My Billionaire Fling by Maci Dillon




Wow, what a journey it has been! There are so many people I would like to thank by name, and I trust you each know who you are.


Bossman and my kids, you are my life, and your support means the world to me. Thank you. xx


To Sara, my PA, you help to make all of this possible, keeping me on track while I’m head down in the writing cave. Thank you. xx


Minxes, you’re my greatest supporters in the book world, and this means so much to me. I can never thank you enough for your friendship, encouragement, and everything you do to share my words with more readers. You all rock. xx


My amazing editing team, thank you! Kaylene, Nicki, and Chantell, you’re the best! xx


KE Osborn, huge shout out for the cocktail title graphics for this series – I freaking love your work! xx


Sarah at Opium House, your cover designs are on point. I love working with you, and thank you for bringing my visions to life. xx


A huge thank you to Em and Ellen for your notes, input, and suggestions on this book. Without you, I’d be starting over for the fourth time. LOL xx


To every member of my ARC Tribe, bloggers, book influencers, readers, and reviewers, your support motivates and encourages me always. Thank you for loving Gabe and Sophia and for sharing them far and wide. xx



Best wishes,

Maci Dillon