Twisted Love by Summer Cooper



“It’s a sex club?” Keily whispered loudly, stunned as they walked through a closed-off entryway, through a door, and into a scene out of a porno. Or a brothel, maybe. Or perhaps, some filmmaker’s idea of what a sensual, lavish, over-the-top orgy from a bygone era would look like. Either way, it was more tasteful than she’d thought a place like this would be.

“I suppose it is, yes,” Logan answered, his hand on her back to guide her through the open doorway and further into the dimly lit area where scenes were being played out that Keily just couldn’t take in all at once. He put away the card he’d held up to a camera at the entrance as they walked deeper into the large, open first floor.

The house was some kind of historical home that had been converted to showcase the different areas people congregated in with separate beds, curtains, and other accouterments every ten feet or so. Or maybe it had always been a brothel. Kiely looked over at Logan, surprised, a little confused, but also…curious.

On the first floor, open all the way to the end of the house, in front of each ‘room’ separated by curtains or thinly latticed bamboo walls, there were areas for sitting with chaise lounges, couches, ottomans, and coffee tables to hold drinks. Floor lamps had been placed in key positions, to keep the room from being completely dark but did little to fight off the gloom. That didn’t mean Keily couldn’t see though, because she could observe everything that was in view and she wasn’t bashful about looking. To their left was something that looked like an old-fashioned study, the walls lined with books, a desk, and even an antique globe that took up a massive amount of space.

For now, Keily ignored the people in the room in various states of dress and continued to look around her. A bamboo lattice wall separated the library/study from a sitting room that featured a roaring fire, Edwardian-era satin-covered sofas, and a grand piano. Her eyes flashed on to the next room and here she settled on the people, not just the decoration.

This room was a kitchen with appliances that looked as if they came straight out of a post-World War II era catalogue and the people inside were dressed in similar costume. At least, the women were. The four women, in various stages of undress, would be suitable to grace any pin-up calendar from that era, right down to their hairstyles. Luckily, there was no food cooking in that room and the only heat came from the bodies inside.

Keily’s eyes lingered on the black-haired woman who sat on a black granite effect Formica countertop with another woman kneeling between her legs. Keily couldn’t see what the other woman was doing because the first woman’s skirts covered the other woman completely, but if the blissful look on her face was anything to go by, Keily knew. Her gaze remained there, remembering Rosa’s words from a few weeks ago. What was it like to be that intimate with a woman?

Keily thought the answer might be intriguing, but she didn’t really want to find out. She was there with Logan and even the tall, dark-haired man with steely gray eyes that looked directly at her couldn’t distract her from him. He was completely naked, that man thrusting into the woman in a black and pink poodle skirt over by the kitchen sink. He pulled back enough to reveal that the woman wore a black garter belt beneath the skirt and Keily reminded herself to buy some of those at some point.

She’d never watched people having sex before, never thought it would be something she’d participate in, but this was…exciting. At first, she was a little shy, but now that she’d had time to look around and saw that everyone was having a good time, she wasn’t so upset. “What is this place, Logan?”

He took her hand and guided her to the stairs that led them up to even more rooms, these with curtains that were opened or closed. He took her to a room with a huge balcony that was accessed by a tall sliding-glass door. White lace curtains billowed in the breeze, but Logan brushed them aside as he led her out onto the balcony. The ocean met her eyes this time, not sex, and the ever-present noise of the water ebbing and flowing soothed her.

“It’s as you said, a sex club. Everyone in there is a willing participant, it’s not a place for prostitutes if that’s what you’re wondering, and no we will not be participating with any other people. I just wanted to show you a different side to life.” He stood there, not touching her, just letting the words sink in.

“But…what if we wanted to participate, if I wanted to participate?” She looked back at him, waiting, watching for his answer. She felt the way her nostrils flared and saw his own do the same.

Anger marred his features for a second, then his brows dipped in consideration. “No, no participation. You’re mine when we’re here. And I’m yours. When we’re here.”

“Right.” She pulled both her lips between her teeth and turned back to the black cast-iron railing. “So, we’re just here to observe.”

“That’s all.” He agreed from behind her, so close his voice made a shiver run down her spine. He still didn’t touch her, but she knew he was there.

“But, Logan, I don’t get it.” She turned to face him, not sure why he thought this was a place to bring her, even though he said it was just to see another side of life. “How is watching sex supposed to be…enjoyable?”

“Ah, you haven’t watched long enough, that’s all.”

“If you say so.” She answered doubtfully but didn’t turn away. She did, however, stare at the tiled floor of the balcony. “Shall we go back in, then?”

She didn’t want to admit she wasn’t simply confused with him; she was confused by herself. The man downstairs with the woman wearing the garter belt had been cover-model handsome. She’d been intrigued by the two women as well but hadn’t wanted to participate with them because she had Logan. But at the same time, she was curious. What would it be like to be with two men? Or another woman?

Wasn’t that why he’d actually brought her here, to introduce these ideas to her? All men had fantasies about being with two women. Didn’t they? That could happen here, if he let it. Or she allowed it. He didn’t want that, though, so she’d follow his lead. As always in these situations.

“Of course,” she finally answered him, her eyes back on his face, searching for answers she knew she’d probably never get.

Was this just another way of showing her that she was just his sex toy? The thought nagged at her as they went back down the stairs and to a section at the front of the house that she hadn’t noticed. There was a bar there and from the smell of it, food was available too.

“Do you want a drink?” He asked as he looked over the bottles of scotch on display.

“Just some water, please.” She replied without a second thought. She wanted to keep a clear head, even if the noises and sounds in the open space threatened to overwhelm her with fascination.

She turned around to look at the other rooms, the ones she hadn’t looked at before. The nearest ‘room’ was about ten feet away from them and the only furniture in there was a bed. A full-figured blonde woman’s hands were tied with black silk scarves to each of the posts on the headboards, but she wasn’t being subjugated. Rather, it looked like she was being pleasured to within an inch of her life. There were four men on the bed with her and Keily would have thought it disgusting in a previous life, now though, she let her mind open up and watched.

One of the men was between her legs, obviously fucking her. His body was powerful, his skin a dark brown that stood out against her pale white skin. Two tanned men, knelt beside her, sucking at her nipples, their hands busy between her thighs. The last man knelt over her, feeding her his cock, which she seemed hungry to consume.

Now that looked like something she wouldn’t mind giving a whirl.

Keily didn’t notice that she’d walked closer to the group, didn’t notice that her breath was coming fast, or that she had her hands balled at her hips. She watched them with a fascination she didn’t think possible.

“Jealous, are you?” Logan’s voice was a breath against her ear. She couldn’t look away from the group on the bed, though, even with his nearness to distract her.

“Maybe.” She still gave a slightly petulant answer, just to keep him on his toes. “What woman wouldn’t want to be at the mercy of four men when their sole aim is to please her?”

She’d always assumed scenarios like this were degrading, meant to subjugate the woman, to break her down to little more than holes to probe. That’s not what was happening here, though. Not at all.

“I suppose I see your point. Let’s go down to the last room.”

Keily had noted small sofas spread around the path that led to the stairs, but it only occurred to her now that the sofas were for watching from afar. “Couldn’t we just sit here for a moment?”

“Is it that interesting?” He sank down to the emerald green satin sofa, a perplexed look knotting his dark brows together. He turned curious brown eyes to her that burned with so much intensity that she could feel his gaze as she sat down beside him.

“I always thought it would be…dirty. Degrading, you know? I heard things when I was in high school, you do when you’re a cheerleader and you date the captain of the football teams. Boys wanting to ‘run trains’ on you and shit like that. So gross.” She paused to shudder as she remembered some of the cruder comments she’d heard over the years. “But that…”

She waved her hand at the woman now groaning as her body knotted up in pleasure and looked on with envy. “That looks amazing.”

“I didn’t know that had happened to you.” There was a note in his voice, like he’d just discovered something he didn’t like, but made him see her in a different way. “I always assumed life was perfect for cheerleaders and the other popular girls.”

His tone now was thoughtful, and she knew that he wasn’t actually seeing the scene he was looking at but thinking.

“Don’t worry over it too much.” She added, not wanting to break the spell of the place. Especially not to discuss things she’d rather not remember. “It’s all in the past now.”

“But sometimes, we can’t leave our pasts behind us.” He spoke so softly she barely heard him.

“It’s fine, I’m fine. I got over it and you’ve shown me something I didn’t know existed, that things like this happen. Even in pornography, it’s always the male gaze, the male’s needs that are being met, the women are just there to be fucked. But this is something else. Do you think they’re a group?”

“A group? Like polyamory?” He turned back to look at her. “You know about that?”

“Well, I don’t live under a rock, Logan, now do I?” She gave him a playful smile that made her eyes dance. “I just thought things like…that…would always be about the men.”

“I’m sure it is, sometimes, but it doesn’t always have to be.” He rubbed at the back of his neck before he continued. “I’ve been to a few places like this before, my friend that owns this place owns a few more back home, so I’ve seen a lot of wild stuff. But it’s not always as terrible as some pornos make out. Not all men are monsters.”

“Okay. You’re right. You aren’t, so there’s you. And those guys over there.” Her curiosity was slaked now that the woman was finished, and the group was moving off the bed to dress. “Shall we continue?”

“Indeed.” Logan got up immediately and took her hand to help her up. “I’d suggest we go back upstairs, but some of that is…kinkier than down here.”

“Kinkier how?” She moved to the next couch and saw the next room was another bedroom, a man and a woman were fucking up against a wall, the woman blindfolded, the man biting into her neck in a way that looked painful but had the woman moaning loudly.

Pain as pleasure, not an idea she hadn’t contemplated, or even explored a little with Logan, but that would hurt tomorrow, that bite mark.

“Leather, whips, handcuffs. That kinkier.” Logan said breezily but didn’t look at her.

“Are you into that?” She asked quietly as they moved on, the next room somewhat brighter than the others.

Logan looked down at her with a look on his face that reminded her vividly of something from her past. In particular, the look her father would have on his face when he played a song by Tonic that was called If You Could Only See. Her dad would go into the garage and play the song while working on his lawnmower, over and over, every time there was an argument with her mother or when her mother did something terrible. She heard the song often.

It was a look of despair strangely mixed with hope, but her memory of her father’s face lasted longer than the look did on Logan’s. It was gone before she’d thought her last thought, replaced by a confident, tilted smile.

“Nah, not my scene at all. Although, having you tied to a bed for a while does sound like fun. But without all the whips and chains.” He winked as he leaned closer to her with that rakish smile that made her willing to do anything he pleased.

“Then I’m not interested in going up there, Logan.” She leaned into him, her eyes pleading for a touch, a kiss.

He obliged and gave her both. His tongue found hers quickly while his hands cupped her breasts, and it wasn’t long before she wanted to climb over his lap to kiss him deeper. So that’s what she did.

Logan broke away, his dark brown eyes surprised but not unpleased. “You sure you want to do this here?”

“That depends on you, Logan. Do you want to do this here?” She made sure the dare she’d given him earlier was back in her eyes. It might be a dangerous game, but where else should such a game be played?

He’d brought her here for a reason, she wasn’t about to back down now and play the scared little innocent who didn’t want to have a good time. She wanted to experience everything he wanted to show her, and maybe a little more if she dared to be greedy. She’d lived the life she was supposed to up until the point when she got divorced. Now, it was time for her to have a little fun. Who better to have that fun with than Logan?

Keily glanced around, saw some people behind them coming to rest on a couch. Next to them, in a room decorated entirely in pink, were two women, no men at all, watching her, waiting for…what?

Keily narrowed her eyes at them, saw the one with black hair and brown eyes wink at her, and smiled back. That wink told her it was alright to have a little fun, to enjoy the moment, to take part in something many people would never be brave enough to try.

She caught sight of the couple on the couch again, a strong, handsome man and a petite woman, getting to her knees and unzipping the man’s pants. Was she about to get a show of her own? Keily watched, waited, as the woman revealed the man’s length and took it in her fist. Keily was impressed, but it wasn’t as impressive as Logan’s. She looked up at the man, caught his eyes, and felt her entire body come to life. This man would watch her, his gaze promised, if only she’d stop fucking around and get to it.

The woman’s head turned to stare back at Keily, a smile on her face that promised so much more, if Keily continued to watch. The woman must be dressed as a flapper from the 1920s if that black headband and long black ostrich feather meant anything. She wore nothing but black stockings, a garter belt, and a bra that was little more than black strips of cloth sewn to frame the outer edge of her breasts while leaving the flesh out in the open. A rather sexy ensemble on a woman with deeply tanned skin and sky-blue eyes. Keily watched the feather as the woman ducked her head down to taste the man she held in her hands. Only a taste.

The man, the near double of an English actor that had starred in a series about street gangs from the 1920s that Keily loved and another one about subjects that were quite forbidden, stared over at Keily, his gaze steely, but full of the same kind of daring as the woman’s. The same as Logan’s eyes had held. He wanted her to participate, he wanted her to be brave, and the slight smile that tilted up the corners of his lips told her he knew she was about to give in. When he opened his mouth in a gasp of pleasure, Keily nearly lost it. There was sensuality in that gasp, uncontrolled pleasure that enticed her to join him in the land of the forbidden.

But did she really dare?

She’d dared a lot of things with Logan so far, to the point that she might be in a lot of trouble, at least emotionally. Would this be a step too far? Would she be able to walk away from this and be the same person?

The man didn’t move at all, even when the woman’s head began to move on him. When she saw the slick traces of the woman’s attentions on the hard length of the man’s cock, Keily involuntarily licked her lips. They were all waiting for her to decide what her fate would be. Boring old sex in a pool or something a little more daring.

For a moment, Keily could have sworn the fingers on the man’s right hand twitched. Beckoning her over to him? Or to the dark side of life?

She didn’t know, but she wanted to find out. She was more positive about that than she’d been about anything else in her life. She wanted whatever this night brought her, whatever Logan gave her, and she wanted it all.

“Well?” She asked, her eyes back on his face, her eyebrow up again. Maybe she could dare him into making the decision for her. What would be the fun in just capitulating, after all?