Playing With Spencer by Izaia Winter


Thank you all so much for reading. Spencer and Turner’s relationship was an absolute blast to write. In my head, Spencer has always been the big fluffy goofball, and I knew I had to do him justice. I found myself smiling every time he opened his mouth.  I think one of my favorite scenes—besides the jock/nerd “studying” scene—was Spencer and Turner’s whole interaction through the walkie-talkies. That was just so… Spencer. And Turner *cries* I love him so much. He’s just this cute, adorable boy who loves puzzles and rocks and cookies, and I just want to pinch his little cheeks. And their roleplay scenes? *dies* And Turner going off on the big bad? *ahhhhh my heart can’t take it*Okay, enough gushing from me. I’m embarrassing myself. I hoped you loved them as much as I did.As a small favor to me, it would mean everything that if you liked this book, you would consider leaving a review to help other readers find it as well. Reviews are super helpful in getting the word out there, and you would have my eternal appreciation. Moreover, I would love to hear whose story you’re dying to read next. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you’ll check out some of my other work.Izaia WinterP.s. Stay tuned for a sneak peek at what’s next from the Different Hearts Series!P.s.s. If you want to keep up with me, when stuff is coming out, other random crap that catches my fancy, or see random pictures of my cat, consider following me on twitter @IzaiaWinter.