My Ten-Year Crush by Olivia Spring


Time for one of my favourite parts of the book-writing process!

The first shout-out goes to my amazing bestie, Cams. Thank you sooo much for sharing your English language teaching knowledge and for your continued encouragement. I’m very lucky to have such a fantastic friend.

As always, a HUGE thank-you goes to my wonderful mum for reading multiple drafts of my manuscripts and giving excellent suggestions. You’d make a great editor!

Thank you to my incredible education consultants, Jade and Sophie. Your insights into school life were invaluable and made writing this book much easier.

So thankful for the talented ladies who make my novels shine: my brilliant editor, Eliza, proofreader, Lily, cover designer, Rachel, and website designer, Dawn.

My darling: muchas gracias for the love, hugs and laughter that inspire me to write every day. Really appreciate your constant support and understanding—especially when I’m burning the midnight oil to finish my drafts. You’re the best!

To Jas, Loz, Brad and Jo, thanks for reading early copies of my manuscript and providing great feedback.

Sending endless gratitude to the wonderful book bloggers who read, review and shout about my novels. I value you so much!

And last but by no means least, sending a giant thank-you with sprinkles and a juicy cherry on top to you, lovely reader. I am so grateful that you buy and read my novels. It’s because of you that I have my dream career!

Looking forward to writing the next acknowledgements page already!

Take care.

Olivia x