Twisted Love by Summer Cooper



He’d fuck her out of his system one way or another, he reminded himself as he drove into work the next morning. He’d spent over two hours last night wrapped in her arms, with her legs wrapped around his head, with his arms wrapped around her. It hadn’t been enough but soon, he knew he’d get his fill of her. He always grew tired of women.

Logan drove into the parking lot and locked the car as he exited. He’d made it to his office and was just sitting down in his chair when Rosa, Keily’s BFF and the head of his HR department, walked in with a happy smile on her face.

“Keily’s replacement will be here soon.” She leaned against the door jamb, her brown eyes and dark hair a picture in the early morning sunshine.

Logan didn’t feel even a smidgen of attraction although he should. Rosa was a gorgeous woman but all his body, all his brain craved, was Keily. The women of the world might as well all be men now for all he noticed.

“That’s great news,” Logan left his office and headed into the outer office, where his PA would work. There was a coffee machine that was calling his name. “Coffee?”

“No thanks, I have some back at my desk, I just thought I’d let you know the woman should be here soon. We’re early.” Rosa lifted her chin to the clock on the wall and he noted that it was almost 7 am. She wouldn’t be late for another half an hour.

A ding of the elevator made them both turn to look at the doors as they slid open. A woman in her late fifties with steel gray hair and a no-nonsense face walked out. Her lips were coated in a pink, matte-finish lipstick but that was all the makeup she wore. Her hard brown eyes stared at Logan as she left the elevator and walked into the room. The swish of her light-pink satiny quilted coat created a soundtrack for her steps as she came to stand in front of him.

“Mr. Sinclair?” She asked, her large hand out to reach his. She must be six feet tall, he thought as he stared up at the old-fashioned bun on top of her head that must have added another three inches to her height.

“Yes, you must be my new PA. I’m sorry, I wasn’t given your name.” He looked at her quizzically and she smiled, a real smile this time.

“Monica Williams, Mr. Sinclair.” She clasped his hand as he put out and shook. “Nice to meet you.”

“Great, thanks for coming in, Monica. Let me show you around.” Logan nodded at Rosa who left the office after a brief hello to Monica. “Let’s get you started, shall we? This is your office, that’s your desk…”

Logan tried not to drone on but there was a lot he had to say to Monica. Her pay package wasn’t as big as Keily’s had been, but it was generous. Monica also had a home and a car of her own, so he didn’t have to provide those things to her either.

This wasn’t turning out so bad, after all. He could get work done because he wasn’t distracted by Keily, worrying about a potential lawsuit from Keily, or the many and varied ways he wanted to fuck her in his office. Monica was married, had grandchildren, and was already showing promise. She’d been laid off from another business that folded and was grateful to Logan for the job.

“I know it must not be easy for a company to hire a woman of my age.” She said as he hovered in his doorway, ready to get to work now that she had arrived.

“I never really understood that Monica. Older people bring knowledge and experience with them. At the end of the day, a young person can become just as sick as an older person, so I don’t see the problem.” He smiled a genuine smile but not one of his thousand-watt smiles. That might have blown her away.

“I’m glad you see it that way, Logan. I’ll look over the folder that has the instructions in it and get started.”

“Thanks, Monica.” Logan nodded and closed his door at last.

He’d taken out some of the instructions, they were things he’d added in there simply because he knew Keily had lied on her resume. He’d wanted to make her hate him, instead, she ended up on her knees for him. And her back. And her front. So many different positions.

He smiled as he took his seat and wondered if he’d think about her all day again. He wasn’t after love with Keily, in no way was he looking for that, but he did find her fascinating. She was curmudgeonly, biting, downright mean when she wanted to be, but she could also be very gentle, kind, and full of laughter with others. One of his favorite memories of her was of her laughing with her head thrown back.

He got to work but an hour later Monica knocked on his door. “Delivery, sir.”

“Thanks, Monica.” He took the brown package from her and opened it once she’d left his office. It was the platinum diamond and sapphire necklace he’d ordered for Keily from a jeweler in California. A delicious creation that would wrap around her neck beautifully.

She absolutely purred when he bought her gifts, and he knew this one would be a triumph. She’d adore this as she had all of his gifts so far. He’d bought her clothes, gifts for the house, and a lot of shoes. He’d spent hours scrolling through websites looking for the perfect heels for her. Always stilettos, always high enough to make her calf muscles pop, and always sexy. She had quite a collection now because of him.

A ping from his laptop and phone made him remember where he was, and Logan put his thoughts of Keily away. He was only having fun with her, that’s all, and he had to stop wasting so much time thinking about her. She’d be gone soon enough, and he’d have his life back.

After he got her out of his system.

He was even careful not to give their relationship a name. When he introduced her to anyone, he introduced her as his date. She wasn’t his girlfriend or anything else, she was just his date. The woman he fucked every chance he got.

Monica thankfully interrupted his thoughts to ask about the coffeemaker and how it worked. Normally, he was busy by the mid-afternoon. but it was a quiet day today, and everything was going well in all his buildings. Even the California branch was slow today.

Around lunchtime, he went out for a meeting with the local bank. He wanted to set up an account there, bring some more money into the local economy. That went quickly, and before long, he was back at the office wondering what to do with himself. He knew what he wanted to do, but he was trying to control himself today. He’d have to back off from her soon enough, or she’d overtake his every waking moment. She was even in his dreams, although he didn’t want to admit it. He told himself he couldn’t remember the things he dreamed about, but he did.

Logan pondered it all quietly because he didn’t have anyone else to talk to. He’d been alone most of his life, and he’d never had a best friend. Keily was actually the closest thing he’d ever had to one. She didn’t know all of his secrets, not nearly all of them. If she did, she’d probably run, but he’d let a few things slip out.

He was just so relaxed when he was with her, even if he knew that could be, would be, a mistake. If he allowed her to get too close, he’d be really fucked up. He reached for his computer, hoping for an email and message he needed to answer. Instead, he found himself looking at the vacation rentals he’d been looking at last week.

A chance to get away sounded nice, even if he’d still have to do a little work while he was gone. Which was another reason Monica had shown up when she did. She’d have to handle a lot of the calls he’d get while he was away. He looked at a website for a cabin in Colorado. A nice winter scene was set in the pictures, a romantic getaway in the woods.

She’d probably want somewhere tropical though, with hot nights and gentle breezes. That’s what everybody wanted, wasn’t it? He frowned, knowing he’d take the snow any day of the week. He loved winter and hated the heat and sweat that came with the summer months.

He hated it even more when he started wearing suits daily. It was a lot of clothing to wear just to look professional. He’d wanted to fit in though, so he’d replaced his carpenter shorts and t-shirts with Armani suits and got a haircut. He’d been surprised at how much his appearance changed and noted how the suits brought confidence to his stance. He liked the change and hadn’t gone back to his old look.

Now, if only he could get Keily out of his system so effectively.

Another knock and he called out for the person to come in.

“Hi, it’s me,” Rosa said as she came into the office and closed the door. “I’d like to have Keily over for dinner one night this week, you too if you want to come, and wondered when she’d be free? She said she isn’t sure, so I thought I’d ask you.”

Rosa’s tanned cheeks turned a bright red, and her eyes were glued to the floor. She was embarrassed and Logan felt bad about that. Keily was his target in this game he was playing, not his staff.

“Oh, um, well, tomorrow night would be good. And I’d like to join you, but I’ll have to see if I’m free or not.” He kept his eyes on her and when she glanced up, he tried to make her feel less embarrassed. He was fucking her former colleague and best friend, not committing a crime. Okay, so he’d kind of set that woman up as his literal mistress, and he paid all her expenses, but that wasn’t a crime, was it?

“Great, let me know and I’ll make enough for us all.” Rosa quickly ducked out of the office and Logan made a note to find some acceptable gift for her.

He spent the rest of the day playing a game he’d found online. Last week, he’d have taken off early if it was this quiet, to spend the time between Keily’s luscious thighs. He’d decided to slow things down a little though, make sure she knew he was the one in charge and that she had everything she wanted because of him.

His gaze flicked to the box the necklace nestled in. Maybe she didn’t realize it, but every gift he bought her was a decoration for her, his pet. The same way some women dressed up their toy-sized dogs, he was dressing up the woman he fucked. Which was brutal, but it was the truth.

He didn’t want to admit that it was him that needed the reminder. Keily wasn’t what he’d expected, she had learned her job well, so well he’d hated to lose her, but loved her new position, so to speak. She’d been an asset to his team by the time she’d quit and had made his life easier for him.

But she’d quit, in no uncertain terms. With those words, she’d set him free to do exactly what he’d wanted to do for an exceedingly long time and that was kiss her before he fucked her senseless.

Now, he couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when he kept reminding himself to. Like now.

Frustrated he got up and left the office. Monica had already figured out what calls to forward to him and which to take messages on, so she simply gave a wave when he walked out of his office and said he was leaving for the day.

It was an hour until his normal quitting time anyway. Well, those nights when he left the office before midnight. Some nights he’d stay even later but lately, things had run smoothly for him. Which was good because he was way too distracted with the woman in his life.

He got in his car and drove out of town, not towards Keily’s. He headed out to the highway and just drove in a random direction. It didn’t matter where he went because all he wanted to do was listen to music and drive his car. Traffic wasn’t bad yet and he managed to get on the interstate easily. He could be in Florida in less than half a day if he ignored the speed limit. He could even stop somewhere in Georgia, maybe Savannah or Atlanta.

The idea didn’t appeal to him, though, not without Keily at his side. He needed a break from his own thoughts but even out here he couldn’t. He’d never admit she was anything more than a fling, but he wondered, for a second, if this was another lie, he told himself.

Keily wasn’t the kind of woman you threw away, even if she was a former cheerleader and had married her high school sweetheart. A sweetheart that she’d eventually had the sense to divorce. That must have really hurt her pride, to admit to all her friends around here that Joe wasn’t the guy she’d painted him as.

He knew women like Keily, or the Keily he thought she was. The kind that had beautiful houses, beautiful bodies, and worked hard to maintain that image. Appearance was everything, and he wondered how hard it was for her to keep their relationship quiet. But, then again, he knew she was a lot different from the woman he’d thought she’d be.

She wasn’t really that woman at all. Sure, superficially she was. But he’d seen her in an old suit on the day she walked into his office, full of pride and determination. That must have stung, too, wearing that old suit to a job interview. But she’d done it with confidence and the poise taught to her at an early age. He’d learned a little about her, knew about her background in beauty pageants, knew she hated the things now.

He turned around, headed back to her place with the present on the seat beside him. He was learning too much about her, he thought. It was time to stop talking so much and start fucking more. Before it was too late.