Make Me Lie by C.R. Jane

Author’s Note

Pretty fiery ending…hehe. Pun intended of course. Would it really be one of our books without an explosive ending? (I can’t help myself at this point).

We absolutely love this book and hope that you did to! We have so much in store for you guys. We wanted to write a book that combined our love for everything alphahole bully romance with our obsession with true crime.

Just you wait.

A huge thanks to our betas: Summer, Caitlin, Rebecca, Lisa, Kelly, Denise, Brandy, Becca, and Angie. Your feedback was amazing and helped make this book.

Thank you to Jasmine for proofing our baby and making her shine.

Thank you to Victoria for creating two beautiful covers.

And last but not least…thank you to you, our readers. We couldn’t do what we loved without you.


C.R. & May