A Shadow in the Reaping by Brynne Weaver


Thank you so much for reading A Shadow In The Reaping! I absolutely loved writing this book and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please consider leaving a review; not only will it help me to reach more readers, but it will also bring some sunshine to my day! Writing can be a very solitary, lonely process, and the feedback I receive truly does keep me going. And please reach out, I’d love to hear from you! I really do love to hear from readers and I’m always happy to answer questions. You can find me here:




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ASITR started as an exercise for me to get words out more quickly. I was already deep into writing The Elysian, the second book of The Diviner series, but was struggling with how heavy that project is. It takes a lot more time to write as there are many intricate characters to keep track on top of an evolving, complex magical world. I felt like I couldn’t get the words out that were trapped in my head. So, I set a little challenge for myself, to tackle a genre I felt was maybe a little stigmatized, or ‘overdone’. Vampires really fit that bill. I wanted to make a book that was fresh, fun, and unique. My only rule was: HAVE FUN.

And that’s what I did! I just had fun. In the moments where I struggled, or doubted myself and the direction I was taking, that’s what I kept going back to. Make it batshit crazy. Make it weird and wonderful. Make it FUN.

I am still a total pantser, and this book was no exception. I really didn’t have much of an idea what I was doing when I started. But Lu and Ashen absolutely swept me away. Sometimes, it felt like I couldn’t keep up with them. The world rose up to meet them, and I cannot wait to write the next step in their journey.

On the moments where I stalled, I owe my deepest gratitude to my friends of WattPad for their encouragement and kindness. In particular, William Martin, Anny Quist, and Lady Universe (guess what, that’s not her real name!), whose early feedback kept me motivated and on track. Thank you also to my amazingly supportive insta crew, in particular Bella, Nessa, Debbie, and Natalia. I don’t think you guys know how much you mean to me!

A huge thanks to bestselling author extraordinaire Stephanie Fournet, whose work I have adored ever since I came across her novel Someone Like Me a few years ago during a dark and difficult time in my life. The characters were complex, relatable, and beautifully written. I promptly devoured all of her books. Please check them out, you will NOT be disappointed. Stephanie has been so kind and supportive to me as an indie writer, and I’m honored to have her provide an ARC review for ASITR.

Of course, all credit to Cardi B., Megan Thee Stallion, Birdy, RHODES, M.I.A., and Doja Cat for the musical inspo. Lu and I are both huge fans!

Thank you also to my family and friends, who have supported me with kindness, encouragement, and often plenty of wine. In particular, thank you to Sanja for being my ride-or-die, you would glow like a fucking spotlight in the Shadow Realm, you magnificent bitch. Your soul is the brightest I’ve ever seen. Thank you to Lisa; your hilarious ecards and jokes and shared book crushes and your support mean a lot to me. I didn’t write any zombie ducks, just for you. To April who is always one of my faithful go-to ranters, those rants have kept me sane. My dear friend Regan, who has taken the time to read my works in their earliest versions and who has provided unfailing support and enthusiasm for these projects. Whenever I’ve felt most alone in this process, you were always there for me. Thank you. And to my parents and in-laws, who have always bought my books, even the ones I told you not to (ahem…). Love you guys.

Finally, to my lovely husband, thank you for the wine, the coffee, the food, the rants, and most of all the love. You might just be the only one that gets the homage to Hot Fuzz AND who gets the reference to homage. I love you so much. HAG. And to my son, Hayden, please basically skip this book and just read this dedication. Okay, maybe just this part of the dedication. But just know that your hugs and kisses and face pats kept me going. I love you and I hope I made you proud.

Much love,

Brynne xx

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