Dark Castle by Shanna Handel



My ass burnsagainst the seat, each throb reminding me of his harsh punishment. I said I’d be good. That I won’t go into the woods again. But I know I will.

The draw is too strong.

I shift in my seat.

He notices my discomfort, flashing me a wicked grin. “Your ass sore?”

“A little.”

“Good.” He holds the wheel with one hand, taking the turns with ease. “Remember that feeling the next time you want to do something reckless.”

But the feeling I’m suffering from isn’t just the stinging in my ass. The heat from my curves seems to have crept between my thighs. I can’t stop remembering how it felt to have his strong hand pinning me to the hood of his car, to be bared like that, his big hand punishing me with stinging spanks.

I loved it.

I loved the shame I felt, the naughtiness, the way he took me out of control like that. He didn’t ask, he didn’t give me the option. He decided what needed to be done, and he did it.


I know this means there’s something wrong with me, that I liked his rough ways. That I want to be bad again, that I want him to spank me again. Somehow, his hand stinging my flesh makes me want to know what it would feel like to have his tongue between my thighs.

I squirm in my seat. Let him think it’s a result of the pain. It’s not.

It’s sheer frustration. A virginal wish dying to be fulfilled, to know what it means to have a man between your legs.

His eyes stay steady on the road. “So, you want to tell me who you were meeting?”

Do I imagine it, or does his hand tighten around the wheel, his knuckles going white? He can’t want me like I want him…can he?

“I told you. It’s no one.” I stare out the window, wanting to close the subject.

“Your sister’s going to give you hell when we get home. You know that, don’t you?”

“Do we have to tell her what happened?” I sigh.

He nods. “Aldo and I were on our way to an important meeting when I saw my car was gone. I don’t know how, but instantly I knew you’d taken it. I had to tell him to go on without me. Briar wasn’t far behind him. I’m sure she saw me jet off in the Jaguar. She’ll be asking questions.”

I push away the image of my big sister’s look of disapproval. “How’d you find me so fast?”

He laughs. “All my cars have a tracker that links back to my phone. You’re not the first to want to drive one of my pretty cars. My younger brothers have done their fair share of ‘borrowing’.”

I roll my eyes. “Do you spank them like you spanked me?”

“Hell no.” He laughs again. “That’s not how our hierarchy works.”

I think of his big, burly brothers. “Fair enough.”

“Besides, that’s not why I punished you. I told you. I don’t give two fucks—” he glances my way, reconsidering his choice of words, “two cares about the car.” His hand finds my knee, giving it a squeeze. “I care about you.”

Tingles burst where his hand touches my knee, traveling up the length of my thigh. So, he cares about me? But what does that matter? He cares about Posie, too.

I’m just another pesky little sister to him, one that needs looking after. But now, his hand creeps from my knee, moving higher up my thigh. My sex pulses with desire, more moisture dampening my already soaked panties.

You don’t put your hand that high on your sister’s leg.

We pull up to the Russo castle to find the very scene I’ve anticipated. Aldo with his massive arms across his chest, a severe scowl on his bearded face. Briar at his side, hands thrown on her hips, chin jutted out, her angry gaze bearing down on the car.

He glances at me. “Ready to face the dragon?”

I slump down in my seat. “I wish we could turn around and head back to the highway.”

“Not this time.” He flashes a grin, enjoying my discomfort. “Time to face big sister.”

“We’re only like a year and a half apart, you know,” I grumble as I heave the door open.

“Same with me and Aldo. But the oldest siblings aren’t counting, are they?” He laughs, leaving the car.

I step out, closing the door behind me. I wait for the inevitable lecture from Briar, but instead, she throws her arms around me.

“Thank God! I was worried sick.” She pulls me so tight she’s hurting my ribs.

“I’m here. I’m here!” I hug her back.

She holds me at arm’s length, inspecting me for injuries. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Really, Briar. I’m fine. I just went for a ride.” I shrug from her grasp, taking a step back. All this attention is embarrassing.

She runs a hand over my hair. “I’m going to tell Posie you’re alright. She’s marching around the wall with her gun, wanting to search for you in the woods. We’ve got two guards on her, but I don’t know if they can hold her.” She flashes me a frown and heads off toward the rear wall. “But we’re talking about this later!”

“There are consequences for your actions, young lady. I hope you know that.” Aldo steps forward, his jaw locked tight. The look on his face makes me think of what a dad would look like when you’ve broken curfew—if you had a dad or a curfew.

“I’ve taken care of it.” Santo puts a hand on Aldo’s shoulder, stopping him. He leans in, whispering something into Aldo’s ear. Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed, I could die right now. He’s telling Aldo exactly what he did to me over the hood of his fancy sports car and I’m one beat away from stealing another one just to get out of this humiliating situation.

But then Aldo looks at me with one of the Russo men’s famous stern daddy looks and I shrink back, looking away. “Good.” Aldo’s voice is gruff and tight. Like he was really worried about me. I feel guilty for my escapade.

All panther and swagger, Santo leans against the hood of his car. His palm rests right where my cheek was moments ago. He shoots me a wink that makes me blush all the way to my toes.

Santo turns to Aldo. “So. What’d we miss? How did the meeting with Stefano go?”

Aldo shakes his head. “It didn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Santo’s brow furrows.

“He didn’t show.” Aldo’s jaw clenches. So, I wasn’t the only one to piss him off today.

Santo stands, running a hand through his hair in disbelief. “But our men said he was here. They said the roads were clear and that he’d come on foot, alone.”

Aldo runs a hand over his beard. “It wasn’t him.”

A cold chill runs over me. “Who was it?”

He catches my eye, holding it a beat too long. “Someone else. They thought it was Stefano, but it wasn’t.”

Santo lets out a low whistle. “The guard’s going to get their ass kicked for that. Who was on the wall?”

“Chris.” Aldo nods. “Three days no pay and he’s waxing all the cars. If you want yours done, add your name to the list.”

“My cars?” Santo cocks a brow. “All ten of them?”

“Why not?” Aldo shrugs. “He pissed me off enough.”

Santo chuckles. “Too bad I’ll have to pass. No one touches my cars but me.”

“You and your friend Willow here, by the looks of it.” Aldo eyes me with a heavy gaze. “Joyride, much?”

“Let it go, Aldo.” Santo’s voice is low, challenging his brother’s. Aldo’s eyes flash. Santo ignores the shift, coolly changing the subject. “What did this guy say?”

“It wasn’t what he said, as much as who he was.” Aldo’s angry gaze leaves Santo’s, landing on me.

A chill crawls up my spine as my face heats. “Who was he?” I ask.

Aldo’s blue eyes pierce mine. “Your father.”

It can’t be.

He would never come here. Not again. “What? My father…why?” My hands shake and I tuck them into the pockets of my dress. “What did he want?”

Aldo’s gaze grazes my face. “Looks like he’s trying to arrange another marriage.”

“Whose marriage, Aldo?” My voice shakes as I ask. But I already know the answer, don’t I? My eyes flicker to Santo’s, then back to Aldo’s. “Whose marriage?”

Aldo strokes his dark beard. “Yours.”