No Escape by Julie Moffett


Chapter Fifty-Four




It had been years since I’d spent any significant time with my brothers. Life had become busy for all of us, and it was difficult for us to get together, seeing as how we were spread out internationally.

I hadn’t realized until this weekend how much I’d missed them. Sharing a childhood with someone means there’s no one else in the world who understands you like the people who’ve lived it with you. Although we hadn’t talked much lately, I owed them a lot.

Growing up in the middle of two brothers, I’d discovered that sibling rivalry could be a powerful motivator. I’d worked hard for my achievements and success. I imagined Stefan and Gio had felt similarly motivated. Just thinking back on it made me smile.

“You guys know I love you, right?” Gio said, swaying on his feet. When he drank too much, it made him talkative and emotional. “I want to thank you for always being my wingmen, no matter what. Stefan, you took the heat for me with Father Rainaldi all these years ago, and Romeo, you came to my rescue when Vittoria and I were having trouble getting permission to get married in the church. I never really thanked you. You’ve always been there for me. Now, in two days, I’m going to be a married man. That’s forever, you know.” He gave us both a sloppy hug while I maneuvered myself between him and the veranda railing, just in case.

“Vittoria is gold, Gio,” Stefan said. “She’s the whole package and she’s crazy about you, which is the part I don’t understand.”

“Very funny.” Gio smacked Stefan on the arm. “She’s going to have our baby. A little bambino to call our own. I’m going to be a father.”

“You’ll be a good husband and father, Gio,” I said quietly. “And you’ll have made Mama a nonna. You know how much that means to her.”

Gio grinned. “Yeah, and I was the first of us to do it.” He held up a fist. “I win.”

We laughed as Gio turned to Stefan. “How is it that you’re the oldest and yet the last to get married? What’s taking you so long? Alessa’s great, and she puts up with you, so there’s that.”

Stefan chuckled. “Well, about that…we’re engaged. I asked her yesterday. I figured we’d been living together for four years, so it was about time. I had the ring with me, and I’d intended to ask her the night after your wedding. But last night we were sitting in front of the beautiful fireplace in the bedroom, drinking wine in this extraordinary castle, and the timing just seemed right. Lucky for me, she said yes. We weren’t going to mention it to anyone until after the wedding, but since it’s come up…” He swept out a hand, grinning. “…you’re the first to know.”

“And the last man falls,” Gio said, laughing and clapping his hands. “No escape for you now, my brother. Many wishes for a happy life together.”

“Stefan, congratulations.” I gave him a hand slap, then a hug. “I concur with all Gio said about Alessa. Although I just met her, she’s smart, capable, and funny. She suits you and our family quite well. I like her very much.”

“Thanks for saying that, guys. It means a lot. Alessa and I are thinking about a summer wedding in London or Ireland a few months after your and Lexi’s wedding. After all this time, no need for a long engagement. I’d like to ask Father Armando to officiate, seeing as how he’ll have blessed both of your weddings.” He glanced over his shoulder into the dining room, where the pope and Father Armando were laughing and chatting with Dante Zachetti.

I followed his gaze, grateful there appeared no ill will that we’d won the money for the orphanage. “I’m sure he’d be honored to do it.”

As we continued to talk and joke with each other, it occurred to me that in today’s world, and particularly in mine, where meaningful things got pushed aside in the name of technology, my family—in-laws and all—would be, without a doubt, the greatest treasure I’d ever have.

How had it taken a visit to a remote castle with escape rooms for me to be reminded of that? Not only was my family growing with the blending of mine and Lexi’s, but our extended family was getting bigger through my brothers and their families.

“Let’s not wait so long to get together again,” Gio was saying. “Although, I’ll be honest. Any family activity we do after this will certainly be anticlimactic.”

I clapped a friendly hand on Gio’s shoulder. “Since the next family gatherings will be my wedding, presumably followed by Stefan’s, I’m all for anticlimactic and serene.”

My brothers laughed, and arm in arm we returned to the dining room, where Lexi and our families were waiting. Lexi had a slightly bemused look on her face when I approached her.

“Everything okay?” she asked, leaning against me, lifting her face to mine.

“Everything’s perfect,” I replied, cupping her cheek with my hand as a shot of unfiltered love lanced my heart. She was my comfort, strength, and love.

My everything.

“I love you, cara,” I murmured as I brushed her hair aside, my mouth grazing her ear. Words I’d never thought I’d say were so easy for me now. “Everything’s exactly as it should be.”


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