Mafia Princess by Kennedy Slope

Chapter Nine

Lunch has felt awkward and stiff. I couldn’t stop thinking about what my mother had said to me, and whatever my father and Dominic had talked about hadn’t left either of them in a good mood.

“I need a drink,” Dominic said. He immediately poured himself a scotch the second that we got into the car.

I raised a brow as I watched him down one scotch and pour himself another. “What did you and my father talk about?” I asked.

Dominic raised a brow and took a sip of his second drink. “Weren’t you ever told not to ask questions?”

I felt my shoulders tense. “I’m just trying to make conversation,” I said. I didn’t know how to talk to the man that I was married to. Except for the fact that we both grew up in mob families, neither of us had anything in common.

“I don’t need conversation from you,” he snapped. “Weren’t you bred to sit still and look pretty?”

I felt my jaw snap shut with such force that I was surprised that I hadn’t cracked a tooth. I wanted to tell Dominic to go to hell, but my tongue felt as though it were stuck to the roof of my mouth.

I couldn’t stop replaying the words that my mother had spoken to me. She made it clear that she wanted me to find out information that would help bring Dominic and the Blanchi family down, and I wondered if it was something that I should be doing.

“When do you start classes?” Dominic asked.

“What?” I turned to look at him, shocked that he was talking to me. He hadn’t said much to me directly over the last few months, so the fact that he was now talking to me, and asking me about something, was shocking.

“When do you start classes?” he asked.

“Tomorrow,” I told him. “I created my schedule so that I would only have classes on Monday and Wednesday, and I can do homework on Tuesday and Thursday.” In truth, I hadn’t wanted to take advantage of what I had perceived as Dominic’s good will. I worried that after the frat party fiasco he might not be happy with me going to school.

Dominic didn’t say anything, and for a moment, I worried that he wasn’t going to let me go. I felt the pit of despair that my mother put into my stomach.

“I’ll make sure that you have a driver,” he said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “I was just going to take the subway,” I said. “I mapped out a route, and I can get to campus in thirty minutes.”

I was talking quickly, but I didn’t want to give Dominic too much time to consider not allowing me to go to class. I hadn’t wanted to marry him, but I couldn’t ignore that there was a freedom in my marriage that I wasn’t going to get when I returned home.

“I’ll assign one of my men to drive you,” he said once more.

I bit the inside of my lip trying to keep my frustration at bay. “I already told you…” I started.

Dominic turned his dark eyes on me. “This isn’t negotiable,” he said.

“You’ve barely spoken to me in weeks, and now, you want to dictate how I get to class?” I asked, incredulously.

“You’re my wife,” he said.

I rolled my eyes, another trait that my mother would absolutely abhor. “We both know that this isn’t a real marriage. Me being in school will give you the freedom to do whatever you want without me hanging around.”

All of the stress of the last few days was starting to overtake me. Between the way Dominic treated me, and my mother’s words, I felt like a bottle of champagne that had been shaken up.

I pulled a hand through my hair. “I’ve got school covered. You don’t need to worry about me going to another party. I learned my lesson.” I spit the words out with hatred as I remembered the way that Dominic has punished me.

I resumed looking out of the window, assuming that Dominic would simply let things go. I was wrong.

I felt the tight squeeze of Dominic’s fingers as he grabbed around my jaw and wrenched my head towards him. “Don’t fucking turn away from me,” he sneered.

My eyes widened as I looked at him. Dominic always seemed to be angry, but there was something about him that made me quake slightly. I tried not to allow my fear to show too much. Dominic seemed to get off on my fear.

I remembered what my mother had said about men like him wanting my innocence, and it only served to make me more angry. I was so tired of people taking advantage of me because they saw me as an easy target.

I wrenched my face out of his hands.

“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” I said. I could hardly believe the words that were coming out of my mouth, but the events of the day were too much, and I couldn’t hold in the anger that I was feeling any longer.

Dominic didn’t flinch once. He became almost deadly silent, and I worried that I might have pushed him too far, but I had gone too far to pull back now.

Before I could think about what was happening, Dominic’s hand was around my throat, and I was on my back. His face loomed above mine, and I felt my shoes slip off my feet as I jerked upwards.

“It seems like you forgot your place here,” he said, eyes blazing, and for the first time, I really did worry that he might kill me.

My father had told me stories of the Blanchi family, and the horrible things that they did to people. My own brother had fallen to them.

Dominic’s hot breath played across my ear as he nuzzled my cheek. “I thought I was getting an obedient wife, but it seems that I’m going to have to do a bit of breaking.” His words stirred the righteous fire inside of my belly, and I started to struggle against him, not caring that my actions caused his hand to tighten around my throat.

“Screw you!” I screamed as loud as I could. It didn’t have the bit I wanted with Dominic’s hand around my throat. I was too angry to panic at the tightness of his grip.

“Cut it out,” Dominic growled in my ear. His free hand was squeezing my thigh as he tried to hold me down. The firm grip of his fingers squeezed into my skin, and I knew that I was going to have bruises all over my body in the morning.

“Let me go,” I yelled. I tried to buck up against his grip, but all it did was smash our bodies together and cause Dominic to squeeze so tightly that I started to see patches of black around the edges of my vision.

“I want something to be perfectly clear to you,” Dominic whispered in my ear. I felt his hand moving up my thigh until his fingers were skimming my panties. I didn’t want him touching me, but I didn’t have much of a choice. “I own you. Whether you fucking like it or not.”

I bit my lip to try and suppress the moan that threatened to release from me as Dominic skimmed his finger over my clit. We hadn’t had sex since that first night, but it was like my body remembered the way that Dominic had made it feel.

His grip on my throat loosened just enough to allow me to get more air into my lungs. I was grateful because Dominic’s touch was starting to make me pant in embarrassed need.

“Do you like that?” Dominic asked. His finger slid inside of me, and I released a long, low moan. I couldn’t help myself. As much as I wanted to tell Dominic to go fuck himself, I also wanted to beg him to fuck me.

“Stop,” I moaned out. I tried to scoot away from him, but his body was pinning me to the seat.

Dominic ignored me and slithered down my body, pushing the bottom of my dress up around my waist.

Despite my experience, I knew exactly what Dominic was planning to do to me, and I couldn't stop myself from tensing in anticipation as I felt him pressing kisses along my panty line.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked, his tone muffled from his lips being pressed against my skin.

His words immediately made me tense, as I recalled how he’d played me the last time we had been in a car together. I’d been ready to promise him anything for an orgasm, and he had left me high and dry as punishment.

Once more I tried to squirm away, but he just wretched my legs further apart.

“I don’t want this,” I told him.

Dominic chuckled, and I could feel his breath playing across my clit. “The fact that you are dripping on the seat tells me otherwise.”

My cheeks flamed in embarrassment. “Besides, I’m not interested in what you want. You belong to me.”

It was the last thing Dominic said before he leaned down and started lapping at me through my panties. The feel of his tongue through the lace made me gasp in pleasure.

“Oh God,” I moaned before pressing my hand to my mouth. I couldn’t believe that I was allowing this to happen, but as Dominic nibbled on my clit and pleasure surged through me, I felt myself forgetting about the things that he said to me and just allowing myself to melt into his touch.

“Do you like that?” I could practically feel the smug smile against my skin, but I couldn’t care. My mind was flooded with pleasure, and all I wanted was to feel the orgasmic bliss that I knew Dominic could bring me. “Tell me,” Dominic demanded as he bit the tip of my clit.

“Fuck,” I moaned out. My legs clamped together around his head as sparks of pleasure exploded behind my eyes.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Dominic said. He leaned away from me, ripping my panties as he went.

I blinked as I felt the warmth of his body leave my own. “What are you doing?” I asked. I hated how breathy I sounded.

“I’m going to fuck you,” Dominic said, and there was something about the sound of his voice that made a shiver of fear trickle down my spine. His normally dark eyes were almost completely black, and once more, Dominic looked every inch the mob boss.

“Stop,” I said. I started backing away as much as I could, but since we were in the car, there wasn’t anywhere to go.

Dominic undid his belt allowing his cock to spring free. “Come here,” he said. He reached for my ankle pulling me towards him. My naked ass slid across the seat leaving an embarrassing wet trail on the seat. Dominic was right. I was practically dripping, but I didn’t want him. He treated me like nothing, and I wasn’t keen to share my body with someone who saw me as an object.

“I don’t want you,” I told Dominic, placing my hands on his chest. I tried to push him away. I hoped that he would respect me enough to listen.

Instead, he gripped my hips and pulled me into his lap. “Don’t lie to yourself,” he told me. “I can feel you wetting my dick.”

My cheeks burned with embarrassment because he was right. I was so desperate for...who knew what...that I was willing to allow my husband, who could care less about me, screw me. I’d once dreamed of love and happiness, and now, I was getting sex and degradation.

“Be a good girl,” he whispered as he lowered me on his dick. “And I’ll make sure you are rewarded.”

Dominic lowered me onto his cock, and I released a hiss from this new position. I had only had sex a few times one night, and I hadn’t tried this position, which seemed to make the Dominic’s cock feel even bigger.

“God,” Dominic groaned, “you are so fucking tight.”

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t speak. If I did, I was sure I was going to cry because despite the fact that my body wanted Dominic, the way he treated me made me feel like scum. Dominic didn’t seem to care. He thrust in and out of my body barely giving me time to adjust before he plowed into me with a force that made me feel his cock in my throat.

I closed my eyes to stem the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks. Instead, I did my best to lose myself in the bits of pleasure that Dominic was sparking in my body.

Dominic’s lips latched themselves to the side of my neck as he thrust up inside of me, and the combination of the pleasure and pain made my inside clenched tightly.

“Fuck,” Dominic groaned.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to fuck the thoughts out my brain. He might be a shit husband, but at least I knew that he was good for something. At least, that was what I told myself, so I didn’t feel like complete shit as I hurled towards an orgasm.

“Come for me,” he ordered.

I moaned. I was close, but there was something blocking me from reaching the pleasure that I knew was waiting for me. I couldn’t get out of my head no matter how I wanted.

“Look at me Sasha,” Dominic ordered, and my eyes immediately snapped open, and I looked at him. “Stop thinking and just feel.”

I shook my head. “I can’t,” I moaned. I could practically feel the orgasm building inside of me as Dominic continued to hit a spot inside of me, but I couldn’t quite catch a grip on the pleasure that was promised.

Dominic reached a hand down and pressed his thumb to my clit causing a yelp to release from my mouth. Dominic’s thumb circled over my small bundle of nerves, and before I could think any further, my orgasm exploded through me.

Dominic thrust furiously inside of me, and the pleasure almost became too much. I started pushing against him trying to escape the pleasure before it turned to pain, but luckily, Dominic exploded inside of me covering me with his sticky cum.

I collapsed across his back exhausted from the physical and emotional turmoil of everything that had happened. If I closed my eyes, I could pretend that Dominic and I were normal people, with a normal marriage, who had just had a romantic interlude in the car.

That didn’t last very long though. Dominic moved me from his lap causing us to disconnect with a hiss.

He discarded me on the seat before pulling out his pocket square and cleaned himself up.

“Here,” he said, handing me his pocket square as he tucked himself inside of his pants. “Clean yourself up.”

I took the sticky piece of fabric disgusted with him and myself. “I’m fine,” I said, pulling my dress down over my knees. I could feel my bottom lip trembling as the car started to pull to a stop. “I’m fine,” I said.

Dominic shrugged. “If you want my cum dripping down your legs, I guess that’s on you.”

His coldness felt like another knife in the back. I didn’t know why. Dominic hadn’t done anything to make me think that he cared about me or this marriage. I had just thought that we would eventually come to some sort of mutual agreement.

“I’ll make sure that the car is ready for you tomorrow morning,” Dominic said, as his driver opened my door.

“Are you not coming inside?” I asked. I hated how small I sounded. I’d spent a grand total of five minutes sticking up for myself before I became a meek little mouse once more.

“I’ve got business to attend to,” he said.

I stepped out of the car embarrassed at the way I must look. I turned back hoping that I would see some semblance of humanity from the man I had just allowed inside my body, but instead, Dominic was on his phone, looking every inch the mafia king.

Just an hour ago, I couldn’t imagine helping my mother take down Dominic. After all, he was my husband. But now, as I walked into the house with his cum trickling out of me, hurt and humiliated, I wondered if I should reconsider helping get my monstrous husband off of the street.