Witch Unbound by Debbie Cassidy

Chapter Four

This trip was supposed to be a time for us to connect and relax. A time away from the stressors and responsibilities of the coven and the packs.

I should have known that was too much to ask.

As much as I wanted to keep what I’d learned to myself for a little while longer, I couldn’t take the risk.

I was changing, and the connections between us were weakening because of it. This put the seal in jeopardy because I needed those connections to maintain it. Anna needed to know what was happening. We needed to figure out a solution and formulate a backup plan. She also needed to know there was a new player in town.

The entity wanted me to free Croatoan, which made her one of the bad guys. A bad guy who’d saved my ass so she could get me to work for her. I’d been played. But then, if she hadn’t intervened, I’d be dead, so yeah, mixed feelings on that one.

I hated to ruin our happy moment so soon after we got Rune back, but I had no choice but to spill the beans.

We sat around the small kitchen table nursing mugs of tea and chomping on chocolate biscuits while I filled them in on what had happened in Tarrifel. By the time I got to the Croatoan part, the biscuits had been abandoned.

“You can’t do that,” Tor said. “You can’t free him.”

I brushed crumbs off the table. “I know.”

“But if she doesn’t…” Leif puffed out his cheeks. “We need to find a way to protect you.”

Rune looked thoughtful. “The balance of nature, life and death, is a powerful thing. Taking me out of Tarrifel and saving your life, these all have costs. It makes me wonder who’s paying them.”

“You think the entity is?” Leif asked.

“She must be,” Rune said. “Question is, why? Why does she want you to free the varga and Croatoan? What connection does she have to them? Are the varga and Croatoan linked in some way?”

I stroked Wren’s head and handed him another biscuit. The little guy had somehow pulled Rune back to us. He couldn’t explain how he’d done it, which made me think it had to be instinctual. Either way, we were all grateful to him, and as far as I was concerned, he could eat a whole box of biscuits if he liked.

We sat in silence for a bit. They needed a moment to absorb everything I’d just laid out.

I gave them that moment before continuing. “The entity said I’d need allies because a war was coming. She mentioned the varga and the Sons of Adam. I don’t get how Croatoan fits into it, like…is he going to start the war? In that case, does she want me to free him to kickstart a war, and then gather allies to fight him? Urgh, it makes no sense to me. Maybe Anna can shed some light. I get the impression there’s a lot she hasn’t told me.”

“Then we head back and speak to her,” Tor said. “The focus right now is to find a way to protect you from death and strengthen our connection. The rest can wait.”

I hadn’t told them about my conversation with Ursula yet, and the extent of the changes occurring to my body. They needed to know.

I set down my mug with a sigh. “There’s something else.” Three pairs of eyes zeroed in on me with concern and more than a hint of wariness. Yeah, being the bearer of bad news was becoming my MO. “Ursula called me earlier. It’s actually why I went for a walk. I needed to think.”

“What did she say?” Tor asked.

“That my DNA is being altered.” I smiled thinly. “I’m changing into something…else. I may no longer be a tulpa or even a witch when these changes are complete.” I paused, letting the implications sink in.

“The seal needs a witch born under the thirteenth sign…” Rune said.

I nodded. “I think our weakening connection is a result of my changing. Jasper and I have been having issues too. He keeps getting sucked into a place called the abyss and we weren’t sure why, but I think my changing might be affecting his hold on me. He tried to save me at the cliffs. He got there before Rune, but then he just…vanished. I think he’s stuck. If he’s not back soon, I’m going to have to go after him and get him back.”

“How?” Tor asked. “How will you go after him? What is this abyss place? There’s no way we’re letting you do this alone.”

I should have anticipated his reaction. “There’s a blood witch who can help.” He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. “No, you can’t come with me. She lives in a hidden place called Shady Lane. Lauris has access, but he broke the rules by taking me there. I can’t ask him to take you guys too.”

The set of Tor’s jaw told me he was about to argue, but Rune beat him to it.

“Don’t blood witches require payment in sex, blood, and pain?”

Tor’s chest expanded. “Fuck that. No. Not happening.”

There was no doubt in my mind that Tor understood he wasn’t the boss of me, just like there was no misconception in my mind that he would tie me to the bed if he felt he was saving my life. These three shifters were my mates, and I needed them on my side when making these kinds of decisions.

I locked gazes with Tor. “Would you do it for me? Blood, sex, and pain? Would you pay the price if I were lost and there was a chance to get me back?”

His jaw ticked. “Fucking hell, Cora.”

“Answer me.”

“In a heartbeat, and you know it.”

Good. I’d made my point. “I’ll give Jasper a few hours first. He might be able to claw his way back. In the meantime, I need to see Ursula for more tests.”

Silence reigned for long, agonizing seconds.

“There has to be a way to stop the changes,” Tor said.

I’d been hoping the same thing. “I don’t know. I guess with more tests maybe. I just don’t know.”

I dropped my gaze, not wanting them to see my fear. I was scared, afraid of what I’d become. But more than that, I was terrified of losing them.

“No.” Leif took my hand across the table, scanning my face as if reading my thoughts. “You won’t lose us. We’re going to get through this.”

Tor sat back in his seat. “First thing tomorrow morning, we go to see Ursula. We get more tests, and we find out for sure what’s going on. Then we’ll go see Anna and fill her in on what we know, and then…then, if Jasper isn’t back, we’ll deal with that too.”

“One step at a time,” Leif said.

“We’re with you, all the way.” Rune took my free hand.

The turmoil and uncertainty churning inside me melted, because with my guys by my side, anything was possible.

* * *

It was almostone in the morning by the time I headed to bed. By some unspoken agreement, Tor and Leif remained in the lounge. Tor had built the fire back up, and Leif settled on the sofa with a sleepy Wren in his lap and a glass of whiskey to hand. Looked like they’d be camping down there. Not Rune, though. Tonight, Rune would share my bed. The guys were giving us time alone. No discussions, just intuitive understanding that made me love them even more.

Rune’s powerful form was at my back as I climbed the stairs, body heat reaching out to wrap around me as if he were touching me. My skin heated and the urge to strip had me curling my hands into fists.

I stepped into my room, keeping my back to him. The door closed with a soft snick and we were finally alone, not in a dreamscape but in reality, something neither of us could have imagined would ever be possible.

I turned to face his shadowy form and watched, dry-mouthed, as he reached over his shoulder and tugged off his shirt. Fuck the shadows. I needed to see him in all his glory.

“I want to go slow, Cora, but I don’t know if I can. I’ve wanted you for so fucking long.” His voice was deeper, husky, and thick with carnal desire.

A patch of moonlight separated us. I wanted to see him drenched in it.

I took a step back until my legs met the mattress. “Come closer.”

He stepped forward, and silver highlighted every plane and dip of his naked torso, skipping over his abs and settling at the shadowy apex of his delectable V.

A moan slipped from my lips and my breath quickened.

“How much do you want me, Cora?”

I answered by peeling off my tee and shimmying out of my leggings.

“Fuuck…” His chest rose and fell faster, and his hand went to his crotch, dragging my attention to the thick, long outline of his erection.

He ran his hand up and down his length, and my breath tangled painfully in my throat, drawing a strangled gasp from me. “Rune, you fucking tease.”

He chuckled low and deep. “Get on the bed and touch yourself for me, Cora. Panties on, no penetration.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I backed onto the bed, spread my legs, and pushed my hand into my panties, fingers slipping and sliding over my nub, sending sharp shocks of pleasure through me. I was swollen and ready, dripping with juices.

He watched me with hungry eyes, hand on his cock, pumping in time to the rhythm of my hand.

Our pants and gasps grew faster and heavier until I was squirming, desperate to push my fingers deep inside me.

“Rune, please. Fuck.”

“Did you think Tor had the monopoly on control?” Rune approached the bed and hovered over me. He caught his bottom lip between his teeth and dragged it free. Eyes gleaming wickedly, he grasped my panties and tore them off with one sharp tug.

My hips bucked, but I kept up the rhythm, chasing the orgasm that was hovering on the fringes of my senses.

Rune grasped my wrist to halt me. “My turn.”

He buried his face between my thighs and latched onto my clit with his mouth.

I cried out, bucking against him as he worked me in a way my mind couldn’t comprehend but my body craved with a visceral need.

It was too much and not enough, and oh, God… I clawed at his shoulders and fisted his hair, wanting to push him away but needing him closer. He was inside, probing deep, thick tongue curling to tap the spot inside that drove me wild.

“Rune! Oh, fuck.” My head lashed from side to side. “I’m going to come.”

I tried to push him away, but he held fast, devouring my orgasm. My sobs clawed at the air, back arched, body stiff as my hips jerked over and over, cresting rise after rise.

He lapped at me as I came spiraling to earth, legs trembling, stomach quivering. “Rune…”

I drew him up my body so I could claim his mouth, and his thick cock pressed to my pubic bone, hot and pulsing. My wanton body clenched and throbbed, aching for him to fill me again. I sucked on his tongue, and his cock jumped in response. I devoured his groan, fisting his hair and deepening the kiss.


He fit perfectly between my thighs. I wanted to feel him pounding into me. I lifted my hips and shifted to align him. He slid between my folds with a groan and held himself there, soaking in my passion. I rolled my hips, tongue tangling with his, drowning in his flavor as he rocked against me with short, teasing thrusts. My already sensitized clit ached and stung sweetly with the threat of a fresh orgasm. The aroma of sex, the fervor of it, was everything.

His sharp pine scent crowded my senses. I turned my head to lick his arm, tasting salt. Delicious ripples traveled beneath my skin, tingles that became sharper and almost painful as I swelled and contracted again, hungry for him to fill me with more. I wanted more. I should have more.

A haze fell over my mind, ravenous and powerful in its intent.

He was mine.

I needed to claim him.

I flipped us so I was straddling him and pinned his wrists to the bed, moving against him, harder and faster.

He let out a guttural cry. “Cora, fuck. Oh, fuck.”

I leaned forward so my breasts brushed his chest and angled my hips so the head of his cock pushed against my entrance. Oh, God. Yes.

Take him.

Take him now.

I pushed down.

Rune grabbed my hips to stop me. “Cora. We can’t. Fucking hell. We can’t do that.”

His words were like a bucket of cold water, and the urgent voice that had taken over my body slipped away, leaving me trembling.

What was I doing?

“Rune, shit.” I climbed off him and lay staring up at the ceiling. “That was…Oh, shit.”

He stroked sweat-soaked tendrils of hair from my face. “It’s okay.” His mouth hovered inches from mine. “We didn’t cross the line. It’s okay.” He plucked at my lips with his mouth before sinking into a deep, soul-melding kiss, then pulled back to trail kisses across my cheek, my jaw, then down to the hollow of my throat, flicking his tongue out to lick me.

I offered him my breasts and he claimed them with teeth and tongue until I was writhing beneath him, leg hooked over his hip, arm around his neck as he set my body on fire with his mouth.

He moved down my body, headed south again.

“No.” I grabbed his shoulder. “I want us to come together. I want you in my mouth.”

He stared down at me and licked his lips. “It looks like you enjoy control too.” We adjusted position, mouths to groin. I took him slowly, deeply, delighting in the moans that teased my clit. He gave back with tongue and lips, driving me over the edge until my groans vibrated against his cock.

We were a circuit of building sensation, winding and tightening until there wasn’t enough breath in my lungs, until he came hot and potent in my mouth and my body arched with release over and over.

He was mine. They were all mine, and I’d do whatever it took to keep them.

* * *

There wasno waiting around the next morning. Tor was true to his word and hustled us awake. We made it to Magiguard HQ by eight a.m. Luckily for us, Ursula was on a morning shift, otherwise trying to explain why I’d gate-crashed their foyer with three hulking dire wolf shifters and a mogwai wouldn’t have been easy.

Twenty minutes of sample collection with Micah and Mel, and two hours in the small magnolia waiting room with Styrofoam cups of crappy coffee, and I was beginning to get antsy. The only relaxed individual in the room was Wren, snoozing in a patch of sunlight under the window. He lay on his side, knees tucked to his belly, snoring softly. The poor thing had barely gotten any sleep, none of us had, and depending on the news we got today, I doubted there’d be much in the way of catch-up.

Micah and Mel may have collected the samples, but the tests required to determine the extent of my mutation were being conducted by a team of scientists. My anonymity was gone. If these results pointed to me being dangerous, then I probably wouldn’t be leaving this building.

Maybe bringing the guys with me hadn’t been a great idea.

If the Magiguard tried to take me prisoner, then my mates would fight back. They’d get hurt. Shit. Why the fuck hadn’t I thought this through?

Okay, Cora, breathe. It’ll be okay.

One step at a time.

Ursula had brought in a couple of extra chairs for the guys and even provided a tablet for us to watch TV on, but nerves were high, and none of us could focus. Instead, we took turns pacing the small room like caged animals.

“How much longer,” Tor growled without breaking stride toward the window. “Surely they should know by now.” He turned on his heel and began walking back.

Was it my imagination, or was the carpet looking a little worn?

“It’s not that simple, Tor,” Rune said soothingly. “The kinds of tests they’re doing take time and finesse. It’s not simple science, it’s magi-science. A whole new field.”

My brain hurt. I just wanted the results, to know one way or the other if I was going to be unmade and reborn into something new. Something that might pose a danger to my loved ones.

God, I didn’t want that. I liked being a tulpa and a witch. I liked me.

Rune sat beside me, lending me his quiet strength by just being present. I glanced at him from beneath my lashes and a pang of desire shot through me. I was hungry for him, and what we’d shared last night hadn’t been nearly enough. I’d almost broken and taken him. I looked across at Tor, pacing the room, hands on hips. The muscles across his back rippled beneath his tee as he moved. My gaze roved over his frame, lingering on his muscular biceps and powerful forearms. What was it about arms that got me going?

Then there was Leif, parked on the floor between my legs, cheek resting on one of my thighs, eyes drowsy as I played with his amazingly silken locks. The motions of my fingers through his hair were soothing for the both of us. Like a fidget toy where the sweep and twist of tendrils served to calm me, and yeah, it was probably going to make his hair greasy, but he didn’t complain. He knew I needed this.

The door opened, and we all sat up straighter as Ursula entered with Micah and Mel in tow.

Wren mumbled and sat bolt upright, wide awake. I couldn’t help but marvel at how he could go from deep sleep to alert so quickly. My pulse raced, shattering the distracting train of thought and forcing me to focus on the reason for our visit.

I tore my attention from Wren and fixed it on the trio by the door, searching their faces for signs of disconcertion. Anything to suggest bad news, but all I found was confusion.

“What is it?” Tor demanded. “What did you find?”

“Nothing…” Ursula gave Mel a prompting look.

“Not exactly nothing,” Mel said with a terse smile. “It seems that the unraveling effects on your DNA have ceased. The mutagen is no longer in your system.”

“What?” I stared at Mel. This was good, right? “Where did it go?”

She shrugged, looking flummoxed. “We don’t know, but then with mystical interventions such as this, nothing is certain, and the laws of human science don’t always apply.”

“It’s gone,” Micah continued. “And as far as we can determine, you’re still a tulpa.”

“You’re still able to access miasma, right?” Mel asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I think so.” I looked to Ursula. “But I tend to use a different kind of power.”

“The Grimswood legacy, yes.” Ursula nodded. “But you jumped here, didn’t you?”

“I did. But I’ve had issues with being able to make jumps.”

“The mutagen could have been interfering with your power,” Mel explained. “But now that it’s gone, you could be fine.”

“So…she’s not changed?” Leif asked.

Mel pressed her lips together and looked to Micah.

“There are changes in your DNA, but nothing like we’ve ever seen before. We aren’t able to identify the markers. Unfortunately, only time will tell what effect these changes have had.”

Shit. “So I could still have problems with my power.”


“So you basically don’t know a damn thing,” Tor growled. “No answers again.”

“Tor, chill.” Leif stood and placed a hand on Tor’s shoulder. “We know that the mutagen is gone, so whatever was happening to Cora will stop now, right?” He looked to Mel for confirmation. “No more unraveling? She’s still a witch. The seal is intact, right?” There was a demanding edge to his tone now.

Mel nodded quickly. “Yes. The mutagen is gone so there shouldn’t be any more unraveling. If the mutagen was affecting the seal negatively, those effects will be gone.”

“But our connection is weaker,” Rune pointed out. “Will that strengthen now that the mutagen is out of her system?”

“We don’t know.” Mel winced, apologetic. “I’m sorry we don’t have definitive answers for you. I wish we did.”

“The change in her DNA could mean that your connection remains weakened,” Micah added. “Only time will tell.”

Weak was better than gone, and it hit me that this was good news. Great news. Much better than I’d been hoping for.

It was a boulder being lifted off my shoulders. “I’ll take it. Maybe Anna will have a way to strengthen the connections between us.”

Hope evicted the anxiety that had taken up residence inside me.

“There is no determination that you’re a threat.” Ursula smiled warmly. “You’re free to leave.”

“Wait, what?” Tor looked at me. “Was that even in question?”

Oh boy. I stood and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. It was definitely time to go home.