Twisted Complications by Nikita Parmenter

Chapter Thirty-Four


I’m feeling a hell of a lot better than I did, in fact, other than the odd twinge, I’m feeling pretty damn good. I stand in front of my closet wondering what the hell I’m supposed to wear to this parents’ thing, I have a feeling that jeans and a t-shirt isn’t going to cut it. I’m at a complete loss, so I pull out my phone and dial the only person I know that can help me out in this situation.

“You don’t know what to wear do you?” Peter says with amusement in his voice as soon as he picks up.

“Is it that obvious I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to fashion and fancy shit?” I chuckle.

“Oh, yeah, but it’s alright sugar, I’ve got you.” He reassures me sassily. “You’re going to need to dress to impress. I know you like to rebel but think of this like you’re undercover, the objective is to blend in. There are going to be a lot of powerful people in this room and they’re going to be interested in you because you’re the first girl they’ve let in here.”

“Fantastic, just what I like, being stared at like a science experiment.”

“Have you got any dresses?” He asks ignoring my previous comment.

“Yes, I’ve got a navy dress with spaghetti straps that hits just above my knees with a slight split in it.” I reply, pulling it out, it was an impulse buy that I had no idea when I’d ever wear it.

“Perfect, I don’t suppose you’ve got a navy cardigan?”

“Erm, I’ve got a like nude pink one?” I reply, uncertainly.

“That will work if you have nude shoes?”

“I don’t.”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do. What size are you?”


“If some random turns up at the gate don’t let the guys shoot him, I’ll make sure he wears a white hat, so you know it’s him.” He chuckles before hanging up.

What is my life?

I get dressed in the rest of the outfit putting my make up on. The buzzer for the gate goes just as I’m putting the finishing touches on my hair, deciding to wear it half up. I hop up, ignoring the twinge in my side and rush downstairs. Rage is already on his way to the door and I hold in a gasp seeing him dressed in a suit that looks like its straight out of the nineteen twenties, he doesn’t have his jacket on yet so I can clearly see that he’s wearing braces over his black shirt why is that so damn hot?

Not only that, but he’s holding a gun up ready to shoot any fucker that tries to come in here and holy freaking everything, I am turned the fuck on.

Fucking hell, I shake myself before I get stuck practically launching myself down a dirty path and I avert my eyes reaching the door before he does and looking through the camera thing to see it’s a guy looking nervous as hell wearing a white hat and holding up a shoe box, even through the camera screen I can see his hands shaking.

Still avoiding Rage’s gaze, I pull open the door, “Stand down gorgeous, it’s my shoes.”

Fuck, I called him gorgeous out loud. I practically sprint out the door, despite the fact that I’m not wearing fucking shoes.

Damn my fucking mouth, no filter.

“Hey, thanks for dropping them off.” I smile pleasantly at the guy and he gives me a wobbly smile back sliding the shoes through the bars and taking off without a word.

I make my way up the drive slower, it’s fine, maybe he didn’t hear me and anyway, it’s not like it’s a lie, he is fucking gorgeous he must know that. By the time I get to the door I’ve talked myself down, but I still avoid his eyes when I realise, he’s still stood there. I quickly unpack a gorgeous pair of nude high heels that match my cardigan perfectly and lean on the wall pulling them on one at a time before standing up and straightening my outfit. The whole time I can feel his gaze on me, and I avoid it like the coward I am.

Scuffed brown boots appear in my eyeline as I stare down at my dress, and Rage’s hand reaches forward his fingers tilting my face up as he caresses my jaw.

His eyes blaze with emotion as they sear into mine when our eyes finally collide. “You look absolutely beautiful, Puddin’.”

His eyes search mine as my heartbeat thrums, he slowly leans forward and places a lingering kiss right at the edge of my lips, so freaking close. His hand drops from my face slowly as he gages my reaction and I smile softly, my eyes not leaving his.

“Thank you, you look gorgeous.” I smirk, owning my previous comment.

He smiles, his eyes lighting up and changing his features completely. My eyes drift up to his hair, instead of his auburn curls being in complete disarray like usual, which I love, he’s done something to them so that they’re tamed into perfect short ringlets in a mohawk down the middle of his head.

“Did you get your hair cut?” I ask.

“Yep, I don’t do it often but felt like I needed a change, what do you think?”

“I fucking love it.” I reply, trying my hardest not to reach my hands out and play with curls.

I don’t think he would appreciate that.

His grin widens even further as he watches me thread my fingers together, “How badly do you want to play with it right now?”

“How could you possibly know that’s what I want to do?” I ask incredulously.

His grin turns into a knowing smirk and he shrugs putting his hands into his pockets and raising his eyebrow.

“Okay fine, really fucking badly. Ever since I first saw you, you know before I threw the knife at your junk.” I grin cheekily.

“Go on then.” He grins, stepping closer and tilting his head down so I can reach, his eyes dare me to do it.

I never back down from a challenge and I really want to play with his hair. I cautiously run my fingers through his hair, pulling gently on a couple of curls and grinning when they spring back, I could literally play with is hair for hours. When I finally stop playing and step back, his eyes are soft as he looks at me and my heart lurches in my chest. How he can be so ruthless and then look at me like that, the boy is worming his way into my heart alongside all the others already occupying it.

I can’t help it; I open my arms and offer him a hug. Fully prepared for him to reject me and staying exactly where I am, I don’t want to trigger him. He grins and scoops me up with no hesitation, gently holding me one arm under my butt as my arms go around his neck so he doesn’t put any strain on my ribs. I squeeze him to me and gently play with the curls on the back of his head making him shudder.

“Thank you for letting me play with your hair.” I say quietly.

“Anytime, Puddin’.” He mutters in reply.

“Dude, you let her play with your hair?” Atlas asks, sounding shocked and amused all at the same time.

I think that Rage is going to drop me like a hot potato now that one of the guys is here, but he just turns his head and shrugs at Atlas, still holding onto me.

“It’s Ever.” He answers him like it explains everything.

Atlas just nods like it’s a perfect explanation as Rage puts me down. The other guys were out of my eye line and they’re all nodding in agreement. My eyes greedily take in my men, ah hell, they all look absolutely hot as fuck and I desperately stop myself from suggesting we blow off parents’ day and spend the afternoon naked.

We definitely need to get dressed up more often, I could get used to this.

“Let’s go.” Atlas orders.

As I turn towards the door, a sharp slap hits my ass and I grin.

“That was a good one.” I chuckle.

Jensen spins me into his arms and kisses me hard. “You look positively edible, Angel.”

“I second that.” Luc agrees gently pulling me out of Jensen’s arms and pinning me against the wall, his lips devouring mine.

I grin as he pulls back, so freaking glad they aren’t treating me like I’m made of glass still. “We’re going to be late.” I point out.

“Fine.” Luc sighs dramatically and Jensen pretends to console him as we walk out of the door.

Once we’re in the cars, deciding to take two again I turn to Atlas. “So, what can we expect from this thing. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask before.”

“There’ll be mingling and then an assembly where there’ll be a couple of speeches from some of the teachers and some of the parents that donate the most money to the school. Then there’s a sit-down meal and more mingling and then we can finally go.” Rage explains.

“I am so going to regret wearing heels.” I mutter.

“It sounds boring as all hell.” Cash comments.

“It is.” Atlas replies. “No one goes anywhere alone, there will be a lot of unknowns there today.”

“Got it.” I reply.

We end up having to park in an over flow car park, there’s so many cars already here, with more pulling through the gate and being driven straight up to the doors, drivers stepping out to let the high powered people inside out. My mouth gapes as I spot some famous faces in the crowd, I know these kids are the children of famous parents but actually seeing them is on a whole other level. There are actresses, people in politics, a famous clothing designer and a couple of Rockstar’s and a country singer. And that’s just the people I’ve seen going in.

“Just remember that although they’re famous, they’re just normal people apart from the majority of them are bitchier and more entitled.” Rage warns, his eyes flashing with resignation.

The guys watch him with sympathy, I had no idea that they’d managed to stop his mom from coming here, I think it was while I was recovering the day after, so I’m slightly confused about his reaction.

“Mom’s an actress.” Rage tells me as he helps me out of the car, and I try my hardest not flash anyone my underwear.

I am not made to wear dresses, I’m not ladylike enough.

“Anyone I’ve heard of?” I ask curiously.

“Miranda Reedvale.”

“No fucking way, she’s pretty fucking famous.” I gasp.

He nods, his face harsh.

“Jensen!” I call out. “Ceremonial burning of all films we own with Miranda Reedvale in later.”

“Yes! Now that’s something I can look forward to.” He grins, threading his fingers through mine.

“What?” Rage asks confused as we walk towards the hall, for the mingling and assembly.

I’m not being funny but what the fuck is mingling?

“You didn’t think I was going to still watch her stuff knowing how badly she treats you; you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I know it won’t affect her if I burn her films, but it will make me feel better.” I grin.

“Thank you.” Rage replies still sounding a bit confused.

“Don’t worry man, you’ll get used to it.” Trick chuckles.

When we arrive in the great hall, a room that I haven’t been in yet, I’m floored by the sheer size of it. I thought the cafeteria was big, but this room is staggering in its size. Towards the front of the room are neat rows of chairs all set up facing the stage area, that also has chairs on it ready for the speakers. The rest of the room is full of people doing things that I assume are classed as mingling. Waiters are moving elegantly through the throngs of people handing out drinks. We make our to the edge of the room standing with our backs to the wall. I make a quick note of all the possible exits, the amount of people in this room is making me nervous.

It takes only a few minutes until eyes start to turn our way, a couple of them friendly, usually from the women in attendance, the rest are a mix between calculating and then downright hostile.


I watch one of the women say something to her husband, who glances our way and although appearing wary his look doesn’t hold the same level of hostility as most of the other people in this room. He nods at whatever she says, and she starts to make her way towards us, smiling kindly.

“That’s Roman’s mom. She owns two companies one that runs several high-end boutiques and one that runs experiences for adrenaline junkies. Sky diving, treks up mountains, those sorts of things.” Atlas mutters quietly to us watching her approach.

I’m impressed by her companies; they couldn’t be more different from each other but whoever said that you had to choose only one thing to be great at?

“What’s Roman like?” Trick asks.

“An adrenaline junkie, keeps to himself mostly.” Rage replies.

Trick nods thoughtfully.

“Hello, I thought I’d come and introduce myself, seeing as no one else here appears to have any manners.” She grins, as she arrives, her gaze on me. Curious but its kind. “I’m Lucy.” She holds her hand out to me.

I take it and smile. “Ever, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Don’t let these boys run you off, this schools been stagnant for far too long and I have a feeling you’re just the person to shake it up again. You remind me so much of someone I used to know.” She grins and I can’t help but to return.

“I’m certainly doing that.” I chuckle. “Who do I remind you of, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“She was called Amelia.” Lucy smiles, raising her hand as someone else gains her attention, “Excuse me.”

I watch as she walks off greeting another woman.

“That’s a coincidence, right?” I ask.

“It has to be. Although that’s two people now that have said you remind them of someone called Amelia, the chances of it being the same one is slim but it’s still pretty crazy.” Cash says.

“Clint we could’ve written off because he wasn’t in his right mind but Lucy? That’s a little harder to do.” Riot frowns.

“I wish we had a picture of Amelia or even just knew where she went to school.” I mutter, still watching Lucy.

“We could ask Lucy where she went to school, chances are if she knew Amelia, she went to school with her.” Jensen suggests.

“I’ll go, she was only really talking to me anyway.” I smile nervously, people skills are not in my arsenal.

“Not alone, Atlas you go with her.” Trick orders.

“On it, boss.” Atty grins, wrapping a big arm around my shoulders, I don’t know why but him dressed in his navy suit, looking all proper until you see the tattoos on his neck and hands is driving me wild.

Men in suits with tattoos is apparently a weakness of mine. To be fair I think most women would feel the same when faced with Atlas and Rage, hot damn.

Off subject Ever. I try to remind myself and plaster my fake smile back on my face.

“Excuse me, Lucy?” I say politely.

She turns around a pleasant grin arranged on her features. “Yes, Ever. What can I do for you?”

“I was just wondering if you went to school with Amelia, and where you went? It’s just you’re the second person who’s told me I look like an Amelia and I wanted to see if they were the same.” I explain.

“I highly doubt it, but I went Westlake prep, in the next town over.” She smiles.

“Thank you.” I reply.

She nods and walks off to greet someone else, she seems to be constantly on the move, talking to different people. Maybe that’s what mingling means?

“Did she tell you?” Rafe asks as we get back to them.

“Yeah, they went to Westlake Prep, in the next town over. I told her that someone else said I looked like an Amelia and I wanted to see if it was the same person, she seemed to think it was pretty unlikely that it was.”

“I can’t wait to see if we can find a picture of Amelia, it might be a piece of the puzzle we need to help everything else make more sense.” Luc mutters.

“Anyone seen Peter?” I ask, looking around the busy room. “I was hoping to meet his dad, he sounds pretty awesome.”

“He’s there.” Riot points out.

I wave and Peter grins, but just as he turns to his dad, the principle calls the school to order and asks everyone to take their seats. I shrug and Peter mouths later at me as he points us out to his dad. I brace myself for his dad’s reaction when his eyes land on me, but his grin is huge as he waves, and I realise where Peter gets his enthusiasm from. Peter’s dad is in his forties, fit and immaculately dressed in an Armani suit. As we take our seats though his jacket billows open and I see a brightly coloured lining on the inside of his jacket that isn’t what it was designed like. Peter obviously takes after his dad when it comes to style although his dad is restricted by what is appropriate business attire. I am so glad that Peter’s obviously had a very supportive dad whilst growing up, I’m starting to understand that it’s pretty damn rare here.

I like this guy.