Playing With Spencer by Izaia Winter

Chapter Twelve


It was official. I was bored out of my ever-loving mind.

When Ollie and I had hatched our super-spy plan, it had sounded exciting and dangerous. Thrilling even. In action, it was turning out to be a whole lot of nothing. And after three days of hanging out in the playroom without Spencer, I was so done.

The first day had been grand.

When we’d first arrived, Spencer had been out of his mind with nerves. He’d hid it as best as he could. He’d acted calm and collected on the surface, but I’d felt his sweaty palm clenching mine tight as we’d walked into the club. Other than a few curious stares and some hushed whispering, nothing had happened.

People didn’t step away from him like he had some kind of disease. No one pushed their way through the crowd to scream accusations in his face. And when our small but close-knit group claimed a booth to chill and feel out the mood in the room before enacting our plan, no one seemed to avoid Spencer outright. In fact, he’d seemed more popular than ever.

When long-time friends and casual acquaintances alike all dropped by to show their support, the tension in Spencer’s shoulders melted away and his usual smile—his happy-with-a-hint-of-mischief smile—returned.

It turned out that our scheme to dismiss the gossip wasn’t a novel one. And since Spencer had started showing his face around the club, the rumors had begun to die. The person who had created all this mess had either stopped when it became clear their scheme wasn’t working or they were busy changing their tactics.

“It’s so stupid,” one woman had said as she’d rolled her eyes. “It was obvious the guy had never met you.”

“They said,” one guy scoffed. “When I asked her who this mystical ‘they’ was, all she could do was shrug. I taught her a lesson after that. She won’t be spreading any unfounded gossip any time soon.” He laughed. “No, she won’t.”

But it was the littles that had finally removed the lingering worry from his eyes.

“We’re not stupid just because we’re littles,” one girl had huffed as she’d waved her juice box around. “If you were as mean as they said, I think we would have figured it out by now. That’s not the kind of thing you can hide for years and years.”

“Yeah,” the little boy who was sitting next to her had said while nodding thoughtfully. “And you make us cookies and cake. No one that evil can bake cookies and cake that tastes so good.”

I couldn’t fault his logic. Spencer had laughed and given the two a big hug.

Feeling a whole lot less nervous about leaving Spencer to the tender mercies of the club, Simon, Emmie, and I had retreated to the playroom. And it was truly epic. I was a bit sad Spencer wasn’t with me while I explored the room for the first time, but the toys more than made up for it.

The playroom was way bigger than I’d expected. There was an adult seating area at the front of the room with couches and comfy chairs. The crayons and coloring books neatly stacked on the shelf under the coffee table was a nice touch. If a little wanted to stay with their Mommy or Daddy but still wanted to play, they could. There was a complete nursery to the left for the babies. I’d thought the jungle theme was a nice, gender-neutral touch.

The rest of the room, however, was toddler heaven. There were different kinds of play rugs scattered across the floor, small tables perfect for tea parties, puzzles, or coloring stations, and shelves full of toys. There was even a small reading corner that was half-hidden to create a semi-quiet area if a little needed to get away and decompress from all the noise. And in the very back was a caged-off area that housed an in-ground trampoline next to a large pit filled with pastel memory foam cubes. After the tenth time of launching myself into the foam pit, I added trampoline park to my pool of date ideas.

That first day we’d played for hours, completely forgetting why we were there in the first place. It was easy when no one approached us to talk about the rumors. Most people wanted to play with us or meet the little that had finally snagged Spencer—the fun but off-limits Dom.

The second day was more of the same. I missed Spencer a little more, but other than that, nothing interesting happened other than Ollie and Red joining Simon and I.

Today was the third day I’d staked out the little room, and I was missing Spencer like crazy. I was also lonely. I was so used to playing with Simon that doing it on my own wasn’t as much fun, but we’d decided I’d play alone to see if our gossiper would approach me without the group watching. Not that I was alone. Ollie was off in the reading corner with his e-reader, his eyes glued to the screen, but he didn’t count.

Working on the puzzle I’d brought from home—the ones in the playroom were too easy to keep my interest for as long as I needed them to—I wrapped my toes around the thin legs of the table and sighed as I finished the edge.


Lifting my head, I blinked at the boy sitting next to me. He was a stranger, but I still recognized him. He’d been in the lobby a few weeks ago while Spencer, Simon, and I had waited for our turn with Marcus—the nerdy chic boy Simon had eyed before Spencer had pointed out his white wristband.

He looked to be several years older than me if the few gray hairs I spied in his five o’clock shadow was anything to go by. He had stylish dark waves, friendly brown eyes, olive skin, and a nervous smile. He wasn’t looking so nerdy chic today. His anime t-shirt was in no way fashionable but still nerdy as hell.

“I, uhh, I noticed you in here alone and thought I’d say hello.” He reached up and adjusted his glasses nervously. “I’m Niko.”

“Turner,” I replied, wondering if Niko was the one. If this was it. He didn’t seem the vengeful type, but who was? I couldn’t exactly wait for someone with a witch nose, finger-tented hands, and evil, beady eyes.

“I’m new,” he said with a shrug as he tucked his hands under his legs. “This place is a bit overwhelming.”

“I know how you feel,” I replied as I picked up a puzzle piece, tested it, and then discarded it for another. “I’m relatively new myself. I feel like every time I show up there are ten more people I need to meet. I think there are so many names floating around in my head that I’m jumbling them all up.”

He smiled ruefully. “I don’t have that problem. I never realized just how shy I am,” he explained when I gave him a questioning look. “I usually don’t have problems meeting people, but I just moved to town, and compared to The Church, my former club was tiny. This place is like a hundred times larger with a million more people. I’m not even sure who I should introduce myself to. It’s kind of hard to separate the regulars from the casuals, but I’ve seen you before and you look nice, so I figured you’d be a good place to start.”

I didn’t realize how easy it had been for me until I saw Niko looking nervously around the room at the few littles that were hanging out. Carson and Foster had effortlessly included me in their group. Our business relationship had pushed me through the door, but their friendship was what had invited me in. My relationship with Spencer didn’t hurt either. Between the three of them, they knew everyone who was anyone. I couldn’t imagine coming into the club by myself as Niko had so obviously done. At the very least, I would have had Simon.

“You can hang out with me,” I offered. “Actually, I insist. Maybe it’ll take some of the heat off me. I swear, being the new guy is exhausting.”

Niko grinned. “You’re not exactly selling me on the idea. I think I’ll just go,” he said teasingly as he made to leave.

“No, it’ll be fun. I promise,” I said, crossing my heart. “You want to help?” I asked when he sat back down, showing him the lid to the puzzle I was working on.

“Sure.” Niko sat back down and studied the neat piles I’d made after separating the pieces by color.

Handing him the lid since I’d already had enough time studying it, I returned to the fox I’d started building before he’d arrived.

“What’s that?” Niko asked, pointing to the lone walkie-talkie resting on the table by my elbow.

“Oh, this?” Lifting it, I took a second to fiddle with the buttons before placing it at my mouth. “Daddy? Daddy, come in. What are you doing? Over.”

Niko’s eyes grew large when Spencer’s voice came back through the little black box. “Shhh, baby, you know the rules. You have to use the code names, shhh. How else am I supposed to know if it’s you?” he asked, adding more fake static to his message. “Daddy. Over.”

Giggling, I blushed under Niko’s watchful gaze as I replied, “Daddy, this is Sugar Bear. Over.”

“Copy that, Sugar Bear.” I could practically hear the smirk in Spencer’s voice. “What were you saying? Shhh, over.”

“I asked what you’re doing,” I repeated. “Over.”

“Ahh, I’m currently annoying Papa Bear,” Spencer replied. “Over.”

“Don’t ever call me that again, Spencer,” Carson roared through the walkie-talkie. “And we are not putting a bakery in the playroom! The littles don’t need more sugar. And the ants! I can just imagine the ants!”

Spencer snickered. “What do you think, Sugar Bear? Over.”

I shared a smile with Niko. “I think it sounds like a great idea. Over.”

“Hey, give that back,” Spencer said, his voice quieter than before.

“No,” Carson replied. “Now you listen here,” he said to me. “Your Daddy is a bad influence. There are no snacks in the playroom without adult supervision.”

I threw a naughty grin toward Niko. “You didn’t say over, Papa Bear. Over.” Releasing the button, I laughed so hard tears welled in my eyes.

“That’s my boy,” Spencer yelled proudly from some distance as Carson continued to keep the walkie-talkie away. There was a brief struggle in which several curse words were exchanged, then Spencer’s voice returned. “Sugar Bear, we might have to skedaddle. Papa Bear isn’t looking too happy. Over.”

“Spencer, stop calling me that! Spencer!” Carson yelled. “Get your ass back here!”

Giggling, I nodded. “Righty-o, Daddy. I’m in the playroom. Over.”

“Be there in a bit, Sugar Bear. Coming in hot. Over.”

Setting the walkie-talkie down, I glanced at my puzzle then back to Niko. “Sorry, I invite you to work on my puzzle with me and then split. I brought this one from home, but you can still work on it if you want. Or we can put it away and work on it together some other time?”

Niko grinned as he reached for the box. “I’d like that.”

“Daddy is teaching a class here next weekend,” I said as I began to put away the large sections we’d already assembled. “We could meet here sometime after?”

“Sure,” Niko replied, but something was mellowing his chipper attitude as he picked at the edge of the table with his finger. “So, umm, this might not be my place, but umm….”

“But what?” I asked, knowing exactly where this was going. It was the same place it had gone every time someone got that look on their face and asked about the rumors going around.

“Are… are you okay?” he asked quietly. “I might be new, but I’ve been hearing stuff, and…do-do you need help?”

I smiled at the genuine concern on Niko’s face and placed my hand over his. “I’m fine. And it’s complicated. Long story short, when Spencer was young, a misunderstanding got way out of hand. For some reason, it’s making a comeback. Spencer has been nothing but good to me and to a lot of people around here.”

He nodded. “I know. People are defending him, but….” Niko shrugged. “I had to ask just in case.”

“All this gossip is so annoying,” I said, beginning my little spiel. “It only started like a week ago. Spencer’s been in the lifestyle for over ten years, but now all this stuff is coming out. Please. If I’m going to listen to anyone talk about Spencer, I want a first-person account. Otherwise, it’s just gossip. And Daddy says gossiping is rude.”

Niko smiled at that. “True. It’s like a game of telephone. By the time it gets to you, it’s all messed up. And I’m sorry for bringing it all up,” he said, having the grace to look remorseful.

“No, don’t be,” I replied. “If Spencer was a jerk and a meanie, you asking if I needed help could have very well been the hand I needed to leave. Don’t apologize for that.”

Spencer, being Spencer, burst through the door and made a beeline straight for me. “Sugar Bear,” he said as he spread his arms wide and crossed the room. “Did ya miss me?”

“Yes.” Still laughing, I pushed at his face as he tried to nuzzle my neck. “Daddy!” I squealed when he blew a raspberry against my skin. “Stop it.”

He sighed as he pulled back. “If I have to.” He turned his attention to Niko. “Hi, you’re new.”

I wrapped my arms around Spencer’s neck from behind. “This is Niko. How did you know?”

“Hi,” the boy said as he lifted his hand and gave Spencer a little wave.

“Sugar Bear, there is much you need to learn.” He dropped a kiss on my cheek. “Before you, I was cool Uncle Spencer. I knew all the littles and all the littles loved me. Now I’m just plain old Daddy. Boring. Staid. Stuffy.”

I laughed against his skin. “No you’re not.”

“I can hear it now,” he said, his voice grave as he ignored me. “Uncle Spencer used to be so much fun. Uncle Spencer used to bring us treats.”

Ollie’s face popped up next to Spencer’s, none of us having heard his silent approach. “Did you bring us treats? Hmm, hmmm, hmmmmmmm?”

Spencer looked to the left then to the right. “Maybe. What do I get if I did?”

Ollie jerked his chin in my direction. “Turner will kiss you.”

Spencer gave me a hot look. “Will he now?”

Treats and a kiss? I was in. “Yep. I’ll even kiss you all sexy-like.”

“Then I’m in luck.” Spencer reached into his pocket, pulled out a handful of individually wrapped candies, and dumped them on the table. “Pucker up, Sugar Bear.”

Holding his face steady, I pressed a hot one to his lips. Spencer tasted sweet as if he’d already had a taste of the candy. Like cherries.

“Mmm,” he hummed when I pulled away. “Worth it.”

“Worth what?” I asked.

“Spencer,” Carson yelled as he walked into the playroom. “How many times have I told you not to give the littles candy?”

“That,” Spencer replied without an ounce of remorse. Spinning around, Spencer held out his arms just as he had with me. “Papa Bear!”

“I swear to all that you hold dear, if Emmie starts calling me that, I will ban you from the club for three months. No, four,” he said, immediately changing his mind. “Trust me. I will do it, Spencer. I have that kind of power, and I’m not afraid to use it to get my way.”

Spencer sighed. “Fine. I guess.”

And just in time, too. Emmie came through the door and smiled when his gaze landed on Carson. “Daddy, what are you doing in here? You said to meet you in your office.” His eyes scanned the room before landing on the dwindling pile of candy. “Ooh, candy.”

Emmie skipped across the room, stopping short when his hand reached for the pile. “Daddy?” he looked over his shoulder and gave Carson a huge smile. “Can I have some?”

Carson melted. “Sure, Emmie darling. One piece.” Then he glared at Spencer. “We have a deal.”

Spencer threw his arm over my shoulders and shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Keep it that way.” Carson gestured to Emmie. “Come on, baby, let’s get out of here.”

“Speaking of, you ready to leave?” Spencer asked as he picked up my puzzle and tucked it under his arm. “We got to make a pit stop by the grocery store.”

The way he wiggled his brows was starting to feel very familiar. “Are you gonna bake something for me, Daddy?”

Spencer nodded, his smile smug. “Guess who got Nolan’s mom’s lemon pound cake recipe? I told Nolan she loved me. You wanna be my guinea pig?”

“Do I get any cake?” Ollie asked around the piece of candy in his mouth.

Spencer wrapped his arm around Ollie’s head and pulled him into a headlock. “Ollie,” he said as he messed up the boy’s hair. “You’re spoiled. Where is your Daddy?”

“I don’t know,” he said as he tried to get away. “I was hiding in here cuz I didn’t feel like talking. And I thought he was with you. You’re his best friend. You never answered my question. Do I get cake?”

“Is your punishment over?” Spencer asked.

“Yes.” Ollie tried to lift his chin but Spencer’s arm still held him in place. “It only got extended by one day,” he said, holding up a single finger.

Spencer let Ollie go. “If the cake turns out good, I’ll send some home with Marshall tomorrow after work.”

“I’ll take some even if it isn’t good,” Ollie selflessly proclaimed. “Bad cake is better than no cake.”

Spencer lifted a brow. “You are something else, Ollie.”

He preened as he walked back to the reading corner. “Thank you.”

Daddy turned to me. “Cake?”

“Cake,” I replied as I took his hand. I eyed Niko before allowing Spencer to lead me from the room. “Spencer, can you give me a minute.”

“Of course,” he dropped a kiss on my lips. “I got to go settle my tab anyway. I’ll be back.”

I waited until Spencer was gone before turning back to Niko. “I just wanted to say it was nice meeting you before I left.”

“Yeah. Same.” Niko rolled his eyes and gestured toward the door. “And thanks for setting me straight. I can’t believe I ever listened in the first place. He uhh… he seems like a good guy. And I got to say, that must have been one hell of a misunderstanding.”

I studied Niko. I still wasn’t sure if he was the one who had started the rumors or not but shrugged. Either way, at least I’d be setting one more person straight.

“It was,” I said, giving him a sad smile. “And it haunted him. If you’ve heard the rumors, then I’m sure you’ve heard Spencer is into CNC. I think that’s the only thing they didn’t lie about. The first club he joined didn’t take too kindly to a Daddy who was into that.” I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “As if a little needs anyone to tell them what they can and can’t like. He didn’t even do anything, just talked about it. And once people decided they didn’t like that, they assumed a lot of other stuff about him. He left and never looked at a little with anything other than friendship again.”

“But you’re a little,” Niko pointed out.

I smirked. “We started dating before he knew. Spencer thought I was just submissive. When he found out, he told me everything. I think he was trying to scare me off. I’m sure you can tell it didn’t work.”

“Obviously not,” Niko replied with a laugh.

“Nope, he’s all mine now,” I said, smug as could be. “He bakes. He’s kinky. He likes to cuddle. He spoils me. As my best friend Simon likes to say, ‘Turner, you hit the Daddy jackpot.’”

“You keep telling people that, and I’m sure those rumors will disappear like that,” he said, snapping his fingers.

“One can only hope.”

Spencer poked his head back into the playroom. “Turner baby, let’s kick it. I got eggs to crack. Cakes to bake.”

Niko snickered. “Lucky.”

“Jackpot,” I whispered as I walked by. “I’ll see you next weekend.”


“Ollie,” I called out when I reached Spencer’s side, getting the other little’s attention. “This is Niko. He’s new and could use a few friends.”

Ollie’s eyes lit up as he set his e-reader aside and turned to Niko. “Do you want to color with me?”

“Bye, Niko,” Spencer said as he dragged me out the door. “It was nice meeting you. And be good, Ollie.”

“You, too,” Niko said as Spencer escorted me out, smiling as Ollie pulled him toward the arts and crafts area.

I moaned as the sweet, rich taste of lemon coated my tongue, the crystalized glaze on top melting in my mouth.

“Baby,” Spencer said as he watched me from the other side of his messy counter, his eyes hot as he stared at my mouth. “You have got to stop doing that.”

“But it’s so good and soft.” I took another bite and closed my eyes in ecstasy. “It’s like a cloud in my mouth.”

Spencer tossed the dishtowel he’d been using over his shoulder and rounded the island. He placed his hands on the counter on either side of me, caging me in. “I think I should get a taste.”

Giggling, I cut a piece of cake with my fork and held it up to Spencer’s lips. I watched breathlessly as he opened his mouth and took my offering.

“Delicious,” he whispered. “But that wasn’t what I meant.”

“And what did you mean?” I asked, tilting my head so he could kiss me if he wanted.

“I think you know exactly what I mean.” Spencer dipped his head and pressed his lips to mine.

His tongue was hot when he slipped it inside, tasting of lemony sweetness. He moaned, lifting one hand to my jaw to hold me in place as he plundered my mouth while his other took the plate and fork from my limp hands and set them safely to the side. All without taking his mouth from mine.

“I… I want to try,” I whispered when Spencer pulled away to give us both a chance to breathe.

“Try what?” he asked, his lips skating across my cheek to suck at the skin of my neck.

I dropped my head back to let him kiss whatever he wanted to. “You know what I mean. One of the millions of fantasies rattling around in your head.”

His hands stopped their sensual journey across my skin as he lifted his head. His stare was intense in a way I hadn’t seen from him before but hesitant, too.

“I trust you. And I feel ready. To go there with you,” I explained, my hands still holding on to his shirt. “I was thinking we could do something light. Dip my toes in the water, so to speak.”

“Are you sure?” he whispered. His eyes were hazy with desire even as he tried to subdue his wolfish grin.

“I’m sure,” I said, nodding with every ounce of confidence I possessed. I’d been sure for days. And I wanted to feel him inside of me again. I craved it. Between work and stress stemming from the situation at the club, neither of us had had the time or inclination for more than a few handjobs and one excellent dry-humping session. And don’t get me wrong, I’d enjoyed everything we’d done, but sometimes there was nothing better than getting properly fucked.

“And I have my safeword. I’ll use it if it gets too much,” I promised.

“Which is?” he asked.

“Dragonfly,” I answered dutifully.

“Okay then.” Stepping back, he held out his hand and helped me off the tall kitchen chair. Once I was steady on my feet, he gestured for me to wait. Grabbing the spiral-bound notebook he used to tweak his recipes, Spencer flipped to a blank page and handed it to me, pen and all.

“Now come with me,” he said. He took my hand and led me to the living room. “You wait here while I go get ready.” He motioned to a spot on the floor in front of the cluttered coffee table.

“You,” he said, finally giving me my role in the scene he was creating while I sat down, “are the innocent, closeted, nerdy boy in my algebra class. Straight-A student. Teacher’s pet. Never done anything wrong in your life. But me?” He clicked his tongue. “I’m no good. All I want to do is play baseball. I don’t have time for homework and tests. But Coach says I have to get my grades up if I want to play ball.”

Once he finished giving me the character I was to play, he spun around and left the room.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and calmed my racing heart. My body felt tight as if waiting for his touch, and my cock was already hard against my zipper. Not thinking of what was to come, I got myself into character. It was easy. I had been the closeted, nerdy boy in high school. All I had to do was act like myself, only ten years younger.

I angrily slapped the notebook against the table and glared at the clock, tapping my pen against the empty page.

“Of course he’s late,” I muttered to myself. “He’s always late to everything.”

I fumed as another minute drifted by with no sign of Spencer.

I still couldn’t figure out why I’d agreed to help him with his homework when he’d asked. I knew I should have said no. Spencer was more trouble than he was worth. And he was a jerk. Not that he was ever outright mean to me, there was just something about him that rubbed me the wrong way.

Liar. You agreed because he’s hot, and this is your chance to get close to him, my slutty inner voice purred. You want to suck his cock and feel him pinning you to the couch with his hard body while he fucks you.

“That’s it,” I closed the notebook and slammed my pen down.

“Going somewhere, Turner?”

“As a matter of fact, I—” I cut myself off when I twisted around to glare at Spencer and found him with his shirt lifted to display his solidly built chest. My mouth watered, wanting to lick the little trail of hair that started right above his navel and ended below the waistband of his sweatpants.

And his cock, my brain whispered. We must lick that all over, too. I bet it’s thick. I bet he tastes real good.

Spencer finished wiping the sweat from his brow and dropped his gray t-shirt, covering himself back up again. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were here yet. Did I keep you waiting long?”

“It’s…” I licked my dry lips as my gaze drifted down his chest to take in the prominent bulge pushing against the fabric of his navy sweats. Realizing what I was doing —I was checking out Spencer’s dick, for heaven’s sake— I whipped my gaze away from him and focused on my notebook. “It’s cool. And no, I wasn’t waiting long.”


I continued to ignore him as he strolled across the room and took a spot on the floor next to me. He sat so close I could feel the heat radiating off his large body and the way his breath played with the tiny hairs on the back of my neck.

“Thanks for agreeing to help me,” he said, his words teasing my skin as he reached over me for the large textbook I seriously doubted he’d ever opened. “I owe you one.”

“It’s nothing,” I quickly replied. “Let’s just get this done. I promised my mom I’d be home by—” I looked down at the hand resting on my thigh. “Spencer, wh-what are you doing?”

“Come on now,” Spencer said, suddenly looming over me. “You had to have known this was going to happen. Coming over to my house to help me with my homework.”

“I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I dropped my pen and ducked under his arm to close my notebook. “You asked me to help you. I knew this was a mistake. I’m going home.”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my hands shaking. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

“Wait a second.” Spencer wrapped his arm around my chest and pushed me back against the couch. “I’ve seen the way you look at me.”

“I-I-I don’t want—”

“But you do.” Spencer leaned in close, his breath hot and heavy against my cheek as I turned away. “You’re always watching me in class. I can feel your eyes on me all the time.”

“I should go home now.”

Spencer placed a hand on my chest and pushed me to the floor. “You can’t leave yet. You just got here, and you said you’d help me with my homework,” he said, still pinning me in place.

I tried to move his arm off me, but he was strong, stronger than I’d ever be. “Spencer, stop it. I’m not… I’m not… like that.”

“What?” he taunted. “Not gay? Right, and I want to be a professional pop star when I grow up.”

Everyone at school knew Spencer had an awful singing voice. Even our choir teacher had given up on him in middle school and had let him skip our end-of-year showcase.

“I can keep your secret,” Spencer said as he slipped his thigh between mine. “For a price.”

I froze as my stomach sank. “You wouldn’t.” I lifted my chin defiantly. “Because I know your secret, too. What’s to stop me from telling everyone?”

Spencer smirked. “And that’s the difference between you and me. It seems you’re the only one who doesn’t already know I like dick. No one cares cuz none of them are my type.”

I could tell by the look in his eyes as he stared down at me that whatever his type was, I fit it to a T.

He planted a hand on the floor next to my face and leaned down, his lips inches from mine. “So, what do you say, Turner?”

I laid under his big body, staring up into his brown eyes, and twisted my fingers into the carpet at my sides. “Y-you promise not to tell?” I whispered. “My parents can never know.”

His hand slid down my chest toward my cock, his eyes following its progress. “As long as you do what I say, baby, your secret is safe with me.”

And then his hand was touching me through my pants. I squeezed my eyes closed as he moved his hand up and down like I did when I was touching myself alone in my room. But his touch was different than mine. Spencer’s hand was confident, like he knew just how to handle me to get the reaction he wanted.

I was starting to get used to his touch when he reached for my zipper.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I used my hand to still his.

He smirked at me like I was some cute, innocent little virgin. I mean, I was, but he didn’t know that.

“You didn’t think I was just going to touch you through your pants, did you?” He batted my hand away and finished jerking my zipper down. With that done, Spencer slid his fingers into the waistband of my pants and wrenched them down to my knees, my underwear soon joining them.

Breath heavy in my lungs, I dropped back down and stared up at the ceiling, my mind not quite believing what was happening. And then his hand touched me. My stomach quivered in pleasure as I bit my lip. It was so different from when I touched myself. It was more intense and felt so fucking good. I never wanted it to end.

And then it did. Spencer sat back on his heels and reached for my jeans. Eyes intent, he wrestled them from my legs, tossed them somewhere behind him, and did the same with my underwear. And just like that, I was naked from the waist down. Then he was grabbing my hips and dragging me across the floor.

“What are you—” I gasped as he spread my legs and pulled my bottom half onto his lap. I blushed hard, my body exposed in a way it had never been before. Twisting my face away from the indecent sight of my lower half splayed over his, I pressed my cheek to the floor. For all the shame I felt, I loved what Spencer was doing to me.

And then I heard the sharp clicking sound of a bottle opening, a sound I was very familiar with as a horny teenager. I snapped my head up and gaped at Spencer. “What the fuck are you doing?”

He tossed the bottle of lube onto the couch and laughed. “Whatever I want.” He lifted one of his stupid, perfect brows. “Do you want me to keep your secret or not?” he asked harshly, his nostrils flaring as he held himself back.

“But… but…”

Still holding my gaze, Spencer reached down and placed his wet finger to my hole. With a bit of pressure, he slipped right in. It felt strange. In all the time I’d played with myself, I’d never done that. Pushing something into my ass wasn’t something I felt comfortable doing, yet Spencer felt no such qualms. Still staring up at him, I felt him add a second finger.

“You’re so tight,” he grunted as he spread in fingers and messaged them against my inner walls. “You’re gonna feel so good around my cock.”

I couldn’t help but whimper, dropping my gaze to eye the substantial tent in his sweatpants.

“Just relax,” he said as he reached for his waistband. “You’re gonna like it. Trust me.”

With a quick jerk, his cock was free to bounce against his stomach before pointing straight at me. I’d been right. He was long and thick, his cock rising proudly from a nest of wiry, dark curls. And he wanted to put it inside of me.

There’s no way, I thought as I stared. He’s so big. Too big.

“Spencer, there’s no way you’re—”

“Shh,” he said, cutting me off as he stroked his shaft and transferred the lube on his hand to his cock. “Be quiet.”

I didn’t listen. “I don’t think this is such a good idea. We should sto—” My breath caught in my throat at the feel of him at my entrance. Spencer didn’t even look at me. He was so focused on his cock disappearing into my body. He rocked back and forth on his heels, slowly but surely advancing. It was too much, but at the same time, it was everything I needed.

“Spencer.” I dropped back to the floor and shut my eyes tight, feeling so full when he bottomed out inside of me. I swore I could taste him in my throat.

“There,” he said, running his hand up and down my stomach. He twitched some muscle, and I felt him move inside of me. “Doesn’t that feel good?”

“I don’t know. I….”  I clenched my muscles around him. He was so thick he stretched me to the point of pain. “This is all happening so fast. I’m not sure we should be doing—”

He leaned over me again, putting his face right over mine. I choked on a whimper when he inched in a bit further. “You look so pretty with my cock inside you. You’re so warm and tight. I could stay here forever. Fucking you. And the way your asshole looks stretched around my dick—perfect, just perfect.”

He pulled out slowly, and it felt just as strange as when he had entered. And then he was back, slowly pushing in as he waited for my tight hole to adjust to his girth.

“Yeah,” he said with a grin as he pulled out once more. “You like that.”

In and out. In and out. I had no idea how long Spencer held me down on the floor and fucked me. It felt like forever. It felt like seconds. I could feel him all around me. His breath on my face as he watched me. His sweat dripping down on my chest. The fabric of his sweatpants rasping against my naked ass as he took me over and over again. I never wanted it to end.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Spencer said when I began rocking back against him, eagerly meeting his next thrust. “I could tell you wanted it. You were made to take dick, weren’t you? All you needed was a little coaxing, and now you’re fucking me like a champ.”

He pulled out several times just to feel my hole close and then stretch around his cock when he’d reinserted it.

“You’re such a pretty boy,” he grunted. “I’m gonna come inside you.”

Wrapping his hand around my cock, he jerked me in time to his thrusts. I didn’t know if it was the words he’d said, his cock in my ass, or his hand, but I could feel my balls draw tight to my body in seconds. Muscles twitching in my lower belly, I couldn’t hold back my loud moan as warm cum coated Spencer’s hand and my stomach. And soon he was joining me. Thrusting in deep, Spencer panted as he held himself within me, his cock shooting his seed as deep as it would go.

Tired and sated, I barely moaned when Spencer withdrew and wrapped his arms around me. Snuggling into his chest, I sighed, content to lay with Spencer on the floor for the rest of the night.

“Turner, are you okay?” he asked softly, his words patient and kind.

I lifted my hand and gave him a thumbs up.

“It...” He sighed and carried on with his question, “It wasn’t too much?”

I snuggled my face into his neck. “Nuh-uh.” I wanted to say more to reassure him, but words were failing me.

We laid there on his living room floor until our cum cooled on my skin, leaving me feeling sticky and dirty. “I would like a bath, though.”

Spencer laughed and stretched. “I think I can arrange that.”

“And we really should try doing this in a bed someday.”

“What? A bed?” Spencer scoffed teasingly. “Where’s the fun in that?”

“The fun is in not having a sore back tomorrow.” I groaned when Spencer pulled me up off the floor. Walking with him toward the stairs, I felt tender and well used.

“I see where you’re coming from,” Daddy replied, “but the floor is just so much fun and kinky. It really adds something to the scene, don’t you think?”

I couldn’t fault him there. “Daddy?”

“Yeah?” he asked as he cut through his bedroom toward his master bath.

“Never change.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.” Spencer grinned as he sat me on the closed toilet. “Now, Turner baby, how do you feel about Epsom salts?”

I sighed blissfully. “Daddy, you’re a genius.”