Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel

Chapter 21


Onstage, the kitty came with moans and gasps, the Dom following behind her a moment later, while Jax’s finger burrowed deeper into her bottom. Heat flushed Esther’s face, not only from arousal but because he was touching her there. Invading her there. And she couldn’t squirm away.

It wasn’t that it didn’t feel good. It felt good, but her brain told her it wasn’t supposed to. She wasn’t supposed to enjoy being touched there or having anything inserted there. Jax’s finger pushing into her bottom made her feel like the naughty girl he’d called her.

Especially as the lights faded on the stage, and the Dom swept his limp, satisfied sub into his arms, carrying her off the stage into the darkness.

“Jax! Daddy!” She quickly corrected herself. “The lights are coming up!”

She squealed as he pushed his finger in deeper, twisting it.

“You don’t get to decide what your Daddy does, remember, babygirl?”

Esther moaned as his thumb pressed on her clit, sending another surge of pleasure through her, battling with her embarrassment. Even with the sounds of others around them, clearly enjoying themselves in their own booths, she felt as though everyone must be able to hear her, and when the lights came up, they’d be able to see her as well.

Another twist of his finger, then it retreated, leaving her empty and unsatisfied. Her body was buzzing with need, and so were her emotions. She craved the connection the Dom and kittycat had and wanted to feel it again with her Daddy Dom.

“Let’s go back to our room, naughty girl,” Daddy growled in her ear.

“I wasn’t naughty!” she protested, even as she scooted along the booth into the open. They weren’t the only ones making their way back to the hall leading to the hotel rooms. Several others were headed into the hall, and a few booths had the curtains drawn, with very telling noises filtering out from their interiors.

“Weren’t you?” Daddy’s hand gripped her bottom under her skirt, lifting it slightly from behind, and Esther squeaked as she tried to reach behind her to push down the skirt fabric. Her mind raced frantically.

Had she done something naughty today? Or during dinner? Or was he roleplaying a scene?

If he was roleplaying a scene, why had he gone to naughty girl rather than good girl getting a reward?

Her heart pounded in her chest as Daddy gave her bottom another squeeze, then took her hand, pulling her down the hallway. It only took him a moment to get the door open, then he was moving her in front of him, not letting her hand go until he had to, then gave her ass a hefty swat.

“Inside, naughty girl. I have plans for you tonight.”

Confused, aroused, exhilarated, and slightly terrified, knowing he was probably deliberately stirring this mix of emotions inside her, Esther obeyed.

* * *


Oh, yes, going with ‘naughty girl’ was definitely the right way to handle this. A funishment, rather than a punishment. Esther deserved some discipline—regardless of how anxious she’d been when she’d installed the app, she should have asked him directly what was going on instead of tracking his phone—but he could only be so mad about it.

If she’d had no reason, it might have been a different story, but he acknowledged his own culpability in why she’d taken such drastic action. His behavior had been suspicious as hell, and as for not talking, he’d sinned first.

Esther scampered into the room in front of him, her skirt bouncing and swirling around her, showing off her upper thighs. As soon as she was in the middle of the room, she turned around, nibbling her lower lip as she eyed him with nervous anticipation. Jax’s cock, already hard, jerked in response to the pretty picture she made.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he gave her his best ‘Daddy Dom’ look.

“Well, babygirl, do you have any confessions you’d like to make?”

Her face went blank for a moment, eyes unfocusing, and he knew she was frantically trying to think if she’d done anything wrong today. That she’d guess he’d found the tracking app was doubtful. She didn’t look too worried, which meant she thought he was roleplaying, but she couldn’t be completely sure. The combination of excitement and tension gripping her body was exactly what he loved to see.

“Um…” she said after a long minute, spreading her fingers wide.

Jax chuckled sadistically and enjoyed watching her shiver. Her dark eyes were wide, and she licked her lips as if they’d gotten dry from nervousness.

“Not ready to confess yet, hm? I’ll have to see what I can do to motivate you.”

There were quite a few fun toys around the room, but none of them had interested him as much as the rocking horse. He’d known from the moment he saw it he wanted to use it with Esther, and using it for interrogation was perfect.

“Go stand in the corner,” he said, pointing. “Lift the back of your skirts, so I can see your pretty bottom. You can take the time to think about how naughty you’ve been while I get your punishment prepared.”

With one last wild look, Esther hurried to the corner and lifted her skirt and the layers of petticoat to show off her ass. The pale curves of flesh really needed some pink in them, but that was going to have to wait. Normally, he’d spank her, then put her in the corner to do her thinking when her bottom was already hot, but right now, he liked the idea of her worrying about what he was going to do to her cute little bottom. Framed by the layers of petticoats and skirt hanging on either side and the tops of her white stockings that came up just beneath her ass, it was like staring at a blank canvas he would soon decorate.

Humming under his breath, Jax went to inspect the rocking horse. The email that had been sent to him about the room contained pretty explicit details on some of the setups in the room, including the rocking horse. In a cabinet on the wall, just as described, Jax found a sheet of instructions on how to attach the dildos to the horse’s saddle, as well as an array of unopened toys.

Grinning, he carefully selected two of the smaller options, one a little larger than the other, both about six inches long but not too thick around, which was perfect. The length would mean they would easily stay in, but because they were more slender, he could use both at the same time.

When he closed the cabinet door, he saw Esther half-turned around, trying to see what he was doing.

“Eyes forward.” The command cracked out like a whip, and she jumped, her head swinging back around to face the corner. “If I see you peeking again, that will add to your punishment, naughty girl.”

Esther’s shoulders hunched, and he could see her pressing her thighs together. She was squirming with her arousal, just the way he liked her.

It only took him a few minutes to figure out how to attach the toys—returning to the cabinet once to reread the instructions—then he grabbed the lube and slicked it over both rubbery surfaces. He wanted them to be nice and slick for her.

Wiping his hands off, he finally turned his attention back to his naughty girl. She was standing in the corner like a good girl, but he could see her squirming, and her head kept twitching as if she was constantly keeping it from turning.

“Okay, naughty girl. Turn around. Last chance to make a confession before I put you on the rocking horse.”

* * *


Turning around, curiosity burning her up inside, Esther’s eyes widened when they fell on the rocking horse. Jax was standing next to it, his expression stern, but she could barely pay attention to him, all of her focus on the new additions to the toy.

Oh my God.

The rocking horse was a pervertible. Somehow, she’d missed that earlier. Maybe because there had been too much around the room to take in. Her thighs clenched together, bottom cheeks squeezing when she realized there was not one but two dildos attached to the saddle. Neither of them was frighteningly large, but the idea of having both of them inside her…

Esther whimpered.

Usually, the closest Jax got to double penetration was sliding a finger in her ass while he was fucking her, a move that always drove her wild but made her feel utterly depraved. If something in her bottom made her feel like a naughty girl, being filled in both holes made her feel absolutely wicked.

“Do you have anything you want to confess?” Jax’s arms crossed over his chest, gaze boring into her when she looked at him again.

She’d spent most of her time in the corner trying to listen to the noises he was making and guess what he was doing, not thinking about what she might have done to earn a punishment. Mostly because she was pretty sure she hadn’t done anything, and this was roleplay. Now, though, she thought she must have done something.

“I can’t think of anything, Daddy.” There was a little whine in her voice, a little pleading as she shook her head. “I’ve been a good girl.”

His frown deepened, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes, and Esther was a little relieved. Whatever he’d decided she’d done, it must not be very bad. Maybe this really was roleplay, and he was going a little deeper than usual, and she needed to stop overthinking everything.

“Come here, babygirl. Maybe a nice ride will help you think.”

Riding on the dildo horse was supposed to help her think? Yeah, no, but that convinced her even more this was roleplay because only in a pretend scenario did that kind of twisted logic make sense.

She also wasn’t sure it was going to be a ‘nice’ ride. ‘Nice’ seemed far too banal an adjective. Naughty. Perverse. Sinful. Those were much more in line with riding a dildo rocking horse.

Uncrossing his arms, Jax crooked his finger. Esther shuffled forward and dropped her head, still holding up her skirts since he hadn’t told her she could put them down.

When she reached him, he stripped her down to nothing but her stockings and shoes, making her even more vulnerable. With him fully clothed and her completely on display, other than her legs, she felt naughtier than ever, and he knew it. Between her legs, she was hot and slick, and exposed to the cool air, her nipples were tightly budded and perking up more.

Jax’s eyes glinted with appreciation, his hands moving over her body before turning her around to face the rocking horse. He stroked his fingers up and down her sides, teasing her soft skin and the undersides of her breasts. Her breath hitched.

“Time to ride, babygirl.” His deep voice was laced with anticipation, and Esther’s insides quivered. He was going to watch her ride. See her bouncing on the horse, her breasts completely unrestrained, the plastic cocks sliding in and out of her… heat and need and shame flushed over her. The shame because she knew she was going to enjoy it—all of it.

Biting her lower lip, she accepted his help to get her leg over the horse, his strong arm giving her something to lean on. He helped position her, so the dildos were in the right spots. Whimpering as they pressed against her holes, her bottom automatically clenching to prevent the invasion. Esther looked up into his merciless eyes.

“Down, babygirl.” It was an order.

Esther moaned as she sank onto them, gasping when she realized how hard it was to move slowly. Her thigh muscles screamed in protest, even as her body begged her to go slower. The lubricant on the dildos made it a little easier, but she still felt the burn, especially in her bottom when it was forcibly opened.

She cried out as she finally landed on the seat, muscles clenching and throbbing around the invaders, panting for breath as she adjusted to being filled.

Before she could get used to the sensations, before her body could fully adjust to accommodate the insertion of the fake cocks, Jax bounced the horse. Esther’s grip on his arm tightened as it moved beneath her, her clit and pussy lips rubbing against the saddle, the dildos moving inside of her, partially out, then back in again simultaneously.


“Think hard, naughty girl…” He moved her hands from his arm to the rocking horse’s handles on either side of its head. “Confess to Daddy, and your punishment won’t be so bad.”

“I didn’t do anything!” Esther wailed. The horse rocked again, and her hips moved with it. The rocking horse was deviously designed, the cocks pushing in deep at just the right spots, the movement beneath her rubbing against her pussy with delicious friction without being too hard. Her breasts bounced with its movements, and she couldn’t even twitch without making the horse move. Her bottom hole throbbed around the dildo, forcing it open, making her want to squirm even more, but she knew that wouldn’t help.


A sharp crack of pain flared in her buttocks where Jax’s hand came down, hard enough to make her cry out and clench, making her hips jerk forward—but her lower body couldn’t move because of the dildos inside her, making made her move on top of the horse, which made everything rub and thrust again…


Esther writhed on top of the devilish rocking horse. The sensations were overwhelming, the movements of the horse uncontrollable, and she shuddered.

“I swear, I didn’t do anything, Daddy!”

“Oh, no, naughty girl? Then who put the tracking app on my phone?”

Her mind screeched to a halt, a massive boulder dropping into the center of her stomach and forcing the wind from her body.

Oh God, he knows.