Radge by Esther E. Schmidt



I stare out the window and ignore the chattering women behind me. Last night Ramsey degradingly told me he wants me pregnant so I have something on my hands. And he had the freaking nerve to ask if I was done with the twenty questions while all I wanted was to make sure we had an understanding.

His reaction made me shut my lips altogether. He didn’t seem to mind either since he left the room after his shower and didn’t come back till after midnight and left bright and early this morning. Before he left, he grunted I was allowed out of the room but had to stay inside the clubhouse for obvious reasons.

Asshole. I’m still pissed but after being stuck in that room ever since I was kidnapped, I did leave as soon as I was showered and dressed. I’m wearing a pair of his sweat shorts that I had to roll up at the waist and one of his shirts. I feel like a slob while the women behind me look as if I’m the trash the president dug up and left here for them to look at.

There are a handful of bikers in the room and one of the women struts toward them but before she reaches them, he holds up his hand. “None of us want the distraction, Tasha.”

“Oh, come on, no one is doing anything around here and I’m bored,” she pouts and for the life of me I don’t understand why men would find it adorable.

Her skirt isn’t covering her ass cheeks, her red high heels are rundown and the bikini top is barely in place. She throws in a little more effort and curls her bottom lip and flutters her lashes along with it.

The biker I know is named Fraser ignores her and at the same moment I shake my head–at her attempt to get some action–is when her gaze hits me. I’m not one to shy away, especially not when she narrows her eyes and stomps toward me.

“Tasha, don’t even fucking think about it,” Fraser barks from behind her.

She stops in her tracks but doesn’t turn around when she says, “And what exactly do you assume I’m thinking about?”

“Doesn’t matter: she’s an old lady and you’re not. So, sit your ass down,” Fraser snaps.

I can’t help it, I should let those two have it out and seem unaffected but in reality I feel a fat smirk slide across my face. Ramsey might not be here but it’s clear I have others watching over me. Even if I’m pretty damn sure I can take this Tasha in a bitch fight. Hell, I’d let her invite her friends along with her and smack them into next Sunday as well.

She keeps standing where she is and crosses her arms in front of her chest to give me a filthy glare. I raise one of my eyebrows as if to say, “What, bitch? Try me and see how that’s going to work out for you.”

Fraser chuckles and stalks to Tasha and grabs her elbow. “I wouldn’t mind seeing the Prez’s old lady kick your ass, and believe me she can and will, but Prez would have my ass if I’d allow it to happen. So, you’re going to sit your ass down with the others or leave.”

He makes the choice for her to guide her toward the others and I direct my gaze out the window. Movement up the road catches my attention and joy fills my veins when I recognize the blue SUV with the trailer behind it.

“Fraser,” I yell and point at the window. “Can you please open the gate? That’s my bike.”

He shoots me a grin. “Yeah, sugar. Prez mentioned he called your father to demand your stuff to be brought over.”

The rumble of bikes draws my attention to the parking lot and I notice eight bikes swerve around the SUV and enter the property before the SUV reaches it. Ramsey parks his bike along with Brodie and a few others and he comes to a stop in front of the clubhouse. He shoots a look over his shoulder to let our gaze collide.

I’m still pissed at him but I do appreciate the fact he reached out to my father to make sure all my stuff was delivered. Maybe it was to drive his point home, some kind of powerplay or torture, whatever. But the fact is, I’m grateful.

Ramsey might be an asshole but I’ve come to learn he is true to his word and has his own twisted sense of righteousness. Not to mention, he made me feel extremely good even if it was weird to have sex for the first time in front of a few of his brothers.

But again…that’s his twisted stuff and his reaction last night also showed–along with keeping all my private parts covered–that he doesn’t share and monogamy is set in place. One thing that does bug me is the fact we had sex more than once, his mouth was on my private parts and other spots of my body except for my mouth. No kiss. Not one.

“Prez wants you outside,” Fraser informs me and I shake myself from the rambling thoughts inside my head.

Fraser heads for the door and leaves me to travel behind him while I feel one of the men with a prospect cut coming up behind me. It’s a little overboard if you ask me, the whole double bodyguard escort outside thing.

Merrick is the first one I notice when I look past Ramsey. He’s unloading my bike and glances up once he hits the kickstand. He gives me a head-to-toe scan and I notice the relief in his eyes. He’s about six years older than I am and he’s been my bodyguard for the last three years.

“Merrick,” I quip and give him a friendly smile.

An arm sneaks around my waist and Ramsey pulls me against his body.

Leaning in he asks in a low and hard voice, “Who the fuck is he to you?”

“My former bodyguard,” I tell him to soothe some of the tension flowing through him.

I’m not a complete idiot. He’s called me out here to show my father’s men who I belong to now. They get a glimpse to report back. It’s all a game to them, the same with the power pull Ramsey did by ordering to have my stuff delivered. I can easily play this game along with them.

I curve my voice into a sugary sweet tone and pat his chest. “Now I have all of your brothers surrounding me.” I angle my head toward my bike and sigh. “I’m so happy to have my baby back,” I state with a load of affection in my voice.

Brodie chuckles next to Ramsey. “Glad to see where your priorities lie. The prez’s old lady couldn’t give two shits about the suitcases standing in front of her but goes all gaga over her bike. Perfect if you ask me.”

“Meribeth.” Merrick steps toward me.

“That’s far enough,” Ramsey snaps.

Merrick visibly grinds his teeth. “I have a letter from her father I’d like to give her if that’s okay.” He doesn’t ask it as a question due to his tone of voice and the glare he still has in place.

I glance up at Ramsey who keeps staring at Merrick.

“Hand it to me,” Brodie says and steps forward.

Merrick slowly grips his suit jacket and holds it open to grab the thick envelope from his inside pocket between his thumb and index finger to show everyone he’s not doing anything else but grabbing the letter. He hands it to Brodie who in return gives it to me. I hold it out for Ramsey to take and he gives me a barely noticeable nod as he takes the envelope.

“Thank you, Merrick,” I tell him sincerely and turn to Ramsey. “And thank you for arranging to have my stuff delivered.”

I rise on my toes and intend to touch my lips to his but Ramsey slightly turns and mine land on his cheek. How freaking embarrassing. And what the hell is up with the no lip locking?

“Right,” I grumble. “And that’s my cue to leave. Have fun guys, I’m going to finally change into something that does belong to me.”

I grab one of the suitcases near me and head inside the clubhouse. Anger flows through me along with a hell of a lot of shame and confusion.

“He won’t kiss you, you know,” Tasha sneers. “They won’t ever kiss whores.”

How the hell dare she call me a damn whore? This moment right here hurts more than the deflecting move Ramsey just pulled out there in front of all those guys.

I give Tasha a condescending look and refuse to hold back when I snap, “I wouldn’t kiss a whore either with all the different cocks squirting cum over your tongue. It would be as close as taking a bath in a sewer. Now, if you excuse me, whore. This old lady is going to take a fucking bath.”

I ball my fist and punch her against the shoulder. She stumbles back and gets tackled by the couch and falls backwards onto it. Tightening my hold on my suitcase, I stomp down the hallway and into Ramsey’s room.

When I try to slam the door shut, I’m met with resistance. Dropping the suitcase, I curl my fingers into a fist and swing the door back open, ready to throat punch the bitch if she thinks to come at me again.

Ramsey rears back. “Hey, calm down. What the hell was that about with knocking Tasha down? You should understand right now those women aren’t going anywhere. They serve the needs of my brothers and you just have to deal with them.”

“And that’s exactly what I did,” I snap and turn to grab my suitcase.

I don’t want to get into this with him. The statement he just gave was clearly to put me in place and let me know whores are going to be flaunted in my face and I should let them tell me I’m one of those too.

“Now just wait a fucking second,” he growls and snatches my wrist.

My first instinct is to turn and throw a punch but instead I go completely rigid.

“Why are you acting like a petulant child?” My blood runs cold at the condescending tone he uses, not to mention the choice of words he just threw at me.

“Oh, that’s nice. Throw our age gap at me why don’t you, old man. I seriously need a shower to shake this insanity. First that bitch out there calls me a whore and now my disrespectful man calls me a freaking child after telling me to deal with that bitch. Awesomesauce.”

I stomp into the direction of the bathroom but I’m grabbed by my upper arm and the room spins around me as he turns my body to face him.

“What did you just say?” he growls in my face.

I meet his angry glare with one of my own. “The whore part or the disrespectful man part? Be clear with your words, old man.”

His hand wraps around my neck and he presses his body flush against me. “Tasha called you a whore? That bitch disrespected you and by that, disrespected me.”

His ramblings cause me to snort. “Let me spell this out for you because she might have disrespected me but she made assumptions due to your actions. Thanks for that by the way, you know, turning your cheek and not giving me your mouth. Tasha kindly informed me of the fact you guys don’t kiss whores on the mouth due to the whole dick swapping, cum swallowing activities. Kind of you to put me in that category in front of everyone else.”

His eyes flare with understanding and suddenly his grip and body are gone and he’s standing in the middle of the room.

“Yeah.” Rubbing a hand over the back of his neck he admits on a frustrated sigh, “I shouldn’t have turned when you wanted to give me your mouth. It was a routine move.”

“A routine move,” I grumble. “Nice. Here I was giving you my first kiss. You had your mouth on my pussy and fuck knows where else before me, but yeah…nice. Not to mention you took my virginity without so much as a kiss at the altar or whatever. I really appreciate the disrespect of everything, but I guess I just have to deal, right? Thanks for the lame-ass apology, if it even was one. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower in an effort to rinse myself of this insanity this clubhouse is drenched with. Not that I think it will make a difference but sometimes you just have to try because giving up doesn’t run through my veins.”

I shake my head and slip into the bathroom. I rip off the clothes I’m wearing and throw them into the corner. Turning on the water, I don’t wait for it to heat and step underneath the cold stream.

Shivering, I gasp and mutter, “Fuck, that’s colder than a polar bear’s balls.”

“You should wait a few seconds, it heats up pretty fast,” a voice rumbles from my right.

I don’t bother to give him a reply or any indication I’m aware of him. I’m not in the mood to talk and I’m here to take a freaking moment for myself.

“I haven’t kissed a woman in over fifteen years.”

Screw him. I haven’t kissed anyone in all my freaking life.

“Last time was when I was sixteen and my father caught me with one of the whores. He pulled me aside and told me to wait and keep an eye on why I shouldn’t touch a woman with my mouth. In a matter of minutes, the whore was on her knees with another man’s cock down her throat. He did mention the difference with an old lady but I guess in all those years it became a routine of not putting my mouth on a woman.”

I rub the water out of my eyes. “Just between their legs then? Because you did put your mouth on my pussy. Yeah, yikes, never mind, I totally understand it now. I don’t even know why we’re talking about this. Keep the no kissing intact. Now shoo, I’m trying to have a personal moment here.”

He sure sounds pissed off when he growls, “I’ve never put my mouth between a woman’s legs before.”

Surprise hits me and I can’t help but blurt, “Really? Because you have great skills.”

Ugh. Seriously, brain? That’s the first reaction?

His chuckle mingles with the steam and I now notice he’s only wearing jeans riding low on his hips. He reaches for the zipper, down it goes as his dick springs free and the fabric lands on the floor.

He steps into the shower behind me and places his mouth near my ear. “I’m willing to let you benefit from my skills whenever you want.”

I can feel my nipples tighten to hard nubs from his voice and the mere thought of feeling his tongue slide through my folds. He made me feel so good, but I’m still sore between my legs and I’m not sure I can take that pierced monstrosity inside me again this soon.

He presses his hard length against me and I shamefully admit, “I’m too sore.”

One of his arms sneaks around my body to keep me close and rasps, “Then I won’t slide my cock home.”

I’m standing underneath a hot stream of water and this man is able to make me shiver nonetheless. His hand moves to shut off the water. He grabs a large towel and gently wraps it around me. Such a stark contrast to what I’ve seen and experienced with him till now.

When he’s touched every inch of my body with the towel, he quickly dries himself off and scoops me up to carry me to the bed. There’s no throwing me on it, no roughly spreading my legs; only eagerness to get his mouth on me.

The kindness and gentleness fall away once he starts to fuck me with his tongue. His teeth graze my clit and his fingers dig into my thighs to bury his head tight against my pussy. He’s completely devouring me and is on a chase to find my orgasm and rip it right from my body.

My hands fly to his head. I don’t know whether to push him away or pull him closer. My body is overwhelmed by desire, electricity is lighting up my veins and I’m so close to exploding into bliss I can almost taste it.

“Please,” I whimper.

His thumb slides through my folds and downwards, brushing my ass. I don’t have time to process what he’s doing because my brain short-circuits with a sharp flow of pleasure coursing through my veins.

“Ramseeeeey,” I moan and grind my pussy against his face to keep riding the bliss he’s giving me.

My whole body feels drained of the energy it once held and I slump back into the mattress. Ramsey gives me a few more licks and rises above me, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before he palms himself.

His eyes are locked on my pussy while he strokes himself. The thick, red, mushroom head bumps against my clit with each rough tug. I watch, enthralled, how he grunts and is totally consumed by touching his dick with my pussy.

His free hand grips my inner thigh to open me up some more. Fingers digging in while his breathing changes, his strokes become choppy right before he growls, “Mine,” as hot jets of cum coat my pussy and belly.

I keep staring at the powerful man above me. Heated eyes take me in as he starts to rub his dick through the thick ropes of cum, spreading them all over my pussy. His gaze collides with mine and he gives me a sheepish grin.

“Never branded a woman with my cum either. Looks good on my old lady.”

I have to fight a grin and feel warmth blossom inside my chest.

Crawling up to hover above my face he murmurs, “Let’s give this a try,” and catches my lips with his. Soft at first until his tongue demands entrance and slides right in to dance with mine. Mimicking his actions, I can feel my whole body light up with sparks of electricity and get lost in his taste.

I never want it to end but still he pulls back and places his forehead against mine. Both panting hard we stare at one another. My first kiss. And I can’t believe it’s his first after fifteen years. This thing between us might be an arrangement benefiting his needs, but I’m beginning to believe this man was meant to be mine. We each have our twisted characteristics and while living in different worlds we did collide and match perfectly.

“From here on out the only taste I’ll have on my tongue will be yours,” he vows.

More tingles light up my body, a stark contrast from when I walked into the bedroom earlier. It’s as if we grew closer and opened up, agreeing to move forward together from here on out. Crazy because he kidnapped me, demanded I’m his, and took my virginity in front of his brothers to speak his claim. And yet it feels so damn right.

“Maybe mingled with the taste of your cum if you decide to kiss me after I give you a blow job,” I tartly reply.

His eyes dilate with lust and a smirk slides across his face.

“I guess I can live with that,” he mutters before his lips connect with mine once more.