidly decreased, she was able to see the shine of his dark scales and the hard lines of his lower face thanks to the helmet he carried tucked under one arm.

His mouth widened in his strange, inhuman version of a smile, and he whipped the helmet out, holding it by the strap as he presented it to her.

She looked down at it in surprise, oddly touched by the gesture. She had complained about her inability to see, and Slengral had immediately gone out to fetch it for her. No wonder he had been gone so long. It was a miracle he had even found it at all.

Gingerly she took it, her fingers skimming along the surface. It was dented in several spots where it had obviously struck hard against rocks, but the light functioned, and the inside was undamaged and wearable.

Now if there were any sort of emergency, or any strange noises, she wouldn’t be completely at the mercy of the cave. It was such a relief that she felt tears spring to her eyes, only to be impatiently swiped away by her fingers. She wasn’t about to cry and make herself appear weaker than he already had to see her. Instead, she smiled up at him gratefully.

“Thank you, Slengral. This is incredible!”

“You are pleased?” he asked cautiously, his eyes trained on her face.

She jerked her head in a rapid nod. “Yes, I’m very pleased.” A giddy little laugh escaped her. “I can’t believe you found it. This is a wonderful surprise! Thank you!”

She beamed up at him as his wings fluttered with unrestrained pleasure, the tip of his tail curling around itself as it stretched forward and brushed her leg. It curled around her ankle, a lilting song vibrating in his throat.

Lori stepped closer, enjoying the sweet sound of it washing over her body. Although this song was different than the one that had ignited her desire, she still inched closer to the source until her body pressed against his, her breasts flattening against his upper abs. The vibration startled, leaping before it shifted and settled in something that curled her toes. Still not too much, still not overwhelming. A shameful part of her wished for the other song that made her want to writhe against him. To be uncontrolled for once in her life and truly chase the culmination of her desire.

Sadly, Slengral was obeying her utterly, his song remaining warm and affectionate and nothing more as his arms settled around her, enfolding her within his embrace. Her body quivered under their weight and touch. His claws skimmed over the top of her uniform. For the first time she actually regretted the fact that he had eventually capitulated to her wearing clothes again. He still didn’t like it, and if his growl was any indication, their presence was frustrating him as much as it was her. She wanted—needed—to feel the erotic scrape of claws against her skin.

A heat struck low in her belly, spreading through her and sending a tingle between her thighs as she was caught under an unexpected wave of arousal. She clung to him, her breath coming out in little gasps as she pressed further against him. His tail twisted higher up her leg, the tip teasing her inner thigh.

Lori gasped and moaned under the sensual touch, and a rattling purr-like sound vibrated through his chest on a low hum.

“This pleases me too,” he murmured. “I wish nothing more than for you to know great comfort and happiness with me. I hope you are just as happy with my second gift.”

She sighed against his scales, unable to stop the warm, melty feeling from returning in her chest. Her heart and sex seemed entirely in agreement, tempting her far more than she dared to act on. The warmth lasted only a moment before her ardor suddenly cooled and she blinked as her brain caught up with the rest of what he said.

“Second gift?”

He smiled at her again as the rasp of scales against the cave floor met her ears. Sounds that were not coming from him. Her fingers tightened on her helmet’s strap as she slowly looked over toward the entrance and froze. Glowing citrine and emerald eyes stared back at her as two large males slipped in. The first was a little smaller and leaner than Slengral but still an impressive stature compared to a human; the second that entered behind him nearly eclipsed the other males in the room. The enormous Seshanamitesh nearly blocked out the light of half of one wall as he drew closer to her and stared down at her with a flat gaze.

“Oh… my,” she choked.

She was feeling lightheaded, and it was a wonder that it didn’t just fail right there on the spot. As if her fear was leeching every bit of strength out of her body. Maybe she was about to faint. Was that one of the symptoms? She couldn’t remember. Or maybe it was seeing spots, but it was too dark to really tell if she was seeing spots in front of her eyes.

Her breath panted as she stumbled back from Slengral’s side, her eyes darting back and forth between them. Why had he brought them? Had he lulled her into a false sense of safety and then brought these other two for some nefarious reason? She shook her head. That didn’t even make sense to her. Why bring her helmet so that she wouldn’t be afraid just to go out of his way to terrify her by bringing strangers into the nest?

“Your female does not look well,” the big one rumbled in an impossibly deep voice, cutting a hard gaze toward Slengral. “Have you not been properly caring for her?”

Slengral looked toward her in confusion, his eyes searching her face. He stretched an imploring hand to her. “What is wrong, ashlava? Do not be frightened. This is my gift to you.”

“What?” she croaked, her voice quivering. “How is the presence of two strangers a gift to me?”

The smaller citrine-eyed male glanced over at Slengral, his mouth dropping open in what could only be surprise.

“Did you not tell her we were coming? I thought that was the reason you went ahead while I retrieved Daskh, so that we would not frighten her!”

The large horn-like spines on Slengral’s head and the fanned edges of his ears twitched with discomfort. His red eyes turned toward her, the pupils widening as he bowed his head apologetically.

“I had not yet had the chance. I was enjoying her pleasure of the first gift and not yet had the opportunity,” he admitted.

The larger male—Daskh—grunted and turned his head to peer down at her once more. A low resonate hum rose within his chest. It vibrated through but only briefly before it silenced once more. She blinked in surprise. Did they identify and greet each other by a humming vocalization too? She had experienced several distinct varieties of Slengral’s song, but she hadn’t realized that there might be one that identifies them as a greeting. She knew that voice quality alone in human singers made it easy to distinguish one singer from another. It would make sense though considering the world that they lived in that they would take this even further.

So much of the Seshanamitesh seemed to be defined by vocalization and singing that it awed her. They literally lived their lives fully within music.

“I am Daskh,” the big male said immediately after his song quieted, confirming her speculation. “Slengral was to have told you that he asked me, and Kehtal,” he nodded toward the other male at his side, “to help keep you company and watch over you so that you are not alone when he must leave the nest.”

She blinked again. She was doing a lot of blinking, it seemed, but her brain just struggled to keep up with all the craziness she was being introduced to. These males weren’t, strictly speaking, a gift. He brought her security and companionship so she wouldn’t be alone and scared.

“Wow,” she breathed out, overwhelmed.

Lori looked at over Slengral to find him watching her, his body language tight with worry. He was dangerous and dominant, and yet his uncertainty in wanting to make her happy was far too endearing. More so because it was so clearly genuine. There didn’t seem to be a drop of guile within him.

She swallowed as she met the eyes of the two other males waiting expectantly. “So you’re going to just… remain here… with me any time that Slengral leaves?”

Kehtal flicked his head spines. “Yes, on rotation. Daskh and I will alternate days that we are here with you. Slengral insisted that this was necessary for your comfort and health.” He cast a cunning look toward the male in question. “And I think it will calm his mind as well knowing you are protected.” His mouth split in a grin. “I may not look as strong, but I am very capable of keeping the nest safe.”

Lori’s swept her eyes over him without thinking and flushed. “I think you look more than capable, actually,” she said.

The male’s eyes sparkled with delight, and he laughed, the raspy sound tickling the inside of her ear, making her smile in return.

“I thank you. It is not often that I enjoy a female’s admiration,” he replied, his own eyes taking her in leisurely.

Slengral stiffened, his tail whipping around her as his jaw dropped in a terrible rattling growl. Although Daskh’s tail twitched uncomfortably, Kehtal’s grin was unrepentant in the face of the male’s ire.

“Do not be offended, Slengral. I know that she is your ashlava,” he soothed. “I will not do anything to violate your nest or mate.”

Lori considered pointing out that she was not, in fact, Slengral’s mate but common sense stopped her. She didn’t know what other males might do if she contested Slengral’s right of capture. Would they consider her fair game?

She certainly didn’t want anyone trying to take her from him.

Daskh then inhaled, drawing her scent against the roof of his mouth with his tongue. His brow ridges lowered.

“She does not scent of you like a female should. Nor do you scent of her adequately. You have not fully initiated mating with her. You lied, why?” he growled.

Slengral’s tail snapped against the ground so sharply that she jumped as he rounded on the larger male, undaunted at all in their size discrepancy.

“She is mine,” he snarled. “I have agreed to follow the mating process of her people and wait until she is ready to join with me, but I have claimed her with all rights due.”

“He’s right,” Lori broke in. “I did ask him to, so that we have time to get to know each other. We’re not even the same species,” she reminded them all.

“Yet your mating pheromones flood this nest,” he spat. “This smells of deceit to me. You would risk your welfare and your nest for this?”

Slengral snarled at his friend, the ridges around his mouth lifting in a way that they clearly exposed his impressive teeth.

“You will not speak so of my mate. Not in my nest!”

Daskh flicked an unconcerned gaze toward him, but his brilliant eyes narrowed on her. As much as she wanted to wilt under that intense scrutiny, Lori met it unflinchingly. It was as close to the truth as he was going to get, so he was going to have to accept it. His disapproval changed nothing.

In the end, Daskh grunted and turned away, reserving any further commentary, but he didn’t look convinced. Even comparatively easygoing Kehtal had seemed to observe the exchange with concern, and continued to eye everyone cautiously, even after the larger male backed off. Lori only hoped that she would be able to get to the surface soon. She cared for Slengral and didn’t want anything to happen to him if what Daskh inferred was true, nor for him to lose the respect of his friends.

For everything to be okay for everyone, she needed to get back to the colony soon.