Ruthless Daddy by Bianca Cole



Lorenzo knocks on my door, looking uncertain about entering.

“What is it?” I ask.

He is clutching a file in his hand. “I’ve finished the report on the Moretti family’s movements for the past month.”

I nod and gesture for him to enter. “Any important findings?”

My capo looks torn, setting the report down in front of me. “One.” He runs a hand across the back of his neck. “Every Thursday the entire family get together at a restaurant in the center of Naples without fail.”

I smile at my capo, knowing this is exactly the information I needed when I set him this task. “Perfect. You know what to do.”

Lorenzo stares at me for a few beats. “Are you sure about this?”

I glare back at him. “Am I sure about annihilating the people that murdered my wife and best friend?” I shake my head. “Are you sure you want to ask me that question, Lorenzo?”

Lorenzo clenches his jaw. “Revenge never brings the people you love back. It only deepens the dark wounds that fester inside of you.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Careful, I don’t appreciate being questioned.”

Lorenzo doesn’t back down. “If I am to be your capo, then I must question you. It’s my job as your second in command. Who else will if I don’t?”

For the first time since I appointed him, I feel a small sense of admiration for the man standing in front of me. He’s right. Salvatore always brought my decisions into question, challenging me. However, there is no one on this earth that can dissuade me from seeking revenge on the Moretti family. No matter the fallout. I have nothing left to lose.

I nod. “You are right. As my capo, you have a responsibility to question my decisions.” I run a hand through my hair. “However, there is nothing you can say to stop me from pursuing revenge on the Moretti family.”

Lorenzo nods. “Very well, I’ll make the arrangements.” He lingers a moment. “Is there anything else you need?”

I shake my head. “No, I have plans tonight.” I check my watch, noticing that it’s half-past six. Thirty minutes until Gia is due to arrive. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I’ll keep you posted on Naples.” He turns his back on me and walks out of the office.

I shut down my computer and head out of my study, planning to freshen up fast. I head to my bedroom and strip quickly, turning on the faucet of my shower.

I get under the spray and wash myself. As soon as I’m in the shower, the memories of Gia come flooding back. My cock hardens as I wash myself, finding it impossible not to slide my hand around my shaft and jerk it a few times.

I groan at the thought of being inside of Gia. It’s sick that I want her so badly, considering how young she is. I let go of my cock, knowing that there’s no use relieving myself now. By the time Gia walks through the door, I’ll be hard again.

I clench my jaw as I wash, trying not to think about the tempting, forbidden beauty coming to dinner. My daughter would hate me more than she already does if she knew. I’m a selfish man. It’s not new for me to put my needs before others. The only people’s needs I ever gave a damn about were my wife and daughter’s.

I step out of the shower and towel myself off before walking into the closet. I put on a cream shirt and button it half-way up, before selecting a pair of black pants to go with it. Once I’m satisfied that I look good, I head out of my room and into the kitchen, where Alejandro is already preparing our dinner.

“How is it coming along?” I ask.

He looks up and smiles at me. “All on time, sir.”

The door bell rings and I feel my heart rate speed up. There’s no going back from this. I turn away from the kitchen and walk slowly toward the front door. My head is at war with itself, as I know I shouldn’t be doing this. I reach for the door handle and open it.

The moment that I set eyes on Gia, I feel that war settle a little. A certainty spreads through me that this is right, no matter how unconventional it may be. Her blonde hair is curled into gentle waves, and she’s wearing an exquisite turquoise dress that frames her beautiful curves perfectly.

I reach for her hand and lift it to my lips. “You look beautiful, Gia,” I say.

Her cheeks turn pink, and she pulls her hand away. “Thanks.” She drags her eyes down the front of my suit. “You look good too.”

I step to one side to allow her inside. As she walks past me, her sweet, berry scent overwhelms my senses.

Once I’ve shut the door, some of the tension in her shoulders eases. “You have such an amazing view here,” she says, staring out of the floor to ceiling windows of the open-plan kitchen and living room. “Last time I was here I couldn’t admire it.” She laughs. “When I was a kid, I cared more about what toys Aida had to play with. It really is stunning.”

I set a gentle hand on the small of her back. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” I sigh as I stare out over the azure sea. “One of the best places to watch the sunset is from my terrace.”

Alejandro has already set out canapes on the terrace and the wine on ice. I lead Gia out of the bifold doors onto the terrace. “I thought we’d dine out since it’s warm today.”

Gia smiles, and I feel the desire inside of me increase. “Sounds perfect.”

I pull out a chair for her at the intimate dining table and she sits, reddening a little. “Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” she says, her voice so sweet it makes me groan.

The thought of having such a delicious woman submit to me is enough to drive me insane. “You’re welcome, tesorina.” I grab her napkin out of the wineglass, placing it on her lap and allowing my hand to linger. “The chef is making us his famous ravioli.” I grab the bottle of Chardonnay out of the cooler and pour her a glass.

I return to my side of the table and sit down opposite her. A tense silence falls between us as we stare at each other from either side of the table. Gia reaches for an olive and pops it into her mouth, a move that isn’t intended to be sensual, but somehow is.

I watch her intensely, feeling mesmerized by every one of her quirks.

Gia shuffles uncomfortably and meets my gaze. “About those texts we sent—”

“Don’t worry, baby. They will remain our little secret.”

Her face reddens more, and she shakes her head. “Are they the reason you asked me to dinner?”

I feel my cock hardening at her question. There’s no way I’m letting her escape me tonight. She’s walked into the wolf’s den and she’s not getting out until I say so. “Yes, I thought that would be obvious, Gia.”

She bites her bottom lip in a way that makes my cock even harder, shaking her head. “They should remain a fantasy.”

“I beg to differ.”

Alejandro steps onto the terrace with two dishes. “I hope you are both ready to eat, sir.”

I beckon him over. “Yes, thank you.”

He places a plate in front of Gia first and then me. A flash of recognition passes through his features when he sees Gia, but if he knows her, he doesn’t acknowledge it. Gia glances after him as he swiftly heads back to the kitchen without another word.

“What is your chef’s name?” She asks.

I raise a brow. “Alejandro. Do you know him?”

She swallows hard. “Aida and I went to high school with him.” Gia sets a hand on her forehead. “He’s going to tell everyone about this.”

I laugh. “He isn’t stupid enough to spread any gossip from my home. Alejandro signed a nondisclosure agreement before he stepped foot over the threshold.”

Gia visibly relaxes. “Oh. Of course.” She shakes her head. “Sometimes I forget who you are.”

I run a hand across the back of my neck. “It’s dangerous thing to forget, tesorina.” I pick up my fork and taste the ravioli, which, as always, is divine.

Gia picks up her form. “It smells delicious,” she says.

I tilt my head to the side, observing the woman in front of me. It’s odd how she makes every single thing she does alluring without even trying.

“Back to the subject we were discussing before the chef interrupted. You’re not leaving her until I’ve made you mine,” I say simply, forking more ravioli into my mouth.

Her red face deepens in shade as she keeps her attention fixed on me. She shakes her head. “What about Aida?”

The mention of my daughter brings the biggest issue to the forefront of my mind. Aida would hate me more than she already does if I fuck her best friend. The likelihood that Aida will never find out is the only reason I’m flirting with the idea. “Aida is thousands of miles away.”

Gia looks torn. “She is, but if she ever found out…” She shakes her head. “I’d lose my best friend.”

She’s right. We both should resist the twisted temptation and think of my daughter. There’s a chance that in time she will understand my actions on the clifftop and give me a chance to explain everything to her, but if I cross this line with Gia, all will be lost.

“What if we make sure she never finds out?” I ask.

Gia looks torn as she stares into my eyes from across the table. It’s as if we both know that if this starts, we won’t be able to stop. “I think it’s a bad idea.”

I rap my fingers on the table, looking at the family crest on my ring. It is a bad idea, as Aida should come first, but I’m a selfish man. Gia didn’t come here thinking that nothing would happen. She wants this as much as I do, even if she’s getting cold feet now.

“It may be a bad idea, but I always get what I want, Gia.” I meet her gaze across the table. “And I want you.”

Gia’s cheeks flush, and she clears her throat. “That’s cocky.”

I smirk, as she knows who she’s dealing with. “I own Sicily, tesorina. Don’t you think I have a reason to be cocky?”

Gia doesn’t answer me and turns her attention to her food, shaking her head as she tastes the ravioli for the first time.

“How is it?” I ask.

She barely looks at me, shaken by my previous statement. “Delicious, thank you.”

I can’t understand why she’s trying to back out now, when she's come this far. The last thing anyone should do is tease me, as I’m not one to back off if I want something.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“How did you get into flower arranging?” I ask, curious to learn more about the intriguing young woman she’s become.

Gia takes a sip of the Chardonnay I’d selected for us. “I’ve always loved creating.” She shrugs. “Unlike my mother, I wasn’t that interested in fashion but flowers always fascinated me.”

“Your mother’s boutique was famous in Sicily. I bought a few dresses from her for my late wife and after her death, for Aida.” I knock back the rest of my whiskey, hoping it will take away the sting of losing both of them.

Gia probably thinks I’m a cold-hearted son of a bitch who doesn’t care for his only child. It doesn't matter what she thinks. I know the truth.

“My mom had a lot of clients.” She gazes into her wine glass wistfully. “I have quite a few of her dresses at home, but I can’t ever bring myself to wear them in case I ruin them.”

I shake my head. “Your mom would want you to enjoy wearing them. She made them for people to wear and enjoy, so for them to be shut in a closet never to see the light of day.”

Gia contemplates me. “I never thought about it like that.”

“Many people don’t.” I run a hand across the back of my neck. “It’s not until you lose the people you love you realize how brief life is. You must live in the moment and seize every opportunity. If you don’t, you will only regret it on your deathbed.” As the don to a powerful crime organization, I have many regrets about the way I have lived my life.

Love is the only thing in this world worth fighting for, but I couldn’t find that truth in time to save the only thing in this world that mattered. My family. As I gaze up from my dish and meet Gia’s light chestnut eyes staring at me, I feel a tug in my chest.

“That’s so very true.” Gia looks sad. “There were so many things my mom still wanted to do when she died.”

I draw in a deep breath, trying to stop myself from feeling sorry for the girl sitting opposite me. She’s had things hard in life up to now. I love how resilient she is despite it all.

Alejandro returns. “Sorry to interrupt. I wanted to check if you are finished?”

I glance at Gia. “Have you had enough?”

She nods. “Yes, thank you.”

Alejandro takes our plates. “Shall I bring dessert straight out?”

I nod. “Yes, please.” I’m impatient to get him out of here so the real fun can begin. Gia will be at my mercy and begging me to fuck her by the night is through. She may be shy now, but deep down she’s a dirty girl who needs a good punishment for the filthy pictures she text me.