Stolen Crown by S. Massery


Hey friends! I hope that ending was satisfying. This duet—actually, the entire DeSantis Mafia series—was so much fun to write. I loved bringing Amelie back from the Fallen Royals, and then fell even harder when I met Luca, Aiden, and Gemma.

Thank you so much for supporting this series. It means the world to me that y’all join me in fangirling over the DeSantis guys, despairing over the bad stuff that happens, and cheering (or wincing, I suppose it depends on the situation) when things get a little bloody.

Special thank you to my reader group—a truly supportive collection of people, I love y’all. My alpha readers, Rebecca and Ari, and other early readers (Amber, Tara, Erica, Jolie!) with their valuable insight and feedback. Editor, Emmy at Studio ENP and Paige Sayer Proofreader. And for the beautiful cover photos, Wander Aguiar and Michelle Lancaster—and to Cassie for turning those photos into the gorgeous covers.

Much love!

