The Plain Bride by Chasity Bowlin


They dined at home that evening, and not in the large, formal dining room. In the sitting room that flanked her bedchamber, a small repast had been laid for them. Of course, Althea understood its purpose. There were several bottles of wine laid out for them, and the table had been laid with beautiful China and silver, while roses from the hothouse were stationed at various intervals around the room. It was a scene set for seduction.

“This was quite a nice surprise,” he remarked.

“Shall I congratulate you on it, Sinclair? It is a bit obvious, of course, but still lovely. Thank you for the effort,” Althea replied.

He blinked at her. “I didn’t do this. I thought you did.”

“Well, who— Ah, Sabine,” Althea deduced. “No doubt she sent instructions on my behalf. She is rather concerned that we have not had a proper honeymoon.”

“We’ve not had a proper wedding night, either,” he pointed out. “Do you suppose that is about to change?”

“I think it has to,” she answered. “By the way, I met Lady Bruxton today. I understand you were once betrothed to her.”

He choked on the wine he’d just sipped. “Christ,” he muttered after he’d regained his breath. “Are you aiming for widowhood?”

“I’m certain her curiosity about me was only natural, all things considered. I might have liked to know of her existence beforehand, however. It was a rather unpleasant scene to run into your former ladylove while browsing stockings and other items in a shop.”

“It only occurred to me this morning that it might be a problem,” he explained. “I intended to see her and smooth things over—”

“There is naught to smooth over,” Althea replied. “She is married to someone else, and for the time being, so are you.”

“We have remained friendly,” he reasoned. “I’ve assisted her with some private family issues in the past.”

Althea dropped her gaze to the plate before her, the delicious food now tasting like sawdust in her mouth. “And are you still lovers?”

He was silent for a moment then said, “No. We are not. I will not deny that, for a very long while after she married Bruxton, I continued to have feelings for her. But there is nothing improper in my dealings with her.”

“But she wishes otherwise.”

“Yes. She has expressed that she would like to resume our relationship, but I cannot. It is one thing to dally with a married woman when it is just a dalliance.”

“But you love her.”

“Loved,” he admitted. “We were little better than children then. I daresay the last dozen years has changed us both dramatically. We are practically strangers, with only a shared past between us. But I’ve no wish to discuss Charlotte with you. Not tonight. Tonight was supposed to be for other things, Thea. Tonight was supposed to be for us, was it not?”

Althea looked up, ready to refuse him. After all, how could any man who had once loved a woman as beautiful as Lady Bruxton ever look at her as anything to be desired? Yet when her gaze met his, she saw his desire. It burned in his gaze, and under his regard she could feel an answering heat building inside her. She didn’t answer, but she supposed it had been a rhetorical question, regardless. He was already out of his chair and walking around the small table, toward her.

“Dinner,” he said, “can wait. This cannot, else you’ll find some reason for us to argue again.”

Althea allowed him to take her hand and lead her away from the table, toward the door connecting the sitting room to her bedchamber. He was not the sort to wait for her maid to come and ready her for bed, for her to don some night rail that would preserve her modesty. She rather feared modesty would not be permitted at all.

Following him into her bedchamber, she jumped when she heard the snick of the door closing behind them. But she wasn’t given any time to consider what was about to take place. Almost instantly, he’d pulled her into his arms. The firm press of his body against hers, just as it had done the night before, robbed her of both speech and thought. Then his lips were on hers, offering the same sweet torment as before. But this time it was expected, and she simply gave herself up to it. The pleasure of it all, the ability he had to simply sweep her away… Those were unexpected. But it was what she had asked him for, after all. In order to have a child, they would have to consummate their relationship, and he was certainly the expert in that matter.

Once again, just as he’d done the night before, the laces of her gown offered little impediment to his questing fingers. But he didn’t stop at simply drawing it from her shoulders. This time, she felt the fabric sliding over her arms, the bodice drooping and then the weight of the skirts simply pulling the garment down entirely until puddled at her feet. In all that, he never stopped kissing her, be it her lips or her neck and shoulders. His mouth was everywhere. The heat of it on her skin was like a brand.

When her stays simply vanished, the laces having been dealt with in an extremely skilled and clandestine fashion, she didn’t protest. Her petticoat fell next, joining the gown on the floor. And then she wore only her chemise, stockings, and garters, plus the heeled slippers that had been purchased to compliment the dark-crimson gown she’d worn.

He drew back from her then, his gaze sweeping over her, taking in the gauzy and delicately embroidered chemise with its lace accents and the clocked stockings with their scarlet embroidery. “I see Sabine has been busy with your wardrobe… Remind me to thank her profusely.”

Althea didn’t reply as he’d simply taken her shoulders and turned her around so that her back was pressed to his chest. She could feel him plucking the various pins from her hair until the mass of it simply fell, cascading over her shoulders. When not contained, the unruly waves fell nearly to her waist.

He lifted one heavy strand, letting it slide through his fingers. “I had thought it was a crime to hide your lovely breasts. Had I known that your simple and severe hairstyles were concealing this sort of beauty… For shame, Thea.”

“It’s terribly inconvenient and always in the way when I am seeing to chores,” she replied softly.

“And what chores do you have now?” he asked, his hands sliding under her hair to cup her shoulders before his fingers trailed down her arms to link with hers. “Planning menus? Discussing what silver to polish on any given day of the week?”

It was true. She was no longer scrubbing floors and beating rugs. Nor was she elbow deep in a laundry tub filled with harsh soaps that all but burned her skin. That terrible part of her life was now behind her.

She felt him move again, felt his lips slide just beneath her ear to kiss the tender skin there. It was instinct to tilt her head to the side, to give him greater access. Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt his tongue drift lazily over her skin, only to be followed by the slight sting when he scraped his teeth gently over that same spot. It left her shivering against him, both eager and terrified of what would come next.

“Do not fear me, Thea,” he whispered against her ear. “Do not fear this. It is the most natural thing in the world.”

“That is easily said when one has done it before. Falling down is natural as well, yet I dislike it very much.”

He chuckled, his breath fanning over her heated skin. “Sometimes falling is the best part.”

Before she could ask what he meant, he’d simply lifted her into his arms and strode toward the bed. He didn’t place her gently on it. Instead, he tossed her into the middle of it with enough force that she bounced. A startled laugh escaped her, and then it transformed into a peal of giggles. It had been thoroughly unexpected that he would be playful, that he would make the experience fun. Passionate, yes. Pleasurable, certainly. But lighthearted and fun? She had not expected that at all.

But her laughter faded away as she saw him shrug out of his coat. His cravat and waistcoat followed. And as he pulled his shirt free of his breeches, bunching the fabric up to pull it over his head, she was treated to her first real sight of his body since the night he’d snuck into her room—the night she’d been too stunned to really appreciate what she was seeing.

He might have lived a dissolute lifestyle, but he managed to keep himself very fit in spite of it. This was not a man who needed corsetry or a skilled tailor to make his clothing look good. Not in the least. He was all firm, lean muscle and golden skin dusted with the lightest bit of burnished golden hair. Slightly thicker over his chest, it narrowed to a thin line that arrowed down the lean muscles of his stomach and disappeared behind the fall of his breeches.

Althea swallowed convulsively as she stared at him. He was like a work of art, really. She felt terribly ordinary in comparison, but he could well have been carved from marble by the masters of old.

When he climbed onto the bed with her, the length of his body pressed against her, thoughts of ancient art and doubts about her own appeal simply fled. They were replaced with only appreciation for the heat and firmness of him against her, for his hands as the roamed over her body, unerringly finding all the placed that would make her pulse race and her blood sing. And just as he’d said, it was the most natural thing in the world. She wrapped her arms about him, welcoming him, inviting him to take all that he wished from her.