No Escape by Julie Moffett


Chapter Thirty-Five


Lexi Carmichael


“Good morning, and good luck today on your final day of challenges at Castrum Augustus,” Brando announced as we gathered by the gigantic hearth in the dining room, where Dante Zachetti glared down at us from his huge portrait.

“Today, there will be two challenges for two teams in the morning. After lunch, you will take on the final escape room of your stay here together as one big team. Are you ready?”

Tito, Stefan, Mia, and Gio all shouted in the affirmative. Not surprisingly, everyone was lighthearted and confident. My dad seemed particularly happy and had stopped to chat with Slash and me twice just this morning. He’d personally thanked Slash for stepping up and taking the fall for the prank with me, even though he’d had nothing to do with it. I could hardly believe it, even though I’d witnessed it with my own two eyes. The time spent with Slash during the challenges had seemed to bring them closer. I could also see Slash relaxing more around him. Of all the benefits of competing in complex escape room challenges, having my dad and Slash get closer, especially after their rocky start, had not been one I’d anticipated.

But I greatly appreciated it.

“For the first challenges, Mr. Zachetti allowed you to select your teams and which team would go with which challenge,” Brando said. “For the next set of challenges, he permitted you to divide into teams of your choice with the challenge being assigned randomly. Today, both the team construction and the challenge will be left up to fate, except for one person, who will be assigned to Team B. Since the challenge for Team B will require someone with gaming experience, Mr. Zachetti has graciously decided to permit someone to volunteer for that duty and be placed on that team. Is there anyone who’d like to come forward?”

Not surprisingly, everyone turned toward Slash and me. I looked at Slash, and he stepped back, deferring to me. “You take it, cara. You’re the better gamer.”

That was a matter of debate, for sure, but regardless, I walked over to the gamemaster to volunteer. “I’ll be the designated gamer.”

“Excellent. Please stand to my right as the first member of Team B.” Brando then held up a black velvet bag. “For the rest of you, inside this bag are small rocks. Half are painted red, and half are painted white. You will each draw a rock. Those with a white rock will be Team A, and those with a red rock will be Team B. However, we’ll have one extra player today.” He swept out his hand to include Father Armando, who stood discreetly to the side, clad in his modest black cassock. “Mr. Zachetti would like to invite you to participate in this challenge, Father, if you so desire.”

I exchanged a surprised glance with Slash. Wasn’t that an interesting development? Did that mean Mr. Zachetti was so convinced we wouldn’t win that he was permitting us extra help? Or was there another reason?

Father Armando looked toward Slash for guidance. Slash shrugged, so the priest bowed slightly to the gamemaster. “How kind of Mr. Zachetti to invite me to participate. Of course, I’d be happy to assist either team as needed.”

“Excellent. As a result, there will be one rock not selected to ensure the team Father Armando ends up on is completely random. Now, let us start choosing teams. I suggest starting with the engaged couple.”

Gio and Vittoria stepped forward, and Brando held out the bag. “Ladies first,” Brando said, motioning to Vittoria. She dipped her hand in the bag, rummaged around, and pulled out a white rock. Gio went next and pulled out a white rock as well.

“How fitting. The first two members of Team A are the engaged couple,” Brando said, beaming. “Please stand to my right. Now, who would like to go next?”

“I’ll go,” Tito said. He reached into the bag and pulled out a red rock. Mia bounded up, also grabbing a red rock. Stefan and Alessa followed her, both picking white rocks. Slash’s mother picked a red rock, and my mother got a white one. Mom was followed by Oscar, who chose a red rock, my dad, who selected white, and Father Armando, who also picked white.

That left Slash. He reached into the bag and pulled out a red rock. That meant Slash and I would be on the same team for the first time. While happy about that, I worried that some others might be concerned and undervalue their own capabilities. If there was one thing I’d learned since arriving at the castle, it was that Slash and I had seriously talented families. They could solve the escape room without us, I was sure of that. The only problem was that they might not be as motivated as Slash and me to win. Unfortunately, there was little I could do about it at this point.

I could see some members of Team A shuffling around nervously, glancing at Slash and me. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one thinking this, which meant I needed to nip that anxiety in the bud.

“We’ve got two great teams,” I said with two thumbs up. “No worries.” My mom gave me a grin and blew me a kiss. At least she was on board.

“The teams are formed, so if Team B would please wait here in the dining room while I set up Team A, it would be greatly appreciated,” Brando said. “As always, please empty your pockets and leave any extra items in the basket on the side table.”

He swept his arms out wide, a smile crossing his face. “Now, let the final games begin.”