More than a Masquerade by Adele Clee

Chapter 14


The word pierced the silence, forcing her to stop and turn around. Eli was sprinting along the gravel path, his breath bursts of white mist disappearing into the chill night air.

He closed the gap between them. “It’s cold out. Come back to the house.” He touched her gently on the upper arm. “We’ll talk there. It’s not what you think.”

“I need to walk for a while to calm my temper.” There was no polite way to relay the conversation that had taken place once Eli had left the drawing room. “Your mother thinks Felicity should give me lessons in decorum.”


“She thinks I should visit Felicity’s modiste in town.” It had been a constant barrage of suggestions. A deluge of critical comments aimed at Rachel. Hence why Dominic suggested they venture upstairs to see Edmund. “Felicity is to have her maid style my hair. Felicity should remain in control of the household management as she’s an excellent hostess.”

Rather than apologise for his mother’s indelicacy, Eli laughed.

“It’s not funny. I sat there feeling like an urchin brought in out of the cold. By all accounts, Felicity is the perfect daughter-in-law.”

“My mother hides behind a facade. Felicity is anything but perfect.” Eli laughed again. “I thought you were angry because you saw me holding Felicity’s hand.”

“I’m hurt, not angry.” She hugged herself to chase away the cold and calm her emotions. Witnessing the intimate scene had hurt more than she cared to admit.

But what right had she to make demands? They were friends who’d shared a kiss, business associates who should have more serious things on their minds than enjoying a flirtation.

“It’s clear you still care about her, Eli.”

“Care about her?” He jerked his head back. “I don’t give a damn about Felicity. I was in the process of removing her hand from my chest when you walked in. Like Lady Meyer, Felicity craves male attention. She never spoke about her son, only complained about her marriage.”

Honesty swam in his wide eyes.

Honesty rang in the determined tone of his voice.

“You did look annoyed.” She glanced at the grand house, noting it was as grim as its occupants. “Do you regret coming here tonight? Do you wish I’d not persuaded you to confront your past?”

“Not in the least. I see Felicity for what she is—a damn liar and schemer—a woman so insecure she needs constant reassurance.” He sighed. “I’ve invited Dominic to visit me in town. There’s much to say, but I’ll not suffer Felicity’s interference.”

“You did? That’s wonderful news.” Rachel forgot about her problems. Pride warmed every cold extremity. Where was the stern man she’d met at Vauxhall? The man who insisted on keeping everyone out?

“It’s a start.”

“Dominic spoke to me in the hall. He asked what he could do to earn your forgiveness, told me how much he misses you.”

He had begged to come visit them, begged for a chance to make amends. When possessed by lustful cravings, few stopped to consider the consequences of their actions. Thankfully, Dominic had found the courage to atone.

“I can’t promise I’ll forgive him. But a week ago, I hadn’t the strength to visit Chichester.” Eli’s piercing blue eyes softened, and he reached for her hand. “Thank you. Thank you for unlocking the door to my prison.”

“You unlocked the door. I merely gave you the key.”

A slow smile formed as his gaze raked over her body. “Let’s find a coaching inn and rest our weary heads. We’ll leave for London at first light. On the journey, we’ll decide how to tackle Lady Meyer.”

Stay at an inn?

Would he hire one room or two?

“Won’t your mother be disappointed you’re leaving?”

“Hardly. She’s given Dominic my room.” He drew her closer, his voice turning deep and mischievous. “We’ll leave without telling anyone. Sneak away under cover of darkness, like a secret elopement.”

He made a simple journey sound like a thrilling adventure.

And yet, they were not giggling and laughing with excitement during the short carriage ride to the inn. Tension hung thick in the air—a desperate need to ease the inner ache. A restless energy had them shifting in their seats. Every pause for breath, every heated look fed the hypnotic attraction.

The Swan Inn was a hive of activity. The commotion in the adjacent field acted as a much-needed distraction. Amid the crowd, people sang folk songs and danced to a fiddler’s tune. A bonfire kept the revellers warm. Some drank ale and watched the entertainment from a row of wooden benches. A woman with a pretty wreath in her hair proved the focus of everyone’s attention.

“Either they’re taking part in a pagan ritual, or it’s a wedding celebration.” Rachel found the sight enchanting. The air of gaiety was so opposed to the awkward ambience they’d encountered at Hunston Hall.

Eli escorted her across the yard but stopped at the gated entrance to the field. “For centuries, this has been a popular place for celebrations. You see the row of silver birch.” He slipped his arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer and pointed to the blanket of trees in the distance. “The Druids called them Goddess Trees. They represent love and fertility and new beginnings.”

New beginnings? Meeting him had definitely been the start of something wonderful, something magical.

She looked into his striking eyes. “Is that why we’ve stopped here? Do you wish to pay homage to the silver birch? Do you wish to pray for a fresh start?”

“I’d pray for love. I’ve already experienced an awakening.” His intense gaze searched her face. “I’m not the man I was the day I met you. I’m not the man I was two hours ago. You’ve changed that.”

She cupped his cheek, longing to kiss him. “I’m not the same woman I was the day I met you. I’ve lost all need for bravado. I’d like to say I’ve learnt to trust someone, but you made it so easy, Eli.”

“Together, we’ve faced our fears.”

“Yes.” She swallowed deeply as his gaze dropped to her mouth.

Love was in the air. But all hope he might kiss her vanished when a young couple spotted them, grabbed their hands and forced them to join the celebrations.

A piper took up his flute to play a lively tune.

Everyone jumped to their feet to dance. The country reel wasn’t one Rachel knew, but she looped around in a figure of eight, linking arms with strangers, twirling until she was dizzy, laughing until her stomach hurt.

She saw Eli wearing a wide grin as he gripped a toothless woman around the waist and swung her around. Those magnificent blue eyes, which upon first glance had stolen her breath, were bright with laughter. He looked happy, carefree, so handsome she couldn’t concentrate on the music.

The ache in her chest felt different from the one pulsing in her core. She knew the latter as lust, knew the deeper yearning warned of a complicated emotion.

The dance ended, and the piper took to playing a ballad.

Eli found her in the crowd. “Would you care to dance, Rachel?”

“I thought serious men didn’t prance about like popinjays.”

He laughed. “I owe you a waltz after the terrible way I treated you at Vauxhall. Besides, it will be nice to dance with you while you’re sober.”

She wasn’t sober.

Everything about him left her in a giddy stupor.

“Let me check my dance card, sir.” She pretended to gather an object dangling from her wrist. “It seems we’ve danced twice already. Both times at TrÄ“owith.”

He frowned, but recognition dawned. “You mean we performed a sensual waltz with our mouths.”

“Yes, in perfect harmony, as I recall. A third would seriously damage my reputation.”

“I don’t see the problem. I hope to ruin you completely.”

Her heart raced. “And when will this ruination occur?”

“When you ache for me as I ache for you.” His velvet voice slipped over her, teasing the fine hairs on her nape. “I’ve sworn to protect you, but I’ll not trust myself to be alone with you tonight.” He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’ve reached the point of no return, Rachel. I cannot keep my hands off you a moment longer.”

The thought of giving herself to him was so appealing.

“Then make love to me, Eli. Take my virginity. Let me remember this night until I’m old and grey and can barely recall the days. Let us have one night where we forget our troubles.”

One night of pure, unadulterated bliss.

He said nothing. The heat in his eyes spoke a thousand words. He clasped her hand, threaded his fingers with hers and led her to the coaching inn.

Every nerve in her body rang with anticipation as she watched him pay for one room. They remained silent as they trudged upstairs, though his thumb caressed hers as he kept a firm hold of her hand.

The room was dark. She stood by the door while he lit the lamps.

Eli turned to her. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

“It’s been years since I took a woman to bed.” He cleared his throat. “Forgive me if my performance falls short.”

“I know next to nothing about the experience.” Unlike Madame Dubarry, she was hardly an expert in pleasure. “Forgive me if nerves make for an uncomfortable coupling.”

“Perhaps we’re overthinking.”

“I don’t imagine our minds will have a great role to play once we slip into bed. Maybe we should begin by doing something to settle our nerves. Take turns playing hunter and prey.”

He smiled. “Who’s to begin?”

“I will. I’ll play the huntress.”

The huntress, the seductress, they were one and the same. The pressing question was, where to start? She recalled the flash of excitement in his eyes during their witty exchange at Vauxhall. Eli Hunter found confidence attractive. He admired honesty, directness. He admired her figure, for she had caught his covert glances many times.

Rachel began slipping the buttons on her pelisse. “According to Roman mythology, Diana is the goddess of hunting.” She shrugged out of the garment and let it fall to the floor. “She’s also known as the virgin goddess.”

“I see a stark similarity.”

She took slow steps towards him. “Diana is the moon bringing light to the darkness. She is enlightenment, the bearer of truth.” She reached up and threaded her arms around his neck. “The truth is, I’ve never wanted a man the way I want you. When you kiss me, I transcend this ugly world full of doubts and fears. When you kiss me, you transport me to a place where hopes and dreams flourish.”

He captured her around the waist. “Let’s visit that idyllic place now.”

He bent his head, settled his mouth over hers, moved in the slow sensual way that left her limp in his arms. The first slide of his tongue had lust pooling low and heavy. Knowing she was quickly becoming this mighty hunter’s prey, she chose to remind him who was in control.

Rachel tore her mouth from his. “Strip off your clothes.”

The sudden command made him blink, though shock soon gave way to a wicked grin. “All of them?”

“Every stitch.” She stepped back.

He shrugged out of his coat. “Have you ever seen a man naked?”

“Only Madame Dubarry’s lover. She chased him out of her bedchamber for falling asleep during the act.” Rachel couldn’t help but laugh at the memory. “The poor fellow had no time to gather his clothes.”

“If he’d fallen asleep, one suspects his manhood was flaccid.” Eli threw his waistcoat and cravat onto a nearby chair.

“It reminded me of the sausages at Smithfield Market, all skinny and shrivelled and pale.”

“Rest assured, you’ll not see the same tonight.”

Eli drew his shirt over his head, and all amusement faded. Her mind returned to the night he’d prowled towards her in nothing but his trousers. She’d wanted him, even then.

Rachel moistened her lips and stared. Every muscle had been carved by a master craftsman, planed to perfection, every inch of bronzed skin sanded until it was silky smooth. Her gaze dipped to the only sign of imperfection—the jagged scar warning this man was as dangerous as he was handsome.

“Do you want me to continue?” he teased.


He dropped into the chair and tugged off his boots. When he stood, he stalked towards her, captured her hand and pressed her palm to his chest.

“Feel how my heart beats for you.”

It thumped wildly.

“I fear it might burst through your chest. Your skin is so warm.”

“My blood burns in my veins.” He drew her hand over the rippling muscles in his abdomen, down to the scar. “This reminds me how thankful I am to be alive.”

“I can’t imagine a world without you.”

He fixed her with his heated gaze. “They say forewarned is forearmed. Do you want to know what to expect when I step out of these breeches?”

She swallowed past her nerves and nodded.

Tentatively, he slipped her hand over the solid length bulging against the material. He was so hard, so thick, and yet she could feel him growing larger with each stroke.

“Don’t be afraid. The night you sat at my supper booth, I knew we’d complement each other perfectly. We’ll fit together perfectly now.”

“Let me see you.” Her voice broke. A huntress should be a fearless creature, not a quivering bag of nerves. “Let me touch you.”

Eli inhaled sharply. He released her hand, fiddled with the buttons on the waistband and pushed his breeches past his lean hips.

It wasn’t the scar that held her riveted but the rigid shaft springing free. Like the man himself, it stood firm, a powerful presence in the room.

“Touch me,” he said, his voice strained. “Then it’s my turn to play the hunter. It’s my turn to make demands.”

Eli showed her how to hold him, how to slide her hand back and forth to bring the ultimate satisfaction. Oh, she loved having him at her mercy, loved seeing him gasp for breath, loved this glimpse of vulnerability.

“Enough, love,” he panted, firming his hand around hers and forcing her to stop. “Next time, you can pleasure me to your heart’s content, but I doubt I’ll last much longer, and I’m keen to bury myself inside you tonight.”

Excitement surged through her. “Then it’s time for a role reversal.” She released him and raised her hands in mock surrender. “It’s my turn to be the prey.”

* * *

Eli couldn’t take his eyes off her, couldn’t wait to lay her down on the bed, drive deep into her body and make this woman his. Seeing her dancing beneath the stars, so wild and carefree, had been his undoing. To that mind, the journey from curiosity, to friendship, to lust, to an infinitely more profound emotion began the moment he’d set eyes on her at Vauxhall.

He recalled those quiet moments while he waited in the supper booth. Mere seconds before she appeared, he’d felt the subtle shift in the atmosphere, the gentle whispers of his heart, the sudden stirring of his soul. He’d tried to suppress the instant attraction, might have succeeded had she not appeared hours later, a vision of loveliness in his bedchamber.

Now, as he observed the coy smile on her lips, watched her pull the pins from her hair and shake her golden locks free, his heart rejoiced, and his soul sang.

“Would you like me to undress, Eli?”

While he’d like nothing more than to watch the erotic show, he’d die if he didn’t touch her. “Love, I want the pleasure of removing every inch of clothing myself.”

“Where will you start?”

“With your boots.” Then her stockings. Then the soft flesh above the tied ribbons. “Come, sit down.”

He drew her to the chair. As she sat, her wide blue gaze settled on his cock, at a perfect angle to slide into her mouth. The mischievous glint in her eyes said she was considering touching him, considering setting those luscious lips to the swollen head, keen to taste him.

“Minx! I can read your thoughts.”

“Then I’m surprised you’re kneeling and grabbing my ankle.”

He laughed. “If you could read my thoughts, you’d know I have something else in mind.” Indeed, he’d need her aroused if she was to find pleasure in their lovemaking tonight.

With deft fingers, he removed her boot. Slowly, he smoothed his hands from her calf to her thigh, tugged the ribbon and rolled the wool stocking down to her ankle.

“I—I’m only wearing wool because it’s so cold out.”

He grinned. “My only focus is what lies beneath the stockings.” He removed the other boot, but slipped past the ribbon to caress her bare thigh. “Your skin is so smooth and soft.” He edged higher. “It’s my turn to touch you intimately, Rachel.”

The flash of heat in her eyes said she’d touched herself before.

Hell, the thought kept his cock rigid. “You understand my intention?”

She nodded as her breathing quickened.

“I don’t want you to remain silent.” He watched the rapid rise and fall of her chest as he traced a circle on her inner thigh. “I want to hear your thoughts, want to hear your little pants and moans when I touch you here.” He stroked his fingers over her sex.

“Oh!” She gripped the arms of the chair.

“Why the surprise? You’ve touched yourself before.”

“Yes, but … but it’s entirely different.”

“You mean you like the feel of my fingers.” He continued massaging in teasing circles. “You like being at a man’s mercy.”

“I like your fingers,” she panted. “I like you pleasuring me, Eli.”

“I know. You’re so wet already.”

Entranced by her little whimpers, he watched in awe as she rode his hand. “How about I change the rhythm?” Eli played her like a maestro, a mix of slow and fast tempos that had her begging for release.

“Eli … it’s too much and too little at the same time.”

Hell, he was so hard it hurt.

“Don’t … don’t stop.”

He stopped only to push one finger inside her velvet heat. “You feel so damn good. You’re so tight you hug me like a glove.” He spread her wider with a second finger, pushed deep.

“I need you, Eli.”

Those simple words tore a growl from his throat. Desperate to feel her squeezing his cock, he rubbed his thumb over the aching bud. She came apart shuddering against his hand, her inner muscles clamping around his fingers.

He expected her to sag in the chair, but the minx pinned him with her hungry stare.

“I need more, Eli. I need to feel you, all of you. Hurry.”

He stood, his erection a mighty thing, so hard the veins pulsed along the length. “I need you out of those damn clothes.” He needed to see every naked inch, press his mouth to every bit of milky white flesh.

Quickly pulling her to her feet, he started unfastening the row of buttons on the back bodice, resorted to dragging her dress over her head along with her petticoat.

He turned her around to untie the front-fastening stays, but Rachel wouldn’t stop touching him, wouldn’t stop caressing his chest, stroking his cock.

“To hell with it!” He lost patience, scooped her into his arms and carried her to bed. “Next time, I’ll strip you naked and resist the urge to watch you come.”

“Next time? How presumptuous.”

“A man can live in hope.” He pushed her chemise up over her thighs and settled between her legs. “Just say the word if you want me to stop.”

She responded by opening her legs wider and gripping his hips. “You do want me, Eli? You want to make love to me?”

His instinct was to laugh at the absurd questions, to remind her of the throbbing cock pushing against her entrance. Instead, he kissed her deeply.

“You’re the one I think of at night,” he whispered, dragging his mouth from hers. “You’re the one who leaves me breathless.” His words rang with a tenderness that was so unlike him. “It’s you, Rachel. Only you.”

Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Then have me.”

Aching with need, he pushed slowly into her tight body. Hot, wet flesh surrounded him, hugging his cock like they were made to fit together. Hell, he fought the urge to drive hard, to slam into her, to let her feel every inch of his devotion.

“There’s no easy way to do this.”

“The desire to feel all of you will override any pain.”

He kissed her, slipped his tongue over hers as he thrust to the hilt. They gasped in unison, gasped into each other’s mouths. Buried balls deep, he waited for her to grow accustomed to the feel of him, watched as she caught her breath, revelled in the slow, sensual smile that said she liked feeling full.

“Move slowly,” she breathed.

“Like this, love.” He pinned her to the bed with his gaze as he withdrew, rolled his hips and pushed into her silky heat.

“Just like that.” She relaxed more with each teasing thrust, but it wasn’t long before she gripped his back and rocked against him, wasn’t long before he was pounding hard.

She came again, hugging him so tightly he managed to withdraw with nary a second to spare. And as they lay together, a tangle of limbs, breathless from their lovemaking, Eli knew one thing with absolute certainty.

The case would soon be over.

But there wasn’t a chance in hell he could let her go.