Wicked Vampire Prince by Bella Klaus

Chapter Fifteen

We moved to a new location, a suite of rooms decorated with gilded sofas upholstered with cerulean-blue velvet. A golden pendulum chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling, filling the space with dim light. The curtains were open, revealing floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked one of the many ponds in Richmond Park.

“I thought all the hotels were in the center, but if we’re looking out into the Human World, then we must be close to the wards.”

“We’re in Lamia,” Draco smirked. “It’s one of the least populated villages in Logris, yet almost every vampire owns a mansion whether he has a large family or not.”

I turned in a circle, taking in the walls the shade of duck-egg blue, gold cornices and matching skirting boards. Ornate gilded mirrors hung on the walls alongside oil paintings of vampires in medieval and Elizabethan clothing. “We’re inside a mansion?”

“Mr. Crax had his home converted into short-let apartments for those who desire the highest levels of discretion.”

My eyes widened. “Does he know you’re a fugitive?”

Shaking his head, Draco placed a hand on the small of my back and guided me to a velvet loveseat. “I wore a cloak and paid for a week’s accommodation in coins. He has no way of knowing my identity.”

I exhaled a long breath and sank into its cushioned seat. “Thank goddess for that. What are we doing next?”

He sat beside me and ran his fingers down my cheek, trailing lines of pleasure across my skin. “It’s time to make sure you’re fully recovered from your ordeal.”

My brows drew together. “But your blood—”

“Vampire blood will heal the physical damage, but you’ve been through a lot today.” Draco’s eyes softened. “I can’t imagine entering the vaults was easy, and then being attacked by those enforcers, then sustaining a curse.”

I shook my head. “Now that you’re with me, nothing matters.”

“It would be remiss of me to take the health and welfare of my mate for granted,” he said, the corners of his lips curving into a smile.

Warmth spread across my chest, and my heart melted into a puddle of goo. I exhaled a happy breath and placed a hand on his broad shoulder. “What did I ever do to deserve such a considerate mate? You’re an endless source of wonder.”

Draco chuckled and placed a soft kiss on my temple. “Excuse me for a moment while I run your bath.”

A giggle bubbled up in the back of my throat. “Do you even know how?”

He drew back. “Do you think that life as a prince is all servants and luxury living? I’ve fought wars across the Supernatural World in conditions far worse than these.”

My gaze darted around the room once more, which to me looked like a palace. To our left, a quartz crystal lamp stood atop a marble-topped table with gold legs. Beyond it was a sofa twice the size of the love seat, and next to it was an identical lamp sitting on a matching side table.

Not even Mother Hecate had such expensive furnishings. Magic resonated from the items, indicating that they weren’t just decorative. It just seemed like a terrible waste.

Draco disappeared into another room, and the door shut behind him with a gentle thud. Shortly afterward was the sound of running water, and I raised my arms and stretched.

So much had happened today, and I hadn’t made sense of it all. My mind was encased in a fog of euphoria that wouldn’t let me dwell too much on the consequences of my encounter with Mother Hecate. She had probably already expelled me from the temple for being mated to a vampire, or one of the priestesses was leading a round of prayers for my soul.

A sigh slid from my lips. None of that mattered because I was happy with Draco. And it had nothing to do with having drunk his blood.

The door to the bathroom opened, and he poked out his head. “Are you ready?”

I rose to my feet. “That was fast.”

“This apartment contains the latest in magical technology, including a bath that fills in under sixty seconds.”

“We have a bathhouse in the temple, and the tub is the size of a swimming pool.”

Draco snorted. “Before I met you, my mind would have raced in circles thinking about all those virgin nuns bathing together.”

“And now?” I asked.

“Now, I don’t want you appearing naked in front of anyone but me,” he growled.

I stepped into a bathroom of slate floors with a perfectly round tub in the middle large enough to fit four. The entire back wall overlooked a clearing within the wooded area of Richmond Park, where a small group of deer grazed beneath the oak trees. One of them rubbed his antlers against the bark.

My breath caught. “This is beautiful.”

“Not as breathtaking as you without your veil,” Draco said.

Heat rose to my cheeks, and I lowered my lashes. “You say the most embarrassing things.”

“Even if they’re true?” He placed a kiss on one eyelid and then another. “I might be the son of the most powerful Vampire King in existence, but even I can’t believe fate would gift me with a creature so exquisite.”

I squirmed on my feet and wrapped both hands around my middle. “Stop it.”

“It will take a while to overcome your modest upbringing, but I am a patient man.” He gave my shoulders a gentle squeeze before walking toward the door.

My head snapped up. “You’re not coming in with me?”

Draco stared down at me with his head tilted to the side. “You want me to bathe in the same tub?”

I gave him an eager nod. “We’re mates, aren’t we?”

He squeezed his eyes shut and stifled a groan. “Ask me the same question tomorrow, and the answer will be yes.”

My brows drew together. I couldn’t imagine myself finding him less attractive in a day’s time. “Why?”

“Because by then, the blood I gave you will have metabolized, restoring you to your usual faculties.”

I parted my lips to protest, but the words wouldn’t come. Draco still thought I was under the influence of his blood. Maybe I was, but I couldn’t deny that I found him attractive. He’d caught my eye the moment I saw him jogging across the road, and that wasn’t because he’d been shirtless. He was absolutely breathtaking, and I couldn’t imagine any woman not wanting him.

And I was sure my attraction to him wasn’t physical. He had saved me twice. A girl couldn’t help swooning over a strong hero, even if he was occasionally annoying. A sigh slid from my lips. If only he would slip into the bath and give me what I needed. I would let Draco annoy me all night.

The words froze on my tongue. Maybe a lifetime of learning to despise vampires was stopping me from saying what was in my heart. Instead, I asked, “Will you at least scrub my back?”

He gazed down at me with a broad smile of twinkling eyes and blunt white teeth. “I’ll even massage your neck.”

When I hooked my fingers beneath my short tunic and pulled it up, he turned around and headed to the door. “Call me when you’re in the bath.”

“Alright…” My voice trailed off. In all the years since our first encounter, I would never have guessed he could be a gentleman. The Prince Draconius who had imprisoned me in that boudoir had been domineering, demanding, and hadn’t deigned to give me a moment of privacy.

I pulled the tunic over my head and placed it on a marble counter before unbuckling my boots. The leggings came off next, and I stood in front of the mirror in my underwear. We all wore sports bras enchanted to minimize our figures and knickers that were more like shorts. I had no idea what my cup size was but without such a restrictive bra, running around would be agony.

After unfastening it and releasing the suppression magic, I rolled my shoulders before easing it off. Then I took off the knickers, folded my clothes into a neat bundle and placed them on the counter.

The bathwater was a few degrees above body temperature and felt like silk. Strangely, none of the bubbles popped as I lowered myself into the bath and rested my head against a waterproof pillow.

“Draco?” I shouted.

He stepped through the door, already dressed in a toweling robe that exposed his muscular thighs. The white fabric contrasted with his café au lait skin, which glowed with golden undertones. My mouth watered. Draco was magnificent, from his vibrant eyes that were a mix of greens and blues and golds, to the dazzling smile he gave me as his gaze roved across the bubbles.

“Don’t you look a wonderful sight?” he said.

“Why don’t you take off that robe and get in?” I raised my leg from the water and beckoned at him with my toes.

Draco chuckled, the sound low and deep. “That’s the blood talking, and I’m far too honorable to take advantage of a young woman when she’s intoxicated.”

“Will it be like this all the time when I drink your blood?” I asked.

His brows rose. “You’re planning on having more?”

“Maybe?” I raised a shoulder. “It’s so potent.”

He settled beside me and reached for a basket, from which he pulled a loofah. “You mentioned something about scrubbing your back?”

I scooted forward, moving away from the ledge and giving him some space to maneuver. “What were you saying about vampire blood?”

“Of course, you’ll get as much as you like from me, but it’s always going to make you a little more amorous than usual.” He massaged my shoulders with his strong hands, untangling the knots in my muscles.

A moan escaped my lips. “That feels so good.”

“One of the many benefits of having a mate who knows what he’s doing,” he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning across my skin.

“What else does vampire blood do?” I asked.

“Associates of mine whose spouses are witches or mages or shifters tell me that the blood maintains their youth and vigor.”

“I had no idea vampires could transfer their gift to others,” I murmured.

“It’s an open secret, but the blood would need to be given willingly.” The pads of his thumbs pushed down on a tense muscle, making it melt back to the bone.

“Oh,” I moaned. “You’re so good with your hands.”

“I’m even better with my mouth,” he whispered.

My nipples tightened, even though they were submerged in warm water. I swallowed hard, my breaths turning shallow. If Draco could make me feel so good with his hands on my shoulders, what else could he do?

“Do you know what’s better than my mouth?” he drawled.

I shook my head and tried not to think of those full lips trailing a path of kisses down my front. The pulse between my legs pounded a rapid beat, and I squeezed my thighs together.

“My cock.”

“Really?” I squirmed in my seat. “Why don’t you show me instead of talking about it?”

His fingers stilled. “You’re a very naughty nun.”

I sat straighter, but the thick mass of bubbles covered my breasts. “I’m just a woman who knows exactly what she likes.”

“Look at me,” he said in a deep, commanding voice that compelled me to obey.

I turned to the side, tilted my head up, and met his gaze.

I had never seen his eyes this bright and without the golden flecks. They were an ocean green around the outer edges, which paled to a sky blue with white striations that glowed with desire. The color around his pupils was a pale shade of aqua that glowed like the stars reflecting on a lake.

My throat dried. There were so many layers to this vampire, and each time I looked at him, I saw something new.

“Tell me what you want,” he said.

My tongue ran along my bottom lip, and Draco leaned forward, tracking its movement with hungry eyes.

“I want you to kiss me again,” I murmured.

His irises blazed even brighter. “What else?”

“I also want you to take off that robe.”

He leaned down and brought his face close to mine so we were mere inches apart. “And then what?”

“Then you’ll get in the tub and show me what else you can do with your hands.”

Draco growled, the sound making my skin tingle. “If you still feel that way once the blood has worn off, I’ll give you everything you desire.”

I reared back. “What if I want something now?”

He placed a soft kiss on my lips that sent sparks skittering across my skin. “Will that tide you over until tomorrow?”

“No.” I grabbed the back of his head and took over the kiss.

The moment our lips touched, a hurricane of desire swept across my heart. I had never felt such yearning for another person or for anything at all. Even though I knew the blood was powering this hunger, I couldn’t help myself.

Draco moaned into the kiss, and I swiped my tongue over the seam of his mouth. He parted his lips, letting me in, and I slid my tongue against his in a frenzy of heat. The kiss was hotter than the bathwater, hotter than the blood screaming at me to pull him into the bath, but nothing matched the molten heat between my legs.

“Bloody Tartarus,” Draco muttered. “I’ve created a beautiful monster.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

“As you command.” He threaded his fingers through my curls and tilted my head up, and placed those gorgeous full lips back on mine.

His tongue caressed mine in a frenzy that made my heart pound, my veins heat, and every inch of me melt into the bathwater. My breaths quickened in tempo with the pulse between my legs, and I surrendered into his demanding kiss.

I hooked my arms over his shoulders, holding him in place, but the fervor of his mouth on mine told me he wasn’t going anywhere. “Draco,” I whispered into our bond. “I need more.”

He drew back and stepped out of reach. “That’s enough.”

My jaw dropped. “Why did you stop?”

He ran his fingers through his mahogany curls. “You’re not yourself.”

I shook my head. He was dead wrong. “The blood lowered my inhibitions, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Can’t you see that?”

His brows drew together. “Last night, you slept in the bathroom, even though there was plenty of space for you in the bed, and the night before, you attempted the same. You’re intoxicated by my blood.”

“Does it usually do that to people?” I lifted myself from the bubbles.

Draco shot out a hand and eased me back down with his magic. “I wouldn’t know because until now, nobody has been worthy enough to taste it.”

I gaped up at him. “But you’re thousands of years old. Didn’t you ever have someone special?”

“The sharing of blood is one of the most intimate things one vampire can do with another,” he murmured. “And as a scion of the Royal House of Sargon, there have been few I have deemed deserving of a drop of our ancient blood.”

I slumped back into the bath, my heart swelling. “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

His smile made my heart twist. “You are the other half of my soul. Everything I have already belongs to you.”

The corners of my lips curled into a smile. Before I could ask if that included the gorgeous body beneath that robe, he walked through the door and closed it with a click. I leaned back in my seat and exhaled a long breath. If Draco wasn’t going to do more than kiss me, tonight would be a form of sweet torture.

By the time I finished my bath, the pile of clothes I’d left on the counter had gone, replaced by a magenta camisole top with a matching pair of shorts. I picked it up by its spaghetti straps, mesmerized by the way the light reflected off its silk fabric.

I dried off and slipped on the garment, which clung to my curves but offered nothing in the way of support. My lips tightened, and I stared into the mirror with a frown. The silk clung to my breasts, making my nipples appear even more prominent.

“This is the prettiest and most pointless thing I’ve ever worn,” I said with a laugh and turned around. The shorts were skimpier than my uniform knickers, their lacy hem curving around my ass.

“Are you dressed?” Draco asked into our bond.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked.

“They’re incinerated.”

My jaw dropped. “But that was my only coat.”

“Lucky for you that you’re mated to a prince who can buy you another,” he said, his voice dry. “Failing that, you can always order something from the Hatch.”

I stepped out of the bathroom, ready to tell him that the enforcers were probably monitoring my Hatch account, when I caught sight of a round table at the other end of the room, set for two. Its chairs were framed in gold with the same cerulean velvet upholstery as the sofas. A pair of dome-covered plates took up each place setting and at the center stood a crystal vase filled with red roses.

Butterflies fluttered in my belly. This was just like something out of a fairytale, complete with a handsome Vampire Prince.

His eyes darkened, and his lips curled into a wolfish smile. “You look scrumptious,” he said, his voice a low growl, making my cheeks heat. “Are you as hungry as I feel?”

My hand drifted to my empty stomach. “Do you think I’ll be able to keep anything down?”

“The blood will have healed all the damage from the wards and that curse.” He beckoned me over. “Have something to eat.”

I walked to one of the seats. “Where did you get this food?”

“The landlord includes the use of his Hatch as part of the rent.” He stood behind me and pushed in the seat.

“You must be paying him a fortune.”

“No expense is too high for your comfort,” he murmured into my ear.

My heart expanded. I’d never been treated as special before, not in our temple’s little academy and not among any of the Sisters. I leaned against my seat’s backrest, my nostrils filling with the scent of basil and baked vegetables.

Draco took his seat, and with a flick of his fingers, the metal domes on the plates rose. Underneath them was a baked squash stuffed with pine nuts, cauliflower, cheese, and drizzled in pesto. Served with it was a mixed salad of broccoli sprouts, young leaves, and shredded cucumber.

“Is the fare to your liking? I know you’re unaccustomed to meat.”

My eyes bulged. “This is wonderful.”

“Cabernet sauvignon?” With a flick of his wrist, he floated the decanter of wine and poured it into my glass.

Its rich fruity scent wafted over me, making my mouth water. As wine drifted to his side of the table, I raised my glass and sipped at the liquid. It was smooth and sweet, with a touch of plum.

My stomach growled, and I took my first bite of the baked squash, and marveled at the explosion of flavors, a stark contrast to the food we ate at the temple. Nuts mingled with herbs and cheese to form the most delicious meal I’d ever eaten. While there wasn’t enough land to grow our own produce, some of the elderly Sisters who made our meals sourced them from local allotments. They never included this amount of seasoning.

“Do you eat food as nice as this all the time?” I asked.

He tilted his head to the side and gazed at me from across the table with a fond smile. “More or less, except for times I’m confined to dungeons.”

“That’s happened before?” I took another bite of squash and washed it down with some red wine.

Draco chuckled. “It’s a once-in-a-few-centuries occurrence, but I always make a valiant escape.”

“Life as a prince sounds a bit dangerous.” After finishing my mouthful, I bit down on my bottom lip and set down my fork.

He reached across the table and took my hand. “Until recently, I was my father’s lead enforcer, which was dangerous work. However, now that I have a mate, I would never do anything to put you in peril.”

A thought rose to the surface of my mind, along with images from the attack at the bank. I was about to voice a question when he brushed his thumb over my knuckles. Tingles spread up my arm and across my breasts, making my mind go blank.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I stared down at our joined hands. What had I wanted to say to him? He squeezed my hand, and a jolt of desire squeezed my heart. “Everything about you is a marvel,” I said, my voice breathy. “Even your touch. How can I be sure I can make you happy?”


My gaze rose to meet his stern expression, and I swallowed hard. “Yes?”

“Do you know how rare it is to have a fated mate?”

I shook my head.

“Less than five percent of vampires are truly mated to women and less than five percent of those have been mated by fate.”

“I had no idea it was so uncommon.”

He nodded. “I expected the Fates to pair me with a Demon Queen, a High Lady of the Faerie Courts or a creature of equal age and power as me, but they gifted me with you.”

My heart sank. An inexperienced nun couldn’t compete with those fancy titles. “Then why are you being so nice?”

He appeared in front of me in an instant and knelt at my side, his gaze boring into mine. “My recent encounter with a phoenix decimated my strength. I doubt that a woman obsessed with power and status would have kept me around for long.”

“So, you’re lucky because my standards are lower?”

When he smiled, the corners of his eyes creased. “What you lack in power, you make up for in ingenuity and cunning. Our relationship can now be one of equals, and together, we will grow even more powerful than before.”

I leaned forward and rested my head against his brow. “You’re a lot more pleasant like this, but you’re still extremely powerful and experienced. Any encounters you have with me will be a disappointment.”

Draco rose from his seat and pulled me into his arms, so we stood chest to chest. He pushed back a strand of curls with his fingers and smiled. “Fear not. I will give you all the training you require to please a prince.”

“Really?” I ran my hand down his broad chest. “Can we start now?”

He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. “Tomorrow.”


He shook his head. “Wait for your body to metabolize the blood. If you feel the same way, we will commence the lessons.”

I pulled my hand from his grip and placed it on his collar. His skin was pliant and absolutely nothing like the cool hardness of his older body. My breath quickened. Draco was flesh and blood, and apart from the fangs and the extreme physical beauty, he was no different from any supernatural male.

“There’s so much about you I want to explore.” I slid my hand beneath the lapel of his dressing gown and brushed my fingers against his nipple. “Your skin is so smooth.”

“Because I only rose from the ashes a few days ago,” he said, his voice tight.

My gaze wandered down his lapel to the tie in his silk kimono. “You told me earlier that most of your ashes had drained away.”

“They did.”

“Then do you have all your body parts?” My hands traveled downward.

His breath quickened. “I came back fully functional, if that’s what you mean.”

“Let me see.” I tugged at the waistband of his robe.

Draco grabbed my hands. “What would you do if I showed you?”

I licked my lips, and his deep growl made my skin tingle. “You smell so good. I’d like a taste.”

His lips crashed onto mine in a dizzying kiss that made me dissolve against his large body. His hardness pressed into my belly, and a heat flared between my legs. I tried squeezing my thighs together, but it only made me yearn for him more.

It was probably the vampire blood, with a touch of that red wine. Or maybe my brush with death had taught me that life was too short for arbitrary rules like waiting a full day to take what I wanted.

I could have died twice today. Three times if anything had gone wrong during the bank’s multiple identity checks. I wasn’t going to wait until tomorrow to get what I wanted.

My blood roared, and heat seared through my veins and concentrated in the juncture of my thighs. Draco wanted me, and I wanted him more than ever. I was going to get what I wanted right here, right now.

I reached between our bodies and wrapped my fingers around his thick length.