A Rose for Laura by Callie Hutton


Laura stood by her bedchamber window, almost falling out as she stretched to stare at the front door. Keniel had arrived a short time ago, and she was surprised she hadn't been sent for.

She had hoped he would call on her this morning but was afraid their meeting the night before at Hunt's house when she walked out on him would be the end. He was stubborn, and she feared he would never relent.

A light tap on her door drew her attention. "Yes?"

Sophia opened the door. "Miss Benson, your father requests your presence in the library."

"Thank you." Papa? Had Keniel already left, and she missed it?

On the off chance that Keniel was still here, she checked her hair in the mirror, pinched her pale cheeks and bit her colorless lips and hurried from the room. She flew down the stairs in a very unladylike manner but came to an abrupt stop as she stood in front of the library door.

Her entire future was behind this door. Either Keniel had already left and had no intention of ever seeing her again, and Papa was there to give her the bad news and offer solace, or Keniel was still here for the purpose of . . .?

Slowly she opened the door. Papa was not at his usual place behind his desk. Keniel stood across the room from her, his hands behind his back. He didn't smile but moved slowly toward her. When he was within about five feet, he reached out his hand. "Come."

With you? Anywhere.

She took his warm hand in her cool one and he led her to the settee. She sat and he immediately went down on one knee. He swallowed a few times then said, "Miss Laura Benson, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife? I can promise you good times and bad times, but I know my love for you will be our shield."

Her eyes filled with tears and the lump in her throat made it impossible to speak.

"Please say something, my love. My heart is about to jump from my throat." He did appear somewhat pale and his breathing hitched.

The last thing she wanted was for him to collapse at her feet with apoplexy. "Yes." The word barely made it past her lips. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Yes. Yes, and yes. On one condition."

He leaned back on his heels. "Uh, oh."

"My love for you, combined with your love for me, will be our shield."


"Yes, we shall be partners."

"You have closed the deal, sweetheart." He reached into his waistcoat pocket and withdrew a beautiful diamond and ruby ring. He took her hand in his and slid it on her finger.

A lone tear slid down her cheek. Keniel climbed to his feet and pulled her up. Her knees weakened as his mouth descended. Crushing her to him, he pressed his mouth to hers, the touch of his lips sending a shock wave through her entire body. She returned his kiss with reckless abandon, showing him by her response how much she loved and desired him.

Keniel pulled back and pressed her head to his chest. "We must stop. I have no plans to take you for the first time on your father's library floor."

His heart was pounding as much as hers. She smiled against his chest. "I think you are correct."

Luckily for them they did stop because the library door opened, and Papa strolled in as if he had no idea what was going on. "Oh, there you are." He grinned at the two of them.

Laura was sure her lips were swollen and her eyes glazed, but Papa paid her no mind and walked past them and sat behind his desk. "Is there something you wish to tell me, daughter?"

* * *

Keniel hadno idea the wedding ceremony was so long. He'd attended both Driscoll's and Dante's weddings, but since this was his, he wanted it over with, the wedding breakfast finished, and he and Laura on their way to Brighton Beach for a honeymoon.

Thanks to Hunt, he was able to get a special license so only three weeks had passed since he'd proposed to Laura. They hadn't spent much time together since she was busy with her friends—her true friends—and Lydia, Amelia and Diana planning the wedding.

Finally the day had arrived. He'd stood at the altar with the vicar and Dante, as his groomsman, and watched Laura walk down the aisle on her father's arm. The two women who were on the orphans' committee with her, Miss McFinn and Miss Fenwick, acted as bridesmaids.

His bride was beautiful and everything he could ever want in a wife. They might have some stumbles along the way, but with the love they felt for each other, they would overcome them.

Finally the vicar gave his final blessing and he and Laura stood and faced the wedding guests. They made their way to the office to sign the marriage book, and then hurried to their carriage, off to the wedding breakfast at Hunt's house.

"What say you we skip the breakfast and head straight to Brighton Beach?" Keniel asked.

Laura sucked in a breath. "No. For goodness sakes, Diana, Lydia, and Amelia went to a great deal of trouble to arrange this. I am grateful for their assistance. I don't know how I would have done it all myself."

He pulled her over across the space and plopped her on his lap. "Perhaps we can find a way to keep busy until we arrive at Hunt's house."

She pushed him in the chest. "It's only a fifteen-minute ride."

"Ah, do you know how many kisses I can give you in fifteen minutes?"

Her breath hitched. "How many?"

He cupped her chin in his hand and looked into her eyes. "Let's say one very long, very passionate one."

"Oh, my," were the last words she said.

Keniel walkedthe length of the room he'd rented in the Brighton Beach Hotel, and then turned and walked back again, his banyan flowing out, then resting against his legs. He'd had his bath and was awaiting Laura who was finishing up in the adjoining room with her bath and dressing for bed with the help of her maid, Sophia.

It had been a long day, but the train trip from Victoria Station to Brighton Beach had been more restful than if it had been necessary to take a carriage. He eyed the bottle of champagne and two glasses that sat in a bucket of ice next to the bed.

He was more nervous than his first time with a woman. This was his wife, the woman he'd sworn to love, cherish, and protect. She was most likely a virgin and he had to take it slow so as not to hurt her.

With my body I thee worship.

The words from the wedding ceremony played over and over in his mind. He'd just decided to pour himself a small drink of brandy to assuage his nerves when the door between their rooms opened.

He was stunned, his breath leaving his body. This beauty, this wonderful woman was his wife. He still had a hard time believing it. Her beautiful hair had been brushed to a shine, cascading down her shoulders and back. She wore a nightgown fit for a bride. The silk garment fell against her body, highlighting all the curves he itched to run his hands over.

He picked up the rose from the table where the champagne chilled and held his hand out. "Come here, my love."

She took the few steps that separated them. He was amazed that his confident wife appeared as nervous as a debutante barely out of the schoolroom. It was his job to relax her and show her how good it could be between a husband and wife.

He handed her the flower. "I can't give you the name, Mrs. Singh, but you will nevertheless be a Rose."

She took the rose and sniffed. "Thank you."

"Let me pour you some champagne." He led her to the settee in front of the fireplace and strode to the bottle by the bed. He brought the bottle and two glasses over to where she sat. After pouring them both a glass he handed her one and held his up to touch hers. "Thank you for being my wife."

Laura smiled for the first time since she'd entered the room. "And thank you for being my husband."

They each sipped from their glasses.

Perhaps some conversation would relax her. He could see the pulse in her neck throbbing. They'd already discussed the wedding and the breakfast at length during the train ride.

Laura downed her glass of champagne. "I'm ready."

Keniel almost choked on his. "What?"

"I know this sounds silly since I am no swooning debutante, but I'm nervous. I think it's best if we get it over with."

He smiled and reached out to take one of her curls in his fingers. Rubbing the soft silky strands between his index finger and thumb, he said, "Darling, I don't want to 'get it over with.' I want you to enjoy yourself. There is a great deal of pleasure to be had in the marriage bed.”

"I'm sure there is. But waiting is making me even more nervous."

Keniel placed his glass on the table in front of them and pulled her into his arms. Slowly, he cupped her face in his hands, bent his head and nibbled on her plush lips. He licked the softness, then took her mouth in a kiss that started off softly and soon turned into fire.

As she clung onto his forearms, his hand roamed her body, feeling the softness of her skin, and the curves that had been driving him crazy for weeks. He drew back and scattered kisses over her face, neck, jaw, the soft skin under her ear. He ran his tongue over the outside of her ear. "Why don't we move to the bed? We'll be much more comfortable."

He scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. She bounced a couple of times and laughed. Laughing with her, he climbed alongside her, resting his body partially on hers.

"I love this nightgown," he said. "However, I would love it more laying on the floor."

"Oh, my." Her eyes grew wide, then she laughed again.

His fingers circled the edge of the gown, loosening the pink ribbon just slightly. The pulse at her throat throbbed, a match to the rhythm of his own. Laura's soft brown eyes watched him. She licked her lips. He slid his hand to the back of her neck where silky hair met her soft skin. “You have beautiful hair.”

Keniel tugged the curls forward, then crushed them in his fingers as his mouth hungrily covered hers. He slanted his head to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue along her lips until she opened for him. She gripped his shoulders and made soft mewing sounds as he explored her mouth. His blood boiled from the taste of her.

Not breaking the kiss, he brought his hands up to her shoulders and slowly slid the nightgown down to bare her breasts, past her ribcage, to settle at her waist.

He pulled back and studied the mouth-drying beauty exposed to him, caressing her cheek with his knuckles. “Laura, you’re so beautiful. Just as I imagined.” Her lips were swollen from his kiss, and the aroused peaks of her perfect breasts begged for his attention. Slowly his hands came up and cupped them, his thumbs moving back and forth across the dark tips. Laura leaned her head back, and her breaths turned to gasps.

Keniel cuddled her close, kissed her throat, and the sensitive skin behind her ear. “I want you,” he whispered. "More than anything in the world. I want your body, your love, and your forevermore."

Her voice trembled as she raised cold fingers to his face. “I never felt like this before. I don’t know what to do.”

“Ah, sweetheart, I know what to do.” He kissed her once more, his hands pushing her nightgown down over her hips, her legs and feet. He tossed it to the ground. Her skin glowed in the dim light. Raised on one elbow, he leaned above her, his gaze raking over her seductively.

She smiled slightly and bit her lip when he ran his hands over her body, then reached for him, pulling their mouths together in an explosion of heat.

His hand glided over her ribcage, down to her belly, and lower to the curls that covered her sex. Laura stiffened. He pulled his mouth away and circled the soft shell of her ear with his tongue. “Don’t be afraid. I would never hurt you.”

“It won’t hurt?”

He smiled at her. Her trusting eyes, tinged with a hint of fear. “Since you’re untouched, it will hurt, but briefly. I will go slowly because I want you to enjoy this. That’s important to me.”

Keniel quickly divested himself of his banyan and stretched out alongside her. Laura's eyes widened at the sight of his erection.

“See what you do to me?” Her frightened face melted his heart. She might be a strong, independent woman, but still an innocent one. His fingers returned to her woman’s core, circling the small nub, releasing the fluid that would ease his way. Two fingers slid in, then a third, stretching her, getting her ready for him.

Laura moaned, shifted, and turned toward him. Her nails dug into the muscles of his shoulders, her response escalating his own.

Keniel brought his mouth to her breast and suckled. Laura gasped and held his head, pulling him even closer. He flicked the rosy nipple with his tongue, circled it. “So perfect.” Her soft skin, scented with lavender water, glowed with a sheen of sweat. If he didn’t have her soon, he would burst into flames.

She slid her hand down his back, working his flexing muscles with her fingers. He eased her thighs apart and moved atop her, all the while whispering words of encouragement. He pushed the damp hair back from her forehead and kissed her gently. Slowly he slid into her tight channel.

Laura continued to run her hands across his back, not going any farther than his waist. He pushed harder and felt the resistance. “Honey, this will hurt, but only for a moment.” Before she could stiffen, he surged forward, breaking through the barrier. Laura attempted to scoot back, but he massaged her shoulders, murmuring in her ear, kissing her neck. He kept himself still until he felt her muscles ease. Then he slowly began to slide in and out.

His heart sped up. She felt so warm, tight and wet. He groaned, his thrusts becoming stronger as she adjusted to his rhythm and met him with her hips. Her innocent enthusiasm stoked the fire in his blood until he was consumed by need. With one final thrust, his body stiffened and he poured himself into her. He rested his head on her forehead, both of them panting. He looked into her eyes, wide and brimming with tears. “Are you well?”

“Is that all?” One lone tear trickled down her flushed cheek. “I still feel so restless.”

Keniel wiped the tear with his thumb and returned his fingers to her sex. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It shouldn’t have been that way for you, but I’ve wanted you for so long, I got carried away. Now, close your eyes and relax.” He smiled as her lips parted on a whisper of pleasure.

His fingers played with her core, rubbing, circling, teasing. After only a few minutes, Laura stiffened and her body bucked, and a soft “oh” escaped between her lips. Keniel kissed her and held her tight to his body until the shudders stopped.

Wrapped naked in each other’s arms, they fell into a deep sleep.

Sometime during the night, Keniel awoke and, unable to return to sleep, he left the bed gently so not to wake his wife. He slipped his banyan on, tied the belt and walked to the window.

He was married. To the most wonderful woman in the world. His perfect mate. He envisioned years of them together, having children, raising them, and growing old.

He smiled.

Life was good.