A Curse in Darkness by Sherilee Gray

Chapter 30


Ren wasn’tat his house. I didn’t really expect him to be.

I’m sure Sally and Calum checked the basement apartment every day as well, but I couldn’t stay away. I allowed myself to hope—the alternative was unacceptable. I couldn’t even think about him never coming back.

I’d brought food with me, stocked his fridge and cupboards with his favorites, just in case he did go back to his house. It was all I could do.

He’d shifted into his fox when he’d run off, and I got the feeling he planned to stay that way for a while. When he was in his animal form, he’d told me, his emotions were more contained; he went deeper into his animal side, his main concerns running, hunting, and sleeping.

If that helped him deal with everything he’d been through, I was more than good with that. I just hoped he came back to me soon, because I missed him, and I couldn’t lose him—not him too.

When I got home, Mom and Rose were on the couch. Rose was asleep, her head on Mom’s lap. Mom ran her hand over Roe’s long blond hair and gave me a sad smile. I couldn’t fucking bear it.

“Where are the others?” I whispered.

Art walked in and carefully put a hot chocolate down in front of Mom and held his up, silently offering me one as well.

I shook my head and gave his arm a squeeze. Art was honestly one of the best men I knew. “Thanks, Art, I’m good.”

“You look tired,” he said. “You need your rest.”

Art didn’t talk much, but when he did, it was about something important to him. He loved and cared about all of us. “I’ll head up to bed soon.”

“Iris is in her room, Brody brought her home,” Mom said, answering my earlier question, and she didn’t look pleased about it. “Else is in her workroom, and I think Magnolia’s with Bram. Would you mind checking on her? She hasn’t been herself lately. I think she’s struggling with everything that’s been happening.” She looked down at a still sleeping Rose. “There’s been a lot.”

“Yeah, of course.” I said my good nights and headed up to Mag’s room to check on her first, but she wasn’t there, so I ducked outside and around to the backyard.

Bram’s tree house wasn’t completely dark, so I took the ladder up to the door and knocked. When he answered, he looked like he’d been asleep. His hair was disheveled and he was in only a pair of shorts.

As soon as he saw me, he went on alert. “Is Mags okay?”

“She’s not with you?”


“Have you seen her tonight?” I tried to stay calm, but my heart was already racing.

“She said she wanted an early night.” He aimed his dark eyes at me, now filled with alarm. “I think she’s…she’s keeping something from me.”

“Why do you think that?” They never kept anything from each other.

The pain on Bram’s face was acute. “Just a gut feeling. She said she’d met with a friend a couple days ago, but I think it’s a guy.”

What?“She’s seeing someone?”

His throat worked. “I don’t know, not for sure. But she hasn’t been herself and it’s not just the attack.”

His pain and worry grew, altering his aura, turning it varying shades of green and indigo. “Why would she keep this from you? From her family?” That wasn’t Mags, my baby sister was an open book. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and she sucked at keeping secrets.

He looked at me through thick, black lashes. “I don’t know.”

The panic grew inside me. Someone had attacked her, had been targeting our family. Disappearing like this wasn’t smart, it was dangerous. Mags knew better. She didn’t do shit like this. What the hell was going on? I pulled my phone from my back pocket and hit her number. It went straight to voicemail. I left her a message. I had GPS tracking on the whole family, and they could track me as well in case of an emergency. I clicked open the app. I didn’t like invading my sister’s privacy, but with the way things were right now, I needed to know where she was.

“What is it?” Bram asked.

“She’s turned off the GPS. You’re sure she hasn’t told you anything, anything at all?”

The muscles in his forearms flexed, and his expression grew focused, fierce as he shook his head.

Shit. “Text me if she comes here?”

“I’m not sitting around here waiting. She lied to me again, something’s wrong. I need to find her.” He walked to the edge of the balcony and shifted, taking flight and disappearing into the night sky.

I scrambled down the ladder and strode across the yard, calling Mags again as I went. Still no answer. Goddammit.

When I walked into the living room, it was empty. Art would have carried Rose back to bed. I didn’t tell Mom about Mags, it would only worry her, and she needed sleep. She constantly looked exhausted lately, not surprising since she slept in a chair at Roe’s bedside most nights.

I paced around the house, the temptation to get in my car and go look for her was overwhelming, but I had no idea where to look. I’d been caught up in my own stuff for so long, I didn’t know where she hung out anymore or who her closest friends were. Bram would though. He had a better chance of finding her than anyone.

As hard as it was, I forced myself to stay put in case she came home or called Iris or mom instead of me.

My phone beeped and I snatched it up.

Mags: I’m with a friend, stop calling. I’ll be home soon.

I stared at her message with my heart in my throat. Thank the goddess. I typed back my reply, sharing how not happy I was with her lack of communication, and slumped on the couch. We would be having a serious talk when she got home, and I planned to be right here waiting when she walked in.

My mind spun with Warrick and Ren, with Mags and this mystery friend—with the Eldridges and what they’d tried to do.

Something didn’t feel right, like I was missing something, something vital. But Art was right, I was tired and worried, and yeah, heartbroken. My thinking capabilities were at an all-time low.

After texting Bram to let him know I’d heard from Magnolia, I grabbed the remote, and I flicked on the TV to wait for her.

* * *

I jolted awake at the sound of smashing glass.


The house was full of smoke.

I ran to the kitchen, still groggy, coughing. Flames engulfed the cabinets and the curtains above. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and attacked them. Yelling for everyone to wake up.

Another crash came, a low boom as more flames ignited in the living room. We were under attack. I banged on Else’s door and sprinted up the stairs. Smoke had traveled up here, too, and was already thick. I yelled, banging on doors. Mom and Art rushed from her room, both only half dressed. This would have made me immensely happy if someone wasn’t trying to burn down our house with us in it.

Bram ran out of Mag’s room.

“Is she in there?” I yelled.

He shook his head.


“Get Rose.”

He took off across the hall and I went to Iris’s room and threw the door open. Nia started barking. Iris was a heavy sleeper, but at the sound of her familiar’s distress, she woke coughing.

“Quick. We need to get out, the house is on fire.”

I helped her up, and we stumbled out into the hall. Art handed us wet towels, and we covered our faces and rushed down the stairs. Flames blocked our way, and I aimed the fire extinguisher at it and cleared a path. Art took off into Else’s room, and a moment later, he appeared with her tucked into his side. Bram strode forward, Rose wrapped in a blanket in his arms, and kicked the front door open.

We ran out.

“We’re sitting ducks out here. Someone’s gotten past our wards,” Mom said. “Everyone to the cemetery.”

Bram rushed ahead, and I moved to the back, my blade in hand, searching the shadows as we ran along the tree-lined path to our family cemetery. The wards were stronger here because no one else needed access but us. It was the safest place we could go.

Mom rushed to one of the benches, and Bram set Rose beside her. She was unconscious. “Roe,” Mom murmured. “Wake up, sweetheart.”

A fire siren wailed in the distance as Bram strode up beside me, Iris, and Art. Else, wrapped in one of her woolen shawls, rushed to help Mom with Rose.

“Can you see anything?” I asked Bram. It was dark and the fog was thick, but he had excellent vision in whatever form he chose.

“Nothing,” he said, scanning the perimeter, and quickly stripped off as he continued to search. Then he shifted and exploded into the sky to get a better look.

The fog remained thick around us, but as the clouds cleared from in front of the moon, I could see shadows along the edge of the cemetery, trees and shrubs—

Something moved.

Someone was standing there.

“Who’s there?” I called out.

Iris frowned and squinted. “Brody? Is that you?” She started toward him.

“Iris, are you okay? Your house…” He stepped forward onto the grounds. He was one of our trusted friends who we’d allowed a certain amount of access to us, more than almost anyone else.

As she got closer, though, his face changed, darkened. He lifted a hand, his lips moving.

Fuck, he was spelling.

I threw up my own hands, rescinding his access to the cemetery, but it was too late. It stopped him, throwing him back out, but not the flash of light, like an electrical current, that had shot from the tips of his fingers, aimed straight for Iris.

She stood frozen in obvious disbelief before she was thrown to the ground. She screamed, Nia running to her, standing over her, snarling and barking at Brody.

“Iris!” I ran to my sister in shock.

She clutched her face, her eyes filled with betrayal and pain. Fury rolled through me, and I straightened, facing off with the fucking prick.

Cora stepped forward.

What the fuck was this?

She smirked, looking like another person completely. I couldn’t believe it. They were our friends.

But Cora wasn’t alone—

Clayton was with her.

And he had Magnolia.

* * *


I waited outside the door to Lucifer’s quarters again, Jagger at my side.

It finally swung open and Ursula, one of his handmaids, stood there. She gave us both a lazy head to toe. “You two again?”

“I need to speak with Lucifer. It’s important.” Somehow, I kept the barely restrained fury from my voice.

We’d been back in Hell for several days and hadn’t been permitted to speak with the king of Hell once. His handmaids wouldn’t let me in. The beast stirred. I was close to pushing my way in. Not a wise move, I knew that, but my control was slipping by the minute. I’d been a free male for a fucking long time, and I liked my freedom a fuck of a lot, we all did. I thought if Lucifer ever called us home, I would return without question. I was wrong. This, being back here, wasn’t going to work for us anymore.

But most of all, I needed to get back to my dove. Right fucking now.

“Who’s out there?” a deep male voice called.

“Warrick and another one. The alpha wishes to speak with you,” she drawled.

“Well, send them in, for fuck’s sake.”

Had she been barring us from him for her own entertainment? Jagger growled, obviously coming to the same conclusion. My beast pushed forward, and I was close to grabbing her throat and shaking the fuck out of her.

The handmaids were warriors, and she didn’t miss my intention. She shook her head and lifted her ax, smirking. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, hound.” Then she shoved the door wide and stepped back.

We strode in, taking in the large room. Everything was black and silver and crimson. There was a large couch covered in cushions, and Lucifer sat back on a massive armchair that looked more like a throne, a black cat with vibrant green eyes on his lap. He stood when he saw us, putting the little beast on his shoulder. He held out his fist, and biting back my scowl, I gave it a pound. Jagger did the same.

“War, Jag, it’s been too long.”

I gripped my hands behind my back, fighting a snarl as the sense of urgency rising inside me had me close to exploding into my animal form and tearing Hell apart to get home.

“My king,” I said and dipped my chin.

“So you guys like your new digs? Your old quarters were kind of shit. Thought I’d give them a spruce up.”

Our old quarters had most definitely been shit, but no improvements would make me want to be back here. “Yes, and we appreciate it.”

Lucifer sat back down and motioned for the couch. “Urse, get them a drink, would you?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Not your servant, Lucifer.”

Lucifer sighed. “Please? As a friend then?”

She tapped her chin as if she were considering it. “Aw okay then, since you asked so nicely…not.” Then she strode right out the door.

He grinned at her retreating back before his gaze returned to me. “She really is a pain in the ass, but she can slaughter ten men with one swing of that ax.” He shrugged. “So anything else you and your brothers need, just say the word and you got it.”

“Can I speak freely, my lord?”


“Why are we here?” There was some growl to my voice this time, but there was no holding it back.

Lucifer’s head tilted to the side, gaze sharpening. “I’m back in Hell, that’s why.”

“We’ve been on earth a long time…”

“Yeah, and while we’ve been gone, the demons down here have been fucking running amok. I need help keeping them in line, and I need you and your brothers to do that for me when I’m not here. I occasionally pop back to earth.” He relaxed in his chair and stroked his cat. “Why? Do we have a problem?”

Lucifer may joke around at times, even seem easygoing on occasion, but he was the king of Hell, of darkness. He was capable of things that would horrify even me, and I’d seen him angry more than once. It wasn’t something I was fired up to see again. But it was a risk I was willing to take to get back to my dove.

“Yeah, there’s a problem.”

Lucifer put his cat on the floor carefully and sat forward. “I’m all ears.”

“We left Hell when you did, and we made a life for ourselves aboveground. We had no intention of ever coming back here.”

“I see.” He was quiet for several long seconds. “I really need you here, War. I need loyal soldiers. There are demons here who preferred my son’s way of running things. I need eyes and ears, and I need brute strength.”

Lucifer’s son, Diemos, had been in charge of Hell in Lucifer’s absence, in fact, he’d managed to lock Lucifer out. There’d been a battle and a lot of shit had gone down, but Lucifer was finally back where he belonged and looking to set things right—with our help, obviously.

Fuck. I needed to make him understand why we couldn’t stay. “My female is aboveground. Two of my brothers also have mates and pups, and are now separated from them. We owe you, my lord, you created us, you have treated us with respect and generosity, and we will always be loyal to you, but we cannot stay here.”

Lucifer was quiet again, then finally, he stood and paced away then back. “This is a serious problem for me.” He grabbed a glass that was filled with red wine and drank deeply. When it was drained, his gaze returned to me. “You got any ideas? Because I need loyal soldiers, lots of them.”

“Could you create more hounds? That way you’ll have an army here and on earth.” I didn’t even know if that was possible, but he’d done it once before, right?

“I could, but they would need to be trained, they would need leadership.” His head tilted to the side again and then his face lit up. “How about, you stay long enough to train them? Then all you have to do is pop back regularly to make sure shit is running smoothly? Maybe some babysitting when I’m aboveground.”

I didn’t want to stay here, not for any length of time. I wanted to get the fuck back to my dove. “How long would we need to stay?”

Lucifer held my gaze, and his eyes turned hard, icy. He was done negotiating. He was accommodating us, giving us what we wanted, but that came at a price, and if we pushed, if we pissed him off, he might never let us go back.

“I can create full-grown hounds in several days,” Lucifer said. “But they’d be as helpless as newborn babes. I’ll need you here for several months, at least.”

I turned to Jagger, and my brother looked about as thrilled as I felt, but he sensed Lucifer losing patience as well. Jagger dipped his head, giving me his agreement.

Something occurred to me, and I decided to push for one more favor. “We will stay as long as you need us to train them, my lord, but when we go back, can you return us to the same time as we left?”

Lucifer grinned. “Yeah, War, that I can do.”

And just like that, the ice melted. Lucifer got what he wanted and that’s what mattered.

We stood to leave, and I opened the door. Jagger walked out, then Lucifer spoke again. “Your female, she’s the witch, yes? Willow?”

I turned back. “Yes.”

“She’s a worthy female.”

Jagger gave me a nod and headed to our quarters, and I moved back into Lucifer’s rooms. “She is.” He’d met my dove or at least seen her fight. She’d been there when he took Hell back.

“You’ll have many strong sons with her, I have a feeling.” He winked. “A few daughters as well, I’d wager.”

The organ pumping in my chest seemed to swell and grow warm. “I hope so.”

“I appreciate your sacrifice, War. I know it’ll be hard to be parted from her, but I will forever be in your debt.”

The king of Hell didn’t say that shit lightly, and I wasn’t going to let it pass. “Then may I ask for another favor?”

“It seems I’m in a good mood. Ask.”

“Our mates are mortal, is it possible…”

“You want them to have immortality as well?”

“Yes, and our children, not just our sons but daughters as well.”

“Done,” he said as if it were nothing, as if he hadn’t just given my brothers and me an eternity of happiness.

“Just one more thing?” Yeah, I was totally fucking pushing it, but I had to try. “Willow’s sisters, she wouldn’t want to be parted from them, and one of them is sick…”

“Yeah, you are fucking pushing it,” he said like he was reading my mind, and he more than likely was. “But why not. Only if they find mates, though. Both parties will be granted eternal life, if that’s what they want. As for the one who’s sick, her fate is already set. I can’t meddle there. The fates are vindictive bitches and would focus their evil bidding on me. I’m not down with that. I’m not saying she won’t live a happy life mated for eternity, but yeah.” He gave me a wince. “Don’t bet on that one.”

Fuck. “Thank you,” I said and took a step back, ready to leave because Lucifer’s patience would run out sooner rather than later.

“I reward loyalty, War. And you and me, we go back a long fucking way. I created you, you’re one of my children, and I consider you a friend.” He tilted his head to the side again, studying me. “Which is why I know there’s something else. Now’s your chance. Ask it.”

Lucifer was definitely in my head. I knew it because there was a question that had been occupying my mind since I first saw Willow, and it was obviously loud enough that the king of Hell couldn’t ignore it. “I don’t have a soul, right? So can a soulless animal like me…” Fuck, this was hard. “Can we…are we capable of love? Of feeling it, expressing it?”

Lucifer scooped up his cat again, and she smooched his face. “No being spawned in Hell has a soul, brother, and that includes my own grandson, Zenon. The difference between you and him is he doesn’t know it.” A small smile curled his lips, flashing straight white teeth. “And no one has loved another the way Z loves his Mia, and don’t get me started on Zephyr, my great grandson. No child has ever had a more devoted father.”

“So I can, I can give that to Willow?”

“You and your brothers were created full-grown, not raised up. You didn’t have the same familial connections as humans or shifters, or whatever the fuck else, to begin with. But you became your own family, over time. Yes, I gave you the ability to sense emotions, Warrick, but the reason you understand them is because you are capable of them yourself.” He stroked his cat, looking down at her with adoration in his eyes. “Even those of us with the blackest of hearts are capable of love, if given the right motivation.”

I left a short time later, and it was like a fucking light had been switched on.

I was capable of love.

Yeah, I fucking was.

Because it suddenly became so fucking obvious. I loved my dove with everything in me.

And I was going to work day and night to get back to her.

To get my eternity with her.