Dungeon Daddy by Golden Angel



Game night was his favorite night of the week, which he took as a sign he was getting old. He loved getting together with his friends, but his favorite nights used to be weekend nights when he could go to the Outlands, find a likely submissive who wanted to play for a night, and get his needs met.

He still did that every weekend, but it wasn’t fulfilling the way it used to be, and his friends were getting that look in their eyes. The look he thought he’d never have to see again after he turned fifty.

Surely, fifty was too old to have friends turning their matchmaking sights on him. After multiple divorces, he’d proven he was a bad bet in a relationship.

His friends were on a major romance kick. Gavin and Leah were back together a decade after being divorced and were getting remarried. Jax and Esther had just gone through a hell of a rough patch, but they were better than ever now and were going to renew their vows.

Thank God for Cyana, the other divorced and single person in their group. She was also a scary-as-hell Dominatrix and the only female dominant Aiden had ever been attracted to. He was a guy who thrived on challenges, and she was the ultimate one.

“Need help?”

Speak of the devil, Cyana walked up as he leaned into the passenger side of his car to pick up the pizza boxes from the seat. It was his turn to provide food for game night, and he was a lazy cook, so he usually brought takeout. He could cook, just didn’t enjoy cooking for one.

“Sure, thanks.” He handed over the top two boxes to Cyana, admiring the way the black tank top she wore under her leather jacket fitted snugly to her curves.

Cyana gave him a stern look, the one that had always gotten him hot and ended up encouraging him more than putting him in his place.

“That was not an invitation to check out my boobs, Aiden.”

“But they’re such nice boobs.”

As always, the side of her mouth lifted for a moment before settling back into place, letting him know she wasn’t nearly as unaffected by him as she liked to pretend. Shaking her head, she turned and headed up the walkway to Gavin and Leah’s house.

“Now I’m looking at your ass,” he called after her.

“If you want to look at things you’ll never have, I won’t stop you,” she yelled over her shoulder.

Grinning, his mood already lifted, he picked up the last two pizza boxes and shut the door. There was nothing like verbal banter with Cyana to give him a much-needed ‘pick-me-up.’

“Looking forward to you losing our bet and eating those words.” The only response he got this time was the middle finger from her free hand, thrown up over her shoulder. Chuckling, he followed her.

Sure, he had to put his own ass on the line making that bet, but it was the first time she’d ever given him a chance at her. Cyana had gone through the same class as all Dominants at the Outlands, making sure they understood everything they’d be putting the submissives through, but she hadn’t submitted to anyone since then.

Two weeks ago, they got drunk together after Jax and Esther announced their plans to renew their vows. Aiden had challenged her with the bet, though he hadn’t expected her to go for it. Was it a sure thing? Nope. But it was his best chance to get in her pants and get rid of some of the sexual tension lingering between them.

Sauntering into the house only a few steps behind her, Aiden was not prepared for the sight that met his eyes.

The pizza boxes were set down on the dining room table already, and his friends were clustered around the island, all of them holding glasses of champagne. Leah was handing one to Cyana as he watched. She looked as baffled as he felt, so at least he wasn’t the only one in the dark.

“Now, what’s going on?” he asked.

“We’ve made some plans and have something very special to ask you and Cyana,” Leah said, picking up the last champagne glass and holding it out toward him.

Setting the pizza boxes atop the ones Cyana had brought in, Aiden obligingly moved to take the glass. Leah stepped back into Gavin’s waiting arm, which curved around her. They exchanged glances with Jax and Esther, and an unsettled feeling slowly curled in the pit of Aiden’s stomach.

“So, we’ve decided to have a joint wedding ceremony slash vow renewal here in town so our kids can all attend,” Gavin said, blithely unaware his announcement felt like a punch to Aiden’s gut as if all the wind could be knocked out of him by mere words. “Then we’re all going to the Hideaway with a smaller group for a collaring ceremony.”

“And we want you to be our Best Man and Maid of Honor for both!” Esther squealed, cutting in and bouncing up and down.


Aiden still couldn’t get his breath back.

“Of course!” Cyana said, stepping forward to hug Esther without looking at him.

“Of course,” he echoed, choking out the words and nodding his head vigorously, doing his best to pretend as if his best friends hadn’t totally, unknowingly, fucked him over.

He hadn’t thought there would be any way they’d want to share their special days. Gavin had seemed gung-ho about going to the Hideaway, and there was no way Esther and Jax would bring their kids to a BDSM resort, no matter how upscale it was. Sure, he’d known things might not work out in his favor, but he hadn’t really believed it.

Cyana’s ass was supposed to be his. Not the other way around.

Through all the hugs and the clinking of glasses, the Domme caught his eye, tipping her glass toward him and smiling like the damned Cheshire cat.

* * *

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed Jax and Esther’s second chance. Next up, Aiden and Cynthia face off in Dungeon Showdown! CLICK HERE to preorder Dungeon Showdown and make sure you don’t miss out on their epic battle of wills.

If you’d like some steamy hot freebies while you’re waiting, make sure to CLICK HERE to join the Golden Angel Legion!

The End