Despicable by Rory Miles


“Dax! They’re here,” I say, pulling my head out from between the curtains and glancing over my shoulder. “They’re early.”

He’s standing in the kitchen, watching the fried chicken cook on the gas stovetop. The dark stained cabinets behind him are freshly polished, and after a full day of cleaning, the house smells like citrus. The dining room table is set, with practical plates and silverware, nothing fancy or elegant, but nice enough on their own. He grabs a beer from the fridge, chuckling and taking a drink.

“Relax, Little Savage. Dinner will be ready in five.”

Creed and Ronan beat me to the front door, but I elbow past them and run down the steps of our new cottage in the Northwood Pack territory. It’s not big and ritzy like the one we lived in on Wolfsbane, but it’s home and we’re free. There are three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, and a sizable living room and dining room.

The psychological evaluations came back clean, and no more than a day later did we get to leave the island. Things have been a whirlwind of crazy. Between meeting the alpha and his mate, Legacy, and her other mates too—turns out I’m not the only one in love with sex and having a harem—and finding a home, jobs, and meeting all of our new packmates, there’s hardly been time to breathe.

Pack Northwood is more welcoming than I anticipated, which is a relief. For some reason, I expected to be shunned and ignored, but with the pack alpha being a former islander, the pack must be used to giving people second chances.

It’s been exactly five days since we left the island, but it feels like a lifetime. I’ve been gone from my family for almost two months, so seeing Bella’s grinning face pop up over the top of Dad’s car door has me laughing and crying at the same time.

Mom and Dad are slower to get out, but Bella slams her door closed and sprints toward me. We collide in a mess of tears and limbs, tumbling to the ground and clinging to each other. Her tears soak my shirt.

“I missed you so much, Trix.”

I hold her tighter, breathing in her familiar scent, and for the first time in a long time, everything feels right. “I missed you too, Sis.”

“Really, girls? You’re going to be covered in dirt.” Mom shakes her head at us, and we get up, laughing and dusting each other off.

“Trixie,” Dad whispers my name, too overcome with emotion to say much else.

“Hey, Dad.” I wrap him in a hug, and my mom joins us. They don’t cry as hard as Bella, but there are enough tears that I worry what the men must think.

When we’ve hugged long enough to get a little uncomfortable, I step out of their arms and look at the guys. Creed is leaning against the railing of the porch, a cheesy grin plastered on his face while he watches us. Ronan is more serious, but his lips are slightly quirked.

“Trix,” Bella says. “Please tell me you’re with both of them.”

“I’m with all three.”

She gasps.

My dad chokes on his own spit, and my mom slaps his back, snickering at his initial reaction.

Looking around for Dax, Bella lifts her eyebrows at me. “Where’s the—” Dax comes out, running his hand over his black shirt to smooth the wrinkles. “Oh my god. You’re such a bitch,” she says with a laugh.

Smirking, I tip my head to the side and eye my men. “I know.” Dax’s scruff is neatly trimmed, sprinkled with gray, and his fresh haircut makes him look like a GQ model. Ronan’s beard is a little shorter, but his hair is still long and in a man bun that would give Jason Momoa a run for his money. Creed is the cleanest cut of the three, but he’s still gorgeous. He smooths his blond hair, green eyes finding me with a rueful grin cutting across his face.

“I need details.” Bella fans her face.

“Not until after dinner,” Mom chides. “Trix, introduce us to your mates.”

Without missing a beat, I point to Creed. “This is Creep. He stalked me, but I fell in love at first sight.” He scowls at my sarcasm, but I simply wink at him and continue, jerking my thumb toward Ronan. “Ronan. He thinks he’s great at board games, but he sucks.” Ronan scoffs, and I stick my tongue out at him. “And this is Daddy Dax.”

Dax growls softly at me in warning, and I know my ass will be bright red later, but seeing the way his eyes darken makes the pain worth it. Besides, I know he’ll also give me an epic orgasm, so I’m not complaining.

My dad chokes again, and my mom throws her head back, cackling at how red he turns. If he were any other level of shifter, he’d probably be livid, but as an omega, he can barely get himself together enough to meet their gazes.

The men smile at my parents as we come up the porch, and Dax steps toward my dad.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. Trix has told us so much about you.”

Dad’s gaze drops to the ground, but he takes Dax’s hand and nods. “Thanks for taking care of my girl.”

“Of course. She’s a handful, but we love her.”

I roll my eyes, heart fluttering at the L word, and laugh. “Are you guys hungry? We have so much to catch up on.”

“I’m starving,” Bella says, wrapping her arms around my middle. “For details.”

“All in good time, baby sister.” I hug her tight and sigh, watching Dax show Mom and Dad inside. Creed and Ronan follow after them, offering to get them drinks or anything else they might need. Bella and I stay on the porch, staring at the strange picture of my mates and my parents.



We’ve decided to make the plunge, but first I wanted to make sure they’d get along with my parents and sister. I wasn't too nervous, but family is everything to me.

After only a minute of interaction, I know it’s meant to be.

These are my mates.

This is my happily ever after.

“Bitch,” Bella whispers again. “I can’t even find one mate.”

I pat her head. “You’ll find someone,” I reassure her, because my sister is perfect. She’s not a disaster like me.

I give it a year before she finds her fated or meets someone she’ll take as a mate. Bella is everything I’m not, and that means she’s going to get a happily ever after a helluva lot sooner than me.

In spite of everything I went through, I’m happy. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t wish rejection on anyone, but if Chad hadn’t rejected me, I wouldn’t have found my men.

As if sensing my thoughts are on them, Dax, Ronan, and Creed all look at me. Dax’s mind is obviously on how he’ll make me pay for the daddy comment later. Ronan’s eyes are filled with nothing but affection, and Creed winks at me, biting his lip and flitting his gaze down my body.

Yeah. I’ll take this happily ever after over my fated mate any day.