The Lies That Shatter by A.V. Asher


Sometimes, I still can’t believe I accomplished my publishing goal, not just once, but twice now. I have to say that I’m quite hooked on it and can’t wait to publish book three.

For my readers, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and encouragement over this past year. Even before I published the first book, I found one of the most supportive communities in the world. From the private emails and DMs, to finding a place on social media, you have welcomed me into your book filled world and I am ever grateful to you.

To my gorgeous Alpha Readers, I love you all so much! There’s really nothing like having another author you can panic DM to bounce ideas off of or to soothe a bout of crippling imposter syndrome. If you haven’t already, please check out these wonderful authors.

Greer Rivers- Girl, I have no idea what I would have done without your steady friendship and vast legal knowledge. I know I probably still took quite a few liberties with the story, but I can’t tell you how much your support means to me.

Nerys McCabe- I can’t thank you enough for our private DMs and your friendship. Your guidance led me to feeling more comfortable when writing my British characters. Not going to lie, our conversation about sun tea was absolutely hilarious. Yes, I promise, it’s a real thing in America.

Garnet Christie- Your feed back really helped me focus on what I needed to do to remove and what was really working. Your patience with my overwriting is amazing and I can’t thank you enough for your help and your friendship.

Renee des Lauriers- Your love for my story was so freaking heartwarming! I loved reading every thought you had as you worked though the rough copy!

Hope Parker- You are amazing at writing spicy scenes and I can’t thank you enough for you input to make Alec and Sadie sizzle!

For my beta and ARC readers, thank you for taking the time to read not only one, but two long books and leaving amazing reviews. You are all so wonderful and I am grateful you gave a new writer a chance.

Thank you to My Brother’s Editor for letting me push back my deadline a touch to make more story better! Also thank you to Robynne and Damon at Damonza for the beautiful covers. They look so pretty together.

To my kiddos- I know that I had to be working a lot on this one with my tight deadline. I appreciate you waiting for me to finish before we could start a new show together. I love you all so much.

To my husband, Dominic- More than twenty years later and you still make my heartbeat quicken. I love you.