Dauntless by Tamara Leigh



Abelard: AA-buh-lahrd

Aelfled/Aelf: AYL-flehd

Aethelflaed: EH-thul-flehd

Aetheling: AA-thuh-leeng

Aiken: AY-kihn

Alditha: AHL-dee-thuh

Alfrith: AAL-frihth

Alvilda: ahl-VEEL-duh

Ardith: AHR-dihth


Asbjorn: AHS-bee-yohrn

Asketil: AAS-kuh-tihl

Balliol: BAY-lee-uhl

Bayard: BAY-ahr

Bernia: BUHR-nee-uh

Bjorn: BEE-yohrn

Boudica: BOO-dih-kuh

Boursier: BUUR-see-ay

Campagnon: KAHM-paan-yah

Canute: Kuh-NOOT

Chanson: SHAHN-sahn

Christophe: KRIHS-tahf

Ciel: SEE-eh

Colban: KOHL-buhn

Conteville: KAHN-vee

Couloir: KOOL-wah

Cyr: SEE-uhr

D’Argent: DAR-zhahnt

Daryl: DAA-rihl

Deda: DAY-duh

Diarmad: DIHR-maad

Dougray: DOO-gray

Dubh: DOOV

Dunfermline: duhn-FUHRM-luhn

Eadwine: EED-wiyn

Ebbe: EH-buh

Eberhard: EH-buh-hahrt

Edelwine: EH-duhl-wihn

Edwin: EHD-wihn

Elan: EE-lahn

Ely: EE-lee


Emma: EHM-uh

Estienne: EHs-tee-ihn

Falaise: Fuh-LAYZ

Fitz Géré: FIHTS ZHAY-ree

Fortier: FOHR-tee-ay

Fulbert: FOO-behr

Gacé: GAA-see

Gerald: JEHR-uhld

Gloucester: GLAH-stuhr

Gloucestershire: GLAH-stuhr-shuhr

Godfroi: GAWD-frwah

Godwine: GAHD-wihn

Gospatric: GAHS-paa-trihk

Grandmesnil: GRAHN-may-neel

Guarin: GAA-rahn

Guy: GEE

Gwain: GWAYN

Gytha: JIY-thuh

Hawisa/Isa: HAH-wee-suh/EE-suh

Hendrie: HEHN-dree

Herba: UHR-buh

Hereward: HEHR-uh-wuhrd

Hugh: HYOO

Ingvar: EENG-Vah

Is ceol mo chroí thú: Ihs kyohl muh kree hoo (you are the music of my heart)

Ivo: EE-voh

Jaxon: JAAK-suhn


Johannes: yoh-HAAN-ihs

Lavonne: LUH-vahn

Lecille: LEE-sihl

Leicestershire: LEH-stuhr-shuur

Leofe: LEE-ohf

L’Épée: LAY-pay

Liath: LEE-uh

Maël: MAY-luh

Maëlys: MAY-lees

Maerleswein: MAYRL-swiyn

Marguerite: MAH-guh-reet

Mary Sarah: MAA-ree-SAA-ruh

Masse: MAAS

Maxen: MAAK-suhn

Mercia: MUHR-see-uh

Merle: MUHRL-uh

Michel: MEE-shehl

Mo ghaol: muh gihl (my love)

Mo shíorghrá: muh HEER-grah (my eternal love)

Nicola: NEE-koh-luh

Olivier: oh-LEE-vee-ay

Ordric: OHR-drihk

Paulette: PAW-leht

Pepin: PEH-pihn

Pierre: PEE-ehr

Ravven: RAY-vihn

Raymond: RAY-mohnd

Rhiannyn: REE-aan-uhn

Richard: REE-shahrd

Rixende: RIHKS-ahnd

Robine: rah-BEEN

Roche: ROHSH

Roger: ROH-zheh

Roul: ROO-l

Sévère: SAY-vehr

Séverine: SAY-vuh-reen

Sigward: SEEG-wuhrd

Stephen: STAY-fahn

Stigand: STIY-guhnd

Sweyn: SVIHN

Tá mo chroí istigh ionat: Tah muh kree ihsh-tihg uhn aat (my heart is in you)

Taillebois: TIY-uh-bwah

Tha gaol agam ort: Haa gihl ah kuhm ohrsht (I love you)

Theriot: TEH-ree-oh

Theta: THEH-tuh

Thurstan: THUR-stuhn

Torquay: tohr-KEE

Turfida: TUHR-fee-duh

Turold: TOO-rohld

Vilda: VEEL-duh

Vitalis: VEE-tah-lihs

Vimoutiers: VEE-moo-tee-ay

Warenne: WOHR-ihn


Wulfrith: WUUL-frihth

Wynflaed: WIHN-flehd

Zedekiah: ZEH-duh-KIY-uh

* * *



aa: arrow, castle

ay: chain, lady

ah: fought, sod

aw: flaw, paw

eh: bet, leg

ee: king, league

ih: hilt, missive

iy: knight, write

oh: coat, noble

oi: boy, coin

oo: fool, rule

ow: cow, brown

uh: sun, up

uu: book, hood

y: yearn, yield


b: bailey, club

ch: charge, trencher

d: dagger, hard

f: first, staff

g: gauntlet, stag

h: heart, hilt

j: jest, siege

k: coffer, pike

l: lance, vassal

m: moat, pommel

n: noble, postern

ng: ring, song

p: pike, lip

r: rain, far

s: spur, pass

sh: chivalry, shield

t: tame, moat

th: thistle, death

t~h: that, feather

v: vassal, missive

w: water, wife

wh: where, whisper

z: zip, haze

zh: treasure, vision