The Girl Who Belonged to the Sea by Katherine Quinn


I’d like to first thank my husband Joshua, who made this book possible. I wrote this story when all three of our kids were under the age of three. He was the one who watched our heathens every evening and all day on the weekends, making sure I got the work in. He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and whenever I was close to giving up, he’d give me a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and tell me to make it work. He’s my best friend—even when he drives me absolutely insane—and I’m very lucky to have him in my life.

To my mother—I’d like to thank you for reading every single manuscript I sent your way. Like, all of them. And there were a lot. She’s my biggest fan, always has been, and has supported my dreams since I was six and writing my stories in crayon. I love you so much.

It was my grandfather Benjamin Narodick who told me I’d be a writer one day. Well, he first told me I’d be the president, so I hope he’s happy with my second choice. I think about him every day, and I miss his light. He was a father to me growing up and the greatest role model a girl could ask for.

To Charissa Weaks, an amazing writer, editor, and mentor. Without you taking a chance on me, I wouldn’t be writing this. When I received your letter of representation, I cried. You took a story that needed A LOT of work and made it into something I’m proud of. For that, you will always have my immense gratitude and respect.

To Ashley R. King, a beautiful soul and an amazing writer. You were my personal cheerleader throughout this process, and your hilarious emails made me choke on my coffee every morning. Your positivity and joy are gifts, and I’m so lucky I was able to get to know you.

And to Tina Moss, Yelena Casale, and the entire City Owl team, you’ve changed my life forever. Words do not suffice to relay my immense thanks.

And finally, a thank you to everyone who has read Margrete and Bash’s story. These pages contain my heart and soul, and I can only hope they filled you with joy. You are the reason I write, and for that, my thanks will never be enough.