Radge by Esther E. Schmidt



I have a bad feeling about this. It started when we left Niall’s mansion and headed for Bane. Yesterday I ordered a prospect to keep an eye on Bane’s mansion and he saw him enter his home a few hours ago. He hasn’t left so we decided to go in and kill the fucker.

“We have the place surrounded,” Glenn grunts. “Looks dead inside.”

I grind my teeth because he’s right, I can’t see any movement inside Bane’s mansion. My phone rings and I pull it out, noticing it’s Hunter calling. I pick up on the third ring.

“Hunter,” I grunt.

“Shit’s going down with your old lady. We’ve killed three capos and they’re all singing the same song: Bane is heading for Niall to kill him and take his daughter as his wife.”

“Fuck,” I snap and barely manage to thank him before hanging up.

I turn toward my bike and throw over my shoulder, “They’re heading for Niall’s house to take my old lady.”

Curses ring out along with footsteps as they follow me to our bikes. Dammit, we’re over half an hour away and that’s riding full speed. My heart is pounding in my throat as I jab the screen of my phone as I straddle my bike.

“Fraser isn’t answering,” I tell Brodie.

“Don’t waste time calling, we need to head out,” Brodie replies and I shove my phone away and hit the road.

My mind is all over the place for the next dragging moments of my life. I shouldn’t have left her at her father’s house but we had visual of Bane entering his house and not leaving until we got there.

I have no fucking clue how he might have slipped through our fingers, but until he’s lying dead at my feet, I have to focus on what’s important; getting my old lady to safety. Fraser stayed behind along with her father and his men so it was not like I left her alone, but still.

Blinded by rage and the need for retribution give chance to rip the one woman from my life who gives me the reason to breathe. Who puts fucking sunlight into a future of darkness our VII Knights MC life is always tainted with.

Dread hits me full force when I see part of Niall’s mansion set ablaze as a dark SUV speeds off the premises. Torn on what to do, I tighten my hands on the handles and hit the throttle. Brodie yells something from beside me but I completely ignore it and give chase after the SUV.

Following my gut has always been my first instinct and drive. I hope to fuck this time it guides me to saving my woman. But with Hunter’s words echoing in the back of my head I know the one thing Bane wants and that’s Meribeth.

He will kill everyone in that mansion and burn it to the ground but the one thing he’d take with him is my woman because he wants the weapon pipeline and she’s the key to everything. And I’m pretty sure he’s thinking he can blame this shit on my MC as well.

But what Bane doesn’t know is that Niall has warned his contacts. There’s no way anyone will work together with him, even if he has my woman at his side and tries to shove all the blame on us. Everyone who is important knows the truth and there’s no way around it for Bane. He’s a lost cause but doesn’t know it yet.

The SUV in front of me swerves to the left and suddenly launches into a U-turn. With the speed it had it flips over two times before it lands in the dirt beside the road and slides forward until it crashes to a stop against a tree.

I lessen my speed and hit the kickstand as I jump off my bike and reach for my gun. The door swings open and I watch, horrified as my woman falls out and scrambles back. Blood is dripping from her forehead. Her clothes are torn and there are deep gashes on her leg.

An arm appears and I clearly notice the grizzly ink marking the man as one of Bane’s men. But as he steps out of the car, I now notice it’s Bane himself. The gun he’s holding goes off and it impacts besides Meribeth.

“Don’t fucking move, Ramsey or I’ll kill her,” Bane warns.

“No you won’t because you need me, you sick fuck. It’s why you killed my father. Killed Fraser and all my father’s men and then locked my mother and brothers inside a room and set the place on fire.” Her head turns my way. “Kill him. Kill him now, even if he takes me out. Please,” she fucking begs me.

I can feel damn tears burning behind my eyes. Never in all my grown life have I fucking cried and I ain’t starting now but having my woman beg me to kill someone even if it means laying down her own life is squeezing the soul right from my body.

“There’s no way out of this for you, Bane. You’re going down for the murder of my father, my brothers, and you fucking hurt my old lady,” I snarl.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Brodie has rounded the car and is trying to inch closer to Bane but the fucker still has his gun aimed straight at her head. And with my next breath he grabs her hair and hoists her toward him to use as a human shield.

“If there’s no way out of this, why should I let her live, huh?” He places the muzzle of his gun at her head to give force to his words.

I’ve never cowered for anything in life. Nothing mattered enough to care, not even my own life but in this moment I want to put down my gun and let him walk–for now–if it means I get to pull my woman out of the danger zone.

Glancing over Bane’s shoulder, I see Brodie sliding in place and we need to get this fucker’s gun away from Meribeth’s head if we want a shot of getting her out of this alive. I start to lower my gun.

“Don’t you dare,” Meribeth snarls.

Bane lifts his gun away from her head, probably wanting the space to hit her over her head to shut her up as he says, “Stay out of this, cunt.”

It’s the opportunity we need and Brodie takes full advantage when he shoots Bane in the shoulder. Meribeth catches on real quick and before I launch myself forward, she’s spinning around and has Bane’s wrist in a tight grip to deflect the gun.

The damn thing goes off and I hear her grunt. I finally have Bane by the throat and let my gun fall to the ground, knowing Brodie and my woman have my back as I unleash all my fury at the life I hold in my hands.

My fist connects with his eye. Pulling back I hit his nose and hear the crunch of bones snapping. I don’t let it stop me and hit him two more times before I wrap my fingers around his throat. Hate fuels my veins when I squeeze hard enough to stop the air from entering his body.

“Thought you could use my MC for your own personal gain?” I snarl. “Kill my father before his time on this fucked-up world was up? Take more of my brothers’ lives? Hurt my woman? It’s a damn shame you only have one life I get to end because I would put it on a fucking loop for a lifetime to come.”

I keep him pinned to the dirt with one hand and reach for the knife strapped to my thigh with the other. Placing the tip of my knife between his ribs, I slowly put pressure on the weapon to let it breach the flesh and sink deep inside, making sure to hit his lung.

Pulling the knife out, I plunge the thing right in his gut and repeat the action two more times before I bring the crimson dripping tip of my knife an inch from his eyeball. And it’s then I think “Fuck it,” and mess up his eyeball with my knife. He screams like a pig hitting boiled water and I damn well relish in it.

“Either take him to the clubhouse or end him here and now because we need to handle other shit.” Brodie’s voice penetrates my killing-haze and I swing my head toward him.

He’s sitting next to Meribeth, his hand is pressing on her thigh, blood seeping through his fingers. Fuck. She’s shot? And it’s then I remember those gashes on her leg and the blood dripping down her face.

There’s nothing more important than my woman and it’s for this reason I stare down at the fucker underneath me–scum of the fucking world I’m about to end–and place the tip of my knife under his jaw.

“There isn’t enough hate inside me to keep you alive and torture you for an eternity. The satisfaction of ending your life might be a fleeting thing but I will remember it as a victory in my father’s name,” I growl and with all my strength I plunge the knife upwards into his head.

I quickly pull it out and grab the knife with both hands, plunging it over and over into his chest until calmness overtakes. I push to my feet and put away my knife as I grab for my gun to put it away as well.

“Brothers are on the way to clean up this mess. The driver is dead, pinned straight through the head by a tree branch. I just called Glenn and he told me they managed to get her mother and brothers out.”

“Good, let’s get my woman back to the clubhouse, she needs that bullet removed,” I order.

I take off my cut and place it over her so I can rip off my shirt and put it back on. Placing the fabric between my teeth, I rip it apart and use it to bandage the wound. When I’m done I gently scoop her up and turn but I realize I only have my bike.

“Fuck,” I mutter and glance down. “Can you hold on if I put you on the back of my bike?”

“Prez, look,” Brodie quips. “I asked Glenn to come here with one of her father’s cars.”

There are headlights coming our way and I take a breath of relief once an SUV stops in front of us and it’s Glenn who is jumping out and rushing around it to open the door for me.

“Brothers are on their way, but Prez?”

“What, Glenn?” I snap and place my woman in the backseat.

“I know you’re gonna hate this, but I called an ambulance.”

“You what?” I roar, hating the interference of cops when it’s not needed.

He quickly shakes his head. “Not for your woman, for her father. I’m sorry I fucked up with the former Prez and gave the intel too late but–” He glances over his shoulder at the dead body lying in the dirt. “Bane shot a bullet into Meribeth’s father but he’s still breathing. I had to try and save him. He said he’d handle the cops if I did.”

Meribeth starts to cry and I grab Glenn’s shoulder and grunt. “You did good, brother. Now get your lazy ass behind the wheel and get us to the clubhouse. Brodie, call the doc and tell him to be there when we arrive.”

“You got it, Prez. I’ll handle it here and meet you later,” he says right before he closes the door and taps the roof, indicating Glenn to hit the gas and get moving.

It’s a dragging few hours until Meribeth is finally in our bed resting. The doctor removed the bullet from her thigh and checked out the gashes caused by the car accident and bandaged them along with putting a few stitches in a cut above her eye.

He gave her a sedative and she quickly fell asleep right after. She needs the rest and it gives me some time to check around and make sure everything is handled. Her father is still in surgery and we don’t have a clue if he’s going to pull through.

Her mother is at the hospital and we’ve brought Meribeth’s brothers here to the clubhouse where Glenn is keeping them company. He’s distracting them with a game or something in the gaming room.

With Bane and his men attacking Niall’s mansion, he managed to kill the guards and Fraser who took a few of Bane’s men out before they killed him. I talked to Hunter about an hour ago and they are already on their way back home.

Together we’ve managed to obliterate Bane’s family tree; not one capo is left standing thanks to the other VII Knights MC charters. And it’s a good thing Niall has contacted the capo dei capi–the boss of all bosses–to make sure there’s no blowback.

I should feel good, killing Bane with my own hands. My father’s death has been avenged along with those of my fallen brothers, and yet there’s no satisfaction. The senseless murders are a black mark on my soul that I will carry with me for an eternity.

A glass is put in front of me with a few fingers high of amber liquid. “Here you go, Prez.”

“Thanks, VP,” I mutter and throw the whiskey back, the burn warming my throat as I put the glass back on the counter.

“Your old lady sleeping?” he questions.

“Yeah. I’ll check back later but the doc said she should be out for a few hours at least.”

“Good.” Brodie sighs. “Gives her father time to pull through so we hopefully have some good news when she wakes up.”

I grunt and Brodie adds some more whiskey to my glass. I throw this one back too and shove the glass in his direction.

“No more. I want a clean head, too much shit still going on.”

“Prez,” Jovi quips from beside me.

I give him my attention and he starts to rattle, “I made some food for those three kids.”

I nod but he keeps hovering and I get the feeling there’s more. “What is it, Jovi? Spit it out, I’m not in the mood for dragging shit out or guessing games for that matter.”

“A few hours ago, when I sent all the chicks home and told them not to come back until we say otherwise? Tasha was trying to sneak into your room so I kicked her out of the club and told her she was banned from the premises.”

I rub the back of my neck thankful I didn’t have to deal with her bullshit. “You did good, brother.” Relief crosses his face and I feel the need to let him know, “If she was trying to sneak into my room, she meant to cause trouble for me and my old lady. You saved me the trouble of kicking her out for good myself.”

“And don’t worry about the stray pussy. We have an old lady in our midst so the fucking won’t be happening in the main room anyway from now on,” Brodie chimes in and gives me a nod. “A little courtesy and respect goes a long way.”

I lift my chin in recognition. My phone rings and I notice it’s Niall’s number. Knowing Meribeth’s mother took her father’s phone with her, I answer on the second ring.

“Ramsey? It’s me, Erin. I’m calling to let you know Niall is out of surgery. They don’t know if he’s going to pull through but they did manage to repair the damage from the bullets to the chest.”

“He’s strong and has enough reasons to live,” I tell her.

“Yes,” she croaks and clears her throat. “How are Meribeth and my boys doing?”

“The boys are in the game room. Glenn is keeping an eye on them and ordered pizza, even if Jovi made food for them already. He will make sure they’ll keep their heads busy with video games and will give them each a bed later tonight. Meribeth is sleeping. The doc gave her something so she could rest, I will give her the info about her father when she wakes up.”

“Thank you.” The fatigue is loud and clear in those two words.

“If there’s anything else we can do for you, just let me know,” I tell her.

“I’m fine. The young man in the waiting room also mentioned he is there for whatever I need. Thank you for that.”

“No need to thank me. I don’t want my old lady worrying about her parents,” I gruffly tell her at the sudden reminder I lost both my parents while the life of my woman’s father is still hanging in the balance. “Just know we’re one call away. Do you want me to let Meribeth contact you once she wakes up? Or tomorrow morning?”

“Thank you for making my daughter feel her worth,” Erin tells me and my heart squeezes.

“What?” I mutter, not knowing what she’s referring to.

“We talked about you. And I don’t mind telling you she thinks you’re sweet.”

I can’t help but snort, the corner of my mouth twitching, knowing it’s something Meribeth would say because no one would describe me as fucking sweet.

“She also said she thinks she loves you. And from the things I’ve heard, seen, and experienced today…it shows my daughter has indeed found the person, as she mentioned, who knows her worth. One who is not annoyed by her skills, smart mouth, and that incredible temper of hers. And I have seen it in your eyes how much she means to you.”

“It suits her,” I tell her with a smile on my face. “She would be plain without her temper.”

“She’s anything but plain,” her mother says with a load of affection in her words.

“So very true,” I agree.

We say our goodbyes and she promises to call if there are any updates or otherwise we will swing by the hospital tomorrow morning if Meribeth is up to it.

“The fucker will live, you’ll see,” Brodie says and slides another few fingers high of alcohol my way. “Here, one more to swallow this shit down.”

I throw the amber liquid down and hiss through my teeth as I hand the glass back. “I’m going to crash beside my old lady. Come get me if anything is up.”

“Everything is handled as it is, Prez. You deserve some shut-eye. Hell, we all do. We’ll face the aftermath tomorrow, bright and early.”

“Bright and early,” I mutter and stalk down the hall.

I slowly close the door behind me and flip the lock. Shrugging out of my cut, I place it over the chair and grab the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head. I kick off my boots and shed my jeans and socks.

Strolling naked to the bed, I slide between the sheets and carefully slide my arm underneath Meribeth to place her on my chest. She’s still in a deep sleep and my next breath feels somehow lighter.

Having her in my arms–knowing the issue threatening the club and my woman, is completely handled–is finally sinking in. She’s mine. Our future is wide open with many options. It’s crazy when I think about it. A few weeks ago, I would have declared someone insane for telling me I’d be in bed, holding my old lady while daring to dream about a future together.

There might not be roses and sunshine, birds chirping in your ear and all that shit. But still, with this woman? It’s more like having a partner in crime at my side and it feels fucking amazing.

The words her mother mentioned slide through my head and to realize this woman told her mother she thinks she loves me is mind-blowing. Every first of this woman I took. First kiss, first blow job, first time a man put his mouth on her pussy, first fucking time someone entered her body.

I take a calming breath and order my cock to go down. Yeah, knowing she’s mine till the end of time sure makes my body, my soul, my tainted heart…very fucking happy. And I can honestly admit I can’t wait to see what the future might bring.