Witch Unbound by Debbie Cassidy

Chapter Thirteen

Jasper had been gone for three nights.

The decorations were up, and the cabin looked amazing lit up with fairy lights. A huge tree hung with sparkling baubles occupied the spot by the bay windows, and cute, festive ornaments dotted about the atmosphere created a festive air. There was garland on the mantel and nutcrackers either side of the hearth, and I wanted nothing more than to relax and enjoy it, but Jasper still wasn’t back, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

I’d stepped into the kitchen to take a breather and reset my game face, but it was taking a little longer than expected. I poured a glass of water and glugged it, hoping it would settle the unease in my belly.

Had Fee sent the phoenix yet? Had Conah received it?

Would he be able to come help me?

Sloane’s throaty laughter drifted into the kitchen from the lounge. I wasn’t sure how the afternoon had turned into a deck-the-halls party, but it had. Someone had even found a bottle of whiskey for us to enjoy, and then Leif had whipped up snacks, and then…yeah, party.

I should be having fun, but the squirrelly feeling in the pit of my stomach refused to quit. The fact that there was nothing I could do about it made it worse. The lack of control and the lack of solutions grated.

“You okay?” Bramble joined me in the kitchen.

I’d never seen her dressed so casually in thick leggings, floppy sweater, and boots. Her purple hair was pulled back in a messy plait. Her only concession to makeup was a ring of kohl around her stunning violet eyes.

“Cora? You okay?” she asked again.

I shook my head. “No.”



She sighed, looking crestfallen. “I wish there was something I could do to help.” Her lips thinned. “That fecking blood witch coulda told us it was a one-shot deal.”

“It’s not her fault, but it feels good to have someone to blame.”

“What you need is a distraction. That, in there”—she jerked her thumb toward the lounge—“is the perfect one. Hot guys. Hot girls.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I can take Wren back to the mansion for the night if you guys need some alone time.”

I chuckled. “Thanks, but no. We’re good.” My hoo-haa had no willpower at the moment and could not be trusted to behave. “I just need a minute to shake off this feeling.” I massaged my breastbone with my knuckles. “Fucking mystical indigestion.”

“But you still feel him, right?”

“Yeah, I do. He’s out there, just not here where he should be, and—”

The doorbell rang.

I looked to Bramble.

“Are you expecting someone?” she asked.


We hurried into the lounge just as a gust of cold air drifted in through the open front door. Rune had his back to me, and beyond him on the threshold stood a vamp I’d foolishly hoped never to see again.

Vlad stood on the porch, long, totally stereotypical coat flapping behind him. His dark hair whipped about his pale, chiseled face, and his piercing dark eyes looked straight over Rune’s shoulder and locked on me. A hint of crimson flared in their depths, and needles of pain lanced through my neck as my body recalled the invasion of his fangs. Terror spiked my pulse for a moment before I was able to wrest control of my emotions.

This was my territory. My home.

“You’re not welcome here,” Rune said coolly.

The frosty, unwelcoming tone was uncharacteristic of my mate but apt under the circumstances.

“You’ll come with me,” Vlad said to me.

“No,” Tor said.

Vlad ignored him, his focus still on me. “Do you not speak for yourself?”

That rankled. “I can speak for myself just fine. What do you want with me?”

“Your witches have been unsuccessful in finding the original. If he’s made more ice wraiths, he’ll be lying low and gathering his strength. While we appreciate your efforts, the fact remains that you do not have the skills required to track him. We can find him, but our time here is limited and so we require strong bait to draw him out. Your blood will make a powerful lure. He will not be able to resist it once he scents it.”

Okay… “Then take some of my blood.”

He smiled thinly. “It must be fresh, pumping from the vein when the scent hits the air.”

Why did he have to look so gleeful about that?

“And what the fuck do you intend to do?” Sloane asked. “Parade her around the town with an open vein?”

Vlad slow-blinked. “My brothers have pinpointed a location where the original’s scent is strongest. We will go there, open your vein, and amplify the scent of your blood. He will come and we will end him.” He fixed his dark eyes on me. “Will you help us?”

He made it sound so simple when in reality nothing that involved bloodsuckers ever was, but what choice did I have. We needed to find this fucker and get him off the streets.

I looked to Tor, whose expression was stoic and set. “Tor…”

“I know,” he said. “But if you go, so do we.”

“Agreed,” Rune and Leif said at the same time.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” Vlad replied. “If he catches your shifter scent, the plan will be ruined.”

Sloane opened her mouth to speak.

“And you reek of his progeny,” Vlad snapped, lips curling in disgust. “Be grateful I don’t snap your neck this instant. You may not be an ice walker, but you’re still an abomination and he will know you.”

Sloane’s jaw ticked as she wrestled with the insult. “What about your scent?”


Was there anything these vampires from another world couldn’t do?

“Fine,” Bramble said. “Wolves can’t go, and Sloane can’t go, but there’s no reason why I can’t.” She glared at him in challenge.

“Wren come too.”

My buddy appeared beside me and wrapped his arms around my calf.

Vlad seemed to consider this for a moment and then nodded curtly. “Agreed.”

He blur-moved past Rune, and the next thing I knew he was standing right behind me with his hand wrapped around my nape. And why the heck had I thought he needed to be invited in?

Tor took a step toward us, but Vlad’s head jerked up and my mate went flying across the room. He skidded to a halt and fell into a crouch, chest vibrating with displeasure, ready to attack.

Leif’s and Rune’s growls joined his.

Yes, I’d agreed to go with Vlad, but his sudden move and his hand on me would be viewed as an attack by my mates’ beasts.

“It’s okay.” I smiled at them reassuringly. “I’ll be fine.”

“I give you my word she won’t be harmed,” Vlad said.

Tor locked gazes with the vampire and something indecipherable passed between them. He stood and gave a slight nod.

Wren scrambled up into my arms as Vlad held his free hand out to Bramble. She took it and then the world dissolved into green mist.

* * *

We materializedin an alley behind what smelled like a fast-food place, but aside from that I had no clue where we were. Leyton or a neighboring town, maybe? Vlad hadn’t volunteered that information.

Mircea and Radu were already here, standing beside a dumpster, looking like they’d rather be anywhere else.

Couldn’t blame them, really.

“Took your time,” Radu snarled. His menacing gaze fell to me. “I’m hungry.”

A low, threatening growl emanated from Wren. His body vibrated against me and thick black talons pushed out of his paws, slicing at the material of my sweatshirt.

Threatened by Radu, he was trying to morph.

“Whoa. Easy.” I stroked his head to soothe him. “It’s okay, Wren. He won’t hurt me.” I shot Radu a cool look. “If he touches me, he’ll lose his fangs.” This time my voice came out deeper, rougher, as the thing inside me stirred.

Mircea’s eyes narrowed. “You’re different.”

I arched a brow. “Yeah, I am. I’m here to help, not play blood bag, so keep your fangs to yourself.”

Mircea’s questioning gaze flicked over my shoulder to where Vlad was standing, and unease and doubt twisted my gut.

I looked at Vlad over my shoulder, studying the clean lines of his face before focusing on his eyes. Had he lied to me and my mates? What was his true plan?

“We have a deal,” Vlad said smoothly, his gaze locking with mine in reassurance. “She will not be harmed.”

Radu bristled. “But we haven’t fed in days, and I’m hungry.”

He sounded like a petulant child, and the urge to punch him in the face had my hands curling into fists.

“Enough,” Vlad snapped. “I’ve given my word.”

Mircea inclined his head. “Our word is our bond.”

“I gave no such word,” Radu snarled, and lunged at me.

Before I could react, Wren exploded out of my arms in a flurry of fur and fangs, expanded to five times his size, and smashed into Radu like a mini hurricane.

The vamp bellowed as blood sprayed.

For a moment I was stunned, frozen in shock, and then satisfaction bloomed hot and potent in my chest. Wren tore at Radu and it felt fucking awesome, because this fucker deserved it. He was the worst of the three, the rabid one that needed to be put down.

“Stop.” Mircea grabbed at Wren. “Vlad, make him stop.”

“I can’t.” Vlad sounded confused.

“Um…Cora…” Bramble nudged me. “We kinda need them to stop Razor Mouth.”

My senses were enraptured by the gore fest taking place in front of me. The darkness inside me reveled in it, craved it, desired it…

“Cora!” Bramble squeezed my arm, and it registered that she expected me to stop Wren. I rose above the strange, chaotic hunger, snapping back into myself.

Shit. I needed to stop Wren. “Wren. Wren, buddy, stop!”

He slowed his attack and then looked back at me with bloody fangs bared. “Wren kill.” His voice was a hungry rasp that sent a frisson of fear through me. No. This was Wren. My Wren.

“Wren, you have to stop. We need him alive.”

He looked back at his prey and then to me, and I noted the bloodlust in his eyes, the hunger and the distinct lack of the cute mogwai I’d come to love. My Wren was buried, and this…this monster Wren was in control. I needed to pull my Wren back to the surface.

“Hey, you wanna go grab a few burgers after this, and ice cream with sprinkles? Hmmm?”

Monster Wren blinked. “Sprinkles…Chocolate…”

“Yes. And popcorn later?”

“Wren like that. Wren…Wren love Cora.”

“Yes, buddy, and Cora loves Wren.”

His body shrank rapidly, and I scooped him quickly off the bloody, semi-conscious Radu.

“Fuck…” Bramble pressed her hand to her mouth.

I stared at the meaty mess that had once been Radu’s face. Claw marks raked down his neck and across his chest. Flesh curled outward, exposing his meaty insides. Gag. Wren had totally gone to town on him.

Mircea fell to his knees beside his brother. “He needs blood. Fast.”

Yeah, cos most of his was painting the ground.

Wren clung to me, weak and dazed. “Cora…Wren did good?”

Shit. “Yeah, buddy, you did good.”

He smiled and closed his eyes, going limp in my arms. Shit.

Mircea growled in displeasure. “How can you say that?”

I gave him my best laser eyes. “Your fucking brother attacked me. Wren was protecting me.”

Vlad’s hand fell on my shoulder. “The fact remains that it will take all three of us to subdue the original. I promised your mates that you would not be harmed, but I need my brother in fighting form. I’ll need your blood to heal him.”

“Take mine,” Bramble said. “You’re not touching Cora’s.”

My gaze flew to hers. “Bramble, no.”

“Yes.” Her chin jutted stubbornly. “They’re not getting their fucking fangs in you ever again.”

My eyes pricked. “Bramble…”

But she was in an eye-off with Vlad, her petite frame vibrating with determination.

The ancient vampire sighed. “Your blood is weak. It will take much to heal him.”

“Whatever.” Bramble fell to her knees beside a mangled Radu. “Let’s just do this.”

Radu’s lips were torn, fangs on display, and his rage-filled eyes were fixed on me, but as Bramble leaned in, he grabbed her and buried his teeth in her neck.

She cried out in pain.

“Hey!” I kicked Radu’s hip. “Easy or you’ll regret it.”

“Radu!” Vlad snapped.

Radu’s white-knuckled grip on Bramble eased and he groaned, or was it a moan. Either way, it sounded like he was having fun.

Bramble went limp against him.

“Vlad?” I looked up at the imposing vampire. “Tell him to stop.”

But Vlad’s nostrils flared and his eyes glowed crimson as he stared at the rivulets of blood dripping down Bramble’s neck.

“Hey!” I elbowed him.

“Stop!” Vlad ordered.

Mircea physically grabbed Radu’s head. “Stop, brother.”

Radu released Bramble and I reached for her, grabbing her shoulder to steady her as she sat up.

Her mouth was parted, eyes dark, skin pale. “Bollocks.”

“That was…delicious.” Radu was staring at Bramble like she was an all-you-can-eat buffet. “We need to keep her.”

“Like hell.” I helped Bramble up and hugged her to my side. “The transaction is over.”

Radu’s face was healed, his skin smooth and unmarred, his eyes bright and filled with vigor. He pulled himself to his feet, and the tattered remnants of his shirt hung off his brawny chest like wisps of tissue paper.

“What are you?” Radu asked Bramble.

“Not interested,” Bramble snapped back. She swiped at her neck where he’d bitten her.

“I can heal that for you,” Mircea said.

“No. It’ll heal itself eventually.”

“Not before you bleed out,” Mircea replied. “There’s an anticoagulant in our saliva.”

“Great.” Bramble lowered her hand and tilted her head to the side. “Do it, then, but don’t get all freaky.”

Mircea crossed to her side and dipped his head to her neck to seal the wound with a lave of his tongue.

Bramble shuddered and stepped away from him as soon as he was done. I caught the flare in his eyes and the way he licked droplets of her blood from his lips. With a little too much relish.

It was impossible not to feel like a filet burger around these guys.

“We need to work fast,” Vlad said. “Before we run out of time.”

He turned to me and raised his hand. His nails grew long and razor-like. “I’m going to cut you now, Cora.”

Once again, he sounded a little too excited about it. “Go for it.”

He ran his thumb across my jugular and a hot burn sliced across my neck. Warmth trickled down my skin and my blood hit the air.

Vlad grabbed my nape. “You healed.”

Oh, shit. “I forgot. I tend to do that now.”

He frowned slightly, gaze skipping across my face. “Then I’ll have to bite you for the anti-coagulant to slow the healing.”

The thought of his fangs in my neck was a fist around my lungs and frost in my veins.

His throat bobbed. “One sip to get the blood flowing is all I need.”

I tipped my head to the side and clutched Wren to my chest like a shield between us. “Make it quick.”

He didn’t hesitate in sinking his fangs deep into me. I bit back a cry and squeezed my eyes shut against the tug of his mouth. It was over quickly, just as he’d promised, which was a relief.

He stepped back, crimson mouth parted, chest heaving, and it hit me how hard it must be for him to deny his nature.

“Thank you.” I hadn’t meant to say it, but it came out anyway.

He looked surprised but then he smiled, and the action transformed his face from forbidding and austere to beatific.

“You’re welcome.”

Mircea muttered something under his breath and then drew a symbol in the air. The hairs on my arm stood to attention and a shiver ran up my spine.

“Done,” Mircea said. “The scent of your blood is now amplified.”

“Stop fecking staring at me,” Bramble said to Radu.

He grinned lecherously but didn’t tear his gaze away from her.

“Focus,” Vlad ordered. “The original will scent her blood. He will be drawn here. There is no way he can resist the power coursing through her veins.” He licked his lips again. Yeah, he definitely wanted another taste of my blood, blood that was flowing freely down my neck in invitation. The vampires moved closer, penning me in between them, and my heart sped up in primal fear.

Bramble stepped between them. “Focus, Vlad.” She kept her voice low and even. “Mircea, and you too, Fuckface.”

Radu snarled.

Vlad turned his head away. “We must hide. Now.”

If my blood had this effect on these guys, I guess it was lucky Razor Mouth hadn’t gotten his hands on me in Alaska. I was grateful they were here to make sure he didn’t get his hands on me now.

Mircea and Radu misted, adhering to Vlad’s instruction.

“We will be close,” Vlad said, then morphed into smoke too.

Wren groaned and cracked open a bleary eye. “Cora’s bleeding.”

“I’m fine, buddy. It’s okay.”

“How long will this take, do you think?” Bramble asked. “I mean it’s a longshot.”

“Yeah. It is.”

My neck throbbed, trying to heal itself. Razor Mouth could be anywhere. Just because this area of town was where his scent was strongest didn’t mean anything, but it was all we had to go on right now.

Long minutes ticked by and my blood stopped flowing.

Nothing happened.

The sun set, sudden and sneaky, plunging us into darkness. It took a moment for my night vision to kick in and find the outline of the dumpster and the black bin bags piled beside it.



“Psst, hey, you there?”

Something scratched at the roof and my head whipped up, alarm bells going off in my mind.

Two glowing yellow eyes peered down at me and my pulse rocketed.

“Cora…” Bramble dipped to grab her blades.


Several more glowing eyes appeared above us on either side of the alley.


“Cora, I don’t think they can hear you. I think they might have been pulled back to Barrow.”

I stared at the glowing eyes. “What are those?”

“I don’t fucking know.” She grabbed my hand. “On the count of three, we make a break for it.”

The mouth of the alley was several meters away. The creatures lined either side of it, chittering now as if communicating.


The creatures attacked.