Playing With Spencer by Izaia Winter

Chapter Eight


“Ifeel like a third wheel,” Simon complained as he climbed out of my car. “I should have stayed home.”

“You’re not a third wheel,” I said for what felt like the thousandth time. Rounding the vehicle, I slipped my arm through Simon’s and turned him in the direction of The Church. “Spencer said this wasn’t anything special to worry about. Every couple of weeks, they all get together to hang out and catch up. This isn’t a romantic date with a candlelit dinner. It’s a hang-out-with-friends-and-get-to-know-everyone date.”

Simon rolled his eyes. “Hopefully, some of them are single.”

“I swear, Simon,” I said with a laugh as I bumped into his side. “Sometimes you have a one-track mind.”

“Oh, hush. You know you love me.” Laughing, Simon stood on his toes and looked over the slow group ambling ahead of us. “Aww, that’s so cute.”

“What is it?” Using Simon for balance, I lifted myself up. “I can’t see anything. I’m too short,” I ended with a pout.

“Someone’s waiting for you,” Simon sang playfully as he poked a finger into my side. “I think he really, really likes you.”

“Who? Spencer?” Letting go of Simon’s arm, I grabbed his hand and weaved my way through the small crowd hogging the sidewalk, pulling Simon along with me.

As soon as we cleared the group, I looked toward the club and saw Spencer leaning against the brick wall next to a large, muscular man with tattoos inked up and down both of his arms. The man laughed at something Spencer said as he motioned toward a group of people waiting to get into the club.

Stopping, I looked back at Simon. “Spy mode activated,” I whispered.

Simon lifted his hands and wove them together in the shape of a gun. “Roger that.”

Still unaware of our approach, we moved toward the wall and crouched down.

“Target in position,” Simon said as we crept up behind Spencer.

“Going radio silent in three, two, one.” I lifted a finger and pressed it to my lips.

Giggling, I crept up behind Spencer with Simon close behind. Pressing a hand to my mouth to stop the laughter from escaping, I waited for the right time to strike. Hearing Simon’s giggle behind me, I looked back and shushed him.

“He’ll hear you,” I mouthed silently.

“I’m sorry,” he mouthed back.

“So, Kyle,” Spencer said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “How long do you think they’re going to stand there and act like we can’t hear them laughing?”

I slapped my hand back over my mouth, but I couldn’t stop a snort from escaping. Sucking in deep breaths through my nose, I fought to control myself, but I was losing the battle. Especially when I could hear Simon fighting it too. Between the two of us, I couldn’t tell who laughed first, and at that point, it didn’t matter. It was over for us.

Burying my face in Spencer’s back, I clutched at his shirt as my stomach began to hurt with how hard I was laughing.

“Well, I was going to say give them a couple of minutes, but I think they’ve lost it,” Kyle answered as he looked over Spencer’s shoulder at us.

Twisting in my grip, Spencer wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me. “Turner, are you okay? I think you need to breathe at some point. You too, Simon. You’re looking a little red.”

“Okay, okay, okay.” Feeling Simon lean against my back, I took a deep breath and held it in. “I’m okay. I think. Simon, are you good?”

“Woo, uh?” He rubbed his face against my shirt. “Maybe? I hurt.”

“We need to up our spy game.”

Simon nodded. “For real. We got caught in like two seconds.”

I shook my head in mock disgust. “We used to be so much better than this. We’re washed up.”

“Has-beens,” Simon returned.

“Talentless?” I threw out to continue our synonym war.

“It’ll do in a pinch,” Simon huffed. “What about over the hill?”

I shrugged. “I’ll allow it.”

“All right, all right, you two,” Spencer interrupted with a chuckle at our antics. “Enough of that. Let’s get inside. It’s hot out here, I’m melting, and I need a drink.” He pushed off the wall and reached for the door.

“Fine, I see how it is,” Kyle said with a teasing smirk. “Leave me out here. All alone.”

Rolling his eyes, Spencer motioned us inside. “Shut up. We’ll see you inside later?”

“Yeah, Ryan is taking over for me in about an hour.”

“And Kane?”

“He’s not working tonight, but he’s around somewhere.”

Stepping into the lobby, Simon and I stopped when we noticed Marcus was busy with someone else.

“Hey, guys,” he said as Spencer closed the door behind us. “I’ll be with y’all in a minute. Oh, and Spencer, Foster told me to tell you to come find him if he doesn’t see you before you leave for the night. Said he had something to ask you.”

“Will do and take your time,” Spencer replied as the guy Marcus was helping looked at us from over his shoulder. “We’re in no rush.”

Marcus nodded as he pulled a couple of wristbands out of his desk for the stranger.

“So,” I said, leaning into Spencer’s side. “Kyle and Kane. Ollie mentioned them last week. Are they a couple or something?”

“No, brothers. And good guys. They work here when the military doesn’t need them.”

“Brothers, huh?” Simon leered at Spencer. “Do they do everything together?”

“From what I’ve heard, yeah.” Spencer laughed as Simon’s jaw dropped.

“I was just kidding,” he mumbled, his cheeks on fire.

“You should be careful with that around here,” Spencer teased as he hugged me to his front. “Someone will take you up on it.”

“Really? I wouldn’t know.” Simon pouted and propped his hands on his hips like the drama queen he was. “Carson said he was going to introduce me to people, but it hasn’t happened yet.”

“I can introduce you to someone,” Spencer offered. “I know almost everyone around here socially, if not in passing. What are you looking for?”

I snorted. “It would be easier to ask what he’s not into. It’s a shorter list.”

Simon nodded his agreement. “It’s true. It’s the curse of being bisexual—everyone looks good at some point.”

Starting to get bored and feeling antsy, I glanced at Marcus to see if he was almost finished when I caught the guy at the counter staring at us. “What about him?” I asked quietly as the stranger whipped his head back around.

“I’ve never met him. He must be new,” Spencer whispered as he tilted his head to get a better view. “Sorry, Simon, this one’s not for you. White wristband,” he explained. “Submissive.”

“Damn,” Simon sighed as the guy nodded to Marcus and then headed into the club. “He was cute, too. And those glasses. Very nerdy chic. Hot.”

I could feel my eyes rolling. “You say that about everyone.”

“I can’t help that I’m kind of a slut.” Simon wiggled his brows at Marcus as the man wrapped Simon’s wrist with his colorful wristbands. “What about you, Marcus? Single? Interested?”

Marcus laughed as he reached for my wrist. “Flattered and probably the only vanilla guy you’ll meet all night.”

“No,” Simon gasped and clutched at his chest. “Don’t say that. You can’t be vanilla and work here. That’s… that’s just not right.”

“It’s true.” Marcus shrugged and gave Simon an apologetic smirk. “Kink is a lot of work, and I don’t have time for it. I’ll take a good old-fashioned fucking any day.”

Simon pursed his lips as he studied Marcus intently. “I take it back. I like you.”

He laughed as he shook his head. “You’re still not getting any.”

“Fine.” Throwing his hands up, Simon marched toward the club’s interior door. “I give up. I’m gonna go throw myself into the arms of the first single Dom I can find. I deserve a blowjob after all this rejection.”

“Giving or receiving?” I yelled after him.

“At this point, I’ll take it any way I can get it,” he called back.

Spencer stared at the door after Simon disappeared. “Umm, should we go after him?”

“No, I think he’s made his intentions very clear, and our presence isn’t wanted.”

“Fair enough.” Spencer smiled down at me and took my hand. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” I answered, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Stepping into the club was a completely different experience than I’d had the first time. The music was loud and thumping, the beat heavy and sensual as it resonated through my body. The dancefloor was full of sweaty bodies grinding against each other as the house lights glittered over skin and latex and lace. I could barely see the hallways leading off from the main room or the locker room doors through the crush of people.

And the booths that lined the walls that had once been empty were packed with people. People who were on laps and eating from their Dom’s hands. People who were sitting on the floor between spread legs with fingers touching them absently as conversations went on above their heads.

People who were living the life I wanted.

Wordlessly, Spencer tugged on my hand and led me through the crowd toward a large booth near the back of the room. Quite a few of the people sitting around chatting were ones I recognized from the paint party, but there were several people dotted around the booth who I didn’t know. I assumed the large man that was a perfect match to Kyle —even down to having so matching tattoos— was his brother Kane, but his was the only identity I was willing to bet any real money on.

Marshall and Ollie sat at one end of the U-shaped booth next to a stranger. Next to him, Nolan and N were busy necking in the corner while Kane and Carson chatted. Emmie and another man I didn’t recognize were huddled over a phone, watching something that must have been highly entertaining by the way they were giggling together. The two women sitting at the other end of the bench rounded out the rest of the group.

Marshall, having spotted us approaching, motioned to the guy sitting next to him to move over. “Make some room,” he said loud enough for me to hear.

Under Spencer’s direction, I took a seat next to Ollie and scooched in close to him. I smiled at him, hoping it would alleviate the awkwardness of having a stranger sitting pressed against his side, but Ollie didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he looked excited as he smiled back. Spencer placed his arm across the back of the booth as he sat on the remaining sliver of bench that remained.

“Hello again,” Ollie said as he leaned into me.


“Want to see something cool?” he asked, his hand already fishing into the pocket of his shorts.


Ollie paused and looked around the table. Turning slightly to hide what he was doing, Ollie pulled his hand out and held it between us.

“What is it?” I asked, my eyes riveted to his closed fist.

Slowly, Ollie's fingers uncurled to reveal a perfect snail’s shell sitting on the palm of his hand.

“Wow.” I was very impressed.

“We went on a walk yesterday, and I found it on the ground,” Ollie explained as he rolled the shell around with his fingers.

“I thought you were going to leave that at home,” Marshall said when his face popped up beside Ollie’s. “And hi, Turner. It’s nice seeing you again.”

“Thanks,” I said, feeling welcomed by his genuine smile.

“I thought about leaving it at home. I did,” Ollie said, leaning back against Marshall’s chest as he explained himself to his Daddy. “But then I had a better idea. What if I brought it with me and then showed it to everyone?”

“What did I miss?” Spencer butted in, placing his head on my shoulder, then reached out and tapped a finger against Ollie’s clenched fist. “Whatcha got there?”

“You can’t tell,” Ollie said as he eyed Spencer. “It’s a secret until I share it.”

“I cross my heart,” he said, drawing an X across my chest. “I won’t tell anyone.”

Ollie glared at him suspiciously. “That was Turner’s heart, not yours.”

“Yes, but it went through his to mine,” Spencer defended. “It counts.”

“I guess,” Ollie said begrudgingly as he held out his hand and showed Spencer his shell.

“Ohh,” Spencer said appreciatively, admiring Ollie’s find. “It’s very pretty.”

“Thank you,” Ollie said brightly, his former reservations completely gone under Spencer’s praise.

Twisting my head, I narrowed my eyes on Spencer. “You know, you’re kind of tricksy.”

“And you’ll do well to remember that,” he returned, pressing a quick kiss to the tip of my nose.

“Okay,” a loud voice boomed over the sound of the music. “Who’s the cutie, and what’s he doing with Spencer?”

I snapped my head up and glanced around the table, blushing as everyone turned to me.

“Umm, hello?” I said as I lifted a hand and waved.

Before either myself or Spencer could reply, Ollie lifted his chin and answered. “This is Turner. He’s my new friend. Oh, and I guess he’s dating Spencer now,” he added as an afterthought.

The man sitting next to Emmie rolled his eyes. “That explained so much and yet so little at the same time, but I guess it’ll have to do for now. I’m Lee,” he said, his voice marking him as the one who had asked about me.

Devilishly handsome with stunning hazel eyes, perfectly styled hair, and looking professional like he’d come straight to the club after work, Lee was an absolute stunner. If it weren’t for Spencer and the white band on Lee’s wrist, I knew I would have made a move.

“Stop hitting on my boy with your pretty eyes,” Spencer said as he draped a possessive arm around my shoulders.

Lee smiled and lifted his hands to frame his face as he fluttered his eyelashes. “Thank you for noticing.”

“I guess introductions are in order. Turner, you already know Marshall and Ollie. The man sitting next to them is Niles,” Spencer began.

I waved at him and received a head nod and a quiet ‘hey’ in return, his black wristband enough to intimidate me.

“Nolan and N,” Spencer said loud enough to get their attention, “are a little busy at the moment, but I’m sure they’ll be delighted to meet you when they have… finished.”

Nolan lifted his head from N’s throat and narrowed his cold, gray eyes on Spencer. “I will end you.”

Spencer lifted a brow and smirked back. “Bring it.”

“Mr. Chamberlain, please don’t,” N begged as he latched onto Nolan’s arm. “I need him.”

“Excuse me?” Nolan asked as he looked down at his submissive, his face softening minutely.

N huffed. “He makes better brownies than I do. There. I said it. I need his recipe.”

Nolan whipped his head around and glared at Spencer. “Well, when are you going to teach my boy how to make brownies?”

“It depends,” Spencer said slowly with a smug look as he leaned back. “I think you know what I want in return.”

Nolan sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You have got to be kidding me. You have to let this go. She’ll never go for it.”

Spencer lifted his hand and studied his nails. “You haven’t asked, and she loves me.”

“Fine,” Nolan relented. “I’ll ask my mom to teach you how to make her famous lemon pound cake, but if—and by that I mean when— she says no, you still have to teach Quentin how to make brownies.”

“Deal.” Spencer smiled down at me. “Do you like lemon pound cake, baby?”

“Yes,” I said, my lips pulling wide at his playfulness.

“Traitor,” Nolan said as Spencer moved on with the introductions.

“This is Kane,” Spencer said as he ignored Nolan and pointed to the man sitting next to N.

“I’d already guessed,” I said with a smile. “You bear a slight resemblance to your brother whom I met earlier outside.”

“And you couldn’t help but notice that I am better looking,” he replied cheekily.

“And that sounds like a family squabble that I am not getting in the middle of,” I replied.

“Smart man,” Spencer said as he moved on. “You’ve met Carson and Emmie, and Lee already introduced himself.”

“Because I’m amazing,” the man in question said.

“Of course you are, Lee,” Spencer said without a hint of sarcasm. “The woman sitting next to him is Billie, Elias’s sister. You’ve met Elias, right? Foster’s boyfriend.”

I nodded. “Yeah, last week.”

“Good, and last but not least, Chelsey,” he ended, gesturing toward the blonde, goth biker sitting across from us.

“Hi, everyone,” I said once the introductions were over.

Greetings and welcomes came from all around the table as Spencer leaned back with a big, fat grin on his face.

“Why do you look so smug?” I asked, my lips brushing against his ear to be heard over the music.

“What? Can’t a man be happy?” Dropping his head, Spencer gave my ear a little nibble before he spoke. “I like being here with you. I like that my friends like you.”

I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. Well, no one I was dating. It was sweet, and I didn’t know what to do with it. Impulsively, I pressed my lips against Spencer’s cheek, the scruff on his face abrasive and surprisingly sensual.

“Aww! Look at them! They’re so cute!”

Spencer sighed as he pressed his forehead down on my shoulder. “I’m just going to go ahead and apologize for Lee right now. He’s easily excitable. I seriously thought about getting him a muzzle for Christmas, but I knew he’d like it too much.”

I hid my face in his neck with a laugh. “Stop it.”

“Are they gonna kiss? Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Lee chanted.

“I think I’m going to get him a gag instead.”

Snickering, I pulled back, lifted Spencer’s face, and gave Lee and myself what we both wanted. Lips pressing against his, I had a second of control before Spencer took it all away. Hand buried in my hair, he held me still as his tongue traced a path across my bottom lip, his teeth nipping at me. Ignoring the cheers and hollers I heard from around the table, I moaned and gave myself up to Spencer as he breached my mouth. The taste of him was addicting. I whimpered when he pulled back with a soft, chaste kiss.

Seeing our little show was over, the group settled back down and returned to the easy camaraderie it had shared. Still feeling shy around so many strangers, I nestled into Spencer’s side and listened as they chatted about nothing in particular. And then, one by one, the group began to disperse.

Chelsey was the first to leave. With her eyes fixated on someone in the crowd, she rapped her knuckles against the table.

“Alright, boys,” she said as she stood, her gaze never leaving her target. “It’s been fun, but I think I see something a little more entertaining than you lot.”

“Who?” Lee demanded with a pout.

“Someone who’s been playing hard to get. Later,” Chelsey said as she stalked away.

“I can’t believe her,” Lee said as he slumped back. “I’m awesome.”

“And gay,” Emmie added.


Emmie sighed and rolled his eyes.

Just as Lee was settling in for a good pout, a man bounced up to the table, placed his hands on the surface, and bent toward him. His eyes were slightly feverish, his dirty blonde hair was mussed, and the buttons of his shirt were misaligned as if he’d had to redress himself hastily.

“Lee,” he said, his breathing was heavy as if he’d just come from dancing, but I had the feeling his disheveled appearance was the product of something a little more salacious than a turn on the dancefloor. “Come dance with me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” Lee teased. “What’s in it for me?”

The man rolled his eyes as if used to Lee’s dramatics. “Fine. I’ll go by myself.”

“No, wait!” Lee crawled over Billie’s lap as the man walked away. “Law, wait for me! Law! Don’t leave me!”

“And on that note,” Billie said as she pulled out her wallet to pay for her drinks, “I’m out.”

“So soon?” Carson asked.

“Yeah. I promised Elias I’d go by the bar and hang out with him for a while.”

Emmie turned to Carson and batted his lashes at his Daddy. “Can we go, too?”

“I thought you didn’t like jazz.”

“I don’t, but I like Elias,” Emmie replied.

Carson looked to Billie with a brow lifted in question.

She shrugged. “It’s fine with me.”

“Alright,” Carson said with a sigh as he motioned for Emmie to get up. “But only for a little bit. Your bedtime is coming up.”

“Yes, sir.” Sliding out of the booth, Emmie looped his arm through Billie’s. “After you.”

With half of the group suddenly gone, we all began scooting around the booth, spreading out and taking up the extra space. As soon as we’d all settled back down, Kyle showed up. Sighing at his brother, Kane switched directions and made space for him.

“You have impeccable timing,” Kane said as Kyle sat beside him.


Kane snorted. “Of you? Never.”

“Yeah,” Kyle drawled as he caught me giggling and sent me a wink. “You keep telling yourself that.”

“Hey, Kyle,” Spencer said as he took a sip of his drink. “Have you seen Foster around recently?”

“I saw him a couple of hours ago but not since then. Why?”

“Marcus said he had something he wanted to ask me.” Spencer shrugged. “Just thought you might have run into him on your way over.”

Kyle frowned as he shook his head. “Nope, sorry.”

“Damn. Oh well, Foster is bound to pop up eventually,” Spencer said as he played with the condensation on his glass.

“So, Turner,” Kane said, drawing everyone’s attention back to me. “What do you do?”

“Oh, I ah, I own a boutique,” I said, defaulting to my regular, safe answer.

Spencer coughed in his hand and gave me a knowing look. I thought it was cute how much pride Spencer took in the fact I owned an adult store. He’d been like a kid in a candy store as he wandered from room to room, making a shopping list out loud as he’d perused my wares.

“An adult boutique,” I continued, feeling my blood rush to my cheeks.

Kyle’s friendly eyes sharpened. “What do you mean by adult?”

Spencer sighed dreamily. “It means exactly what you think it means. Jealous?” he asked, throwing Kyle’s words back into his face.

Kyle nodded. “Yeah, a little.”

Niles leaned over the table and eyed me with a speculative gleam. “So, uh, where’s this place at?”

Just as I was about to give him directions, Spencer cleared his throat as he reached into his pocket, pulled out a stack of very familiar business cards, and started passing them around the table. “If I may?”

“What are you doing?” I reached for the cards, but Spencer just laughed and lifted his hands out of my reach. “Did you take those from my store?”

“Yep. There was a stack of them by the register, so I took a few.” He’d taken more than a few by the thick pile he held in his hand. “And I’m being a supportive boyfriend by supporting your business,” Spencer said, looking so damned proud of himself.

“Do you have stuff for littles?” Marshall asked as he flicked the edge of my business card with a finger. “We usually have to go online to find the stuff we want. It’d be nice to be able to shop for things in person. Especially if it’s something we don’t want to wait a few days to get.” Marshall licked Ollie’s nose. “Someone has a habit of losing his pacifiers.”

“Yes, I do,” I answered, my awkwardness slowly leaving when no one made a big deal of Spencer’s presumptuousness. “My shop is in an old Victorian house. I have a whole room dedicated to littles.”

“Where?” Spencer asked with a confused frown. “I didn’t see one when I was looking around.”

“I keep most of the vanilla stuff on the first floor and all the BDSM stuff on the second,” I explained. “The little room is up the stairs.”

“There’s a second floor?” Spencer groaned as he thumped his head against the backrest. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know. You were having so much fun pretending to sword fight with the dildos that I didn’t want to interrupt,” I teased.

“I was not pretending.” His face was a picture of outrage, but his eyes twinkled. “That was a serious duel.” Spencer looked to Nolan and shrugged. “You should have seen the size of it,” he said as he lifted his hand, made a fist, and then gestured to the length of his arm. “I swear the thing had to weigh ten pounds.”

Nolan sighed and shook his head, a tiny smirk twisting his lips. “Spencer, we can’t take you anywhere.”

Appearing from out of nowhere, Foster bumped his hip against Spencer’s side. “Move over. So, what’re we talking about?” he asked as he dropped down into the newly made space for him and lifted a hand to flag down a passing waiter.

“Spencer’s mental illnesses,” Nolan replied dryly.

After wordlessly flipping Nolan off, Spencer pulled out one of my business cards and passed it to Foster. “I’m promoting Turner’s business to all our friends like a good little boyfriend.”

Foster nodded as he slid the card back toward Spencer. “You should. It’s a great place, and keep it,” he said, gesturing to the card. “I already have one.”

“What?” Spencer glanced between the two of us, taking in Foster’s nonchalant expression and my guilty one.

Foster looked over at me and smirked. “Did you forget to tell him?”

I cupped my hot cheeks and nodded.

“Forgot to tell me what?” Spencer asked, bouncing his gaze back and forth between the two of us.

“Turner’s our new business partner,” Foster answered matter-of-factly. “All the toys in this club we get from him.”

“Are you serious?” Spencer asked me, his eyes wide.

I nodded. “That’s why I was here last weekend. We had a meeting to sign the final contracts. I’m officially the new toy supplier for the club.”

Spencer looked around the table, a dumbfounded expression taking over his face. “Is it just me, or is that really fucking hot?”

“Spencer!” I buried my head into his side as laughter sounded from around the table.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop.”

“Thank you,” I whispered into his side, knowing he couldn’t hear me but could feel the vibration of my words against his skin.

“Congratulations, baby.” Instead of teasing me some more, Spencer turned to Foster. “And hey, I heard from a little birdy named Marcus that you were looking for me.”

Foster snapped his fingers and pointed at Spencer. “That I was. I have a favor to ask of you. Mei was supposed to be teaching a class on roleplay in two weeks, but she had to cancel. Some family emergency came up. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind taking over the class.”

Spencer tightened his arm around me. “What about the demonstration?”

Foster shook his head. “That’s already covered. Justin and Tabby have agreed to do it.”

“Okay, I’m in.”

“Awesome. I knew I could count on you.” Foster slapped his hand against Spencer’s back. “Mei emailed me the notes she was going to use. I’ll send them to you, and you can tweak them as you like.”

Lifting my head from Spencer’s side, I rested against his shoulder and listened as Foster and Spencer talked about the class he was to teach in more detail. And as I sat there listening to them, I thought back to what Spencer had told me that night in the drawing room, about the group that had first ostracized him. There was no hint of that mistrust here.

Looking around the table at all the people I’d been introduced to, I realized this was Spencer’s community and that he was as much a part of The Church as Foster and Carson. It was clear to see by the way everyone interacted with Spencer that they loved and respected him. He was a leader. Someone people looked up to and tried to emulate.

And by inviting me to this get-together, he had bestowed his favor upon me. He was giving me a community that would take care of me and be there for me if I needed it. The bonds that wove the group together were strong, and without reservation, they had moved to include me because Spencer had silently asked.

Closing my eyes, I smiled as the first little piece of my heart became his.

“Hey,” Spencer whispered as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Are you okay?”

“Mm-hmm,” I said in my throat as I rubbed against his shoulder like a cat. I opened my eyes and realized more time had passed than I’d thought and the booth was empty except for the two of us. “Where did everyone go?”

Spencer smirked. “We’re in a BDSM club. Where do you think they went?”

“Right.” As I stared up into his face, another thought occurred to me. “Wait, does this count as a date date?”

Spencer frowned at the sudden change in subject. “Yes, why?”

“Well, you picked this one, so that means I get to pick the next one, right?”

He grinned. “And what do you have planned?”

“I was wondering….” I trailed off as I focused on my fingers playing with his shirt.

“Wondering what?”

“I was wondering if you’d like to have a playdate with me. At my house. A little date.”

Spencer placed a finger under my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. “I’d love to.”



“I’m free tomorrow,” I said, then internally cringed, hearing the overeager desperation in my tone.

“Sounds good to me. We’ll make a day of it. It’ll be fun. And now that we’ve gotten that out of the way.” He tilted his head to the side with a knowing smirk on his lips. “Wanna go find somewhere to make out?”