Dark Destiny by Avelyn Paige


Looking around the room,I shake my head. Parties like this used to rage all night long. Booze and broads. Best fucking time of our lives, and a huge perk to being a member of this club is never running out of free pussy when I’m wearing this patch. It's literally a free-for-all. Shit, the only women in this room I’ve not had a go around with are the ones currently sidled up to their men, clutching their pearls. Don’t get me wrong, I get it, but shacking up just ain’t for me.

A few of my brothers start for the door, and I slam my beer down. “The fuck, guys?”

People turn their attention to me, and I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t officially lost my goddamn mind. “It’s not even the last call, and y’all are sneaking out of here like you have an early day at work. The fuck happened to us? The night’s still young.”

“Night may be young, but I’m not,” Mom mutters from beside me on the couch. “Been a shit year, man.”

“No shit,” Judge mutters.

Our club has been through hell and back this year, no doubt about it. Most of these fuckers have handed over their balls to a woman, and a few have had babies. Add on some good old-fashion cartels, dog fighting rings, and that shit with Henry Tucker, it’s enough to drive any man over the edge.

I admit, it’s been bad, but we’re still here. We should be celebrating that shit.

“We need to do something, like fucking go somewhere!” I throw my arms out at my sides. “Let’s celebrate the fact that we’re still here and we’re fucking alive.”

“Your idea of celebrating and mine aren’t really the same, TK,” Karma declares.

“That’s because I’ve pulled more strange than you, man. Don’t be jealous.”

Karma rolls his eyes. “You wouldn’t know quality if it hit you in the balls.”

“Quantity over quality, brother.” I wink. “Seriously. Let’s go fuck some shit up. Live a little.”

“Dude, we’ve fucked up a bunch of shit,” Burnt chimes in. “Like, a lot of shit.”

I drag my hand over my face. Most of these guys have families and shit now, but we’ve been missing a key thing that makes our club a club, and that’s fucking fun, and all that brotherhood shit.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. We need to hit the open road and just go somewhere. No drama. No fighting.” I pause. “Isn’t Sturgis coming up?”

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally used to be a yearly thing for our club. Our vacation, or whatever the fuck the white picket fence families did together. Ten days of a good fucking time with booze and all the free pussy a man could want. The latter being my favorite part of the trip, of course. It’s one thing to pull a little local strange, but sampling what Sturgis has to offer? There’s nothing else like it. With these fuckers all settling down, it just means more fun for me.

“What’s Sturgis?” Priest asks.

I shove off the couch and point at him. “That shit right there. A patch should know what Sturgis is. This is bullshit, guys. We’re doing this man and his cock a disservice. We need to take our shit and put some rubber on the road.”

Grace walks in with a few of the other ladies in tow from the back rooms. She sidles up to Judge, and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. “What’s going on?”

“He thinks we need to go to Sturgis for the rally.”

“Rally?” Grace arches her brow at Judge. “What’s that?”

“See? Y’all keep making my point for me.” I drag my hand over my beard. “Let’s do this.”

“It’s a bike week up in South Dakota,” Judge explains to Grace. The president’s old lady should know shit like this. Hell, she barely knows the basics. She and all the other ladies should get to experience MC life from more seasoned biker bitches. This trip could solve a lot of shit for us all.

“It’s more than that,” I say, grabbing a beer and hoisting it in the air. “Sturgis is brotherhood. Togetherness. It’s motorcycles and booze. Music and quality Kush. And better fucking pussy.”

“Is that all you think about?” Grace shakes her head. “One of these days, being a man whore is going to bite you in the ass.”

“Doubt that, sweetheart. Good looking guy like me? It’s just how I’m wired. Ya know, alpha male and all that.”

“More like an arrogant asshole,” she mutters, which makes Judge chuckle.

I ignore them and address the rest of the room. “What do you say, assholes? Sturgis? Let’s do this shit.”

“Man, I don’t know,” GP pipes up. “Blair’s about to pop. I can’t just drop shit and go, man.”

“Do you hear yourself right now? When the fuck did we all turn into a bunch of pussies?”

’Bout the time they all decided to family up,I think, but I refrain from saying that out loud with the ladies present.

I look around the room at my brothers. None of these fuckers say a goddamn word. “Guys, come on, it’s ten days. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Judge looks over at Grace, who simply nods. Shrugging those big fucking shoulders of his, he hollers, “Fuck it! Let’s do it!”

“Oh, fuck yeah!” I shout, then down what’s left of my beer.

Look out, Sturgis. Daddy’s coming home.

Read moreabout TwatKnot’s story in Dark Redemption.