Welcome To Winterville by Carrie Elks


“Closing a deal like this shouldn’t take so long. Why aren’t you home yet?” His grandfather sounded less tetchy than usual. Maybe a few days without his wife had mollified him. “Do you need me to come out there and sort things out?”

Josh shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips. Even a telephone conversation with his grandfather wasn’t dampening his mood today. Not after a night with Holly Winter.

She was still in his bed, fast asleep. He didn’t have the heart to wake her up. Not after they’d spent most of the night with him inside her. She needed the rest, from the way she was snoring.

He reminded himself to tease her about that.

“It’s all under control,” Josh said into the headset Willa had ordered for him. He was scanning today’s Wall Street Journal as they spoke, lifting a steaming mug of coffee to his lips.

“So when are you coming home?”

“When I’m ready.”

His grandfather grunted. “I don’t like it. You need to be in the office. The staff will start slacking off if you aren’t there. You know what it’s like, Christmas begins earlier every year. I bet they think every day is a party when you’re not there.”

“I trust my team. They work hard. And anyway, with all the technology I have it’s like I’m in the office.”

“It’s not the same,” his grandfather grumbled. “Do you have a date for your return?”

The bedroom door opened and Holly walked out. She was wearing his t-shirt, her long, bare legs making his body respond. Her dark waves were coiled into a messy bun on the top of her head. When their eyes met he gave her a long slow smile, pointing to his headset to let her know he was on a call.

She nodded and walked toward him, grabbing his half-drunk cup of coffee and lifting it to her lips, taking a long sip. The intimacy of the action made his smile widen.

Then she hooked her leg over his, straddling him, her hands still cradling the cup.

“I don’t know when I’m coming home yet.” Josh held his breath as he hardened at her closeness. “Probably after Christmas. Once everything is finalized.”

He’d made that decision last night. He couldn’t leave. Not yet.

“After Christmas?” Grandpa shouted. Holly bit down a smile, then leaned forward to press her lips against Josh’s throat. He shifted her slightly, the tumescence of his need almost painful.

“I want everything finalized. The escrow goes through on the twenty-sixth. After that nothing can go wrong.”

“Wanna bet?” Holly mouthed. He grinned at the challenge in her raised brows.

“But what about Christmas? It’s a time for family,” his grandfather protested.

“We never celebrate Christmas. It’s not a big deal.” He was getting bored of this conversation. He wanted to end it and bury his face between Holly’s thighs. Then he wanted her to ride him in this chair until neither of them could walk.

And after that he probably needed to do some work.

“I still don’t understand it. This isn’t like you, Josh. Surely there’s nothing you have to do there that you couldn’t do remotely from the office.”

Josh ran his hand up Holly’s bare thigh, biting down a smile as she closed her eyes in appreciation. “There are a few things that are difficult to do remotely.”

“Like what?”

Like Holly Winter.

She was kissing his neck again, leaving a trail of warmth along his skin as she caught his earlobe between her teeth.

This woman was going to be the death of him.

“I need to go,” he said, his voice strangled as she rolled her hips against him. “I have another call to make.”

“But we haven’t finished,” his grandfather protested. “Who’s going to tell your grandma you won’t be home for Christmas?”

“Goodbye, Grandpa,” he murmured as Holly lifted the headset, placing it on the desk. He had the presence of mind to end the call before she looped her arms around his neck and pressed her chest to his, kissing him softly and warmly until his grandfather and work were all but forgotten.

Yep, he was definitely staying here for a while. He had things he needed to do in person, including making Holly moan his name as he took her to heaven with his mouth.

Everything else could wait.

* * *

“I really have to go,” Holly murmured. It was almost eleven o’clock in the morning, and he’d gotten nothing done. Apart from making love to Holly twice, including on his desk. The floor around it was currently surrounded by the files and papers he’d swept away to lay her body down on there.

“Stay here. You can lay on my bed and wait for me while I make some calls.” He was only half-joking. He really didn’t want her to leave. Not least because he wasn’t sure she’d come back again.

“You have work to do.” Holly smiled. “And so do I. And our work is diametrically opposed.” She was wearing last night’s dress, her hair brushed and pulled into a high ponytail, her skin glowing from the long, hot shower they’d taken together.

“How about we call a truce and spend the next few days in bed. The result will be the same, but the waiting will be so much more pleasurable.”

Holly lifted a brow, looking amused. “You’re only trying to win again.”

“Being in bed with you for the next few days would definitely be a win,” he murmured threading his fingers through hers.

She pressed her lips to his. “How about you agree to give up on redeveloping the town? Then I won’t have to fight you.”

“Where would be the fun in that?” He smiled sadly. “No can do.”

“That’s a shame.” Her eyes were still sparkling. “Anyway, I need to go back to the Inn and change. Plus my cousins are probably wondering where I am.”

“What are you going to tell them?”

She tipped her head to the side. “That I’ve been trying a new angle on you.”

He laughed at her innuendo, sliding his hands down to her hips. “Come back tonight. Bring a bag. I want you in my bed again.” It was crazy how much he wanted it. Wanted her.

She stared at him for a moment, her gaze open. “We really shouldn’t.” She sounded hesitant.

“I know we shouldn’t. But we want to, don’t we?”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. Damn, she was adorable. “What if I’m too sore?” she whispered.

“Then I’ll hold you all night against my manly chest and read you romantic poetry.”

Holly laughed. “You had me at manly chest. What time should I be here?”

“Whenever you’re ready. I have meetings until seven, but I can always stare hotly at you until they’re done.”

She nodded. “Okay, but I’ll bring the food tonight. It’s my turn.”

“Works for me.”

His laptop let out a shrill ring, reminding him that he was supposed to be in a video conference. “I have to get that.”

“I know. And I have to go.” She pressed her lips to his. “I’ll see you later.”

He brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear and kissed the smooth skin of her throat. “You will.”

He watched her walk out of the house, her hips swinging as she made it to her rental car. Once she was safely inside and driving away, he turned to his laptop, lifting his headset and accepting the call, the boardroom of Gerber Enterprises flickering to life on his screen.

“Apologies for my lateness,” he said, though he wasn’t sorry at all. “Where are we at?”

Elizabeth and Kevin turned to the screen, their spines straightening as they saw he’d connected.

“I got your email,” Kevin said. “Are you sure you want to pay for a relocation company? It’s not in the agreement, and it’s going to cost a lot of money.”

“I’m certain.” The idea had come to him this morning. He couldn’t stop the sale at this point – and he didn’t want to – but he could make things easier for the people of Winterville who’d have to leave in order for the resort to be built. Bringing in a team of corporate relocators would help them find new homes and new jobs. At a cost to Gerber Enterprises.

“Okay, we’ll get onto that,” Kevin agreed. “You’re the boss.”

Yes he was. And right now he was okay with that.

* * *

It had taken twenty minutes in a second shower of steaming hot water, followed by an intense session with a mirror and the contents of her cosmetic bag for Holly to finally look presentable. Sure, she still had shadows beneath the layers of concealer, and every time she walked her inner thigh muscles took her back to Josh’s bed, but at least she’d made it out of the Inn.

The snow had stopped sometime overnight, and the roads were freshly plowed, but the roofs and lawns of the town were blanketed in a fresh layer of white that glistened in the winter sun.

Her first priority was coffee. She pushed open the door to the Cold Fingers Café, and Dolores gave her a great big smile.

“The usual?” Dolores asked.

“Yes please.” Holly opened her purse to find her wallet.

“You can put that away. Your coffee is paid for.”

“It is?” Holly looked up, her brows knitting. “Did I over pay last time?”

“No.” Dolores’ grin hadn’t moved an inch. “Mr. Gerber asked me to put all your coffees and pastries on his tab. So this is on him.”

Holly pressed her lips together. “In that case, you need to put all his purchases on my tab.” She pulled her card out and passed it to Dolores. “I’m good for it.”

Dolores chuckled. “What the hell is going on with you two? It’s like that movie…” Her brow creased. “What’s it called? The one with Tom Hanks and that pretty girl who was married to Jerry Lee Lewis.”

Holly blinked. “I have no idea.”

“She means Meg Ryan,” a voice called from across the café. Everley was sitting in front of the fireplace, a laptop in front of her.

Sleepless in Seattle?” Holly asked, unsure.

“Nope. It was the one where they hated each other.”

You’ve Got Mail,” Frank shouted out. Holly bit down a laugh. How long had he been watching romcoms?

“Yep. That’s it.” Dolores crossed her arms. “They hated each other but loved each other really.”

Holly’s cheeks flamed. But she said nothing. Love was a strong word. Lust felt better right now.

Dolores passed Holly her Americano, along with a pastry she insisted was on the house, and Holly walked over to where Everley was sitting, a half-eaten danish on a plate in front of her.

“Comfort eating?” Holly asked, sinking into an easy chair.

“Nope. It’s the first thing I’ve had all day. Did you hear about my Instagram post?”

“No. I didn’t even know you posted it.” Holly grabbed her phone, opening up the app.

“That’s because I did it last night while you were canoodling with the enemy.” Everley grinned, pulling out her phone and opening up Instagram. She passed it to Holly. “And we’ll come back to that, because I need all the details. But first I need to finish making this list. Because Gray Hartson has offered to come sing at our show. And now everybody wants a ticket. I have no idea how we’re going to fit all of them.”

Holly looked at the screen, watching her cousin’s video appeal for help. She was dressed in one of Candy’s old costumes, her hair coiled into a topknot like Candy used to wear. She blinked at the number of likes and comments.

Everley had gone viral. And the biggest name in rock had replied. Gray had been a friend of their grandma’s. He and his family lived in a small town a few hours away. He was being so sweet to offer to sing on Christmas Eve.

There were so many comments from people begging for tickets, offering to pay astronomical sums to be there. It took her a full five minutes to scroll through them all.

Then she saw a name that made her look at her cousin. “Dylan Shaw commented. I didn’t know he had Instagram.”

“I guess the internet’s made it to wherever he is.” Everley swallowed. “Should I block him?”

“Do you want to?” Holly asked her, passing back the phone. Everley’s eyes were shiny. Other people might not have noticed, but it was clear she was panicking over her ex-husband’s comment.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to think about him, I guess.” Everley picked up her danish and stuffed it between her lips. “Okay, so now I’m comfort eating.”

Holly laughed. “At least his comment is nice.”

You look more beautiful than ever.

Everley swallowed her pastry, chasing it with a mouthful of coffee. “It’s weird though, isn’t it? All the ghosts of our past coming out of the woodwork.”

“Your paths were bound to cross again. His dad still lives here.”

Everley really did look upset. Holly decided to change the subject.

“So, what can I do to help with the show?” Holly asked.

“Can you do the accounting?” Everley looked up at her. “I’d be so grateful.”

“Of course I will. You don’t need to ask. I’ll do whatever you need me to. I know how overwhelming this must be.” Holly gave her cousin a soft smile. “And you’re going to sing, aren’t you?”

Everley looked uncertain. “I don’t know. Everyone will be there for Gray Hartson… I might be out of place.”

“You’ve worked in shows for years. Spent all that time on Broadway and in touring productions. You have to sing,” Holly urged her. “You’ll be representing us all. And Candy.”

“What are you talking about?” Gabe asked, throwing himself into a spare chair next to Holly.

“I’m telling Everley she has to sing in the concert,” Holly told her cousin.

“Of course she does. That goes without saying.” Gabe gave Everley a warm smile. “You’ll be amazing.”

“Who’ll be amazing?” North asked. “Oh, Holly, there’s a message for you at the Inn. Alaska took it.”

“A message?” Holly asked. “Do you know who from?”

North shrugged. “Ask Alaska. Anyway, what are you all talking about?”

“I’m telling Everley she has to sing at the concert.”

North smiled at his cousin. “Yep, she definitely has to sing.” He winked at Everley. “You can do the finale. Sing Every Day Feels Like Christmas.” Candy’s signature song. It would bring down the house. “Maybe Gray can sing with you.”

“I’ll think about it.” Everley sighed. “We don’t have much time. Thank God Kris has the website and ticket sales under control.” He was doing it remotely from England.

“And I’ve spoken to an A/V company one of my friends owns,” Gabe said. “They’re willing to provide all the sound and light equipment for free. They’ll even throw in some technicians.”

Everley smiled. “That’s fantastic. People are so kind.”

“Candy’s name is known everywhere,” North said. “She was such a generous person, and people like to give back.”

“Yeah, they do.”

The café door chimed, and Josh walked up to the counter. His eyes swept over to where she was sitting, but his expression didn’t change. He leaned forward to say something to Dolores, but Holly was too far away to hear him. Whatever Dolores said in return, it made him give a small smile then look over at Holly again.

Their eyes met and her stomach gave a little lurch. Dolores passed him a cup of coffee and he lifted it up, raising an eyebrow at Holly.

She bit down a smile. Dolores must have told him she’d paid for it. She wanted to give the air a fist bump because this was so much fun. Instead, she lifted her own cup up, as though to toast him.

“What are you doing?” Gabe murmured, looking from Holly to Josh and back again.

“Just reminding him we’re still here,” Holly murmured. She really needed to take more care, because there was no way she was admitting to Gabe or North that she’d spent most of last night beneath Josh Gerber’s very delightful body.

“You should ignore him. He’s not worth our attention.” North shook his head. “Why is he still here anyway?”

Everley folded down her laptop. “Beats me.” She bit down a smile, glancing slyly at Holly. “Anyway, I need to get back to the Inn and talk to Alaska about something. And you need to pick up your message,” she said to Holly. “Want to join me?”

“Sure.” Holly drained her coffee and glanced at their boy cousins. “I’ll see you guys later.”

“We should have a family meeting tonight. We have a lot to go through,” North said. “How about we get takeout at mine?”

Tonight? She’d already promised to go to Josh’s. Everley must have noticed Holly’s expression fall, because she quickly demurred.

“I can’t make it tonight,” Everley said, her lips curling. “I have to… um… do some womanly things.”

“Womanly things?” North grimaced.

Gabe chuckled. “What kind of womanly things?”

Everley leaned forward, her expression serious. “You don’t want to know,” she whispered. “It’ll ruin the mystique.”

North wrinkled his nose. “Ev, your mystique was ruined the day you walked into the lobby of the Inn and stripped down to your Care Bear undies.”

“I was four years old,” Everley protested. “And I wanted everybody to love the Care Bears as much as I did.”

Holly coughed down a chuckle.

“Don’t you laugh.” Everley shook her head at Holly. “Remember your butterfly panties? They caused way more problems than my Care Bear ones.”

North’s jaw twitched. “Yeah, the less said about those, the better.”

“Can we stop talking about my panties and get out of here?” Holly said, helping Everley pack up her laptop. She wanted to get out of here before North remembered why he hated Josh so much.

Those damn butterfly panties. She wished they’d never existed.

Although, it still sent a shiver down her spine that Josh ended up walking around with them in his pocket all those years ago.

“Yep, we’ve gotta go. We have things to talk about.” Everley side-eyed Holly. “Very, very womanly things.”

“Get out of here with your womanly things,” Gabe said, shaking his head. “You’re ruining my masculine vibe.”