Big Bad Wolf by Diana A. Hicks


Good Little Lamb


I arched my back to ease the stress on my hips. Assuming I hadn’t passed out for a whole night, I had been sitting in Liam’s pet cage for two weeks. He hadn’t shown his face, and that was fine by me. Mrs. Jones was the only one allowed in or out of the dungeon. She’d gotten into a routine that I was sure she’d used many times before.

My mornings were spent doing after care—shower, fresh clothes, and movement. By now, even though it hadn’t been that long, I understood her system well. If I obeyed and did everything she asked, she rewarded me by answering my questions. Yesterday, I even asked her for a favor, and she’d said yes.

Today, she would let me have some of my things. Though she warned me that the clothes I had brought with me would need to be thrown out, as Liam would not approve of any of the outfits I had. I didn’t care about that. I cared about my mother’s necklace. And my phone.

I sat up a little straighter, and my neck hit the opening on the top panel of the cage. I’d had time to consider what this position was for. Sitting on my heels with my head sticking out of the cage could only be for one thing—a blow job. On the top, there was plenty of room for someone to straddle my little jail and feed me his cock. I’d never done that before—had never even considered what it would be like.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to think of something else while I waited for my keeper to come and help me out. I pictured my childhood home in Chicago and all the happy days I shared with my family and the Red Wolves crew. When the image faded, I bit my lip to try and stop what I knew would come next. I didn’t like that he kept showing up in every thought I had when I was alone—the stranger from the airport.

His gray eyes, chiseled jaw, and dark hair, had haunted my dreams since the first day. Every time I made to mentally escape from my horrid situation, he invaded my mind. Tears stung my eyes as I gave into the fantasy. What else did I have?

The door to the dungeon opened, and I relaxed with a smile. With his usual wolfy grin, he straddled my cage, while he unbuttoned his fancy suit jacket. His crisp white dress shirt still had the sweat stain I left on him the day we met.

“Were you a good girl?” He pulled on his belt and let the ends fall to the side.

I squirmed in place, pulling on the rope binding my wrists behind my back. I opened my mouth to answer him, but the words didn’t come out. He ran his hand over my hair, and I squeezed my eyes tighter. I didn’t want this dream to end.

The cage creaked under his weight as he moved up to nudge my lips with his cock. “Yes,” I mumbled as I took his entire length. His erection hit the back of my throat as he settled into a smooth and sensual rhythm. Something moved between my legs. It was tight and achy. The same thing happened every time I thought of him. I clung to his memory because it was what made this place bearable.

“Wake up.” Mrs. Jones hit the side of the cage with a strap.

She had already pulled back the heavy velvet curtains. The light streaming into the bedroom burned my pupils and made it hard to focus. I blinked several times to focus on her form. For the first time since I met her, her features appeared soft and there was a hint of a smile on her lips. Was this the happy version of Mrs. Jones?

She petted my hair. Something she’d only done once before. “I have some good news for you.” Her smile widened as she pulled open the top panel of the cage.

“Good news? Is my father here to see me?” A long shot, but I had to ask.

“No, dear. Better. Mr. Walsh is finally home. He wants to meet you.” She wiggled her fingers in a come-here motion. “Hurry. He doesn’t have all day.”

With wobbly legs, I stood and climbed out. The other times, she had made crawl out through the side. Big day for her, I suppose. As per our routine, she escorted me to the bathroom and ran the warm water.

I blinked away tears as I turned my back to her to face the shower. The routine Mrs. Jones had set up for me had made me let down my guard. For a moment, I had forgotten why I was here. Without a doubt, tonight Walsh would have sex with me. With a bit of luck, I might get pregnant on the first try.

As much time as my keeper had spent teaching me obedience, she didn’t focus at all on the actual act. I still had no idea what to expect. Sure, she made me wear a butt plug for a few hours a day, but was that sex?

“Finish up.” Her voice startled me back to reality.

I rinsed the mint soap off my hair, shut off the water, and stepped into the warm towel she had ready for me. “Will he be joining me here?”

“He’s busy. His world doesn’t revolve around you. You will meet him in his study downstairs.” She handed me a bodysuit that, like the others, left nothing to the imagination with its sheer fabric.

I pulled it over my head and tried to work the snaps at the crotch. When I couldn’t get them because of my shaking fingers, she fastened them for me. Stepping back, she examined me from top to bottom.

“Sit.” She gestured toward the vanity bench.

I did as she asked because, at this point, I just wanted to get this virginity thing out of the way. Like a lifeless doll, I stared at my reflection in the mirror as she combed through my hair and put it up into a French braid. She reached for the blush powder on the counter. I didn’t even flinch when she pulled down the front of my leotard and brushed my nipples with the makeup. They went from light to a darker pink with sparkles. When she replaced the white fabric over them, they really stood out.

What kind of a man required this much ado just to have sex? Maybe he couldn’t get it up. The second I thought of his cock, an image of my stranger’s erection appeared in my mind’s eye. I had no idea if I had it right or not. I pictured it to be huge with a thick head and big veins. No idea where I came up with that, but I liked it.

“I said get up.” Mrs. Jones gripped my elbow and pulled me to my feet. “Let’s go.”

I followed behind her, barefoot and with my heart in my throat. Would it hurt? I wanted to ask. “What about my things? I was good. Wasn’t I?” I winced at the begging tone in my voice.

“Yes, you were good.” She nodded, sounding pleased as she glanced down at her watch. She took another moment to consider then gestured toward the vanity table. “Go ahead.”

My purse sat under it. With tears in my eyes, I rushed to it. I didn’t care about the money in my wallet or the lip gloss. All I wanted was my mother’s pendant and my phone. I tossed all the contents on the floor and rummaged through it. When I didn’t find what I was looking for, I turned to Mrs. Jones. I had thought today would be the day I talked to my family. “Where’s my phone? And my necklace?”

“Mr. Walsh decides when you speak to your family.” She motioned toward the sex dungeon outside the bathroom. “You honestly think I would allow your camera in here?”

I hadn’t considered that. Why on Earth would I want to post pictures of this online? Shame washed over me at the idea of someone back home finding out what I had been become—some man’s plaything. “What about my necklace? It’s a family heirloom. I want it back.”

“I personally went through your things. There was no necklace. Perhaps you forgot it at home.”

“No, I didn’t. I one hundred percent know I didn’t forget my mother’s necklace.” I raised my voice, towering over her.

“Watch your tone.” She pursed her lips. “Let’s go. Mr. Walsh doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” She escorted me down the stairs, through the sterile living room, and Liam’s office across the way.

I pushed away the pain in my chest, over losing the one thing I had that had belonged to Mom. How could I have lost it?

“Stand up straight.” She said under her breath as she let the door swing open.

My jaw dropped when I got my first glimpse of the man I was to marry. I was easily half his age. He was old and gray with a scowl across his forehead. His hard features sent a cold shiver down my spine. For the first time since I arrived, I wanted to run.

This was the Butcher—a killer. It was written all over his stern face, though looking at Mrs. Jones’ expression, I had to wonder if we were staring at the same person. She had a bit of a glint in her eyes as if she loved him. I wasn’t surprised. Who in their right mind would sign up for her job? She had spent several days making me prim and pretty for him—she waxed me, showed me how to use a butt plug, showed me how to position my body so I would be comfortable in my cage. Liam, the dungeon, and Mrs. Jones were all too weird and fucked up—surreal.

We both stood at attention for a good five minutes before Liam decided to look up from his laptop. When he did, she stepped forward. “Mr. Walsh, this is Lucinda O’Brien.” She didn’t bother to introduce him to me.

His gaze settled on my glittered nipples, then roamed all the way down to my feet. My stomach clenched, and I had to swallow the bitter taste in my mouth. I didn’t want him touching me. How was I going to get out of this now? He prowled around me. Like Mrs. Jones, he inspected every inch of me. I braced myself, waiting for his touch, while Mrs. Jones watched me intently. When he gripped my waist and turned me to face him, I did my best to hide my disgust.

“Is she ready?” He licked his lips.

“Yes, sir.” She nodded once with an odd sense of pride. I was her good little lamb.

I could only imagine what he wanted me ready for. Following Mrs. Jones’ advice, I remained silent. Maybe if I didn’t move or speak, he’d get the sex over with quickly.

“I expected no less. Thank you.”

Mrs. Jones’ eyes watered, and she stood a little taller. I averted my gaze. Her eagerness to please was just too hard to witness. They were about the same age. I supposed Liam liked them young, and so, Mrs. Jones didn’t fit the bill.

“I was hoping to get started with her tonight, but I have a business meeting. Will she behave?”

“Wait outside.” Mrs. Jones turned to face me.

I nodded once and padded out of the stuffy library. My first impulse was to shut the door behind me, but when I heard their hushed voices, I decided to stay close and listen in.

“Yes, of course she’s ready. I only locked the cage the first night. She didn’t even try to leave the bedroom.” The pride in her voice made me all kinds of angry.

I inhaled deeply to make all my emotions go away. So, the door wasn’t locked? I could have walked out at any time. But what would have been the point? If I left, my family would pay the price. Liam and his men would not help us with our feud with the Italians. That alone was all the reason I needed to stay.

“What happened last night?” she asked. “I hope all went as planned?”

“It did. The Italians are a brute bunch, brainless. It didn’t take much to get them to act like animals.”

Last night? So, he had been in town, but not in this house? He definitely didn’t live here, then. No doubt this was the place where he kept all his pets, which was exactly what I was. The whole marriage thing didn’t make sense though. Or maybe it did if all he wanted was children. Someone as proud as Walsh wouldn’t want an illegitimate son. I wasn’t his pet, more like a cow, here to breed.

“Put her in a dress. Something regal. This Rex Valentino guy is the pompous type with a beautiful wife. I want to show him he’s not the only millionaire in town.” He practically spat the words when he mentioned the name Rex.

“Who’s he?” She used a soothing voice.

I smiled because I’d used a similar tactic to get what I wanted from Dad.

“A club owner, very high-end. He wants to do business with me. I’m willing to hear him out. He’s well-connected with politicians and other rich assholes in the city.”

“You’ll do great.”

“I hate all those assholes born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They don’t know what it takes to survive. But if his business offer is solid, our crew would benefit.”

Whoever this Rex was, I sent him a silent thank you. Because of him, my time with Liam would be postponed. I could only hope there were more business meetings to keep him away. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. I was repulsed by him. It wasn’t just his looks, but his demeanor, the coldness in his eyes.

“What time will you be leaving?”

“Seven sharp. Make sure she’s ready.”

“As you wish.” The sound of her footsteps jerked me into action.

I rushed to the bottom of the staircase and waited for her there. When she spotted me, she looked back behind her, as if trying to figure out if I had been eavesdropping on their conversation. My heart thrashed in my ears as I fisted my hands. Would she punish me for that? I’d done everything she’d asked to avoid experiencing any of the contraptions in the dungeon. She didn’t say I couldn’t listen in.

“You’ll be going to a masquerade ball tonight. Your job is to make Mr. Walsh look good. You will only speak when asked a direct question. Keep your eyes down. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I sighed in relief. Maybe the party made her relax her rules tonight. Either way, I wasn’t in the mood to play Walsh’s pet in public.

“Come on. We don’t have much time.”