The Killer’s Vow by Aria R. Blue



“Just, please, don’t be a kiss ass, and you’ll be fine.”

“She’s really intimidating, Simon.” I sigh. “And she’s the reason we came all the way here in the first place. If this doesn’t go well…”

“She’s here,” Simon says, standing up.

Oh God,” I squeak, glancing down at my evening dress. It’s a backless white number with full sleeves.

We’re back at the resort now.

The morning was carefree, but the pressure is almost overwhelming now as the formidable Signora Ranallo makes her way to our table.

She moves like she owns the restaurant.

Heads turn as she saunters in her risqué red dress and Manolo Blahnik heels.

She looks Simon up and down, but her eyes turn soft when they land on me.

Vera.” My name sounds exotic on her tongue. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Um, y-you have?” I stutter.

“Of course,” she says, sliding into her seat and gesturing for us to do the same. “I’ve heard your story. I don’t know how much of it is true, but I’m obligated to inform you that we’re always open for new recruits.”

I stab my index finger at my chest. “You want me?”

“You would be a lovely addition to the Shadows,” she says, speaking casually about the largest crime organization in the entire world. It’s composed of the exiled and the misfits. “The door is always open for you, should you choose to join us.”

“I-I don’t know what to say,” I say, gripping my glass of water.

My mouth is parched, but I don’t trust my shaky hands.

“Say that you’ll think about it,” she says, giving me a rare smile.

I’ve read everything about this woman.

The things she’s been through and the things she’s done have disturbing similarities to my life.

It’s probably why a woman known for her merciless nature is showing me kindness.

She sees herself in me.

“Of course. I’ll take some time to think about it,” I parrot her words.

Signora Ranallo turns to Simon.

“And who are you?” she says sharply.

“He’s Simon, my- um, my boyfriend,” I say.

If I had said that he was just a friend, she would have no doubt asked him to leave.

Simon likes the sound of what I just said.

His ears perk up, and the worry that’s been apparent on his forehead all day melts away like butter.

Since it’s rude to start with business when with an Italian, I don’t bring up the video footage until the first bottle of wine has been finished.

“Nico already spoke with me about this,” she says.

I try and fail to mask my surprise. “He did?”

Nico is the one who put me in touch with Signora Ranallo, but he never promised that he’d put in a word for me.

“You should know that this isn’t something we usually do,” she says.

“I understand,” I say. “But my little sister might be in trouble, and I really want to make sure that she’s okay.”

“Tell you what, I’ll do you one better. What if I find her for you?”

I take a deep breath. “You would do that?”

“I can do anything I want to,” she says. “But it comes at a price.”

This is beyond my wildest imagination. “Yes, anything.”

“I don’t think she’s talking about money, Vera,” Simon says quietly. “Are you, Signora Ranallo?”

She throws her dark hair behind her shoulder.

“I want you,” she says, looking at me. “I want you to join the Shadows. At least part-time.”

“Why do you want me in the Shadows?” I say. “I’m not a fighter.”

“No, but you have other methods, don’t you, cara?”

She knows.

I know better than to ask her how.

“It’s not something I’m proud of,” I say, hanging my head. “I hope you understand.”

“Then I hope you understand that I normally don’t share video recordings of people at parties,” she says effortlessly. “You know how our parties get. Nobody wants to risk having that footage leaked.”

I meet her gaze.

And I understand how she got her reputation.

Once she sets her mind on something, she does whatever it takes to get her hands on it.

I’ve walked into dangerous territory here.

I’m the object of her fascination now. She wants me.

“I almost never make tinctures for other people,” I say slowly. “My poisons are purely for self-defense. Like how some people carry around pepper spray.”

“Pepper spray that kills,” she says, her eyes lit up with murderous delight.

I almost roll my eyes. The Italian mafia and their obsession with murder.

I sit straighter in my chair.

The ball is in my court now, and I have to serve it just right. “I’ll make a deal with you. One tincture of your choice in exchange for the video recordings.”

“Or I can just find your sister for you,” Signora Ranallo says, leaning forward on the table in a way that makes her ample cleavage spill out of her low-cut dress. “I’m sure you’d much rather prefer that over some party’s footage.”

The Bratva have owned me my whole life.

I don’t want to be owned by another crime organization, no matter how coveted a position in the Shadows is.

“Making poisons isn’t something that brings me joy, Signora,” I say, casting my eyes low again and making myself appear as humble as possible. “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”

“I need something very specific,” she says, leaning back and draping her arm over the empty seat next to her. A power move. “And it’s not to kill.”


“I need something to seduce a man with. A love potion.”

Simon mutters in Russian that what I practice is science, not witchcraft.

“Can you make it happen?” Signora Ranallo switches from English to Russian, eyes not leaving mine.

If Simon is shocked that she can speak our language, he doesn’t show it.

I glance at him before looking back at her.

“I might have something,” I say. “But I’ll need to gather a few ingredients first.”

She pushes a napkin toward me and hands me a pen. “Write them down for me.”

Gently, I push the napkin back toward her.

“I’ll secure the ingredients myself and make it for you. But I want to see the recording of the party first.”

Her eyebrows rise. “Very well. I’ll send you an address in four days. You can watch it under my supervision.”

We shake hands.

And just like that, I’ve made a deal with a woman people believe is the devil in disguise.