Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Eleven


Iquickly follow Peter, glad that my hunch was correct. When we first met him, he was full of the gossip of the school so I figured that if anyone knew what the phoenix meant, it would be him. The mystery of what was under the floorboards wasn’t quite as light-hearted as I thought it was going to be but if anything, I’m just more intrigued now. Especially since it seems like someone wanted us to find it.

Once we’re all settled in Peter’s car, I turn to him.

“So?” I ask, impatiently.

“I have no idea how you found out about the Phoenix. It’s been a closely guarded secret for a while now. The only reason that I know that it existed is because my father was at school here when it all came crumbling down. Back then everyone knew about it, it was like an urban legend, been around since the school first opened. No one had any proof that it existed, but they all knew it did. He wouldn’t say much about it. Which was weird because he’s as big a gossip as I am.” He shrugs. “What I’ve gathered, is that they were a secret society of sorts. Only the elite were invited to be a part of it and once you were in, the perks were incredible. Even after you left the school. They became people of extreme power and always looked after their own. Even if they were in the wrong.”

“So, like most secret societies then.” Cash interrupts.

“Yeah, pretty much, except this one was backed by insane amounts of money and power. If you pissed them off, then you’d end up with your family losing their fortunes at the least. They had the power to make the richest of family’s, the ones with old money, become the poorest. The initiation was brutal, and the school could do nothing about it. All of the faculty were owned by the phoenix. Even so, everyone wanted to be in this group. But no one knew and they still don’t know who the members were.”

“So, what happened when your dad was here?” Trick asks, sounding as intrigued as I am.

“Five students went missing. There was a massive investigation, a blood trail was found belonging to one of them in the woods, but no body was ever found. Eventually someone came forward and mentioned that they’d heard their roommate talking about the Phoenix. The investigation blew up after that and the phoenix was never mentioned again. The kids were never found and because of the nature of the society, the police couldn’t question the members of the phoenix. They questioned the entire school but that led nowhere.

Dad said that although no one knew who was in the Phoenix, there were a couple of kids who were never the same after that, he’d be willing to bet that they knew what had happened. No one was brave enough to point this out to anyone though. After all, it looked like they had just killed five initiates or something equally as bad. It was never spoke of again, and the police just suddenly stopped investigating it.” Peter finishes as he pulls up to the gate outside our house.

“Fucking hell, that’s insane.” Jensen mutters.

“Anyone can be bought for the right price.” Cash mutters.

“Thanks for the information, Peter.” I say, reaching for the handle to get out if the car.

“You’re welcome, but please be careful. Nothing good can come of it, if the phoenix is back.” Peter warns and I nod.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.” I reply, trying to reassure him.

I was thinking that we could ask him to ask his dad if he remembered the names of the kids that changed after the incident but it seems far too dangerous and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to them because we got them involved. We’re far more capable of taking care of ourselves and any dangerous situations that may arise.

I get out of the car and I’m immediately engulfed in again hug, from Rafe.

“You okay Big Guy?” I ask when he finally puts me down.

“Just panicked when we couldn’t get hold of you guys. We thought someone had managed to grab you.”

“I’m sorry Big Guy, we didn’t have any cell service.”

“We know, the guys told us, but we’re still damn glad to see you for ourselves.” Riot adds, his eyes filled with relief.

“Sounds like you guys have had quite the adventure.” Luc grins as we all walk into the house, the guys having come out when they heard the car.

“Was that, that Peter kid?” Rage asks, curiously.

He’s honestly here enough that I’m surprised he doesn’t move in permanently. It’s probably a strategic move on their part to help them keep more of an eye on the school.

“Yeah, he had some more information about what we found, so he offered to drive us home and explain on the way.” I reply, making my way straight to the kitchen, to find something for dinner.

I’m freaking starving.

Everyone trails in behind me and the guys start to explain everything that has happened since we chased Jensen chasing that guy.

“Want some help?” Rafe asks, making me jump.

I was so focused on trying to find something for us to eat that I didn’t even hear him approach. My mind is also full of everything to do with the Phoenix. I have to know what happened to those kids and if we could bring some sort of closure to the families as well, that would be amazing. We can’t really do anything without more information and we’re not going to find that unless we go back down there.

We have more important things to focus on for this evening though.

“Ever?” Rafe asks again, looking concerned.

“Sorry, I got lost in my mind for a second.” I reassure him. “I’d love some help. I’m starving but my mind’s drawing a blank on what to make.”

I glance over to the table and see that the guys have already finished explaining what we’ve been up to and they’ve started to disperse, going off to do their own things.

“Alright, Dragonfly, how about stuffed chicken breast wrapped in bacon, with a creamy mushroom sauce, green beans, and potatoes?”

My mouth literally salivates at what he describes.

“Yes, fucking please. That sounds amazing. Tell me what you want me to do?”

“Could you mix together in a small bowl, cream cheese, these herbs and some garlic, please?” He asks, handing me a small bunch of different fried herbs.

“Sure thing, Big Guy.” I grin.

For the next hour or so, Rafe and I work around each other in the kitchen. There’s something so comforting about it and ever since the first time we cooked together, it’s become one of my favourite things to do. Every now and then when we pass, he’ll stop me, dip me, and kiss the shit out of me. By the time that dinner is ready, I feel like I’m soaring and have the dopiest grin on my face.

I move to the table, carrying two of the already made up plates.

“You look happy, Firecracker.” Luc says, quietly, a soft look in his eyes.

He’s the first one down here.

“I am.” I smile. “Can you go and get the others please?”

He grins, before yelling, “Food!”

I chuckle as there’s a rush of footsteps, looking around at all the guys as they take their seats, I realise someone is missing.

“Where’s Rage?” I ask Atlas.

“He went back to his place.”

“Nope, this is a family meal. Get him back.” I order.

Atlas’s eyes warm at my words and he pulls out his phone. “Get your ass back here.” He says simply before hanging up.

“Thank you, Atty.”

Five minutes later, the front door bangs open and Rage rushes in. “What’s wrong?” He demands, looking over us all his posture relaxing when his eyes land on me.

“Nothing’s wrong dude, chill. Family meal.” Trick answers him.

“What?” He replies, sounding unsure as he cautiously takes his seat.

“Family meal.” I repeat. “Look, I get that we won’t always be able to do this, conflicting schedules and all that, but you’ve got a job tonight and from now on before anyone goes on a job, I want us to have a family meal.”

The guys all get this soft look, even Atty.

“I er, okay.” Rage stutters, still looking confused and unsure.

I’m thinking that a family meal, and someone demanding his presence because they actually want him there, is an entirely new concept for him. It makes my heart hurt.

The guys all start eating, unsuccessfully hiding their smirks behind mouthfuls of food. Slowly, Rage starts to relax, although he keeps shooting me confused looks.

“Alright, Rage you’ve got your job tonight. Are you sure you don’t want someone to come with you?” Trick starts.

“No, I’m good. Like I said, it’s a simple retrieval job. One of our contacts has some information about Liam’s latest weapons shipment.” He replies, sounding more comfortable now we’re talking about work and something he knows.

“Okay, any trouble message someone.” Trick orders and Rage nods.

Trick has easily fallen into the role as leader and it happened seamlessly, although I know he’s itching to know all the information so he can do it properly.

“I’ll go through everything with you later.” Atlas tells him, sensing the same thing.

“Thanks man, I get that this is your operation,” He starts, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck and looking a bit sheepish.

“Nah, we all know that I’m better at doing rather than thinking. I was hoping that you’d take over the thinking side of it. Eventually handle all the jobs that get sent through to us. That won’t be possible straight away as I’ve got to work out a couple of things with the guy we’ve got in the feds.”

“I think he’d be called your handler.” Riot interrupts, grinning.

“Fine, my handler.” Atlas replies, rolling his eyes.

I smirk, its nice to see them all so relaxed. Well apart from Rage, but we’ll get him there.

“Sounds good to me.” Trick answers, relief relaxing his shoulders.

“As for the job tomorrow, that Jensen’s coming to with me. The guy has been known to drug young girls and then sell them for sex.” He growls, lip curling up in disgust.

I swallow the bile that tries to rise, this is exactly the sort of thing that I used to take care of back in Fresno. Just on a smaller scale, I wasn’t equipped to take down whole operations, but I could put the fear of god in a few fuckers. My hands twitch for my knives.

“We taking him out?” Jensen asks, his jaw clenching as anger darkens his eyes.

“Unfortunately, not, it would create a bigger ripple in my father’s organisation than we’re equipped to deal with right now. We do get to give him his first warning and persuade him to choose another career path though.” Atlas’s grin is razor sharp.

My anger settles knowing that this fucker isn’t going to get off lightly, in fact, I’d be willing to bet that his fate will be worse than death.

“Good.” Luc growls.

I watch him closely making sure that this conversation hasn’t triggered him. Thankfully, he just seems angry as fuck.

“Small cuts on the inside of his hand, where each finger bends and across the palm. Deep enough to take a while heal. Every time he moves his hand he’ll be reminded of your message. It’ll also make it a bitch to do anything without breaking the cuts back open again. In addition to whatever you’re planning to do.” I grin viciously as I suggest it.

The guys stare at me in shock. Atlas leans back in his chair, a proud glint in his eye as Rage’s gaze turns assessing.

“Tortured a lot of people have you, Puddin’.” He smirks.

“I’ve had to send a message that will be remembered, a time or two.” I shrug.

“Well fuck me, you really are perfect for us.” Riot grins.

“Who?” Rafe asks curiously.

The guys all lean further forward in their chairs, just as interested in hearing who I inflicted this on.

“There was a girl in my old school, her stepdad, used to visit her room at night.” I sneer. My eyes glitter dangerously, I particularly enjoyed teaching that disgusting fucker a lesson. “I had a word with him. Among other things, last I heard, he made a full confession to the cops. He’s in jail and still doesn’t have full use of his hands. I cut a little deeper on that one. She had a little sister.”

“Fuck.” Rafe growls looking a little pale.

“Why do I feel like that’s not all you did to him, Princess?” Atlas raises his eyebrow.

I hesitate, I got dark getting my revenge on that guy. Its about time these guys start to understand how far my darkness extends though. We’re together, they’re all mine and I’m theirs. This is our family and they should know, just a bit at a time though.

“I cut his dick to ribbons. He won’t be able to use it to hurt little girls anymore.” I say grimly.

“Fucking hell.” Jensen exclaims.

I look at him worriedly but his grin is dark and full of pride.

“That’s my girl.” He adds.

“Yeah I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about Ever when it comes to the brutality of this life.” Rage says, sharing a look with Atlas.

“Not even a little bit.” Trick grins.

I breathe out a sigh of relief that my dark past hasn’t scared them off yet. I used my darkness to save people and although I’m not ashamed of that, I do know that it would be hard for someone who didn’t grow up like I did to understand. I could’ve taken my father out, I’m aware of that, but at the end of the day he was still my father. He was also protected, I could’ve taken him out, but I would’ve lost my life at the hands of his men in the process.

It left me feeling helpless, so I started protecting others.

“As far as Liam is concerned. We’ll let him think I’m doing what he asks so he doesn’t escalate his plans or try something in order to get to Ever. I’ll also try speaking to my contact that’s in his inner circle and see if he knows why he is obsessed with Ever. Normally, if he suspected someone of betraying him or someone who works for him to the cops, he’d have them taken out with no questions asked. But for some reason, he wants you alive and brought to him. Which is fucking concerning.” Atlas, frowns staring at me intently.

“We can feed him false information.” Cash suggests, “I can even set up a couple of false social media accounts. We could post where we’re going to be and see what their response time is. We won’t actually be there; I’m not risking anyone’s safety but knowing their response time and who Liam sends could be useful information in the future.”

“Good idea, you do that but keep us all in the loop. Don’t post any locations yet just keep it simple. We’ve got enough on our plates at the moment. Try to keep faces out of it as much as possible as well.” Trick orders.

“Can you keep the location that you’re uploading them from hidden? Liam’s got a pretty good hacker on his payroll.” Rage asks.

“Yeah that’s easy enough.” Cash shrugs.

“It is?” I ask completely out of my depth when it comes to anything electronic or technical.

“It is if you know how.” Cash grins.

“Impressive.” I compliment and his grin widens, lightening his hazel eyes and making the green flecks in them smoulder.

“Great, we’ll just deal with any other issues that come up.” Riot adds in.

“Since we haven’t got anything planned until the evening tomorrow, I was wondering if we could go and check out the bunker we found?” I ask.

“I don’t see why not, I’m pretty curious about it anyway.” Riot shrugs.

“Especially since someone obviously wanted you to find it. We can take some lanterns down and something to light the sconces you guys said were down there.” Luc says, looking excited.

“I want to see if there’s any information about the members down there. I want to find out what happened to those kids that went missing. It feels important.” I say, hoping I don’t sound as crazy as I feel.

I like mysteries but I’ve latched onto this one pretty freaking hard.

“I’m up for that. It would be nice to be able to give the families some peace of mind. We do need to be careful though. The phoenix was fucking powerful in its day, from the sounds of it.” Atlas warns.

“That bunker was built when the school was built, it stands to reason that the phoenix has been around for at least that long too. Societies like that don’t just disappear, it may be gone from this school, but I can guarantee that its still out there. Are you really sure you want to drag all of this into the open, it could get deadly? Luc’s eyes land on me.

“I’m sure, but I understand if you guys don’t want to. We’ve got enough going on at the moment.” I shrug.

It means a lot to me to look into this, but if they think its too risky then I’m not going to do something stupid like try and investigate it myself.

“The curiosity and mystery surrounding the whole thing is killing me,” Rafe rumbles, “So how about we all go and check it out tomorrow, see what we can find out, and if it seems too risky at any point after that, we leave it.”

“That works for me.” Trick agrees. “Ever?”

“Yeah, that sounds good. I don’t want to risk it if it gets too dangerous.”

“Great, now that all the serious shit is out of the way, how about we watch a movie?” Jensen grins.

“I ordered popcorn in the grocery order we got.” Cash grins.

Jensen whoops and throws his hands in the air making the rest of us chuckle. We all clear up from dinner and then settle down on the huge couch to watch a film. Eventually, Rage’s muscles start to relax as the tension leaves him and he starts to enjoy the film, letting his guard down the smallest amount.